Unbecoming behaviour of Haryana CM

This refers to your editorial “In the face of defeat” (Feb 16) and news items regarding the behaviour of Mr Om Prakash Chautala, Chief Minister of Haryana, with senior officers, including the Chief Secretary. As per basic principle of democracy, the incumbent Chief Minister becomes only caretaker as and when elections are announced and until the whole election process is completed. He should exercise his powers as Chief Minister only in exceptional circumstances and all important decisions should be left for the next person to be so elected. His mandate ceases once the elections are declared.

Mr Chautala has enjoyed the absolute power during the last five years. No officer nor any Cabinet minister dared to oppose his whims. Mr Chautala and his two sons have ruled the state as their fiefdom in a despotic manner. Even leaders of opposition parties were not allowed to carry on their legitimate political activities. They were harassed and, in many cases, implicated in false criminal cases to silence them.

This is unbecoming of a democratic Chief Minister. Such things had never happened before even during the much-maligned Emergency period. In his regime the law was not allowed to take its proper course. The most glaring example is the letting off of the perpetrators of the “Dulina kand” in which five Dalits were beaten to death by a mob of the Chief Minister’s clan. Therefore, it is more than clear that he has behaved in a blatantly partisan way.

LAL SINGH YADAV, Narnaul (Haryana)



Harassed by police

The news regarding police high-handedness gives an impression that the police force has come to believe that it is the law unto itself. It is almost a state of anarchy that is prevailing. Criminals are aided to go scot-free and innocents face harassment at the hands of the police.

It’s an ordeal for a common person to get even an FIR registered. Corruption is rampant at all levels, accountability is at the lowest ebb and violations of rules by the protectors of the law are common place. A common man feels threatened, rather than feeling secure, in the vicinity of a cop. People are hesitant to ask for any assistance from police personnel. Banners of police assistance displayed all around are considered to be hollow because a police person is not believed to help without personal gains.

The system has degenerated to such an extent that reforming it in its present state seems to be unthinkable. The only solution is a total overhaul, from top to bottom. The police force should be voluntarily retired or side-stepped to armed forces and a fresh crop should be brought in with upgraded ethos. The suggestion may seem radical but is worth considering.

Lt-Col BHAGWANT SINGH (retd), Mohali

Spare animals

This refers to “Gaadiwalas on fast track” (Feb 21). All events in Kila Raipur Olympics were creditable except the bullock cart race. It does not require great wisdom or insight to understand that the oxen that “shot forward like a bullet from 303 rifle” can do so simply by training as claimed by the bullock-cart owner. The more panicky the bullocks are made, the faster they run in the race. The alleged application of irritants to the anus and administration of undesirable drinks to the oxen before the race is disturbing and needs to be curbed.

Events like bullock cart/dog races and cock/ram fights are illegal and attract the provisions laid in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. The circuses now do not have a single animal act.


Bylaw violation

The officials of the Chandigarh Administration Housing Board have started demolishing extra-covered area in house backyard for violation of the building by-laws. The authorities should tackle this menace first in the government houses. After checking there, private houses should be tackled. Sometime back, violation in government houses was reported but the Chandigarh Administration failed to take action against the guilty.

UMESH GUPTA, Chandigarh

Congress-BJP coalition?

This has reference to Amulya Ganguli’s article “An untenable theory” (Feb 14), rejecting a well-meaning suggestion for a Congress-BJP coalition. If two dozen smaller parties, some having diagonally opposite views, can form a coalition, why can’t the two major parties?

Both parties have some basic differences that will need to be sorted out. Saying that the Congress is secular and the BJP communal will not do as both the labels are largely incorrect.

Despite their differences, the two parties have identical views on many issues which can form a basis for a common minimum programme. Some other larger parties can also join them.

The proposed coalition will be more closely representative of the peoples’ wishes. The Congress and the BJP had won nearly the same number of seats. Both together have over 50 per cent of the seats in the Lok Sabha which indicates that a majority of the voters have voted for these two parties.

Free from pulls and pressures of numerous smaller parties, the proposed coalition will bring in greater stability and, therefore, better governance. The proposal should be given a serious thought by the two parties in the larger interest of general good. The Press may also play its role in the matter.

Wg-Cdr C.L. SEHGAL (retd), Jalandhar


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