Need to remove gender bias in society

This refers to Kiran Bedi’s piece on the theme “Question of woman’s social status” (Sunday Oped, July 17). In our male-dominated society, a woman is weaker or second sex and is never a person in her own right but always a man’s possession. Our ancient texts reveal how highly gender biased we are.

In Ramayana, it is Sita who is mother of sons, never of daughters, toils as a single parent and is guilty of crossing the Lakshman Rekha. She suffers like Shakuntala, not Dushyant in Kalidasa’s story. Our Shastras enjoin men and women as two equal halves but, in reality, she is an unequal half. Manu, the lawgiver, bestowed women with a secondary status. Why didn’t he give a code of conduct to men?

Undeniably, parent’s mind influences that of unborn child, thus conditioning a female’s brain from foetal stage, earlier than her childhood, that man is superior, these biases being passed on from one female generation to another. When will we erase the genetic code we are born with?




Women have always been discriminated against for centuries. This will continue if the traditional mindset is not changed. As the Indian culture is changing to western mode, values and norms are also changing.

Moreover, women themselves are equally responsible for their present status. A woman is not only a daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter-in-law, or a mother-in-law but also has an independent status. However, because of the overdependence on the West, women’s social status has reduced.

ANJU ANAND, Chambaghat (Solan)

Time to improve research standards

This refers to Dr Vikram Chadha’s article “Falling standards of research” (Perspective, July 24). I wish people who actually matter (top political and bureaucratic bosses) also read these articles and ethically take actions. In fact, the decay starts when political system encourages the appointments of non-meritorious and non-leadership positions.

Such research/academic managers fail to create the desired congenial environment and scientific temper in the universities for concept-based original (non-repetitive) and focused demand-driven problem-solving research.

These mediocre persons are also unable to inspire scientists, students and other workers to ensure creativity, involvement and commitment for achieving excellence in conducting research and publishing pieces in journals of repute. Visionary top-to-bottom participatory approach is generally lacking in research project development, prioritisation, implementation and monitoring.

We continue generating new universities/institutes for higher education and advanced (even Ph D level) research, when the existing fund-starved ones do not have adequate equipment, trained and experienced researchers/ teachers, well-developed laboratories and libraries, and other infrastructure. The higher education and research structure as a whole needs revitalisation so that our country becomes a knowledge-society and technology-based economy.

Dr M.S. BAJWA, Former Head, PG Studies, (PAU), Ludhiana

Onus on teachers

The interview of Jawaharlal Nehru University’s Vice-Chancellor was interesting (Perspective, July 17). The primary task of a teacher is teaching which can be performed only if the teacher is an embodiment of learning, paragon of virtues and a person of strong character. He is looked upon as a source of light and inspiration, facilitating others’ learning.

But the teachers have gone astray. Tuition culture has corrupted their minds. That’s why the very aim of education, that is to provide true knowledge, to develop culture to develop character, morality and good conduct etc., is being defeated.

So the teachers will have to play a stellar role in toning up the entire system if true education is to be provided to their students.


Bhagat Singh

This refers to the article “The Tribune Stood up for Sardar Bhagat Singh” by Nirupama Dutt (Spectrum, July 24). The bodies of martyrs were cut to pieces, bundled and removed secretly to Hussainiwala on the banks of the Sutlej and remains were cremated jointly and hurriedly thrown into the river. This news was leaked to Bibi Amar Kaur, Bhagat Singh’s sister, who along with other relatives reached Hussainiwala and located the spot where the last rites had been conducted. Prior to the cremation, the pieces of the bodies were tied separately in different cloths were kept on the river bed. She noticed blood-soaked sandy pebbles and collected them on the copy of The Tribune, March 25, 1931, which she was carrying with her. She collected sand containing the blood of the martyrs.

I was entrusted by the Punjab Government to set up Sardar Bhagat Singh Museum at Khat Kar Kalan in Nawanshahr, his native place. The museum was inaugurated by Giani Zail Singh, the then Home Minister, on March 23, 1980. The blood soaked copy of The Tribune, along with other relics and historical records and rare photographs, were donated by the family members of Bhagat Singh and are on display in the museum. I still remember how overwhelmed Dr. Abdul Kalam, the President, and Amarinder Singh, the Chief Minister of Punjab were when I showed them the blood-soaked copy of The Tribune and narrated the background on March 23, 2003. With tear-filled eyes, they stood silently and bowed their heads with great reverence before the blood-stained objects during their visit to Sardar Bhagat Singh museum.


Serial error

One is likely to agree with Amita Malik’s view about Dr. Simran not caring about her daughter in the serial Astitva. It is not at all realistic. Zee has also spoilt another serial that was doing well, Sarrkar.

No where in any state of India, an ex-Chief Minister could be maltreated in the manner shown by them in a couple of episodes. No high-ranking police official can be as foolish as Ghosh. Serials should be kept as near to reality as possible. It should not be all fiction, keeping in view the story interest.



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