L E T T E R S    T O    T H E    E D I T O R

Time to think green and save water

The editorial “Thinking green: Development must take new road” (Aug 20) put forth an apt suggestion that Central schemes like NAREGA and Bharat Nirman should be utilised to build water infrastructure. It is unfortunate that states are not following the national plan on climate change. One should learn a lesson from the drought conditions that several states are facing.

The excessive usage of groundwater for harvesting and domestic purposes has not only lowered the water table but also resulted in a severe power crisis across the country. The report about depleting groundwater is alarming. Sadly, our political leaders are yet to understand the enormity of the problem.

It is time to switch over to traditional rainwater and canal water harvesting. Rainwater harvesting systems should be made mandatory in residential as well as commercial buildings. 

RAJESH SHARMA, Jalandhar Cantt

Jaswant’s exit

I fully endorse the argument expressed in the editorial “Exit Jaswant Singh : Jinnah-love causes an honour killing”, Aug 20). Mr Jaswant Singh’s unceremonious expulsion from the BJP once again proves its deep intolerance of democratic values and its communal bigotry. Mr Singh should have been first asked to present his case.

No doubt, his own party has shabbily treated Mr Singh. If love for Mohammad Ali Jinnah is any crime, then Mr L K Advani should also be expelled as he too had praised Jinnah. The undemocratic and hasty expulsion of Mr Singh from the BJP has exposed its poverty of progressive values.



The dictatorial decision of the BJP to expel Mr Jaswant Singh is uncalled for and condemnable. Nehru, Gandhi and Jinnah were great Indian leaders and difference of opinion among them might have resulted in the Partition of India.

Strong opposition is good for the political health of a country and similarly emergence of ideological differences between political parties or within one party are a must for a stronger democratic process. The BJP should concentrate upon performing the role of an Opposition.



The BJP’s “Chintan Baithak” proved to be counterproductive. If the present trend continues, the day is not far away when the party will tumble down like a house of cards.

Mr Rajnath Singh and Mr L K Advani should tender their resignations and make room for younger leaders. Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee should step in at this critical hour, when the party is facing a grave crisis, and serve as a guiding force. The disgruntled leaders should be pacified and brought back to the party’s fold.

IQBAL SINGH, Bijhari, Hamirpur

Eat less sugar

To tide over the situation created by the sugar shortage and consequent rise in prices, the President and the Prime Minister should issue an appeal to the countrymen to reduce the consumption of sugar. Remember, the late Lal Bahadur Shastri had issued a similar appeal to forego a meal on Mondays.


An upright statesman 

In the death of Senator Edward Kennedy, an era in modern history comes to an end. He was the last of Kennedy brothers who impacted the US and the world. 

The Kennedy family dedicated itself to national service. The family’s name is synonymous with public causes and liberalism. Senator Edward Kennedy, like his brothers John and Robert who occupied public office, was a liberal democrat, championing the cause of the public health, education for the economically poor and equal opportunities for Americans of African descent.

Senator Kennedy’s endorsement of Mr Barack Obama for President was undoubtedly a decisive factor in the Presidential elections. He contributed to public debate and affairs in the US by becoming a formidable and articulate Senate member. He opposed wars in Vietnam and Iraq and clearly saw that battles do not deliver peace, only create bitterness for future.

The Kennedy family’s dedication and service have made politics respectable and credible. John F Kennedy had asserted, “Politics is the art of serving the public”. The Kennedy brothers, including Senator Edward Kennedy, truly lived by this precept and made politics an upright profession.




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