New visa regime
Ultimately after making strenuous efforts, both the Governments of India and Pakistan have put their seal of approval on liberalised visa rules for their citizens. The new visa regime, the first major overhaul since 1974, in particular cases, removes travel restrictions on businessmen and introduces a new category of group tourism. Besides, persons above 65 years of age will be issued visa on arrival which is really a marvellous development for the citizens of both countries who wish to visit their old motherland. As a confidence-building measure, though a number of buses and rail routes have ben allowed, owing to strict visa rules in one of the buses from AmritsarLahore, the number of passengers were as less as only 14. There is no dearth of VIPs moving from one country to another, but commoners are nowhere to be seen. Now with the liberalized visa regime common people will be allowed to visit each other country’s territory freely. We should not forget the example of the European Union where people are free to visit each other’s country. SK KHOSLA, Chandigarh
Upset forces
The article “Discontentment in the armed forces” (September 10) forthrightly bares the impatience building among services (top to bottom) due to the raw deal and unfair treatment meted out by the bureaucracy. Neither the government nor the bureaucracy is visibly contemplating to dispel that impression. On the contrary, instances after instances come to the fore which confirms that impression. Ideally, the bureaucracy and the armed forces need to function in-tandem, complimentarily, with mutual confidence to strengthen, not to diminish or demolish each other’s status or standing as rivals. In a democratic set-up, the bureaucracy is to act as a positive link between the polity and the defence forces. Wishing it away is neither right nor reasonable. It is true, “Today the discontent is far more pronounced than ever before” and it cannot be ignored. To be liberal in sanctioning leave to men, as a policy, announced by the Defence Minister is not going to ease the situation. Any desperate, direct manoeuvre from forces is neither feasible nor advisable. Bachittar Singh, Mohali
The dark gate
Let us hope that we the Indians come out of the “Dark Coalgate”. This is what all of India is praying for. With the Coalgate coming out in the open thanks to the CAG report, reputation problems have multiplied for India. India is enhancing its reputation as a corrupt democracy. And as the coal scam is getting complicated, any logical solution seems like a distant dream. The allegations of the Congress and the BJP against each other as the real culprits involved in the scam are increasing day by day, but if the history of our nation again repeats itself, the truth may never come out. The best part is that even the opposition parties are not coming out with any solution to this problem. In some cases they just seem to be the part of the problem, but they are seeing this grave situation as an opportunity just to push the ruling party to the ground. Questions about the scam when addressed to the PM evoked a very strange response, “My silence is better than thousand questions”. It is not actually that the PM who is defending his party or his government, but he is giving some signals to the public of the country that, he may not have the courage to say anything on any issue, but you the people of the nation take a clue from his silence and just throw this government out of power in the next elections. Sumeet Seth, Karnal
