Visual tadka
If presentation is good, the food we eat becomes all the more palatable. From serving drinks in a jar to chefs performing a live jig, restaurants in Chandigarh are redefining the way food is served
Amarjot Kaur
Ayush Singla, owner, Mocha, Elante, serves the Cutting Chai
Ayush Singla, owner, Mocha, Elante, serves the Cutting Chai
Aditya, owner, Gourmet Nine, offers snake Coffee
Aditya, owner, Gourmet Nine, offers snake Coffee

Food, like any great work of art, must appeal to the eyes first, which is where presentation assumes utmost importance. Riding on the wave of changing food trends, Chandigarh-based restaurants are redefining the food culture of the city. The drinks have moved from glasses to jars, the good old fries now cuddle up in a bunch inside enamel mugs and just in case if you wish to be entertained with food, the chefs perform a live food gig right where you are seated!

Tea time

Ayush Singla, the owner of Mocha, Elante, shares how food items have been given a local twist. The first is the Cutting Chai, served in the authentic (Mumbai style) cutting glasses to go with the Le Corbusier theme of the restaurant. "While most of the time tea is served rather formally in ceramic cups, I wanted to twist it around a little. There was no better idea that struck me than a cutting chai, which is all about informal ease," says Ayush. Also, the restaurant serves French fries in enamel mugs and smoothies, coolers and ice tea in jam bottle jars.

"The parent company of Mocha, which is Impresario, Mumbai, serves their shakes in flower pots, so we are still a step away from them! What I love is our latest addition-the double-bubble shot glasses, used specifically for Jagermeister Bombs," he smiles.

Right pitch

While the jam bottle jars remain a favourite at the Italian Trattoria, at Zola's, Sector 26, where they serve Sangria in those jars, large portions of bruschetta are served on wooden plates defined by fancy handles. Also, the pitchers at the restaurant are not like the usual jugs; they are rather cylindrical with long necks and quite artistic. "Even at the Brooklyn Central, we serve the griddle breakfast in a metal pan, which looks quite interesting. However, the quirkiest of the presentations that I saw was when I was in New York and they were serving French fries in an aluminium bucket (quite like the ones we call baltis)," laughs Annu Bains, the owner of Zola's and Brooklyn Central.

Eye catching

If you were thinking how far one can go in presenting the breads, well, who knows it better than Monica! At the Monica's Kitchen and Kaffe, Elante, one can witness neatly arranged pita breads in a conical glass. Also, the paranthas are placed in quite an unusual manner — all curled up on the ceramic cake stand. "The idea is to be different, yet classy. I have always maintained that you eat with your eyes first, so the food has to be visually appealing," says Monica. While the sauces are served in shot glasses, the breadsticks lean snobbishly against the long goblets, with sesame seeds at the base. Monica's is also the only restaurant in the city to serve three-tier food platter.

Dramatic twist

Gourmet nine, Hotel Pelican, Industrial Area Phase II, goes beyond just the presentation to doing live food gigs. "Anyone can decorate food, but that takes care of what's cooked and presented, but not essentially how it is cooked and presented. So we have a special snake coffee, which we make on pre-order," says Aditya Prabhu, owner of Gourmet Nine. The snake coffee is essentially a coffee with cognac and cream made with orange peal and served in a balloon glass, made right in front of your eyes. At this no-wastage buffet restaurant, food is heated in non-stick induction paraphernalia. "I believe that people eat with their eyes first and for me, presentation is all about engaging the customers with food and experimenting with it. We serve all our Malabar Mohjito in coconut shells," smiles Aditya.

Sweet nothings

They say no matter how much one has had to eat, there is always enough room for dessert. Here's how the Rustic Door is experimenting with their desserts, especially when it comes to Banoffees and Panna cottas.

"We serve our Banoffees in a jar while the Panna Cottas are served in a ceramic platter, which is done up quite artistically. However, what sets us apart from other restaurants, especially when it comes to experimenting with desserts, is that we use Molecular Gastronomy," says Ameena, the owner of the restaurant. The Molecular Gastronomy is essentially a kit that allows one to change the molecular structure of any given food item. Well, technology has paved its way into the kitchen as well.

Shades of grey
Mita Vashisht, who will soon be seen in Jodha Akbar in a negative role, believes Bollywood is not mature enough yet
Manpriya Singh

There is a strong flipside of critical acclaim and character-driven world of off-beat cinema. The roles that challenge as well as stimulate are few and far between.

