H I M A C H A L   P R A D E S H

HPSEB officials ‘obliging’ the influential
Sundernagar, February 23
The trend to raise constructions under the high tension wires managed by the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board is increasing in this area. Interestingly, instead of preventing construction under the high tension wires, electricity board officials have been obliging influential persons by allowing them to shift the high tension cables over the land of other people.

Construction raised under22-KV high tension line and an electric pole at Nagchal village, 14 km from Sundernagar. Construction raised under22-KV high tension line and an electric pole at Nagchal village, 14 km from Sundernagar.
—  Photo by writer

Accused in timber scam not to be spared: Thakur
State Forest Corpn to be revamped
Shimla, February 23
The Forest Minister, Mr Ram Lal Thakur, today assured the Vidhan Sabha that no one involved in the timber grading scam would be spared and the state forest corporation would be revamped to prevent irregularities in grading and sale of timber in future.

Dhumal seeks CBI probe into Kangra tea society fraud
Shimla, February 23
Alleging rampant corruption and favouritism in purchases, appointments and allotment of land, Mr Prem Kumar Dhumal, leader of the BJP legislative group, today demanded a CBI probe into the supply of spurious fertilisers and embezzlement of Rs 49.81 lakh in a Kangra cooperative tea society.




Quakes: need for study of animal behaviour
Mandi, February 23
The false alarm about an earthquake on February 19 has exposed Himachal Pradesh’s disaster management system, which remains on paper only. Moreover, there is no study of animal behaviour related to earthquakes such as the Chinese had once successfully used to prevent a tremor disaster recently.

Housing firms evince interest in state
Chandigarh, February 23
With the housing sector opening up in Himachal Pradesh, a number of leading construction companies, big-time builders and corporate houses have evinced keen interest in making investments in construction projects.

Councillors to get Rs 1 lakh for development works
Shimla, February 23
All councillors in the local Municipal Corporation shall now have Rs 1, lakh each at their disposal for undertaking development works on a priority basis in their respective wards.

Tribune Impact
Industries dept gets  Member Secretary
Parwanoo, February 23
Finally the post of Member Secretary of Single Window Clearance Agency of the local Industries Department, which was lying vacant, has been filled with the posting Mr G.S. Chauhan, who joined the office yesterday.

DC: property worth Rs 50 cr destroyed in Chamba
Chamba, February 23
The Deputy Commissioner of Chamba, Mr Rahul Anand, said today that so far public and private properties worth Rs 50 crore have been destroyed due to the recent unprecedented snow and incessant rain in the Chamba region of Himachal Pradesh, according to reports pouring in the district headquarters.

Pirated CD trade rampant in state
Mandi, February 23
Sale of pirated compact discs and blue films is carried out in the state under the nose of the police. The pirated CDs of latest movies, including the X-rated movies, are even allegedly locally produced and are sold across the state.

Three held for murder
Nalagarh, February 23
The Nalagarh claims to have solved the case of a murder of a 20-year youth, Jaipaal from village Thana in Nalagarh sub-division with the arrest of all three involved in the conspiracy.

Employee of BSNL held for graft
Solan, February 23
A BSNL employee, Mr B.K. Sharma, was caught red-handed by a team of vigilance officials for accepting a bribe of Rs 1,000 from a local PCO owner.

3 killed as crane falls into gorge
Nahan, February 23
A crane accident left three Ambala residents dead near Chabahan on the
Nahan-Shimla road, 8 km from here, last evening.



HPSEB officials ‘obliging’ the influential
Mahesh Chander Sharma

Sundernagar, February 23
The trend to raise constructions under the high tension wires managed by the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board is increasing in this area. Interestingly, instead of preventing construction under the high tension wires, electricity board officials have been obliging influential persons by allowing them to shift the high tension cables over the land of other people.

In Nagchal village of Balh valley along National Highway 21, certain residents started raising a building under the 22KV high tension line in September, 2002 and a written complaint regarding this was made by a neighbour, Bihari Lal, and his son Bhupinder who feared that the line might be shifted to their land, to the Chief Engineer (Operation) HPSEB Central Zone, Mandi, but no action was taken by the department. They issued a legal notice to the authorities to take action against the guilty persons.

On receipt of the notice, the Assistant Executive Engineer, Electrical Subdivision, Ner Chowk, issued a notice to stop construction and assured Bhupinder Kumar that the pole would not be shifted to his land.

Subsequently, Mr Thalia Ram and his family members did not stop the construction work and raised a construction around the electric pole (see photograph) but no action was taken by the Electricity Department. Mr Bhupinder Kumar alleged that the construction was raised in order to oblige the persons who had raised construction below the high tension line in violation of the Electricity Act and the Electricity Supply Act.

