By Ashwini Bhatnagar
Prime Minister. Thats what I said.
What else can you tell the Prime Minister?",
Atomic Energy Commission Chairman R. Chidambaram
replied with a chuckle to a question as to what
his response was when he was told about the
(then) proposed nuclear tests in Pokhran.
"It took us a month to get everything in
place," Chidambaram continued with a twinkle
in his eye. "It went off perfectly. In fact,
all the parameters were exactly as we had
calculated before we went for the actual
detonations." The quiet confidence of the
man who holds one of the most sensitive jobs in
the country has to be seen to be believed.
"The vision of a nuclear India that Homi
Bhabha and Pandit Nehru had has been fully
realised," he says. "We are now looking
at the future. Our immediate task is Vision 2020
and through it we have to prepare for the next