After a long time, the latest to excite the Chandigarh girl Mita Vashisht is the wicked world of evil step mothers. As for Bollywood, she sums it up and discounts it all with, "Bollywood has to mature enough before they offer some good roles for people like me."
Mita Vashisht is all set for her role in Jodha Akbar
SCREEN SHOT: Mita Vashisht is all set for her role in Jodha Akbar

She shoots point blank and blunt, while talking about her upcoming role in Zee TV's Jodha Akbar. The renowned actor joins the star cast of the ongoing serial as the Maha Chuchak. "What I liked about the character is that it is extraordinary. Moreover, I liked the idea of playing somebody with an ambition. I also liked the fact that the character is based in history."

Mita plays Akbar's power hungry, evil stepmother, the one whose aim is to dethrone Akbar by hook or by crook, even if that means getting him killed. She lands the role among a slew of actresses with feisty images considered for the role. Remember, there are no shades of grey; it is an out-and-out dark character. There wasn't a second's anxiety of making her presence felt in a show already running successfully amidst well-etched characters. "I am not a newcomer looking for a break. Moreover, who would want to enter a show that is not doing well! That was an advantage for me."

Stage presence

Apart from television, theatre remains just as much a part of her life. "I am doing a play to be staged later this month in Delhi. It has been written by Nirmal Verma and is titled Weekend. I play one of his monologues…my classmates from NSD and me are coming together for the play after such a long time. I am really looking forward to it as well."

Punjabi turf

Never mind the performance-oriented image she's cultivated through her body of work, she says, "I would absolutely love to be a part of a Punjabi film. I am from the city and speak Punjabi really well. In fact, a lot of my friends were sardars so I know the language quite well." As for the brash Punjabi humour that rules the industry, she shares, "Good comedy in fact needs a lot of application of mind. That's a misconception that comedy is mindless."

Fond memories

The city girl recalls her days spent in Chandigarh, as a literature student in Panjab University before going on to join The National School of Drama. "I have some fun, fond memories of Chandigarh. Times spent at the Sukhna lake and its periphery." It's been a while since she came with a play here. Meanwhile, television it is to catch up with the actress.

Hot wheels
The craze for sports and designer bikes is rapidly growing in Ludhiana
Gurvinder Singh
Kawalpreet Singh Basant
Joy ride: Kawalpreet Singh Basant

"We grew up watching and playing with these sports bikes; now we can ride the real ones. Although I can manage without a bike, the only reason why I bought it is because the bike that I have resembles the toy bike I used to play with as a child," says Amandeep, a Ludhiana resident. The growing popularity of sports and cruise bikes has certainly got youngsters hooked on to them.

As more and more bike companies enter the market, the childhood dreams of many young bikers are coming true. "Although I don't need a motorbike, I bought one just because I saw this new bike that resembled the one I used to play with as a child," says Ritesh, a businessman.

Of course, riding a bike is a very different experience from driving a car. "Driving a car is a necessity nowadays because of several factors, but you ride a bike because of your passion," says Kawalpreet Singh Basant, who rides a cruise bike.

Earlier, bikes used to look like upgraded versions of a scooter and there was nothing designer about them but now the scenario has hugely changed. Even domestic companies, apart from the ones from abroad, have brought in bikes that look sporty and great.

"Although I am well past my age of riding a bike, the new ones, with their amazing designs, are quite attractive. I am tempted to buy one too, just for the great sporty look," adds Kawalpreet.

Faith healer
Mangal Dhillon's latest docu-drama talks about the powers of spiritual healing…
Manpriya Singh

What happens when the treatment that is left to medicines fails to cure? With due respect to the Big Bang theory and all the other answers that science has bestowed mankind with, it has also introduced us to terms like idiopathic diseases. Last checked, unexplained allergies tip-toed into everyone's lives slowly and steadily; nevertheless, Indian medical fraternity failed to exploit the powers of faith and its healing properties.

"The doctors abroad, when they write a prescription, always mention - 'I treat, you cure'. In America, they started with faith healing long ago. Then why can't we? Despite being a spiritual and religious country," actor, writer, director and producer Mangal Dhillon questions the absence of a holistic healing practice that should have happened long ago. There is a vacuum that he is trying to fill in through his endeavours. The latest being a series of facts that he has put together in the docu-drama Miracles of Gurbaani, Part 1 and 2 (Gurbaani De Kautak).

