Privacy rights: need to amend law of torts

Apropos the editorial “Outrage at Ludhiana” (March 7), the law of torts has not yet taken care of the wrongs done regarding violation of privacy rights. Even if the wronged succeeds, he is awarded only a token compensation by the courts. Therefore, there is a need to amend the law and award heavy compensation to the victims in such cases. More important, the law must be enforced strictly.

Secondly, the prosecution agency must act fairly and bring to book the real culprits, howsoever influential and powerful they may be, and not simply improve the statistics of solving crimes, targeting the peons, labourers, waiters, etc., who are puppets in the hands their masters and are too weak to even defend themselves before the courts of law.

Thirdly, the state should give second thoughts to the issue of pornography, much in debate recently. If pornography is allowed, the CDs and MMS that are doing the rounds will lose their market, as they are no match to the professionally shot movies.

The intrusion into the privacy of an individual is a heinous crime and is taken very seriously in the developed nations. India should also catch up with time.

ARVIND KASHYAP, Advocate, Mohali




I endorse the editorial “Outrage at Ludhiana” (March 7). All those involved in the scandal should be given exemplary punishment. The right to privacy should not only be protected but also made inviolable. However, the slew of smut and sleaze in circulation in the market through CDs, TV channels etc., is a pointer to the malignancy afflicting our society.

Assisting people in these adventures are lax laws and complacent enforcement agencies, an ambivalent media which sells sex while ruing growing eroticisation of society, and the newer technologies of surveillance which pry into private bodies and reproduce them as objects for sale in the market. The licence of the hotel in question must be cancelled forthwith.

SWARAJ RAJ, Lecturer in English, Govt. Mohindra College, Patiala


The report is shocking and an eye-opener to the general public. People have the right to privacy. In future, I would be loath to trust unscrupulous hotel owners.


Another milestone

THE Atomic Energy Commission and the National Power Corporation of India deserve praise for the commissioning of 540-MW nuclear power reactor at Tarapur (“Critical acclaim”, editorial, March 8). Appreciably, it has gone critical seven months ahead of the stipulated timeframe, with less cost and total indigenous technology.

India is in need of alternative sources of energy as both the traditional sources (hydro and thermal) are not sufficient to meet the increasing demand of power. Efforts are on to tap energy from other sources like solar energy. The new Tarapur reactor is an important step in this direction.

ARVIND DHUMAL, Advocate, Jalandhar


Pension reforms

The biggest reform now taking place, after liberalisation, is in the pension sector. Pension is basically to support a person in the old age when he/she is not able to earn.

It helps as a social cover to the aged. In the past, social security was the biggest attraction towards government jobs.

Now people are no more attracted by it because the government has pulled its hands out of this basic responsibility.

In the coming times, pension will be the biggest industry as everyone would be in need of social security which government used to provide. Many multinational companies are already offering different schemes to tap one of the biggest emerging markets. They spend huge funds on advertising.

This new shift is likely to harm the poor people working at the lowest level. Because it would be difficult for them to earmark large chunks of income every month for private pension schemes.

Who will support them when they become old? This question remains unanswered. The government needs to do something at least for them.

PREETINDER SINGH, Punjabi University, Patiala

Scrap the Directive

V. Eshwar Anand’s suggestion for an independent and autonomous body to try cases against politicians and bureaucrats found indulging in corrupt practices is welcome (“Directive is undemocratic: Top bureaucrats not above rule of law”, Feb 21). The present system has failed to eradicate corruption. Even the Prevention of Corruption Act and the IPC have not come up to the expectations because of lengthy and cumbersome procedures.

There is the suggestion for Director of Public Prosecution, completely independent of political and bureaucratic control. But a Lok Pal to deal with corruption cases as in Sweden and Denmark would be more appropriate. There should be no right of appeal to the accused against the Lok Pal’s rulings.

S.K. KHOSLA, Chandigarh

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