C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


Man electrocuted on restaurant rooftop
Owner booked; building norms flouted
Tribune News Service

Nayagaon, April 21
A Chandigarh resident was reportedly electrocuted while he was walking on the extended rooftop of a restaurant, “Ice and Spice”, here that had high-tension wires running across it. The victim, Sanjiv Sud (35), a resident of Sector 21, died on way to hospital from the restaurant, where he had gone for dinner with his two friends.

The two-storeyed restaurant is being extended at the rear, with the ground floor roof having been constructed barely a few feet below an 11KV high-tension wire that runs behind the restaurant. While the owner of the restaurant, Mr Mahavir Sharma, has been booked by the police on the charge of death due to negligence (Section 304 A), sources in the Punjab State Electricity Board said the owner had been issued two notices by the board on account of illegal construction next to the high-tension wires.

According to the account given by Mr Balbir Bhatia, one of the two friends accompanying Sanjiv, the three had reached the restaurant at 9.40 pm. Sanjiv, who was a property dealer, had to meet another person at the restaurant for a deal. “While we waited for Sanjiv’s contact, we decided to see the restaurant. Sanjiv was walking ahead while I and another common friend Sandeep Mahindra were following him. Sanjiv had just walked on to the rooftop when we heard a soft cry and saw him fall. We lifted him and put him in the car and rushed him to the PGI. He seemed to be breathing. However, he was declared brought dead by doctors,” said Bhatia.

The restaurant, like many other buildings in the area, flouts not just provisions of the Punjab Capital Periphery Control Act but also laws laid down by the Punjab State Electricity Board regarding construction of a building in the vicinity of high-tension wires.

High-tension 11KV wires pass right above the extended roof of the restaurant’s ground floor. With the construction of the roof, these wires are at waist height of anyone who stands on the roof. While a large part of the building has been constructed, fresh construction at the rear is still on.

Sources in the board pointed out that following the issuing of these notices, the owner had applied to the board for shifting of the high-tension wire poles and had some days ago even deposited a large sum of money as fee for it.

Mr Mahavir Sharma said he was out of station when the incident took place. “Balbir Bhatia is known to my son. The three had come to the restaurant for dinner. I was told by my son, who was in the restaurant at that time, that the three were drunk. The three wanted to have food in a room that opens to the rooftop,” he said.

Mr Sharma added that Sanjiv went on the rooftop while his friends kept sitting in the room. “Entry is generally not allowed due to the wires. We have used barbed wire and a wooden staircase to stop anyone to accidentally come near the wires. However, Sanjiv crossed these hurdles and seemed to have touched the wires,” said Mr Sharma.

Bhatia, however, denied that the three were drunk. “Sanjiv is the only son of his parents and lost his father some years ago. He was running an industry till recently when he started dealing in property,” said Bhatia.

Sanjiv’s body has been sent to the Sector 16 hospital for a post-mortem. He is survived by his mother, wife, a five-year-old daughter and a three-year-old son.



This beauty queen has a heart for greens
Aditi Tandon
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh,. April 21
Amrita Thapar would not have missed the dazzling Miss India crown for anything in this world. And now that she has it, she can proceed with life, assured that dreams indeed do come true. One has just been realised, the other is waiting to be.

Amrita Thapar
Amrita Thapar

Ask the vivacious girl what is her next destination and she replies with mind-blowing confidence: “I will not squander this chance for India. It is time to get back the Miss Universe crown.” Confidence defines the new Miss India who spells class and maturity.

A symbol of India’s vitality, she is also eager to make a mark in her professional life. Her interests are varied, the best being “nature” and “design”.

In Chandigarh on an invitation from National Institute of Fashion Design, the recently crowned Miss India told The Tribune how she loved to rid the roads of Pune of plastic, besides bringing stray dogs home to people.

With a heart for greens, she declares, “I will use this new-found opportunity to voice my concerns from global platforms. I will take this occasion to add to my faculty of designing.”

A trained designer from a reputed design school of Pune, Amrita has just wrapped up her first professional assignment. “I made uniforms for the staff of Idea Cellular. I also design trousseaus for friends. Fashion designing is my first love and it was for acquiring this skill that I kept postponing participation in the Miss India contest.

“I waited to be 23 years of age so I could upgrade my education which I regard as my best asset. I just cleared the London School of Fashion examination. Had I failed the contest, I would have been in London.”

“Finally, I see myself launching my own garment line. I think this zeal has something to do with my Punjabi upbringing”.