Every statement is substantiated by facts, making it impossible to discount; letting everyone bring out the inner fears, insecurities, questions and curiosities. "We experimented for several years and I myself tested for at least 5-7 years…the powers of faith and its healing properties are miraculous. Part one of the series is dramatized. There is a running time of one-and-a-half hour of healing hymns, followed by the techniques of listening. The second version gives meanings of the hymns."

Faith is a shaky subject for those who start quavering. "They can go back to the part where we have quoted real people who were cured miraculously. The people we documented in UP and Punjab. We are not asking you to become converts. All you have to do is listen; nobody stands to lose and it is any day a better alternative than worrying and wondering about the well-being of the patient. Anybody who wants to buy CDs can visit our website by the name of sikhfilms," he says.

Personal journey

A pass-out from the Department of Indian Theatre, Panjab University, Mangal set out for Mumbai to be a star and was as spiritual as the boy-next-door. "I was as religious as anybody else…a couple of personal experiences and keen observations made me acutely perceptive of faith and what it can do. "I know of people, and they have also been shown in the documentary, who have been cured of cancer and even things like wheat allergy."

What’s next

Coming up are Miracles of Gurbaani, Part 3, 4 and 5. "There is yet another, My Conversations With God. Then there's also a Western tribute to Sikhism, Operation Bluestar, a docu-drama film Saaka Sirhind, which is on the martyrdom of the sahibzadas." He adds, Shahadat is my dream project," whose subject he refuses to divulge, except, "Within one film there will be ten films. It'll be something which has never been done before."

Amidst a long list of projects in the pipeline, it feels like ages since he made a commercial appearance on screen. There is no dearth of offers from the region though. "I always ask them for bound script. A lot of them are so keen to cast, but nothing excites really. It has to be something worthwhile." He adds, "There is yet another category; I coined chitratak for a stage show I am doing titled Sawdhaan Theatre Walaa Paagal. It is ready, with the first show to be scheduled in Karnal." The title has made us sit up again!

Master Chef
Shake up a storm
Kandla Nijhowne

September 12 is celebrated as the National Chocolate Milkshake Day. So, now I am dreaming luscious, smooth and creamy chocolate milkshake. I am sure all such food holidays are just made up, having little historical significance. They are just an excuse to throw together our favourite ingredients and revel in good grub, better still when shared with friends and family. Milkshakes are a versatile term, and options countless. Even within the realm of chocolate, there are so many variations to achieve. So don't always head for the cafe round the corner to order that frothy, Nutella encircled pilsner glass. Make you own at Destination-Kitchen-Counter !

Chocolate Milkshake “Velvette”

  • 1 cup cold milk
  • 2-3 scoops ice cream (vanilla or chocolate)
  • 2 tbsp chocolate syrup (2 tbsp cocoa powder)
  • Powdered sugar if needed.
  • ½ tsp vanilla essence (optional)

Optional additions:

Nutella spread, chopped bananas, crumbled choco-chip cookies, leftover brownies, chopped strawberries, caramel sauce, chopped bar or chocolate.


  • Keep milkshake glasses in the fridge for chilling, decorated with twirls, if you like of chocolate sauce or Nutella within the rim.
  • Blend the milk, syrup, ice cream, vanilla and any of the optional ingredients in a mixie till smooth.
  • You may reduce the ice cream quotient for a 'skinny' milkshake.
  • Pour into the prepared glass and garnish with one of the tasty above mentioned options.
  • Add a dollop of whipped cream and a cherry as an option.

Note: Try an adult version by adding Baileys Irish crème, Bourbon or a crème De' Menthe to the milkshake before blending.

(Nijhowne is a Chandigarh-based culinary expert)

Coming soon
A dream play

Chandigarh Sangeet Natak Akademi is going to organise a play Yeh Hai Bombay Meri Jaan by EKJUTE, Mumbai on June 7 at 6:30 pm at Tagore Theatre, sector 18, Chandigarh. Written and directed by Nadira Zaheer Babbar, the duration of the play is 2 hours10 minutes (with interval).

