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Pvt bank staff made to overwork

The middle-rung management (cluster heads) in certain private sector banks is lured by their top management with air trips inside and outside the country for them and their families. In return, they dance to their tunes.

To prove their loyalty, cluster heads force the branch heads to work before and after banking hours. Even on holidays and Sundays branch heads are asked to open the banks for administrative purposes.

Bank staff are compelled to increase deposits. They move from house to house, locality to locality and village to village and virtually beg for deposits to retain jobs.

Branch heads are mentally tortured publicly in rural branches where the flow of money is seasonal. They are forced to reside at places of duty, away from their children and families. To make sure that they abide by the orders (entirely absurd), their wives are contacted and disturbed during late night hours to find out the whereabouts of the branch head (as if he is a culprit). Cluster heads do not hesistate to destroy the education and careers of the children of their subordinates.

Some private bank employees have no social life of their own. They are not able to discharge any obligation towards their parents, family and friends.

Staff members whose origin is from the merged bank are one by one put to so much inconvenience that they prefer to quit.

Will anyone carry out a sting operation of a private bank, specially in Moga district of Punjab so that the helpless workforce of bank branches is relieved of mental torture at the hands of top management?

G.Singh, Ludhiana

Copying menace

Apropos news item "Copying goes on unchecked in Haryana Board Exams" (October 22), the authorities should take the help of the police to curb this evil, or introduce some online testing method. The need of the hour is to change and make the examination system more transparent and disciplined.

KK CHAWLA, Kurukshetra

Bifurcating Andhra

The Central government has announced the bifurcation of the Telugu-speaking state of Andhra Pradesh. As a result, a separate state, Telangana, will be carved out after the necessary political and administrative processes. The Telangana Rastriya Samiti (TRS), a regional political outfit, had been demanding this bifurcation for many years and also waging a political movement. However, the decision has triggered many counter-reactions. This political contradiction necessitates a political dialogue.

The logical and scientific foundation of the formation of the separate state is compact language together with compact culture, compact geographical contiguity and compact socio-economic structure. It was on this basis that the State Reorganisation Act was passed in the early 1950s that provides the foundation for the federal democratic structure of India.

But in this particular case, this principle has been ignored by the Centre, since the compact Telugu-speaking state has been announced to be reorganised into two states speaking the same language with different dialects, and having the same culture, same geographical contiguity and the same socio-economic structure. Therefore, the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh would encourage other disgruntled regional forces in the country to raise demands for more such bifurcations and raise the menace of regionalism.

Navreet Kaur, via email

Nurses’ plea unheard

Around 50 staff nurses were recruited following the due process by the Health and Family Welfare Department in June, 2001, under the RCH scheme on a contract basis. They continued to work on a meagre salary of Rs 5,000 till 2007. Thereafter, as many as 200 staff nurses were recruited on a contract basis. While their services were regularised in 2011, those recruited in 2001 are still working on contract.

Staff nurses awaiting regularisation have been pleading their case with the department and minister concerned and the Chief Minister. They have also filed a writ petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court. Will the authorities concerned listen to the pleas of these 50 staff nurses and confirm their services?

SITA RAM, Hoshiarpur

Promote Hindi, our pride

I read with interest the middle by Rachna Singh titled 'No Hindi, if you please.' The teaching and learning of Hindi, particularly in English medium schools is a difficult task as all other subjects are taught in English. The Hindi language is in a pitiable condition in India. Children who opt for the medical or engineering careers have to be perfect in English first. At the primary level, they devote their entire energy in learning English, even by engaging private tutors. The situation remains the same, in a majority of the cases, up to the plus two level. Hindi has become almost an optional subject. Moreover, the seeds of preference of English over Hindi are sown at the basic level.

As a result, massive unemployment prevails among the Hindi-speaking youth in our country. We are not against English, but it is high time that education policy planners promote Hindi at the primary level to keep our rich cultural values alive.




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