
LS passes rural employment Bill
New Delhi, August 23
The UPA government’s key social sector legislation, National Rural Employment Guarantee Bill, 2004, was passed in the Lok Sabha by voice vote after the House passed 51 amendments brought about by the ruling alliance to widen the scope of the Bill to enable every household in the countryside eligible to work for 100 days within five years with an assured minimum wage of Rs 60.

Rebels for Modi’s ouster before
panchayat poll

New Delhi, August 23
Despite BJP President L K Advani lavishly praising Gujarat Chief Minister during his recent visit to the state, party rebels, led by former state Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel, have decided to escalate pressure to ensure that Narendra Modi is removed before October panchayat polls.

Paswan’s no to truck with RJD, NDA 
New Delhi, August 23
Lok Janshakti Party today ruled out any alliance with Laloo Prasad-led RJD and the NDA in the coming Bihar polls while reiterating that it would press for a Muslim candidate to be projected as the next chief minister in the coming state Assembly elections.


Furore in RS, LS over Lalu’s claim
New Delhi, August 23
Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav’s claim that Bihar Governor Buta Singh was his nominee rocked Parliament today, forcing the adjournment of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha in the pre-lunch session.

Paswan’s no to truck with RJD, NDA 
New Delhi, August 23
Lok Janshakti Party today ruled out any alliance with Laloo Prasad-led RJD and the NDA in the coming Bihar polls while reiterating that it would press for a Muslim candidate to be projected as the next chief minister in the coming state Assembly elections. 

Cops, Naxals put price on one another’s head
Hyderabad, August 23
With the battle lines clearly drawn between the Andhra Pradesh Government and the CPI (Maoist) Party, both sides have started a war of wits to gain a psychological edge over the other.

Cracks appear in govt over SC order on college quota
New Delhi, August 23
Differences have crept up in the government over formulating its response to the Supreme Court’s recent order abolishing quotas in private unaided colleges.

Parties form panel for legislation on quota
New Delhi, August 23
An all-party meeting, convened in the backdrop of the Supreme Court’s verdict against reservation in private unaided colleges, has decided to form a “small political committee” to draft a Central legislation to ensure quota for weaker sections and protect minority rights.

Top Lashkar militant held
New Delhi, August 23
The police said today that they had arrested a top Lashkar militant wanted in connection with a bomb explosion in Hyderabad three years ago. ‘’Mohammad Abdul Razzak Masood was declared a proclaimed offender for a bomb blast in Hyderabad in 2002,’’ DCP (Special Cell) Ajay Kumar said.

Ask Buta to quit, Sachar tells govt
New Delhi, August 23
A former Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court, Justice Rajinder Sachar, has stressed that if the dignity, impartiality and propriety of the Office of Governor is to be restored then the Constitutional head of Bihar, Governor Buta Singh should be asked to resign.

Jharkhand ministers meet Advani
New Delhi, August 23
To check the escalating rebellion against Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda, the BJP President L.K. Advani today assured that the party would soon call a meeting of Mr Munda and state BJP in charge Rajnath Singh to redress the grievances of NDA ministers in the state government.

More tribunals under Foreigners Act
New Delhi, August 23
The government today said it was implementing the suggestions made by Supreme Court in its verdict striking down the IMDT Act and more tribunals would be set up under the Foreigners Act to deal with the problem of illegal migration.

Probe into false freedom fighters’ pension claim
New Delhi, August 23
The Supreme Court has taken exception to false claim to freedom fighters’ pension and ordered an inqury by a retired high court judge in a large number of such cases in Maharashtra where people born even after 1947 were the beneficiaries.

PM decries foeticide
New Delhi, August 23
Stressing that the empowerment of women had to begin much before birth, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said that the crime of female foeticide using modern technology must be stopped.

IA employees’ stir from Aug 25
New Delhi, August 23
There is further trouble brewing in the public-sector carrier Indian Airlines with its employees planning to launch a countrywide agitation from August 25 in demand for the immediate settlement of the long overdue wage revision.