Proud to be a Punjabi, Amrita adds, “We are a clan who enjoy ourselves. Above all, we are spirited and hard-working. I think I won the pageant because I do not succumb to under pressure. Even in the Miss Universe pageant on May 31, we will be tested for our ability to put up a sustained performance.

“Beauty contests are no longer about beauty. They are about not giving up under stress, about evolving with grace and about being positive”.

As far as optimism goes, Amrita has it in plenty. She derives her strength from nature, especially “surya namaskar”. The best part of her training schedule for the Miss Universe pageant is the morning workout when she wakes up to the rising sun. “We get visions of the earth which help us connect with nature. I love to feel spiritual. It gives me peace and resistance to odds.”

A nature lover, Amrita loves to mountaineer and raft. She also kick-boxes to release stress and build stamina which will hold her in good stead in the final countdown which begins on May 31 at Bangkok.

For the rest of the inspiration, the new beauty queen turns to a former one — Sushmita Sen who she calls “a perfect modern Indian woman.”



Miss India presents awards to NIFD centres
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
The National Institute of Fashion Design (NIFD) repeated its ritual of inviting Femina Miss India to formally launch admissions to its degree and diploma classes for the current session. Helping this year’s winner Amrita Thapar with the job was Vice- Chancellor, Annamali University Dr L.B. Venkatrangan, who was also present at a function, held at Tagore Theatre this evening.

The occasion marked the commemoration of the first year of a tie up between NIFD and the university. The two institutions are jointly offering a technical collaboration under which they are offering three-year BSc programmes in fashion design, textile design and interior design and two-year advance diploma along with one-year diploma in the same streams at selected NIFD centres. The programmes are being imparted through distance education mode of the Annamali University.

Seizing the opportunity to inspire budding designers of NIFD, Femina Miss India Universe 2005 Amrita Thapar counseled them to make the right choices in life and to persevere until the attainment of goal. Also present on the event were NIFD Corporate Directors Ms Ritu Kochhar and Mr Ashok Kaushik who gave mementoes the V-C, among two other guests from the University.

Addressing the gathering Dr Venkatrangan assured the students of a bright future and career avenues, which opened after the technical collaboration with NIFD. He said that distant education was the need of the hour but after this tie-up the students had an added advantage of getting regular training at NIFD Centres. He lauded the role of NIFD in producing good designers by providing opportunity at the remotest corners of the country and abroad.

Star speaker of the function was Amrita Thapar who hailed the collaboration as a coming together of two giants. She later spoke to the students about her own experiences as a student of fashion design at Pune. Citing examples of ace designers like Ritu Kumar and Hemant Trivedi who now design costumes for Miss India's representing the country in the Miss Universe pageants, she said everyone could make it big, if only everyone could dream big. She also shared with the students her own pursuits of success at professional and personal level and said they had a whole world to explore.

Ms Kochhar in her address thanked Annamali University for its technical collaboration with NIFD. She said, “NIFD has been imparting quality education in the fields of fashion, textile and interior design all across the country and abroad for the past decade and now the NIFD students have the added advantage of Government recognition which would benefit them in the professional fields of design”.

Amrita Thapar, along with the V-C, also presented Annual Performance Awards 2004-2005 to the outstanding centres, as recognition of their excellent performance of various NIFD centres in different spheres. The NIFD Centre Heads from all across the country were present to receive the honour.



Railway reservation racket unearthed, 2 arrested
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
The Railway Protection Force (RPF) this evening unearthed a railway ticketing racket depriving genuine passengers opportunities of reservation at a time when reservations are difficult because of summer rush. The RPF this evening arrested Ravinder Singh from Rajpura and one local agent Jagrup Singh and is looking for one Ashok Kumar for illegally getting reservations done from outside the city, the sources in the RPF told the Chandigarh Tribune. This is the first time that the police has come to know that the local illegal travel agencies were getting tickets booked from outside the city.

The arrests were made by a special team of Sub-Inspectors Sukhdev Raj from Chandigarh, Sub-Inspector Amarinderjeet Singh from Ambala and Assistant Sub Inspector Rajinder Singh from Ambala.

Ravinder Singh of Sector 12 was arrested while getting a reservation done illegally in Rajpura. Ravinder Singh disclosed to the police that he was working for two Sector 34-based agents - Jagroop Singh of Pankaj Travels and Ashok Kumar of Kumar Travels. They are operating from SCO 188-190 in Sector 34.

