Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 August 14 to August 20
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Those close to you seem to be in an impatient mood to press you for a long-pending demand. You need to take some remedial measures at the earliest.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
The Venus-Jupiter combine will raise your expectations to new heights. You are not attuned to a midway approach. You are advised to be realistic about what is being offered.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
With the qualities of your head and heart on the upsurge, you should be in full form. Put your worries aside. If somebody doubts your achievements, he is sadly mistaken.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
You will be in an adventurous mood. Your financial strength will determine your romantic hopes. Your stars, however, advise you not to be extravagant.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
In quest for love, you can afford to be optimistic. The dignified sun, which brings affection, is in a choosy mood. Whatever your circumstances, your conduct will improve amazingly.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
You are entering a phase of domestic spending. You will be quite generous with your cash. Your family members could compel you to make home your first priority.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Your stars advise you to be honest with yourself. It is only then that you can be honest with others. Some of your well-wishers may force you to face some unpleasant truths.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
A victory in a personal matter may bring a pleasant surprise in your life. The list of your admirers will touch new dimensions with each passing day.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

An overall discouraging trend. Your evasive attitude towards the proper discharge of your duties could add fuel to the fire. The possibility of an unwelcome surprise cannot be ruled out.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
The week is full of entertainment and merry-making. A good period for love, laughter and celebrating with friends and loved ones. With planets in a fine fettle, you can expect the best results. 
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Your stars predict an expensive time for the current phase. Your expenditure will exceed your income. You are advised not to make rash promises or emotional commitments.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
You are in a much better position to improve your relationship with a Cancerian and Sagittarian. However, any truck with a Taurean or Libran seems risky. 

Born on

August 14
The winds of change have started blowing fast. You can avail yourself of the opportunity and make it the turning point in your life. The present position of the stars indicates that you will carve out your own path. The stage for a new opening could be set without facing any grave danger.

Your social stars could not be better than you have anticipated. Your insistence on having your own way will be encouraged from February. You will gain because of your clear-cut policy and meticulous foresight. The direction you take now will show better results after May.

August 15
The coming year revolves around leisure, pleasure and your desire to visit a new country. You will come out of your shell and experiment with new ideas. The world you have seen until now has been too narrow. It is just a fragment of what you would like to see from now.

As December gets underway, you will avail yourself of an important business opportunity to prove your worth. You will mostly remain in transit between March and June. The period ranging from July to mid-August is not the time to overact and cross your boundaries.

August 16
You can expect some welcome development. Although you are still a little serious because you have been through the grind recently but the situation has undergone a marked change. You can afford to have little fun and relax. If you adopt a hands-off approach, the situation can pass through twists and turns.

Your earning capacity will be stirred up in the coming year. The emphasis will be on leisure and pleasure from March. Undue generosity on your part, however, needs to be curbed during the later half.

August 17
You will mend fences with someone you fell out with or lost touch some time ago. You will be accused of taking notice only of those close to you and not bothering about others. This feeling is likely to create ill-will among your associates, friends and relatives.

At workplace, you will have to be more alert. You should be more cautious where money is concerned. If you speculate or gamble or participate in the sale and purchase of stocks, you must take care to keep stakes to sums you could easily afford to part with.

August 18
Your adventurous spirit that has been lying dormant so far will spring up with a bang. You are going to enter a new phase of your life. What you decide or do could have lasting impact on the course of events. A big surprise, however, cannot be ruled out. The year under review should be an exception. Get routine tasks by day-to-day commitments properly sorted out so that you are not bogged down by frivolous pursuits. The efficient handling of the situation is a dire necessity.

August 19
Things are not likely to go your way this year. The people who share your domestic base will act patiently. Obliging people by going out of the way could give a shattering blow to your finances. In a joint venture, the worries surrounding you could torment you more.

Your future will lie with those who have scant regard for you and are not easily accessible. The people you think are on your side are likely to ignore you, take you for a ride and forget about your welfare when the opportunity arises.

August 20
This is a period to be out and about more than usual. Life beyond home may hold greater charm for you. Your energy and drive are bound to keep you on your toes. You are likely to get revitalised during the first quarter. Your craze for adventure may become more wild during the second. Social pressure will be stronger than ever before during the third. You need a change to assess the differences between your old life and the new world during the last one.

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