Barthan new Vice-Chief of Naval Staff
New Delhi, August 23
Vice-Admiral Venkat Barthan, who is presently Chief of Personnel at the Naval Headquarters, was today named as the new Vice-Chief of Naval Staff. Vice-Admiral Barthan will take charge from Vice-Admiral Yashwant Prasad who retires on October 31.


Unrestricted human activity endangers Himalayan glacier.
(28k, 56k)

NGO to venture for virgin peak.
(28k, 56k)

Dance-bar girls in the Sidhhivinayak temple.
(28k, 56k)



LS passes rural employment Bill
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
The UPA government’s key social sector legislation, National Rural Employment Guarantee Bill, 2004, was passed in the Lok Sabha by voice vote after the House passed 51 amendments brought about by the ruling alliance to widen the scope of the Bill to enable every household in the countryside eligible to work for 100 days within five years with an assured minimum wage of Rs 60.

The Bill, which would cover 200 districts in the country in the first phase, was passed by the Lower House after all amendments moved by the Opposition were rejected at the end of a marathon discussion lasting more than 12 hours spread over two days.

The scheme, which entails an estimated outgo of Rs 20,000 Rs 25,000 crore a year, would be financed 90 per cent by the Centre and state governments contributing only 10 per cent for paying the wages to rural households for an estimated 20-25 million people who would seek employment under the scheme.

In a spirited reply to the debate, Rural Development Minister Raghuvansh Prasad Singh said 50 more districts would be added to the list of 150 districts where the food-for-work programme was already in operation.

He said the selection of districts would be done only on the basis of SC/ST population, productivity, and prevalent wage structure and not guided by political consideration as feared by the Opposition.

He said the Planning Commission would identify 50 more districts on the basis of these criteria. He sought to allay Opposition’s apprehensions that funds would go down the drain, saying that strict monitoring and vigilance would be ensured at the level of village committees.

The minister said panchayats would play a principal role in selection, implementation and monitoring of schemes, drawing applause from the ruling coalition members, including UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi.

To members’ queries as to why only 100 days’ guarantee was being provided, he said it was the minimum number of days and did not mean that it could not be more.

He said the amended Bill promised to provide employment to every rural household instead of only BPL households in the rural areas as mentioned in the original draft. The government might take up another Bill to remove urban poverty by ensuring employment in urban areas.

Seeking to clear certain doubts, the minister said by every household he meant one job per family. If a family had four working hands, including women, then each of them could work for 25 days, he explained.

He said the scheme would prevent migration from villages. A national employment guarantee fund would be set up to ensure the smooth flow of funding to the infrastructure projects.



Rebels for Modi’s ouster before panchayat poll
S Satyanarayanan
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
Despite BJP President L K Advani lavishly praising Gujarat Chief Minister during his recent visit to the state, party rebels, led by former state Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel, have decided to escalate pressure to ensure that Narendra Modi is removed before October panchayat polls.

In this process, the rebel leaders are cautious and alert that they do not indulge in such acts which could be deemed by the Central leadership as “indiscipline”, as in the case of former Delhi Chief Minister Madan Lal Khurana.

“Though nearly 60 MLAs are with us on their own, we do not believe in indulging in number game or in doing a Vaghela act. But we are determined to fight it out politically within the party...It would be good for all of us and especially the party if he (Mr Modi) is replaced before the coming panchayat polls in October,” one of the rebel leaders, who along with other top dissident leaders, has been lobbying hard against Mr Modi during the past four to five months, told The Tribune here on the condition of anonymity.

Stating that rebels held nothing ‘personal’ against Mr Modi and that their move was in the ‘overall interest’ of the party, he asserted “The BJP central leadership cannot afford to ignore the issue any further.”

“They (the central leaders) will have to take a decision and it will be our endeavour to impress upon them our viewpoint,” the Gujarat leader said cautioning “if the Modi issue is not settled before the October panchayat polls, it could spell a doom for the party.”