Ekjute is one of the influential theatre groups of India. The group was founded by prominent theatre personalities, Nadira Zaheer Babbar and her husband, film actor Raj Babbar. The group has been functioning for 33 years now. Since its formation in 1981, Ekjute has been at the forefront for change, experimentation and the quality Hindi Theatre in India. The play Yeh Hai Bombay Meri Jaan gives an insight into the numerous strugglers who are willing to sacrifice everything to achieve their dreams. The clinically and cleverly written play will tickle your funny bone and raise some crucial questions. — TNS

star track
Racing towards the finishing line

Director Siddharth Anand can finally breathe. The reason being, his movie Bang Bang has completed 90 per cent of shooting and is well on schedule. The film's lead pair Hrithik Roshan and Katrina Kaif will commence the last schedule of the shoot in Prague.

The editing of the film is also happening simultaneously as Siddharth is keen to release the film exactly on October 2. Siddharth had roped in Hollywood's top action director Andy Armstrong to design the high octane and never before seen stunts in Bollywood. Almost all the breathtaking action scenes were shot in Abu Dhabi. Hrithik and Katrina were said to have worked extremely hard to perform some of the dangerous stunts.

The movie produced by Fox Star Studios will lock horns at the box office with Priyanka Chopra's Mary Kom and Shahid Kapoor's Haider, which are also releasing on October 2.

Come and go

Priyanka Chopra gained a lot of muscle weight training for the Mary Kom biopic and she lost seven kilos in just twenty days under supervision to fit into business suits for Zoya Akhtar's Dil Dhadakne Do.

Shuddhi on hold

So far Karan Johar has signed no one for his film Shuddhi. Even though he approached Salman Khan and narrated him the script, he is yet to receive a confirmation from the actor. And it seems now that KJo is losing interest in his own ambitious project. Rumours are rife that after a series of people walked out from Shuddhi, Karan diverted his attention to other projects and has kept Shuddhi on hold.

Back to roots

Former beauty queen Sushmita Sen, who was last seen in 2010 film No Problem, is all set to make her debut in Bengali cinema with Nirbak. Confirming the news, the 38-year-old actress tweeted: "We start filming for 'Nirbak' in July 2014. What a feeling of homecoming... finally a film in my mother tongue!! :) Dugga Dugga!!" Produced by Venkatesh Films, the film is going to be directed by acclaimed filmmaker Srijit Mukherji.

A different take

Jackie Shroff's daughter Krishna is going to co-produce a documentary on the transgeder community with her friend. They have shot it over thirty days where they spent a lot of time with them and it will show the community in a positive light.

Match is on

John Abraham will play footballer Sibdas Badhuri who played barefoot and successfully led the Indians to victory against the British footballers in 1911. The film is titled 1911.

Another love story

Reema Kagti is keen on casting Kangna Ranaut opposite Saif Ali Khan in a love story that she is directing for Excel Entertainment.

More the merrier

Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma used to date each other even though they never came out with their relationship. They are now shooting together for Dil Dhadakne Do and will be joined by their respective alleged love-interests, Deepika Padukone and Virat Kohli aboard the cruise liner in Barcelona.

Deepika’s style secrets

Padukone is the hottest woman in Bollywood and only getting better with each passing day! She talks about her style favourites, secrets and more…

Well heeled
Deepika Padukone
Comfort first: Deepika Padukone

I love wearing peep-toes and sky-high heels. I hate kitten heels. I think that they are useless. Either wear dangerous heels or do not wear them at all. I live in flats though when I am not working.

Colours burst

I love wearing wine in nailpaint, oxblood in lipstick. I feel nudes, whites and golds always work on the red-carpet. I wear white sneakers all the time and I carry a tan leather bag as my daily bag.

Shopping junkie

When I was a kid, my mother would buy me clothes from Fashion Street when I would spend my summer vacation over here. I love shopping at Portobello Market in London and in Chor Bazaar in Mumbai for vintage stuff. These days, wherever I travel, I buy rosaries.

Fashion formula

I think that on the red carpet, one must take chances by pushing outside the comfort zone. If you want to make a good first impression, then wear basic make-up, style your hair and don't overdress. Wear something appropriate and comfortable.

More to her

I love wearing wayfarers and my favourite perfume is For Her by Narciso Rodriguez. I like statement earrings. These days, I love wearing boyfriend jeans. I do Pilates so I wear tight-fitted clothes for the same.

