Veto power: Treading the uneven path

Reference the editorial “Veto power” (May 17). It would be very difficult for India to secure a permanent seat in the UN Secretary Council, that too, with veto power, especially in the face of tough opposition from Italy, Pakistan and their anti-India lobby. At the moment, the US and China might not support India's candidature for even the peripheral seat.

India will have to tread the uneven path with Chanakya's diplomatic shrewdness to garner the support of 128 members. Money and muscle power are significant constituents to empower the countries with unquestionable dominance in the world bodies.

The US' action against Iraq despite stiff opposition from most UN members is the recent example of the mighty being always right. So how does it make any difference to India for being a member of the exclusive club, with on without veto? To gain eminence in global matters, India will have to strive for rapid growth in economic and defence sectors.

Col KULDIP SINGH GREWAL (retd), Patiala

Letters to the Editor

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— Editor-in-Chief



With or without veto, India should accept the permanent membership seat. It would always be better for one to go up in the hierarchy. Take it as a status symbol. The US wants only its favoured nations to become permanent members so that later, it can give them veto power and maintain its monopoly. It will be a step forward to achieve veto at some stage. Otherwise, you will be out of queue.

Whenever there is any move to expand the veto band, permanent members will be preferred. India should not take the risk of standing alone on the issue and repent later. This is a good chance for us to upgrade ourselves. Let's not miss it.


Let’s be civilised

In his article, "Mind your language, Sir" (May 7), Amar Chandel has gone a long way in creating awareness against the use of unparliamentary language by our parliamentarians. Let us pledge to be civilised, decent, disciplined and dedicated.

One way of preventing our younger generation from using abusive language will be to disallow the live telecast of Parliament House debates.


Alarming figures for Punjab

Reference B.S. Ghuman's article "Growth model for Punjab" (May 17). The economic development of a state is an amalgam of social, political, economic, cultural and technological factors.

Punjab is decelerating economically and socially. This is vindicated by the dwindling figures of the latest Human Development Report for health, education etc., for Punjab.

The declining sex ratio is also a cause of great worry. Moreover, the youth are in doldrums with figures indicating a very high percentage of them being afflicted with drug abuse.

Punjab, once known for its entrepreneurial prowess, seems to be thriving on its past riches as well as the NRI money pouring in. But it will have to set its house on order.

ABHISHEK JAIN, IAS Asst Commissioner, Dharampur


Ignoring maths

The Haryana government has restrained the students of humanities group to study mathematics in government colleges of the state without securing 60 per cent marks in the Senior Secondary examination. The order is against the principle of natural justice.

A student of science stream securing just pass percentage may opt for mathematics at the undergraduate level whereas a student of art stream securing 59 per cent is not permitted to opt for mathematics!

Many students who wish to opt for mathematics and study in government colleges are deprived either of the subject or of the government institution and forced to cough up hefty fee in private colleges. The Higher Education Department should take a favourable view in this matter in the larger interest of the students.


Bus terminal

The much-publicised project to rebuild the Amritsar bus stand is taking too long to complete. Work was started in a hurry without making alternative arrangements.

Buses are run on the whim of the crew. The commuters have to fish out extra money to reach their destinations as the buses coming to Amritsar leave the passengers outside the city.

Moreover, catching a bus is a big problem as the buses are parked in a disorderly fashion. The government should speed up the completion of the bus stand to help the commuters.


Vulgarity on TV

N. Bhaskara Rao's article "When TV errs: An independent regulatory body can help" (May 13) is timely. The launching of DTH and multiple music channels have put an onus on our civil society to check sex and vulgarity on the private TV channels.

The teenagers and children who have tender minds are more prone to obscenity and sex beamed by the private channels. There is need for restraint. The authorities and the civil society ought not to be complacent and dependent on these channels to observe restraint.

The authorities should also set up an independent monitoring body and make the TV channels responsive to its suggestions to regulate their programmes.

IQBAL SINGH,  Bijhari (HP)

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