Asked why he was sounding so confident when the central leadership seemed to be not keen on removing Mr Modi “at the present moment”, the rebel leader said “In politics individual does not matter and no party can afford to ignore the sentiments of the people, party organisation and workers.



Paswan’s no to truck with RJD, NDA 
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
Lok Janshakti Party today ruled out any alliance with Laloo Prasad-led RJD and the NDA in the coming Bihar polls while reiterating that it would press for a Muslim candidate to be projected as the next chief minister in the coming state Assembly elections.

Talking to reporters here today, LJP President and Union Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said, “We have got rid of one ‘rakshas’ and cannot support another ‘rakshas’ to come to power,” when asked whether he would support the NDA if they agreed for a Muslim candidate.

He said, “We have urged the Congress to build up a consensus on a Muslim candidate among the UPA partners. Other parties, including the CPI, RSP and the Forward Block are already supporting our stand.” There was no question of any compromise, he said, adding that the party was firm on its commitment to install a Muslim chief minister in Bihar and “ We sacrificed in the past and will not hesitate again to do so.”

Denying reports about ultimatum from the Congress about joining the UPA alliance to contest coming Assembly elections in the state, Mr Paswan said, “I have received no ultimatum from the Congress. Digvijay Singh (Congress party in charge for Bihar elections) has already denied it. So where is the need for me to give an answer to it.”

Taking a dig at RJD President Laloo Prasad Yadav, he said, “He has already declared LJP as a dead party. So why he is complaining now, and does he wants to talk to the ghosts.”

Rejecting the allegation of playing a spoilsport in the UPA alliance, he said, “Those who are making such allegations should ask who is responsible for the formation of a BJP government in Jharkhand. Why the UPA candidate lost the Rajya Sabha seat from the state when with the support of RJD’s seven MLAs from the state, he should have been easily elected.”

Reiterating his stand, Mr Paswan said, “I have always stood for the secular alliance and it is for others to provide an opportunity to the Muslims in the state.”



Furore in RS, LS over Lalu’s claim
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav’s claim that Bihar Governor Buta Singh was his nominee rocked Parliament today, forcing the adjournment of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha in the pre-lunch session.

Agitated NDA members demanded the sacking of Mr Yadav from the Cabinet for his claim and removal of Mr Buta Singh for his letter to the Railway Minister for transfer of a senior railway official who is facing vigilance inquiry.

The Lok Sabha was adjourned till 2 pm and the Rajya Sabha till noon after question hour in both Houses was disrupted.

In the Rajya Sabha, trouble broke out when BJP member S.S. Ahluwalia, supported by party colleague Ravi Shankar Prasad, raised the issue of the RJD chief’s claim that the Bihar Governor was his nominee.

Chairman Bhairon Singh Shekhawat repeatedly tried to prevent the agitated members from disrupting question hour but BJP members came to the well of the House shouting slogans. Though Mr Shekhawat said the matter could be raised after question hour, the Opposition did not relent. The Congress members proceeded with the question hour amid slogan shouting.

After the Rajya Sabha re-assembled, the Chair allowed the BJP members to raise the issue. Mr Ravi Shankar Prasad alleged that the claim made by Mr Yadav raised a serious issue as Governors were appointed by the President. The BJP member said the minister had not made a casual comment but made the claim in an interview. Mr Ravi Shankar Prasad, who was repeatedly interrupted by RJD members, also objected to the letter written by the Bihar Governor to the Railway Minister. He demanded the removal of Railway Minister from the Union Cabinet and recall of the Bihar Governor.



Paswan’s no to truck with RJD, NDA 
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
Lok Janshakti Party today ruled out any alliance with Laloo Prasad-led RJD and the NDA in the coming Bihar polls while reiterating that it would press for a Muslim candidate to be projected as the next chief minister in the coming state Assembly elections. 

