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Why is India mum on Pak firing?

Surprisingly, India is mum over the firing at the LoC and International Border in Jammu and Kashmir from the Pakistani side. Pakistan is violating the ceasefire at the border. Many Army and BSF personnel have been either injured or killed. People living near the border have started migrating to safer places in fear. It has also been noticed that Pakistan is pushing its guerrilla militants in Jammu and Kashmir and they have mushroomed across the border. Many such incidents have been reported in the past few months.

How can a nation sit in silence if it is being fired upon and the lives and property of its citizens are in danger? India has protested, but the protest is not loud enough. Time has come for India to respond more effectively.

Sunny Singh, via email


This refers to the editorial, "Pak violations: Sharif must end firing on border" (October 21). It is sad and embarrassing to note that while on the one hand, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif shows “eagerness” to improve relations with India, on the other hand, his army continues to fire on Indian border posts indiscriminately, breaking the 2003 ceasefire agreement between the two countries. This has recently triggered mass migration of Jammu and Kashmir residents of Samba, living on the border areas. But the most irritating part of the issue is that the democratically elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is unable to contain his army's “hate-India attitude”.

He is incapable of controlling Pakistan's terrorists who are playing havoc within the country and across the borders. He seems to be helpless and thus rushes to the USA for its “intervention” to solve the “Kashmir issue”. This is a diversionary tactic to distract world attention from the issue of terrorism. The anti-India stance of Pakistan needs to be handled by India.

R K KAPOOR, Chandigarh


Pakistan has always been double-faced with India on many issues. The recent ceasefire violation, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif passing an anti-India resolution and seeking US intervention in Kashmir are appalling. Clearly, the military across the border is out of control of its government.

New Delhi should take due cognisance of the fact that Pakistan is still in a state of unrest. Daily terrorist attacks within the country and the spillover to the border do not bode well for India. India should resort to defensive firing and, if needed, mount controlled assaults on the Pakistani army to send a message to anti-national elements across the border.

Gaurav Gupta , New Delhi


I took part in “Operation Cactus Lily” of 1971 between India and Pakistan and our unit was deployed in the western sector. During the war, apart from the vast area of land, as many as 93,000 Pakistan troops were captured by our armed forces. Had these PoWs and land not been returned without a solution on the Kashmir issue as per Simla Agreement, we would not have had to see killings of our soldiers and ceasefire violations at the LoC. Making political statements is not enough.

The need of the hour is to do something concrete so that such incidents are stopped and the valuable lives of villagers in Jammu and Kashmir are protected.



Contrary to our expectations of restoration of the peace and stability after the return of Nawaz Sharif as the democratically elected Prime Minister of Pakistan for the third time, unfortunately, our relations have been steadily deteriorating. This contention is validated if the recent Pakistani incursions across the LoC and International Border are anything to go by. Fortunately, with US President Barack Obama’s refusal to mediate on the Kashmir issue, decks are clear for us to "explore all other options", as J & K Chief Minister Omar Abdullah suggests to the Centre.

To give peace one more chance, 'think tanks', diplomats, strategists, academics, political leaders,mediapersons, peace-loving people on both sides of the divide should synergise efforts to defuse the tension and initiate measures to restore sanity and peace. Both India and Pakistan, instead, need to fight their common enemies, viz terror, poverty, illiteracy, disease and backwardness.


Dialysis facility

Dialysis at the Civil Hospital in Mohali has been stopped for the past three weeks due to the transfer of the technician concerned to another centre.

The poor patients have been feeling a lot of discomfort as they can't afford the high costs at private hospitals. Some patients with kidney diseases need dialysis twice a week and it is feared their health will deteriorate if they don't get the facility.

The SMO and Civil Surgeon have expressed their inability in this regard. The health of its people is the state's responsibility and it should not be casual in transferring skilled persons.


Gatka promotion to help girls

The Sports Ministry's decision to promote the martial art gatka is a welcome step as it restores the pride of the Sikh community. The launch of the Indigenous Sports and Martial Arts (ISMT) scheme is praiseworthy. Training women in gatka would be of great importance and value for self-defence purposes in our country in these days of rising crimes against women. Besides, it would help people be physically fit as well as in high spirits. Children would get to learn new techniques through this medium.

Now, the thing required to be done is that gatka should be promoted through media so that this step by the Ministry receives an overwhelming response.




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