In a subsequent raid, Jagroop Singh was arrested from his office while Ashok Kumar gave the police the slip. The police, however, recovered 40 bill books and bills from the premises of Jagroop. Nine tickets were also recovered from the premises. The recovery of the bill book suggests they had illegally been operating from the city for a long time despite several raids earlier on other illegal commission agents.

Two separate cases were registered in this regard. Ravinder Singh was booked under Section 143 of the Railway Act in Ambala while Jagroop Singh and Ashok Kumar were booked in Chandigarh Railway Station police station. The police expect to get further information on illegal commission agents.



Expert moots EU-type forum for Asian nations
Saurabh Malik
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
Follow the philosophy behind the formation of European Union: independent, but better integrated. That’s the advise Rector with the Tbilisi institute of Asia and Africa in Georgia, Dr Guram Chikovani, has to offer to Asian countries.

“The Asian countries can also get together and form a forum like the European Union for achieving common goals, while preserving their individuality”, he says.

Dr Guram’s talk on “Georgia-India historical and cultural contacts” was organised this morning by the Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID). Among others, CRRID’s Director-General Rashpal Malhotra was present.

Talking to The Tribune just before delivering the lecture, Dr Guram said: “Georgia gained independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990. Subsequently, the country became a member of the European family by integrating with the European Union. But at the same time, Georgia has maintained her independence. That is the pattern countries in Asia should follow.”

Regarding Indo-Georgian relations, Dr Guram says, “Georgia is related more closely to the eastern world than European countries. There is evidence to show that contact between the two countries was established a few centuries ago. In fact, during the time of the old silk route..... Georgian merchants and traders travelling to India would bring back Indian paper and Kashmiri cloth, besides diamonds, spices, dates, medicine and even weapons”.

As far as the country’s influence on Georgia was concerned, Dr Guram said: “Indian theme can be found in Georgian literature”. Referring to the masterpiece “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” by “brilliant Georgian” poet of the XII century Shota Rustaveli, he said, “The protagonist — the prince of India — symbolises bravery, courage and love for the Georgians. He saves his beloved and helps two friends, including a noble knight from Arab”.

Another work `Balvariani’ about Buddha’s life was based on Indian legends. “The best works in Indian literature have been translated into Georgian, including the Mahabharata and Ramayana, besides Meghduta, Shakuntala, Malvika and Angimitra,” he said.

The institute’s Hindology Department, preparing specialists in the field of international relations, besides journalism and political science, was instructing students in economics of India, besides ancient, medieval and contemporary history of India, he concluded.



Police patrolling on foot in Mohali; petrol quota slashed
Kulwinder Sangha

Mohali, April 21
It’s patrolling on foot for the local police with the slashed fuel quota fixed for vehicles being exhausted for the current month.

Almost all motorcycles with the police control room remained without fuel here today as the petrol quota was slashed. The patrolling parties had to go on foot or use their personal vehicles for carrying out patrol duties.

Only one motorcycle, which had so far not exhausted its fuel quota, was functioning. However, some arrangements were made in the evening to provide fuel to a few vehicles to tackle problems in case of an emergency.

It was reported that police patrolling in the town would have to be reduced in view of the slash in the fuel quota even when the crime rate was going up.

According to sources, the local police received orders from the Ropar SSP last night specifying the new fuel expenditure limits which were to be implemented with immediate effect. As the patrol vehicles had already consumed fuel according to the slashed limits, these could not be put to use today and as many as nine motorcycles were seen parked in the police station in Phase I in the afternoon.

The letter from the SSP stated that the government had fixed limits in connection with fuel consumption by government vehicles. As such it was directed not to exceed the specified limits. The letter further said that if any police personnel spent more on fuel than the specified limits, the excess amount spent by him would be deducted from his salary.

Sources said that the new limit for the consumption of petrol by each motorcycle with the police control room had been fixed at Rs 4,500 per month which also included repair expenditure of the vehicle. Earlier, more than Rs 6,500 per month could be spent on the fuel and repairs. As patrol vehicles had already exhausted slashed fuel limits, these were expected to remain off-road till the end of the month.

It was learnt that the letter further stated that expenditure on petrol was to be done only after deducting the amount spent on repairs.

In case the amount on the repair of a vehicle went up, the expenditure on fuel should be reduced accordingly. The fuel consumption limits had to be slashed as audit objections had been raised by the authorities concerned.

According to sources, 13 motorcycles were being used for patrol duties in the town. Only three out of them, which were donated by Quark last year, were new. The rest of them were nearly 10 years’ old and as such had to be got repaired now and then and were also giving low mileage.

