VAT: Centre must remove anomalies

Though Value Added Tax (VAT) is a rationalised form of taxation, we should not ignore the facilities given to the taxpayers by all other countries in which this system is in vogue. We should implement VAT in letter and spirit, but the Centre should remove anomalies.

The rates of essential commodities should be kept lower. Octroi must be abolished. Exemption to small traders up to Rs 10 lakh with raising minimum turnover limit to Rs 50 lakh is required. All government departments should be kept out of VAT; supply to these departments should be against exemption forms by the local suppliers to compete with outside parties. Self-assessment of tax will prevent harassment of taxpayers.

DEEPAK SARAF, Multimelt Steels, Rampura Phul


VAT is biased towards car and jeep spare parts dealers. Most parts of jeeps and tractors are the same. If a person has to purchase parts of tractor from a car part dealer, he will have to pay VAT of 12.5 per cent. However, if he buys parts of jeep from a tractor parts dealer, he will have to pay VAT of 4 per cent. This anomaly will have to go.

The government should remove the existing disparity and make VAT uniform for spare parts dealers by reducing the existing percentage of VAT from 12.5 per cent to 4 per cent for car and jeep spare parts dealers.

GURDEEP SINGH, President, Ludhiana Car Parts Dealers’ Assn., Ludhiana



Live and let live

Traditionally, we Indians, hold our ancestors in high esteem. The Hindus perform the shradhs of their dead ancestors on their death anniversaries. However, how indifferent we are towards our living ancestors (according to the theory of evolution). Instead of helping them, we have deprived them of their natural habitat. They, in distress, look to their descendents for help and come to them for food and shelter.

The modern man has become very selfish. And now the government is proposing legislation to prevent people from feeding these poor refugees. We have forgotten the dictum Live and let live. Please do not destroy the ecology of this planet and let’s live in peace and harmony.


Walk-in visa

The Government of India has rightly decided to grant walk-in visa at border to Pakistan citizens aged above 65 years and below 12 years. But I don’t know the rationale behind the denial of such visa for Punjab. How can Punjab be clubbed with Jammu and Kashmir and the North-East and declared a “disturbed area”? The government itself has been claiming that Punjab is a peaceful state and rightly so.

During Partition, most migrants to West Pakistan had moved from East Punjab districts. Since then, innumerable people have been cherishing the desire to visit their places of birth here. Some of them have departed with such dreams unfulfilled. Why deny the rest?


Interest on MIS

While the interest on EPF per annum was enhanced to 8.5 per cent last year, the interest on MIS was kept at 8 per cent per annum. Now the interest on EPF has again been hiked to 9.5 per cent per annum without any increase in MIS.

The government is aware of the fact that pension and interest on MIS are the only wherewithal of senior citizens. The government should sympathetically consider suitable hike in the interest on MIS as well to help us in the evening of our life.

T.R. GOYAL, Chandigarh

Deplorable road

The condition of the all-important road on the Mukerian-Talwara state highway leading to the famous Beas Dam is quite deplorable. Even though two Cabinet Ministers of Punjab have been using this road frequently, they do not bother to get this road repaired.

The Buildings and Roads officials should rise to the occasion and get the road repaired to save people from hardship.

S.K. MITTAL, Talwara Township



Letters to the Editor

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Letters can also be sent by e-mail to: letters@tribuneindia.com

— Editor-in-Chief


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