A controversy surfaced when a team led by the SDO Electric Subdivision, Ner Chowk, visited Nagchal village on January 23, and said one pole would be shifted close to the house of the complainant and another would be shifted to his land. He directed the persons to dig the land in order to shift the pole. On January 24 the SDO made an attempt to shift the pole in order to oblige the persons who have raised construction under the high tension line which is in existence for more than 50 years.

When contacted, Mr M.L. Gupta, Executive Engineer, HPSEB Electrical Division, Sundernagar, said the opposite part had deposited the shifting charges but he was not aware that the pole was being shifted to a disputed site which came to his knowledge later and he had ordered that the line would not be shifted till the dispute was resolved.

No one is ready to say on record how the building has been raised which it was brought to the notice to Electricity Department and what action would be taken against the persons who violated the provisions of electricity laws.

Meanwhile, Mr Bihari Lal issued a legal notice to the SDO threatening legal action against him and has also written a complaint against him to Mrs Vidya Stokes, Power Minister, Himachal Pradesh to initiate a departmental inquiry against the said SDO as he was helping persons who had been violating the provisions of the Electricity Act. It was also demanded that the construction should be stopped and the official concerned be penalised for the offence.



Accused in timber scam not to be spared: Thakur
State Forest Corpn to be revamped
Tribune News Service

Shimla, February 23
The Forest Minister, Mr Ram Lal Thakur, today assured the Vidhan Sabha that no one involved in the timber grading scam would be spared and the state forest corporation would be revamped to prevent irregularities in grading and sale of timber in future. He said six officers of the state forest corporation had already been suspended on the basis of the preliminary inquiry and it had been decided that the timber already sold but not lifted by contractors so far from the depots would be reclassified and auctioned again. The money deposited by the contractors who purchased the timber in auctions would be reimbursed.

Replying to the call attention motion of Mr Mohinder Singh (BJP) regarding the timber grading scam, he said the matter came to light in November following a dispute over grading of timber between the Baddi Sale Depot and the working divisions in Shimla and Rampur. The government immediately ordered an inquiry which revealed that 40 to 65 per cent of timber, strictly as per the manual of instructions, should have been classified as “B” grade had been put in the inferior “C” grade.

He maintained that the grading was being done in the same manner for the past 15 years but it was not as per the manual. A committee had been set up under the chairmanship of the Principal Secretary, Forests, to review and revise the manual of instructions and till it give its report the timber from which less than 30 per cent recovery could be made would be classified as grade “C”. The timber with other defects but from which more than 30 per cent recovery could be made would be classified as grade “B-2”.

He denied the allegation of Mr Mohinder Singh that the corporation had suffered a loss of Rs 20 crore because of wrong grading. The fact was that timber worth Rs 14 crore was auctioned. Further the percentage of “C” grade timber had come down from 23 per cent in 2000-02 to 18 per cent in 2003-04 and to 17 per cent during the current financial year.

Mr Kuldeep Pathania raised the issue of damage caused by the heavy snow in Chamba and suggested that a tunnel should be constructed to prevent frequent disruption of traffic on the Chamba- Pathankot road due to landslides and snow. In his reply Mr Sat Mahajan, Revenue Minister, maintained that state was fortunate to have escaped a large-scale devastation like the adjoining Jammu and Kashmir. The situation was not alarming though some areas had been cut off due to snow and power supply and telecom services to some areas had been affected. He said restoration measures were being carried out on a war footing.

The Deputy Commissioner asked for Rs 1 crore relief and the government immediately released Rs 25 lakh. In all Rs 90 lakh had been placed at his disposal. He said the paucity of funds would not be allowed to affect relief measures.



Dhumal seeks CBI probe into Kangra tea society fraud
Tribune News Service

Shimla, February 23
Alleging rampant corruption and favouritism in purchases, appointments and allotment of land, Mr Prem Kumar Dhumal, leader of the BJP legislative group, today demanded a CBI probe into the supply of spurious fertilisers and embezzlement of Rs 49.81 lakh in a Kangra cooperative tea society.

Initiating the debate on the motion of thanks on the Governor’s Address in the Vidhan Sabha today, Mr Dhumal said the Virbhadra Singh government had become infamous for land scams and the latest instance was the leasing out of prime land in the Rohru Nagar Parishad worth several crores to a person for a paltry sum of Rs 29,999 for commercial purposes. It was a big scam, which belied the claim of the government that it was committed to root out corruption. In Nadaun subdivision a record of 2,382 land sale deeds was missing.

He said the farmers had been taken for a ride by supplying spurious fertilisers. Analysis of test samples revealed that the fertilisers lacked the essential ingredients. For instance as against the required 16 per cent the content of soluble phosphate was only 4.73 per cent. Only a CBI probe could bring the culprits involved in the scandal to book.