Mr Harpreet Singh, DSP, said that arrangements for petrol were being made and all patrol vehicles would be functioning soon. He said that there was a petrol station at the Police Lines in Ropar and as such fuel would not be any problem for the police.



Spurned, girl gets lover’s marriage cancelled
Aditi Tandon
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
Twentyone-year Amandeep Kaur is down but not out. Dumped by her lover who was planning to secretly marry another woman today, she has just about managed to avert what she calls a “crisis”.

Only yesterday she went public with her woes, appealing to the police and to the Punjab State Women’s Commission to help her stop her “husband’s second marriage”. And though she had nothing to prove her claim, she has managed to turn the tide in her favour.

The “second” marriage of the boy in question has been called off with the father of the “new” bride, Mr Lakha Singh, telling The Tribune: “Amandeep petitioned before the Punjab State Women’s Commission yesterday and said she had been married to Ravinderjeet Singh of Naya Gaon for long. She said she had no proof of marriage but that the boy had taken her to a gurdwara for marriage and had been cohabiting with her ever-since.

“We went to her locality to investigate the matter and found what she had said was true. We have cancelled the wedding in our daughter’s interest. We will also see if we can legally proceed against the boy for cheating us.”

In a daring step, parents of the bride-to-be Kulwinder Kaur did not take any time to call off the marriage. As Ms Veena Sharma, lawyer for the girl who has also submitted a police complaint against the boy at the police post in Naya Gaon, said: “It is rare to see people understanding the complication of such cases. They would have ruined their daughter’s life had they not stalled the marriage. We have asked the police to summon the boy and ask him to marry Amandeep.

“If he refuses, he can be charged with rape and cheating. The law is clear. The girl was living with the boy because she was given to believe he would marry her. There was a trust bond which was broken.”

Meanwhile, successful though she has been in preventing her lover’s marriage to another woman, Amandeep is not happy. “I did not want to bring him pain. I love him and I have been disowned by my family because I was not prepared to leave him. Once when I had consumed sleeping pills, he took me to General Hospital in Sector 16 where he signed as my husband.

Though I don’t have the proof right now, I have written everything in my police complaint. The police can procure copies of those medical documents. He seems under pressure.”

While the case took a dramatic turn with the cancellation of the boy’s marriage, his father Gurdial Sandhu remains defiant. He told The Tribune: “Show me one proof of this marriage and I will take the girl as my daughter-in-law. Actually, some persons from the locality are jealous of my son and they want to defame him. They are using this girl against my son.” 



France to resolve turban controversy soon, says MP
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
The French Government has assured the President of Indo-French Parliamentary Friendship Group-cum-Member Parliament, Dr Ashwani Kumar, that the “turban controversy would be resolved to the satisfaction of both sides”.

Dr Kumar, during his recent visit to Paris, was told that the matter would be resolved within the parameters of the French law, “which was not intended to be discriminatory towards the Sikhs”.

His counterpart Senator Pierre Fauchon and other Senators also assured him that the French Government “has the highest respect for the sensitivities of Sikhs and other ethnic communities”.

In a rare gesture of goodwill, Dr Kumar was taken to the Senate chamber while the session was on. The Presiding Officer read out a message expressing appreciation for Dr Kumar’s efforts aimed at promoting closer interaction between the two parliamentarians.



Badheri to sue DC for defamation
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
Former Chief of the Market Committee, Bhupinder Singh Badheri said he would file a defamation suit against the DC. Mr Badheri said the DC had levelled two baseless allegations against him and he needed to clarify as to what happened to these otherwise the defamation suit would follow.

Mr Badheri said the DC in his yesterday’s statement should have informed the people about an earlier allegation that he (Badheri) had issued receipts of Rs 100 in lieu of charging Rs 1000 in the Market Committee. Mr Badheri said he had challenged this allegation of the DC in writing to the UT Administrator but the DC did not speak anything about this. Why was the DC silent on this? Mr Badheri asked.

“Also the DC as Registrar, Co-operative societies, had got an inquiry instituted into the loans taken by my wife and publicised it”. My lands are mortgaged against the loans but the DC again kept quiet. If the DC does not clarify Mr Badheri said he would file a defamation suit.

Mr Badheri alleged mala fides by the DC to cause harm to his reputation and his political career. Mr Badheri, a local Congress leader said the DC manipulated to oust him from the market committee. Never before had no-confidence motion meeting attended by any government representative that is the SDM. And never has the SDM cast his/her vote.

Before the crucial meeting the SDM did not take part in voting or attended the meeting during the past two months. Mr Badheri expressed surprise that how the SDM knew the background when she had not attended any meeting earlier inspite of his request to that effect.

