L E T T E R S    T O    T H E    E D I T O R

Jaswant’s disclosure is shocking

I must complement The Tribune for writing a bold editorial, “You did it, Mr Advani: Jaswant points accusing finger at him”, Aug 31). Indeed, the flaunting of money was the ugliest episode in Parliament’s history. If Mr Advani orchestrated it, it is not too late for Parliament to take action against him.

Expelled BJP leader Jaswant Singh’s disclosure that the money displayed by the BJP leaders in Parliament was on the orders of Mr Advani is shocking. How could a person of Mr Advani’s stature have indulged in such a disgraceful act? It certainly was the worst form of protest.

This only proves that Mr Advani wanted power by whatever means, fair or unfair. He is guilty of committing a grave crime that surely cannot be condoned. He must be punished for this unpardonable act.

R K KAPOOR, Chandigarh

Pak designs

The revelation that the Pakistani defence establishment (editorial, “Pak designs against India: US must strictly monitor use of aid”, Sep 1) modified the US-supplied Harpoon anti-ship missile for use against India is alarming. That none other than the Obama administration itself has exposed this confirms India’s worst fears.

Military aid being doled out to Pakistan by the US and other countries is routinely diverted for strengthening its military forces against India. There is no mechanism in place to verify that billions of dollars flowing into Islamabad are not used to boost military capabilities against India.

India should exert pressure on the Obama administration. The US must understand that any upsetting of the status quo in the sub-continent would jeopardise chances of long lasting peace in South Asia.


Role of media

While delivering the CVS Sarma Memorial Lecture on “Future of Print Journalism in India” (news report, “No threat to Indian print media in near future: Dua” by Suresh Dharur, Aug 25) at the University of Hyderabad, H K Dua, Editor-in-Chief, The Tribune, has accurately pointed out that there is no immediate threat to the Indian print media in near future. In fact, it faces threat from within, rather than from new technologies.

Mr Dua has aptly cautioned that the print media has a social responsibility towards pressing public concerns like health, education, unemployment, criminalisation of politics and suffering of the rural poor.

For monetary gains or cheap popularity, the media must not present biased or doctored news. Only credible newspapers, with a social obligation will survive in the long run. Today, the media is a force to reckon with and must be used for the welfare of masses.


Revive BJP

The BJP (news report, “Now, Shourie revolts; BJP readies axe” by Faraz Ahmed, Aug 25) is at its lowest ebb. But this ebb time might mark the lowest point from where the party could show signs of revival. It is time young blood came forward to lead the party.

Prof P K GUPTA, Bathinda


The BJP had been boasting that it is a party with a difference. The ideological differences among its top leadership, however, have shattered its image. Its future will remain bleak, if no remedial steps are taken to salvage it.

D R SHARDA, Chandigarh


The recent infighting and mud-slinging in the BJP leadership has undermined the party’s position. Instead of acting as a strong Opposition, its leaders are behaving irresponsibly. The party should prepare a strong agenda for future and act decisively.

S K MITTAL, Panchkula

Teaching English

The manner in which English is being taught in most schools in Punjab is not right. A large number of teachers who teach English have little understanding of the language. They have no idea of correct usage or of correct pronunciation.

Even, the syllabus is unrealistic, unplanned and does not cater to the needs of students. The Punjab education department should give a serious thought to this problem.

Dr H KUMAR KAUL, Barnala



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