The scam in the tea cooperative society was also of similar nature. A supplier, who was alleged to be related to a local politician, had duped the society of Rs 50 lakh. It was a fit case to be inquired into by an independent agency like the CBI. Not only that, an employee of the fire services department involved in the embezzlement of over Rs 25 lakh had been reinstated.

Referring to the decision of Himachal Pradesh University to terminate the services of some teachers appointed during the BJP regime, Mr Dhumal said that it was the first time in the history of the state that the executive council had taken such an action. There had been instances in the past where teachers were found to have tampered with their dates of birth to increase the span of service or indulged in blatant plagiarism to obtain Ph.D but no action was taken.

He said that the BJP government had also set up two committees to inquire into irregular appointments made during the Congress rule, which unearthed thousand of such cases but it did not take any strict action against the beneficiaries on humanitarian grounds.

He accused the Congress members of distorting facts and figures pertaining to outstanding loans to discredit the previous BJP regime. He said that as per information given by the government in the House in response to various questions the outstanding debt as on March 31, 2003, was Rs 12,393 crore, including Rs 442 crore raised between March 6, 2003, when the Congress came to power, and March 31. However, the Congress legislators were still quoting a figure of Rs 15,000 crore. His government had secured loans to the tune of only Rs 5,500 crore during 1998-03 period whereas the present government had raised a higher amount in just two years.

Mr Virbhadra Singh, Chief Minister, intervened time and again during Mr Dhumal’s speech and instantly rebutted many of the charges. Earlier, moving the motion of thanks Mr Jagjivan Pal said that the present government was faithfully carrying out the mandate to stamp out corruption and action had been initiated in several cases.

Mr Thakur Singh said the present government had provided teachers, doctors and other required staff in educational and health institutions in the remote areas, which had virtually become defunct due to lack of staff in the BJP rule.



Quakes: need for study of animal behaviour
Kuldeep Chauhan
Tribune News Service

Mandi, February 23
The false alarm about an earthquake on February 19 has exposed Himachal Pradesh’s disaster management system, which remains on paper only. Moreover, there is no study of animal behaviour related to earthquakes such as the Chinese had once successfully used to prevent a tremor disaster recently.

The panic among the public is understandable as the state falls in the high seismic zone IV and V and has experienced more than 1,000 tremors, including 81 measuring 5.0 or more on the Richter scale, so far.

Every time there is an earthquake in the country, it creates a panic reaction across the state as people are not educated on earthquakes and disaster management because government agencies and seismic stations work at cross-purposes, say scientists.

The proposal to start a public awareness programme on disaster management, particularly in the Bilaspur-Mandi-Hamirpur-Kangra-Kulu-Una belt, remains merely on paper.

Citing the example of China, which prevented a major tremor devastation, the scientists say that in that country people were alerted in advance on the basis an animal behaviour study.

“Animals like dogs and some birds react to pre-tremor earth movement and behave in a particular way”, said Mr S.S. Randhawa, a scientist at the State Council for Science and Technology and Environment, who has done a study on earthquakes in the state.

By applying the animal behaviour method, people can prevent a major loss of life and property, said Mr Randhawa. However, no such study is available in the country.

Geologists, quoting Middelmiss, the then British geologist with the Archaeological Survey of India, said the deadliest Kangra earthquake (Richter scale 8.0) killed 20,000 people within 10 seconds on April 4, 1905, in the wee hours. All buildings were destroyed within a radius of 6 km of the epicentre. Two shocks hit the area within a gap of 1 second to 4 seconds that caused major damage within 2,000 sq km.

The geologists said the Kangra region experienced two tremors on April 26, 1986 (5.7) and June 15, 1978 (5.0) and experienced a complex tectonic environment where an animal behaviour study could be done. “The main boundary fault lies in the Bilaspur-Mandi-Hamirpur-Kangra-Una belt and spreads in the shape of an arc”, said Dr H.R. Dandi, a geologist in the Department of Industry.

An earthquake of high intensity rocked Chamba on June 22, 1945, with another tremor recorded in Kinnaur district on January 19, 1975.

Researchers at the Centre for Georesources, Delhi University, who have studied seismic data in Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh, say that tremors in the Kangra-Chamba belt were caused by plate tectonic activity that is connected to the main boundary fault that runs from Kashmir through Kangra-Saharanpur-Dehra Dun to Srinagar in Uttaranchal and further eastwards.

“The region between Kangra and Uttarkashi appears to be a seimicity gap”, the study observed.

The Kumaon-Garhwal region is seimically more active than the Kangra-Chamba-Mandi-Bilaspur region, the study concluded.

Though the state has set up seismic stations in Pandoh, Dharamsala and other areas in the belt to record seismic activity, a study of animal behaviour is yet to be started around these stations, say the scientists.