Talking to reporters here today, LJP President and Union Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said, “We have got rid of one ‘rakshas’ and cannot support another ‘rakshas’ to come to power,” when asked whether he would support the NDA if they agreed for a Muslim candidate.

He said, “We have urged the Congress to build up a consensus on a Muslim candidate among the UPA partners. Other parties, including the CPI, RSP and the Forward Block are already supporting our stand.” There was no question of any compromise, he said, adding that the party was firm on its commitment to install a Muslim chief minister in Bihar and “ We sacrificed in the past and will not hesitate again to do so.”

Mr Paswan said, “I have received no ultimatum from the Congress. Digvijay Singh (Congress party in charge for Bihar elections) has already denied it. So where is the need for me to give an answer to it.”



Cops, Naxals put price on one another’s head
Ramesh Kandula
Tribune News Service

Hyderabad, August 23
With the battle lines clearly drawn between the Andhra Pradesh Government and the CPI (Maoist) Party, both sides have started a war of wits to gain a psychological edge over the other.

Following the reimposition of the ban on the Maoists, the government is set to revive the policy of fixing rewards on the heads of Naxalite leaders while the ultra left revolutionaries have already gone a step ahead and declared a price for the heads of police personnel.

The police top brass has already decided to implement the rewards policy which was kept in abeyance following the temporary truce during the aborted peace talks. With the capture of wanted Maoists high on the agenda, the bounty has been brought back.

State secretary of CPI (Maoist) Ramakrishna, a school-teacher-turned-revolutionary who had participated in the talks with the government in October as a state guest, has a reward of Rs 12 lakh on his head.

The police pay-offs range from Rs 5,000 for a ‘dalam’ (armed squad) member to Rs 10 lakh for the top leaders. The reward for a zonal committee member will be Rs 10 lakh while a district committee secretary carries a bounty in the range of Rs 2 to Rs 5 lakh and the capture of a district committee member could fetch Rs 1 lakh. A ‘dalam’ commander will carry a reward of Rs 50,000, deputy dalam commander Rs 20,000 and a local guerrilla squad member Rs 10,000.

The rights organisations condemned the rewards policy in the past, alleging that the police was being induced by the state to indulge in fake encounters and eliminate large number of Naxalites and their sympathisers for the money.

In a bid to pay the police in its own coin, the Naxalites have also announced rewards for the heads of some policemen. Several posters have appeared in Guntur district, which is witnessing a resurgence of extremist activity, promising Rs 2 lakh for information leading to the capture of a police constable and Rs 5 lakh for an officer of the rank of Sub-Inspector or higher.

“The cash reward will be given to anyone who hands over the policemen to us, dead or alive,” the Naxal posters said.

The Guntur SP, Mr Viswanath C. Sajjanar, confirmed that the Maoists had launched the poster campaign.



Cracks appear in govt over SC order on college quota
Anita Katyal
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
Differences have crept up in the government over formulating its response to the Supreme Court’s recent order abolishing quotas in private unaided colleges. Although the apex court’s order has met with strong opposition from across the political spectrum, some senior ministers are having second thoughts about taking on the judiciary, particularly after Chief Justice R.C. Lahoti’s outburst against the government on this issue.

Law Minister H.R. Bhardwaj, it is learnt, does not favour a confrontation with the judiciary as he rushed the Attorney-General to pacify the Chief Justice after he publicly slammed the government.

At the same time, he is learnt to have challenged Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh’s decision to call an all-party meeting to discuss the Supreme Court ruling. Mr Bhardwaj has also objected to the circulation of a draft legislation on admissions in private colleges for discussion at this meeting on the plea that the matter was yet to be discussed in the Cabinet. He is credited with the view that the HRD Minister should have refrained from pronouncing judgement on the apex court’s ruling and personally conveyed his views to Mr Arjun Singh. Mr Bhardwaj even stayed away from this evening’s all-party meeting.

