Misuse of Red Cross funds shocking
The editorial “Open loot” (June 3) highlighting the unending misuse of Red Cross funds which are generated from the public for the benefit of the sick or the suffering, to help the poor, and those in distress caused by the operations of war in India or any other country was an eye-opener. The diversion of these funds towards the purchase of expensive mobile phones and new cars, etc, is an abuse of authority and a fraud upon the people who make donations to the fund. Barring few exceptions, the bureaucracy is highly politicised and corrupt. Their acts of omission and commission seldom evoke penal action because of the politico-bureaucratic nexus. Being as organised as any gang and wielding tremendous power, the IAS lobby gets away with anything and always comes to the rescue of its erring members who get caught. No doubt, for running the affairs of the Red Cross, there must be a proper administrative set-up but its excessive misuse on other than the specified purposes need to be curbed. HARISH K MONGA, Ferozepur
II The Tribune’s highlighting of the misuse of Haryana Red Cross funds reminds the people of Punjab of similar happenings in its Patiala division some years back. Every time people’s belief is confirmed that nothing comes out of such revelations with regard to corruption. It is time the Red Cross organisation is abolished. It is most unfortunate that the organisation so raised to take care of the war-wounded soldiers, has earned notoriety during the recent years. Capt (Dr) MOHINDER SINGH, Patiala Siachen Glacier The strategic importance of Siachen Glacier has been amply explained in the editorial “The Siachen question: Playing China card won’t help Pakistan” (June 2). The Indian soldiers have bravely faced very rough weather conditions on this highest battleground on earth. Terrain here is most inhospitable, temperature extremely low and atmosphere lacks oxygen due to barren region. In 1984 Bila Fondla, NJ 8888, Siala, Indira Col etc were secured through very difficult vertical envelopment. Since then more than a thousand soldiers have sacrificed their lives while protecting the glacier. Due to the application of modern research and development casualty rate has reduced considerably. Sustaining in the area is an acid test for soldiers. The sincerity of Pakistan can be gauged from the fact that they put forth unacceptable terms and are not ready for proper demarcation of the actual ground position. As rightly brought out, the intentions of Pakistan are not pious and India should not agree to withdraw troops from Siachen unless all its views are accommodated. Till then the tactical posts in glacier must be strongly guarded. SC VAID, Greater Noida Education policy To the news report “Panel formed to frame new education policy” (June 1) I would like to add that the minister took more than four years to come out of the shock he got, while assuming the high office and on getting to know that there was no education policy in the state. Now, at the fag end of his government, he has announced a panel to work out the new education policy that will guide the destiny of our grand children for not 5-10 years but next 25 years. Is it so because the Deputy Chief Minister has stated that the SAD is all set to rule (nay do seva) for the next 25 years? Let political affiliations and extraneous factors not shape the future. I wonder if children/ grand children of our politicians/ babus/ policemen have ever been enrolled in Punjab schools to know first hand the mess that our education system is in. Brig. BS GILL, Chandigarh Skewed sex ratio One of the gravest threats to our contemporary civilization is the menace of skewed sex ratio. The sex ratio has altered consistently in favour of boys in the state of Punjab owing to female foeticide. Only through a combination of monitoring, education campaigns, and effective legal implementation can the deep-seated prejudices against the girl child be tackled. Dr SHRUTI K. CHAWLA,Chandigarh Almighty’s blessing The middle “Babe di full kirpa” (May 24) by V K Kapoor was interesting and inspiring. I relished the piece immensely. No doubt, to smoothly sail through life one must cultivate two traits – abiding faith in the almighty and robust optimism. Given these traits one would never feel disheartened; instead, one would always be in “Chardi Kala” – invariably blurting out “Babe di full kirpa!” TARA CHAND, Ambota, Una
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