Mr Badheri claimed that as per marketing committee bye-laws if a member did not attend three meetings in a row without plausible explanation, the chairman had the power to recommend his removal from the membership of the committee, but he did not resort to that step. 



Passing Thru

How do you perceive the current trends in Punjabi cinema?

Jeet Matharu
Jeet Matharu
Punjabi film producer/ director

Punjabi cinema is vivacious than ever before. Even in the UK, where I am based, the market for such films is growing because of a trend reversal. Famous film-makers are now taking Punjabi cinema seriously. Manmohan Singh, the renowned cinematographer of Yash Chopra films, deserves a special credit for bringing a good name to Punjabi films.

Which factors, according to you, have inspired the revival of Punjabi cinema?

Most evident is the production of such fine films as “Jee Aayaan Nu” and “Asan nu maan Watnan Da...” The films spell class in every aspect. No compromises have been made with quality. Production quality and technique are comparable to that of any successful commercial film?

What made you produce and direct a Punjabi film?

I had long been toying with the idea of making my own film. In the UK, I was making some local TV programmes when I came to Punjab to shoot. That was when I was first introduced to the new-look Punjabi cinema, which was drawing profits.

— Aditi Tandon



Cong has no problem with Administration: Bahl
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
In what seems like a volte face on yesterday’s stance of the Congress, the party’s president, Mr B.B. Bahl, said today that the Congress had no problem with the officialdom and the Chandigarh Administration was fulfilling the needs of the people with regards to several changes required in Chandigarh.

Yesterday, the local MP, Mr Pawan Bansal, had said he was fighting with the administration to meet the needs and aspirations of his electorate. When pointed out that his statement was opposite Mr Bansal’s statement, Mr Bahl said “ I am the leader of the Congress while he is the MP.” The Congress was fully satisfied with the administration, he said, while adding that it was his duty to get the demands of the Congress implemented.

Mr Bahl’s stance in favour of the administration was expected as the Congress is divided between two groups. One led by Mr Bahl and the other by Mr Bansal.

Mr Bahl was addressing a press conference after having met the UT Administrator, Gen S.F. Rodrigues (retd). Mr Bahl and his followers, Mr Sunil Parti ( considered close to Haryana Excise and Taxation Minister Venod Sharma) and Mr Chander Mukhi Sharma ( considered close to AICC member Munish Tewari), Mr Kuldeep Singh Kajheri, Mr Surjit Choudhary and Surinder Bhatia, presented a memorandum to the administration. Mr Bahl said he or his group had not have even talked on the issue of shifting the Deputy Commissioner (DC) The party had nothing to do with it.

Listing out the discussion with the administration, he said the Congress had sought the rehabilitation of 22,000 families of slum-dwellers by making multi-storied one-room apartments (approx 225 sq ft area each).

He said many commercial, residential and industrial buildings in the city were being resumed or are under resumption. The Congress demanded that a one-time voluntary disclosure scheme for the completion/occupation certificate with details be launched.

The Congress leader said the other demands included a stop on all demolitions in Mani Majra and other areas till alternative workable systems were worked out and finalised; The launch of conversion scheme from leasehold property to freehold and enforcement of recent amendment to the Rent Act on the pattern of Delhi be considered keeping in view the interests of both the landlords and tenants.

He said an improved procedure for building plan sanction was required. The present procedure took a few months for getting the building plans sanctioned. The Congress had also asked for framing of new by-laws for housing board residents, commercial and industrial property occupants by involving experts and professionals as per the modern and new technologies. 



Beant Kaur allowed to stay in Sector 3 house
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
First woman pilot Beant Kaur (89), and her younger sister Satwant Kaur (80) today entered their Sector 3 house here nearly six months after they left it alleging torture by Beant Kaur’s nephew Colonel Manmohan Singh (retd).

However, the two women immediately left the house after they insisted on locking two rooms in which they were living. Colonel Bains did not allow the women to lock the rooms but welcomed them saying that it was their house and they could live in it, notwithstanding the fact there is a property dispute between the women and Colonel Bains, DSP P.K Dhawan told Chandigarh Tribune.

Satwant Kaur, however, said Colonel Bains refused to let her in and accept Beant Kaur which the elder sister refused. Beant Kaur told Chandigarh Tribune “I want to live in the house but not without my sister”.