The Law Minister maintained that the government had yet to take a final view on bringing in a fresh legislation overturning the apex court’s ruling. “This matter has first to be discussed by the Cabinet and no such discussion has taken place so far,” he said emphatically.

While there is a section in the government and the Congress which does not want an open confrontation with the Supreme Court, there is a growing concern over the judiciary’s recent tendency to usurp the powers of the political executive.

“The judiciary’s job is to interpret law and it is Parliament’s job to enact the law,” remarked several UPA ministers. Similar views were expressed by Congress leaders who pointed out that it was the democratic right of elected representatives to question a court ruling,.

Adopting a diplomatic stance, party spokesperson Anand Sharma pointed out that the Constitution had clearly demarcated the roles of the three state organs and it was for all three to function within these parameters.



Parties form panel for legislation on quota
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
An all-party meeting, convened in the backdrop of the Supreme Court’s verdict against reservation in private unaided colleges, has decided to form a “small political committee” to draft a Central legislation to ensure quota for weaker sections and protect minority rights.

Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh said after the meeting that he had been authorised by the political parties to state that an attempt should be made to frame a Central law for providing social justice, eliminating commercialisation of education and protecting minority rights as enshrined in Article 30 of the Constitution.

Answering queries, he said efforts would be made to bring the legislation during the winter session of Parliament. He said the Supreme Court had the right and privilege to make any assessment and the political parties were not willing to make any observation regarding it. He said the discussions at today’s meeting were frank and fruitful. BJP leader Sushma Swaraj said efforts should be made not to stunt the growth of the private education institutions but the government should try to make efforts to incorporate social justice in these institutions.

CPM leader Nilotpal Basu said the political committee would accommodate major political parties if not all the parties. He said the issue of commercialisation of education and protecting the rights of the minorities must be addressed.

Mr Basu said the meeting did not delve on the Supreme Court verdict on unaided private educational institutions. The meeting was attended among others by ruling UPA constituents, CPI(M), CPI and the BJP and JD(U).

Earlier in the day, political parties reacted cautiously to Supreme Court expressing anguish over “unwanted criticism” of its ruling on reservation in private colleges.

The parties suggested the judiciary and the executive should work in unison and within prescribed parameters. While the ruling Congress said there was nothing wrong for Parliament to legislate on the matter, the main Opposition BJP said that it was party’s desire that there was no confrontation between the Supreme Court and the government.



Top Lashkar militant held
Tribune News Service

Mohammad Abdul Razzak
Mohammad Abdul Razzak

New Delhi, August 23
The police said today that they had arrested a top Lashkar militant wanted in connection with a bomb explosion in Hyderabad three years ago. ‘’Mohammad Abdul Razzak Masood was declared a proclaimed offender for a bomb blast in Hyderabad in 2002,’’ DCP (Special Cell) Ajay Kumar said.

Masood also coordinated militant operations from Dubai for the Lashkar-e-Toiba group in India. Mr Ajay Kumar said his arrest from South Delhi’s Zakir Nagar came after a tip-off. In 2001, Masood allegedly visited Pakistan on a forged Pakistani passport and underwent militant training until he left for Dubai in 2002. During his stay in Pakistan, Masood met Lashkar chief Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the DCP said. 



Ask Buta to quit, Sachar tells govt
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
A former Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court, Justice Rajinder Sachar, has stressed that if the dignity, impartiality and propriety of the Office of Governor is to be restored then the Constitutional head of Bihar, Governor Buta Singh should be asked to resign.

Noting that the unbecoming and embarrassing conduct of the Governor of Bihar in writing a letter to Union Railway Minister Laloo Prasad Yadav has occasioned various comments, Justice Sachar maintained that when a person agreed to become Governor then he had to shed his normal political activities.

“A Governor is a State. He cannot indulge in political acrobats or activities as may be normally done by politicians whether rightly or wrongly,” he said.



Jharkhand ministers meet Advani
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
To check the escalating rebellion against Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda, the BJP President L.K. Advani today assured that the party would soon call a meeting of Mr Munda and state BJP in charge Rajnath Singh to redress the grievances of NDA ministers in the state government.