Fan following

The fans of Deepika Padukone have gifted her an official Naina Talwar Facebook page after compiling pictures and dialogues from the movie Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. They timed it with the first year release anniversary of the movie.

chatter box
Matter of the fact

Judge Tanishaa Mukerji and host Ragini Khanna have quit the stand-up comedy show, Gangs Of Husseepur. Apparently the production house wasn't too happy with Tanishaa and Ragini and wanted them to be more spontaneous. But the women in question claim their contract has ended. Mandira Bedi is still on board though. 

Couple of times

Television actor, Shaleen Malhotra, got married this Wednesday. He tied the knot with his girl friend and fashion designer Diksha Rampal. The wedding took place in Delhi as they both belong there. The couple knew each other from the last eight years and had many of their friends from the television industry attend the function.

Not a copycat

Comedian Krushna Abhishek, currently seen in Comedy Circus, says one day he would like to do a show like Kapil Sharma's. In fact Mad In India was offered to him but he didn't want to take it up then. He likes to do comedy and he likes to do it his way.

A gift to cherish

It was a touching moment on the sets of Sony TV's Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega as judge Anu Malik made his way on the stage and gifted his ring to a contestant. 15-year old Delhi boy Rushabh Sharma mesmerized the audiences by playing sitar. Moved by his performance Anu Malik removed the ring from his finger and gifted it to Rushabh as a token of appreciation. It was the same ring that Farah Khan had gifted Anu during the shooting of Main Hoon Na.

It’s party time

VJ Andy recently celebrated his birthday with friends and family. His ex-Bigg Boss contestant and good friend, Elli Avram was also present at the do. Andy also cut a cake with his Jhalak Dikhhla Ja contestants.

A knot to be

Kratika Sengar will soon return to TV in a mythological show. The actress, who is getting married to Nikitin Dheer in September, doesn't want to take on much work right before her marriage. But she is glad to have bagged this powerful role for now.

Kratika Sengar
All sorted: Kratika Sengar

Tell us about your role in Mahadev.

I play Mansadevi. She's a goddess, who is worshiped in the North and Eastern part of our country. Her story in the show is about how and when she was born. She was given some powers but she misuses them initially. Then Lord Shiva intervenes and guides her on how to work towards the betterment of people.

Did you choose to do a cameo?

Yes. Since I am getting married in September, I didn't want to shoot for a daily, which needs 25-30 days a month. This role was interesting and wouldn't need much time from me. And moreover, till now in my career I have done strong characters, be it in Jhansi Ki Rani Laxmibai or in Punar Vivaah. So I was all game to play this powerful role too.

Will you be playing actor Mohit Raina's daughter in the show?

Well the production has told me that my character is of Lord Shiva's daughter, but as I haven't started shooting yet, I am not aware of the details. But even then Lord Shiva never turns old so that should work out fine.

How are your wedding preparations going on?

They are going well.

What are your honeymoon plans?

Well, that is a bit too personal to reveal.

The year ahead
Madan Gupta Spatu

If your birthday is June 6...

You are highly creative in all areas of life, particularly the visual. You are also a talented business-person and can work methodically toward the realisation of your goals. You think and re-think about what you have to do and often find it hard to take a definitive decision. Gemini women are brilliant, sporty, well-informed, dynamic and pleasant. Gemini men are free and restless. Their ideal woman should understand them, share their many interests and, at the same time, never make him feel bridled. Do not waste your time in criticising others as it may affect your health. You should look twice at investment schemes.

Positive colours: White, Cream.

Select days: Friday, Thursday and Tuesday.

Favourable numbers: 5, 6.

Gems recommended: Diamond, Emerald.

Charity on birthday: Donate white sweets or fruits to the needy.

You share your birthday with Aadesh Srivastava (June 06, 1966), who is a singer and music composer. Aadesh got his first big break in the film Kanyadaan. Aadesh has number 6 repeated four times in his birth date (6.6.1966), which indicates good success in the field of music. 

Astro turf
P Khurrana

ARIES: Now is the time to try your luck in speculative deals. Those employed will be burdened with additional responsibility without incentive. Domestic compulsions will make your life uneasy. Tarot message: You need to cultivate understanding and humility. Lucky colour: Peach. Magic number: 36.

TAURUS: Social events will be a positive stimulus for you. A trip out of town might be on the cards and take you away from your lover. Those in love will have an exciting day. Tarot message: Resolve conflicts through discussion. Lucky colour: Camel. Magic number: 29.