She also said “I do not want to live with Colonel Bains and his family”. Neighbours of the women Kalpana Ghai and Chetna Bhatti said they tried to restore the women to their house but Colonel Bains refused to let Satwant Kaur in on which Beant Kaur refused to live in the house. Beant Kaur, who was moving on a wheel-chair, was later taken to a hospital.

Wife of Colonel Bains, Madhu Bains said, “We did not have any objection to Mama (Beant Kaur) and Masi (Satwant Kaur) in the house but the fact that a Punjab police officer K.B. Singh, who was on leave in America, wanted to gain access in the house through the women”. K. B. Singh’s family has been taking care of the women after they left their home.

She also said why a carpenter was brought to the house to fix new locks in the room earlier occupied by the two women. She said they wanted to lock the house to push Colonel Bains and his family out of the house. The two women had asked for police protection in their attempt to go back to their house. SHO Kulwant Singh Pannu said Colonel Bains and his family had agreed to let the women live in the house but they wanted to go back after assessing the situation if they could again come back in the house.

As the two ladies wanted to come back to the house after a couple of days again finally to live there, they went back to collect their belongings after being discharged from the hospital, Pannu said. The SHO said he would request Colonel Bains to let the women lock their portion.



Badal colony resident alleges police inaction
Our Correspondent

Zirakpur, April 21
Family members of Mr Iqbal Singh, a resident of Badal colony in Lohgarh village who were attacked by a group of youngsters of the same locality in the Zirakpur market on April 14, has alleged inaction by the police.

Mr Prakash Singh, father of the victim, alleged that the police had not taken any action against - Monu, Rattan, Dinesh and Gagan - who beat his son up. Though a case has been registered against the four at Lohgarh police post but the suspects are still at large.

Iqbal Singh, an Engineering student, was allegedly attacked by the youth with iron rods and sticks giving him head injuries. The injured has been taking treatment at a private hospital in Dera Bassi. The reason behind the attack was some old rivalry.

The police authorities, however, claimed that a case had been registered against the assailants. Investigations in the case are on.



Six injured in bus mishap
Our Correspondent

Lalru, April 21
Six passengers, including three women, sustained serious injuries when a Himachal Roadways bus rammed into a stationary multi-axle vehicle on the Kalka-Ambala highway near Dappar village, near here, in the wee hours today.

According to the police, the bus (HP 24B 7502) was on way from Delhi to Sarkaghat with about 50 passengers on board, when it rammed into the multi-axle vehicle (HR-38A-5935) at about 1 am.

The injured have been identified as Ms Kanta Rani of Mandi, Mr Dinesh Kumar of Jadota in Geharwin, Mr Surinder Kumar of Kakkar in Hamirpur, Ms Asha Devi of Dangar, Mr Hakdar Kares and his daughter Anjum Tahira.

While five injured were admitted to the PGI in Chandigarh, Ms Kanta Devi was taken to Government Medical College and Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh.

The police has impounded the vehicles and a case has been registered against the unidentified driver of the multi-axle vehicle at the Lalru police station.



More documents as residence proof for driving licence
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
The Chandigarh Administration has decided to allow more documents as proof of residence for getting a driving licence made.

This will come into effect from April 25 and is in consonance with the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Rules.

The administration has allowed the use of telephone bill, electricity and water bill, senior citizen card, identity card, PAN card, certificate of registration of firm, income tax return, service tax return, certificate issued by hostel wardens, marriage certificate, residence certificate issued by the Chandigarh Administration, rent deed/agreement, police report, employer certificate, house allotment letter and ownership letter issued by the Estate Office as proof of residence.

Deputy Commissioner Arun Kumar clarified that persons seeking a driving license will have to submit a simple affidavit stating the residence status substantiated with the above mentioned documents.

The DC said earlier only documents like ration card, electoral roll, LIC policy and passport were allowed.



Governor greets people on Milad-ul-Nabi, Mahavir Jayanti
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
The Punjab Governor and UT Administrator, Gen S.F. Rodrigues (retd), has extended greetings to the people on the sacred occasion of Milad-ul-Nabi, the birthday of Prophet Mohammad and also on Mahavir Jayanti.

Describing Milad-ul-Nabi as an occasion of self-purification and devotion to “Allah”, Gen Rodrigues said, “It exhorts us to lead a noble and virtuous life and dedicate ourselves to the service of humanity through our good deeds.”

In his message for Mahavir Jayanti, the Governor said, “Bhagvan Mahavir gave us the message of non-violence, righteousness, sacrifice, love, tolerance and amity. His teachings are even more relevant for society.” The Governor called upon the people to follow the teachings of Bhagvan Mahavir.



