L E T T E R S    T O    T H E    E D I T O R

Maya has no right to flay Gandhiji

It is indeed shocking to know that Mayawati (“The Arrogant Mayawati”, July 18, Saturday Extra) has called Mahatma Gandhi a “natakbaz”.

In fact, it was Gandhi who roused the country’s conscience against the cruelties inflicted on Dalits.

Mayawati has been squandering the hard-earned public money on erecting her own marble statues; on decking herself in expensive jewellery, and purchasing a fleet of luxury planes, including a helicopter, for her personal use.

It has been rightly said that erecting one’s own statues is nothing less than self-worship in the most vulgar form.

Describing, Gandhi as a “dishonest play actor” is the height of her insolence. By adopting narcissistic approach she is inviting trouble. History will not forgive her for her deplorable words and actions.

Dr H. KUMAR KAUL, Barnala


Khushwant Singh seems marked with prejudice against the Dalit woman leader. I for one find it hard to swallow the point of view presented by the writer.

Mayawati’s emergence on the country’s horizon as a prominent leader notwithstanding her humble origin, seems a rare phenomenon. The fact that she happens to be the Chief Minister of the country’s largest state reinforces her claim of being an eminent Dalit leader of the country at the moment. Let us give the woman the credit that she deserves. Even the devil must be given his due, as they say!

TARA CHAND, Ambota (Una)

Wrong precedent

Jaspal Bhatti’s Legally Gay (Spectrum, July 19) was aimed at criticing the Delhi High Court’s ruling that gay sex among consenting adults in private is no crime.

No one can cast aspersions on the court’s verdict but where is the guarantee that it will not appeal to curious? It is nothing short of sodomy, which can be committed on any male by another under the garb of gay sex, which has now acquired legal force.

Human beings should learn a lesson from animals that do not indulge in unnatural sex. Their deviant sexual behaviour clearly shows that human instincts are far inferior to that of the animals.

Aristotle said that man is a social animal but man is now fast becoming an animal removing the tag of ‘social’ attached to him by stooping to unsocial acts.

Admittedly, heterosexuality can’t be replaced by homosexuality but where is the need to ape the Western countries’ permissive and promiscuous society?

One fails to understand how legal sanction to gay sex can help the country in becoming modernised. Permissible gay sex has stirred a hornet’s nest the implications of which can be devastating for the well-knit Indian society.n


Justice for soldiers at last 

The saga of supreme sacrifices made by the officers and jawans during the Kargil conflict (“Saga of Valour and Sacrifice”, Spectrum, July 19) has few parallels in the military history of the world.

Their deeds of valour will be remembered by the nation and will continue to inspire youngsters. The soldiers always remained true to their “pledge” and defended the sovereignty and integrity of the country.

Sadly, however, when it comes to their “izzat” and pay and perks, every pay commission has treated them as second-class citizens. They are left only to fall back on their laurels. They live on snow-clad mountains under –40 C and in marshy terrains away from their families. The soldiers are indebted to the former Defence Minister George Fernandes who did a lot for the welfare of the jawans and now Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister and Defence Minister A.K. Antony have done something commendable by removing the anomalies which were noticed in the Sixth Pay Commission Report and were resented by the three service chiefs and the retired armed forces personnel regarding their pay and pension.

Maj. NARINDER SINGH JALLO (retd), Mohali



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