GEMINI: This is a perfect time to start practicing independence and letting go. Planning for investment? Push extra cash into a safe scheme. Circumstances take a turn in your favour. Tarot message: Keep a close watch on any niggling health problems. Lucky colour: Copper. Magic number: 34.

CANCER: Think twice before you start spending your cash on a whim. You can meet an interesting person today. Do not disturb jointly held funds without the consent of your partner. Tarot message: Boost your confidence with positive thinking. Lucky colour: Maroon. Magic number: 33.

LEO: You need to honour yourself first and foremost. Your plans for the day can be changed by others. An opportunity to work unsupervised will enhance your performance and lead to promotion. Tarot message: Impatience will lead to failure. Lucky colour: Blue. Magic number: 30.

VIRGO: It will be a most tiring day if you have to work. Be willing to change your behaviour. Think of the positive and not the negatives; you will finish the day with a smile on your face. Tarot message: Competition can push you to do your best. Lucky colour: Red. Magic number: 44.

LIBRA: Inspiration is kicking around in your brain waves today. An issue that is niggling at the back of your mind should be addressed. Love life sparkles. Health is fine. Tarot message: Concentrate on what is truly important. Lucky colour: Purple. Magic number: 32.

SCORPIO: Friendly vibes and thoughts of romance bode well for singles in the dating game. You will be in a mood to find fault with people who are dear to you; curb this habit. Tarot message: A positive and caring attitude heals old wounds. Lucky colour: Grey. Magic number: 46.

SAGITTARIUS: Love is in air? No matter how much you love your partner, do not compromise on things that are important to you. Relationships are based on give-and-take, so make sure you go both ways. Tarot message: Do what is right and watch your best interests. Lucky colour: Brown. Magic number: 50.

CAPRICORN: Recognise an opportunity from an unbiased perspective and you can make quite a decent profit in the long term. Relatives will be sensitive and difficult to get along with. Tarot message: Take limited risks with your capital. Lucky colour: Burgundy. Magic number: 63.

AQUARIUS: Gossip at the workplace can cause unexpected problems. If you work in an area where there are language barriers, be extra careful of misunderstandings. Tarot message: You find within yourself a fountainhead of will-power. Lucky colour: Saffron. Magic number: 59.

PISCES: Think wisely before you start spending your extra cash. Politicians draw flak. Do not avoid responsibility. Keep travel plans off. Romantic life takes an upswing. Tarot message: Do not let anyone take advantage of you. Lucky colour: Yellow. Magic number: 48.

New releases


Producers: Shyam Shroff, Balkrishna Shroff

Director: Nitin Kakkar

Debutant director Nitin Kakkar's 2013 award-winning film Filmistaan revolves around the story of an aspiring actor and Bollywood devotee, who finds himself detained in Pakistan. The film gives a message of love and brotherhood. Nitin Kakkar, the maker of short film, Black Freedom is making his debut as a director in Bollywood with this film.

The film stars Sharib Hashmi, Inaamulhaq, Kumud Mishra, Gopal Datt, Wasim Khan, Neela Gokhle, Pundit Nijhawan, Manoj Bakshi.

Edge Of Tomorrow

Producer: Erwin Stoff, Tom Lassaly, Jefferey Silver, Gregory Jacobs, Jason Hoffs

Director: Doug Liman

The keenly-awaited Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt starrer science -fiction film Edge Of Tomorrow is based on the Japanese Novel All You Need Is Kill. Bill Paxton, Jeremy Piven, Claran Hinds, Noah Taylor, Jonan Armstrong supports the lead stars in this sci-fi thriller. In Edge Of Tomorrow viewers will see how a soldier fighting in a war with aliens finds himself caught in a time loop.

Watch it at multiplexes.

Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty

Producer: Vipul Shah

Director: A.R. Murugadoss

Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty is an action thriller in which Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha play lead roles. Akshay and Sonakshi team up for the fifth time in this film on terrorism. It focuses on terrorism and sleeper cells. Greg Powell, the stunt director of Skyfall, has directed the action sequences.

Akshay Kumar will be seen doing some breathtaking stunts in this film. Sonakshi will surprise the viewers with some mean punches, playing on the basketball field and racing on the tracks. Summet Raghvan, Freddy Daruwala, Natrajan Subramaniam, Girish Sahedev and Zakir Hussain support the lead stars in this film.

Dharam Pal

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