Parivar Milan Samaroh on April 24
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
The Tribune Employees HP Helpline Cultural & Welfare Society, will organise Parivar Milan Samaroh at Tagore Theatre, here on April 24.

Mr Virbhadra Singh, Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh will be the Chief Guest while Mr H.S. Hanspal, President Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee would preside over the function. 



Check HC order violation by schools, PUDA urged
Our Correspondent

Mohali, April 21
The Citizen’s Welfare Federation has welcomed the move of the Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (PUDA) to stop schools from functioning from residential premises in the town.

The president and general secretary of the federation however said they had received reports that some schools were still going on with admissions in residential buildings in violation of the orders of the Punjab and Haryana High Court. PUDA authorities have been urged to take action in this regard.

They further said it had been brought to their notice that the court had directed schools, which had been allotted sites at concessional rates, to reserve 25 per cent of the seats for children belonging to economically weaker sections to provide education free of cost to them. But schools in the town were not following the direction. The federation appealed to authorities concerned to get the directions of the court implemented in this regard.



CHB officials charged with harassment
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
The Chandigarh Housing Board Residents Federation has alleged that people who spent lakhs on buying flats are facing harassment at the hands of some unscrupulous CHB officials who “never hesitate to make profit from people’s plight.”

Despite having paid the full price for their houses to the board more than 10 years ago, they are still not the owners because of a faulty policy of the CHB. They say the need-based additions/alterations made by them by spending their hard-earned money, continues to be under the threat of demolition. 



New Lions Club in Mohali
Tribune News Service

Mohali, April 21
District 321-F of the International Association of Lions Clubs has inaugurated a new club at Mohali by the name Lions Club Mohali Greater. Lion Jaswant Garg performed the ceremony in the capacity of District Governor on this occasion. Lion B.S.Garcha, district PRO was nominated as guiding lion of this new club.

District Governor also carried out the installation ceremony of the office-bearers of this club who are — president Lion Pradeep Jindal, secretary Lion Romesh Kant and treasurer Lion T.S. Soodan among others.

On this occasion Lion Gurcaharan Singh, Region Chairman and Lion Arun Uppal Zone Chairman were also present along with other leading citizens and lion guests. 



Medical camp at Press Club
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
The Chandigarh Press Club in association with Chandigarh Clinical Laboratories will organise a medical camp in the club on April 24.

Dr S.K. Mathur, DM (Endocrinology), will deliver a talk on “Diabetes and hormonal disorders” and provide consultation to the club members and their families free of cost. The camp will begin at 9 am .



Hit by car, watchman dies
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, April 21
Dhood Nath (72), a watchman at the Bhushan Industries, Phase I, Industrial Area died at the GMCH, last night after being hit by a car driven by the Assistant General Manager (AGM) of the same company. The accident occurred at the gate of the factory in the morning, the police said.

According to the police, Parveen Kumar, AGM of the Bhushan Industries was reversing his car, when the car reportedly hit the gate, which in turn hit the watch man. The victim received head injuries and was rushed to the GMCH, Sector 32, where he succumbed to his injuries, later.

About the arrest of the accused the Investigation Officer, Mr Dalip Rattan told the Chandigarh Tribune that the police is yet to arrest the accused as he was away to Ludhiana today. However, a case of negligent driving causing death under Sections 279 and 304-A of the IPC has been registered in this regard.

Dhood Nath, belonged to Azimgarh in Uttar Pradesh and was residing in the Bapu Dham Colony. His is survived by a wife, two daughters and a son. The police informed the wife of the deceased in Azimgarh. The body is lying at the mortuary of the hospital and the post-mortem examination would be performed after his wife arrives from her native village.



3 held for gambling
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, April 21
The police yesterday arrested three persons for gambling at public places in the city.

Hemraj of Badheri village was arrested for gambling from near a bus stop in the locality yesterday. The police recovered Rs 350 from him. In another incident, Neeraj Kumar was nabbed from the market in Palsora village for gambling. Rs 650 were recovered from his possession.

In a similar incident, the police recovered Rs 1,380 from another gambler, Janinderpal. He was arrested from near a confectionary shop in Palsora village yesterday. All three accused were booked under the Gambling Act in the various police stations. They were later released on bail.

Purse stolen
Bimla Rawat, a resident of Sector 44, lodged a complaint with the police that her purse was stolen from the glove box of her scooter (CH-03-A-8083), yesterday. The purse, containing a mobile phone, an ATM card and Rs 200, was taken out of the glove box at Sector 43 and 44 chowk. Miscreants were reportedly sped away on a motor cycle (CH-03-E-5565).

