L E T T E R S    T O    T H E    E D I T O R

Buta and his son: truth must come out

Inder Malhotra has presented a comprehensive analysis of the bribe case involving Mr Buta Singh and his son Sarabjot Singh in his article Buta Singh and son ‘Sweety’: A case of protesting too much” (Aug 7). Morality has no place in the lives of most politicians. Crooked and corrupt politicians can manoeuvre circumstances to their advantage and cry foul whenever their misdeeds are exposed.

Mr Buta Singh holds a constitutional post and by now, the process to remove him from the responsible post should have started. But the silence of the UPA chairperson and the Prime Minister is intriguing. Is there no way to debar a person of questionable integrity from being appointed as head of a constitutional body? The writer has also raised a pertinent question; why should the bribe-giver not be punished? Under the law both, the one who demands and the one who gives bribe, are equally guilty. Sooner the government resolves the controversy better it would be for its credibility.



Mr Malhotra has raised several valid points. Indeed, the bribe giver and those who accept the bribe cannot be absolved of their crimes and must be duly punished. Now, it is up to the UPA government to ensure that the guilty do not go scot-free.


Educate them right

Education (article, Remember, each child is different by Birendra Kaur, Aug 7) must make the young generation independent. Of course, nothing can stop children from progressing in life if they have the ability. Students will choose humanities, if it is given the same weight age as science subjects, and equips them to find lucrative jobs.  


Healing touch

I agree with the views expressed by Uttam Sengupta in his article “Combating Maoists” (Aug 3). Undeniably, without meaningful administrative reforms, the threat posed by the Maoists cannot be tackled. The concept of welfare state has to be fully realised.

The failure of the Indian state in providing social justice has forced the oppressed people to take to arms. The government should apply the healing touch to bring the Maoists back into the national mainstream.

RAHUL SETHI, Jalandhar

Outdated khaps

The murder of Ved Pal Mor (editorial, Who rules Haryana?: The law or the khaps?, July 25) has shamed the Indian democracy. Clearly, the members and votaries of khap panchayats have failed to keep pace with changing times.

The concept of “gotra” is an outdated one and so are the values espoused by khap panchayats. The state government must not allow khap panchayats to run their dictates and take law into their hand. Khap panchayats have no right to take decisions that infringe upon individual choice and liberty.

Dr L R SHARMA, Jalandhar

Primary education

Much is being said about reforms in education. Nobody is serious about paying attention to the basis of education i.e. primary education. We are watering leaves instead of roots. It is not possible to build castles on a weak foundation. The functioning of primary schools needs to be improved and thorough research on how to do so should be undertaken.

B R SALHOTRA, Pathankot

Fixing babus’ tenure

V Eshwar Anand’s article Tenure for babus (Aug 3) was interesting and though-provoking. Though the proposal appears attractive, in actual practice, it may prove counterproductive. Under the protective shield of a “fixed tenure” the “babus” may become complacent and even more whimsical in their style of functioning.

The powers that be would be well-advised to move ahead in this sensitive matter slowly and cautiously. Acting in haste and repenting at leisure would not be a wise policy.

TARA CHAND, Ambota (Una)

Tackle drought

Prime Minister has warned (news report, Finally, drought reality sinks in by Vibha Sharma , Aug 9) the states that the situation arising out of delayed monsoons is grim. The prices of all essential commodities are rising.

Prime Minister has assured the states that there are enough stocks of food grains and directed strong action against hoarders. He has said that 141 districts in the country are facing drought. The government must pay heed to the woes of the common man who is reeling under the spiralling price rise.

M L GARG, Chandigarh

Don’t blame anchors

S Nihal Singh’s apprehensions regarding the TV anchors’ casual interest in spoken English as stated in his article TV channels are getting away with bad pronunciation(Aug 4) are justified. In fact, even in our schools, colleges and universities, English is taught as Hinglish. We have poor reading habits and English has yet not become our language.

I strongly believe that English is an acquired language. So why blame TV anchors alone who too are part of our society? Let us take assurance in the fact that today we have better speakers than in the past.


Make legislatures meaningful

The Punjab and Haryana legislatures (editorial, Not being serious”, Aug 4) are losing their meaning and purpose. Sadly, the legislators are rushing through business without seriousness. Passing dozens of Bills in a few minutes without any debate or discussion has become a norm. Unfortunately, the sessions are getting truncated and the legislatures are not following the All-India Speakers’ Conference recommendation (2007) for at least 60 sittings every year.

Many legislators do not attend the sessions and if they do, they show lack of interest in deliberations. Slogan-shouting, disruptions, boycotts and adjournments are other regular features. Why not penalise such members who disrupt proceedings and are a burden on the state exchequer? Such colossal wastage cannot be pardoned.

To make legislatures meaningful and responsive, measures like minimum sittings, attendance and participation in debates and raising questions should be made mandatory.




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