An assurance in this regard was given by Mr Advani when a group of five Independent ministers in the Munda government called on him here and apprised him of the manner the state government was functioning.

After their 20-minute meeting with Mr Advani, they told newspersons that there was an NDA government in the state but the Chief Minister had neither chalked out any common minimum programme nor constituted a coordination committee even five months after the government was formed.



More tribunals under Foreigners Act
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
The government today said it was implementing the suggestions made by Supreme Court in its verdict striking down the IMDT Act and more tribunals would be set up under the Foreigners Act to deal with the problem of illegal migration.

Replying to a short duration discussion initiated by BJP’s Pramod Mahajan about the situation arising out of striking down of the Illegal Migrants Determination Tribunal Act by the Supreme Court, Home Minister Shivraj Patil said the government was making all efforts to check illegal migration. He said fencing work along the Indo-Bangladesh border would be completed in about one-and-a-half year.

Mr Patil said a Group of Ministers (GoM) had been set up to give suggestions so that genuine Indian nationals did not face trouble. He said the IMDT Act was no longer in the statute books after the Supreme Court struck it down.

Listing measures being undertaken to combat illegal migration, the Home Minister said identity cards were being issued to those staying in border areas.



Probe into false freedom fighters’ pension claim
Legal Correspondent

New Delhi, August 23
The Supreme Court has taken exception to false claim to freedom fighters’ pension and ordered an inqury by a retired high court judge in a large number of such cases in Maharashtra where people born even after 1947 were the beneficiaries.

Terming such acts as gross “disrespect” to the freedom struggle and bringing bad name to the honourable fighters, a Bench comprising Mr Justice Arijit Pasayat and Mr Justice B.N. Srikrishna appointed Bombay High Court’s retired judge to hold the inquiry, specially in Beed district of Maharastra where 353 were given pension.

The commission, headed by Justice A B Parikar, was directed to complete the probe within four weeks and submit its report to the Maharashtra Government.



PM decries foeticide
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
Stressing that the empowerment of women had to begin much before birth, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said that the crime of female foeticide using modern technology must be stopped.

Addressing a national conference on “Role of Women in Nation Buiding” here, he said, “The unacceptable crime of female foeticide, being encouraged by the widespread misuse of modern technology and its mindless commercial exploitation, must be stopped.”

Urging people to come forward to put an end to the misuse of medical technology,” he said the hazardous effect of this practice was already there for all to see in some of the most developed states in the country like Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Delhi.

This, he said, was creating a gender imbalance in the population; which was harmful to the nation and society.



IA employees’ stir from Aug 25
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
There is further trouble brewing in the public-sector carrier Indian Airlines with its employees planning to launch a countrywide agitation from August 25 in demand for the immediate settlement of the long overdue wage revision.

The Air Corporations Employees Union, representing 13000 employees, in a statement here has expressed concern that “while the management has achieved higher growth in this industry with the toil and sincere devotion of the unionised category of employees, they have totally ignored the justified demands of the union”.



Barthan new Vice-Chief of Naval Staff
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, August 23
Vice-Admiral Venkat Barthan, who is presently Chief of Personnel at the Naval Headquarters, was today named as the new Vice-Chief of Naval Staff. Vice-Admiral Barthan will take charge from Vice-Admiral Yashwant Prasad who retires on October 31.

There have also been other changes in the Navy with the Deputy Chief of Naval Staff, Vice-Admiral Sureesh Mehta, being appointed as the new Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Naval Command, at Vishakhapatnam on promotion. Vice-Admiral Mehta replaces Vice-Admiral O.P. Bansal.

An official announcement here said the Controller of Warship Production, Vice-Admiral J.S. Bedi, has been appointed Deputy Chief of Naval Staff and Vice-Admiral D.P.S. Verma named Chief of Material at the Naval Headquarters here.


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