Motorcycle stolen
Mr Ravinder Sandhu of Sector 41-A here reported to the police that his Hero Honda motor cycle (PB-08-AB-0709) was stolen from his residence yesterday. A case of theft has been registered in this regard.

Power theft
Mr Darambir Singh, SDO, Electricity Division, Sector 40-B here lodged a complaint with the police that Mahinder Singh, Prem Singh and Baldev Singh, residents of Dadu Majra village, were using electricity without installing meters. A case of theft under Sections 379, IPC, and Section 39 of the Electricity Act has been registered against the accused in the Sector 39 police station.



Thief caught in the act
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, April 21
A person was caught red-handed committing burglary at a house in Sector 7, here today. He was later handed over to the police.

It all happened when Mr Gurjot Singh (28), owner of the house, returned home and saw the front door open.

Thinking that his younger brother had returned from his job, he entered the house calling out his name, Tony. To this the thief replied: “Tony is not at home.”

Surprised, Mr Gurjot Singh went in further and saw the thief in a room. On seeing him, the thief uttered “the real culprit has run away” as he tried to flee.

Mr Gurjot Singh told Chandigarh Tribune that in a bid to nab the thief he tried to shut the door from outside, but the thief put up a struggle to open the door. Mr Gurjot Singh then let go of the door following which the thief fell on the bed.

He tried to overpower the thief and in the process the thief bit his arms. After a prolonged struggle, Mr Gurjot Singh got hold of the accused by the waist and dragged him out of the house.

He then called for help at which a neighbourhood woman came. The police was informed and it arrested the accused later.

Mr Gurjot Singh added that the accused had pried open the door with a crowbar and broke open the almirahs. He had also taken out cash and jewellery, which was later found on the floor.

SHO, Sector 26 police station, Jarnail Singh said: “The accused, Rajinder Kumar, a resident of Balongi village, is a three-wheeler driver. The accomplice of the accused managed to flee. Rajinder is a drug-addict.”

He said four cases had already been registered against the accused out of which three were pending in the local court.

The police has seized a mobile phone from the possession of the accused. A case under Sections 380, 454 and 411 of the IPC has been registered in this regard.



Bid to abduct girl in Mohali
Our Correspondent

Mohali, April 21
An attempt was made to abduct a girl in Phase XI here this evening.

According to a complaint lodged with the police, a car with dark film on the windows arrived in the area and its occupants tried to drag the girl into the vehicle. The girl, however, managed to flee. The police was told about the registration number of the car.

The number was that of a vehicle belonging to a resident of Phase I here, the police said later.

The complaint is being investigated by the police.

Thieves decamped with jewellery from a house in Sector 66 here today.

According to the police, there was no one at home when the incident took place. The members of the family had gone out of the house at 9 am and came back by 2 pm. When they came back they saw that the locks of the house were broken for gaining an entry into the house.



Impersonator held at exam centre
Our Correspondent

Panchkula, April 21
In a case of impersonation, the police has arrested Anoop Sharma, a resident of Kotkhai in Shimla, when he was appearing to take examination of his friend Vishal Kanwar at DC Model School, Sector 7, here yesterday.

The accused was produced before a Panchkula court and was remanded to judicial custody.

Anoop was taking the exam in English conducted by the National Open School for plus two at the centre here.

Following a tip-off, centre superintendent Usha Gupta conducted a search and nabbed Anoop for appearing in the examination on behalf of his friend. The impersonator allegedly tried to tear answer sheet and run away from the center but was caught, the police said.

The police has registered a case under Sections 419 and 420 of the IPC against him.



Roadshow for challenge rally
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 21
A roadshow for ‘Airtel One India Challenge’ was flagged off by Mandeep Bhatia, chief operations officer, Airtel, Punjab, at Fun Republic today.

Announcing the entry of the challenge rally in the city, Mr Bhatia said, “The challenge rally, which has two stages, is aimed at providing the people of Punjab a chance to drive across India and represent their state.” Open to any amateur, the 7000-km rally carries a prize money of Rs 1 crore.

Being organised in association with the Federation of Motor Sports Club of India, the car rally is based on the international format of time, speed and distance.

A maximum of 200 amateurs from across the country will compete. The top three rallyists will get prizes of Rs 30 lakh, Rs 15 lakh and Rs 8 lakh, respectively.

The qualifying round will be held in Chandigarh on April 24, while the rally will be flagged off on May 8 in Delhi. Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai.


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