Time to check quackery with a firm hand

I read the editorial “Peddlers of death” (Sept 22). The tragedy, which happened at the hands of a quack lady doctor, has corroborated the truth enshrined in the saying Neem Hakeem khatra-e-jaan (quacks jeopardise patients’ lives). She committed two offences — falsely pretended to medical knowledge and gave wrong and expired medicines to some children, which killed three of them within a few minutes. It was tantamount to murder.

The fees of qualified doctors being exorbitant, patients with even serious ailments go to quacks. A large number of them have, therefore, roaring practice. Many of them may be selling narcotics to drug addicts.

Besides such quacks, many mountebanks also operate in towns and cities. These itinerant charlatans attract gullible people by interesting tricks and tales and pass off their spurious nostrums for wonderful remedies. Is there no law to put  down quackery?





I endorse the view that the government should come down heavily on the fake doctors. The people too need to be alert in this respect. The media also can play a vital role in exposing fake doctors as it has been exposing tantriks, fortune-tellers etc. to save the ignorant people from 
their clutches.

Again, the basic responsibility lies with the government itself. We are a nation committed to socialism where providing health, education and equality of opportunity to its citizens must be the government’s priority. Yet, we do not have enough schools and hospitals in many 
small towns, villages and far-flung areas of our country. 
Even in this era of technical advancement, people have no choice but to take advice from Neem Hakeems which many a time proves dangerous.

Private hospitals and clinics are too costly for the middle class. The poor can’t even think of taking their services. As government hospitals are always short of doctors, para-medical staff, necessary medicines and care, these provide space for quacks to thrive.

ARVIND DHUMAL, Advocate, Jalandhar


The editorial analyses how peddlers of death, i.e. unqualified doctors, are playing with the lives of innocent people. It mentioned a 20-year-old matriculate posing as a qualified lady doctor. The medicine given by her claimed the lives of innocent children. We have seen many such examples.

The government should enforce foolproof methods to check the entry of unqualified persons into the medical profession. The editorial rightly observed that such quacks are practicing all over the country. Ironically, the incident in question took place in Ludhiana, known for its super-speciality hospitals.

Prof P.K. GUPTA, Bathinda


It is intriguing that the government is totally indifferent towards the havoc being caused by the dishonest and illiterate people posing as doctors. These conmen are openly playing with the lives of the people.

The Indian Medical Council should take notice of the fake doctors. Meanwhile, masses needed to be impressed upon that prescribing medicines is not a child’s play. It needs a good brain, long training and extreme hard work to qualify as a doctor. Only genuine doctors should be consulted in case of need.

GEETANJALI KORPAL, Advocate, Amritsar

Computer education

The Punjab Government releases huge funds for computer education in government schools. This is welcome. But now these schools have come under the jurisdiction of the District Education Officer (DEO). The DEO employees hardly do any work. They sit in the school labs during office hours and chat.

My daughter studies Class X at Govt Girls Secondary School, Faridkot. When she complained to me that they were not being allowed to attend computer labs for past one month, I went to the school. The Principal was not there. I went to the computer lab. Surprisingly, 10 employees were sitting there. Only then, I realised why projects like this fail.

MANJEET SINGH, Advocate, Faridkot

Studies affected

Our regular classes in Punjabi University, Patiala, are often disturbed by frequent strikes in the university campus. There is no proper understanding and coordination between the students’ union and the university authorities. As the examinations are approaching, students are also upset about the syllabi. I request the authorities concerned to take some concrete steps to resolve these issues.


Service before self

Let every Indian become honest to oneself — hardworking and dedicated to the nation. If every citizen works for the nation first than for his or her own self, India shall be at the top of the world.


Mid-day meals in Punjab

It is sad that Punjab, though known as the Food Basket of India, is unable to provide mid-day meal to its own students. The reason? No funds. Why has the government failed to do this when food is getting rotten in the godowns?

The government has also said that there are no big kitchens and utensils required for cooking and serving food to the school children.

However, what the state government is lacking is not funds, utensils or but a thought and concern for the children. A Delhi government school teacher told this writer that the government has tied up with NGOs for implementing the mid-day meal scheme. Hot, neat and clean meals (like pulao, rice and dal, rice and sambhar and aloo puri) are provided to the students.

Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh should seek sponsorship from NGOs and others and provide mid-day meals to the students.



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