Housing firms evince interest in state
Poonam Batth
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, February 23
With the housing sector opening up in Himachal Pradesh, a number of leading construction companies, big-time builders and corporate houses have evinced keen interest in making investments in construction projects. In fact, a few builders from Delhi and Punjab have already submitted proposals ranging between Rs 100 crore and Rs 500 crore for mega-projects such as group housing, multiplexes, shopping malls, business and recreation centres and resorts.

This follows the recent decision of the state government to give land to those from outside the hill state for specific construction activity. Till now, non-Himachalis had no right to buy land in the state under Section 118 of the state Land Revenue Act. This would not only compliment the industrial investment in the state but also generate employment opportunities and give a fillip to tourism.

Official estimates put the investment figures in the hill state at Rs 8,000 crore currently, which has flowed in following the tax exemptions announced by the Centre. The new move will further attract huge investments within the next few years.

Industrial houses of national and international repute, which are in the process of setting up their base in the industrial hub of Baddi, Nalagarh, Kala Amb and Una include-Hindustan Lever, Colgate Palmolive, Cipla, Ranbaxy, Dr Reddy’s Lab, Dabur, besides white goods manufacturers such as LG, Bajaj, Philips to name a few.

Even as a record number of industries are making a beeline to the Baddi-Barotiwala-Nalagarh industrial belt, lack of proper residential and other commercial facilities have proved a big blow to the growth of industries, sources add.

“Our agency Himuda (Himachal Urban Development Authority) already has land at several places across the state but will not be able to meet the growing requirement of housing on its own. Hence, the policy has been amended to facilitate land ownership for private investors in the new projects,” the official added. State government agencies would, however, monitor, regulate and licence the investors for new projects.

The state government can also go in for joint venture for bigger projects, it is learnt. The government would ask investors in the housing sector to keep at least 15 per cent of the houses or flats for low-cost housing of one or two rooms. The government would do the pricing of these units.



Councillors to get Rs 1 lakh for development works
Tribune News Service

Shimla, February 23
All councillors in the local Municipal Corporation (MC) shall now have Rs 1, lakh each at their disposal for undertaking development works on a priority basis in their respective wards.

The local Municipal Corporation (MC) today gave approval for providing this amount to the councillors after Mayor Sohan Lal presented the budget for the year 2005-06. The suggestion for providing this amount to councillors on the pattern of MP and MLA Area Development Fund was approved by the House. This will now enable councillors to grant small amounts for minor works in public interest from this fund at their discretion.

Mr Sohan Lal, also presented the budget for the year 2004-05, showing a profit of Rs 43.04 lakh. The expected income to the MC from various sources in the coming year is estimated at Rs 3141.69 lakh, while the proposed expenditure is Rs 3165.81 lakh.

The proposed works to be undertaken during the coming year include creating additional parking areas near the High Court, Indira Gandhi Medical College, Tara Hall, Engine Ghar in Sanjauli and near Rivoli. There is also a proposal to construct an overbridge near Krishna Coal Company on the Cart Road and construct a shopping complex at Subzi Mandi on build-operate and transfer basis.

An amount of Rs 327.40 lakh has been earmarked for development and repair works of roads, railings and retaining walls. There is a provision for Rs 516 lakh for street-lighting and water bills. A sum of Rs 528.78 lakh has been earmarked for health and sanitation purpose, while Rs 229.85 lakh would be spent on maintenance and upkeep of MC properties.



Tribune Impact
Industries dept gets Member Secretary
Our Correspondent

Parwanoo, February 23
Finally the post of Member Secretary of Single Window Clearance Agency of the local Industries Department, which was lying vacant, has been filled with the posting Mr G.S. Chauhan, who joined the office yesterday.

The matter was highlighted in these columns on February 14 under the heading ‘Key post in Industries Dept lying vacant’. The post was lying vacant since October 15 when Dr M.L. Mehta was transferred to the District Industries Circle (DIC) office at Solan. After Dr Mehta’s transfer two officials from the DIC, Solan, were given additional charge of the office but delay in permanent posting had hampered the industrial work.

Mr G.S. Chauhan, while talking to Chandigarh Tribune, said more stress would be laid on ensuring that 70 per cent of new appointments in industrial units would be given to Himachalis. To attract unemployed youth from the rural areas there was a plan to conduct the interview in interior areas of the district rather than at the workplace, he said.



DC: property worth Rs 50 cr destroyed in Chamba
Our Correspondent

Chamba, February 23
The Deputy Commissioner of Chamba, Mr Rahul Anand, said today that so far public and private properties worth Rs 50 crore have been destroyed due to the recent unprecedented snow and incessant rain in the Chamba region of Himachal Pradesh, according to reports pouring in the district headquarters. He expressed apprehension that the loss might escalate as comprehensive tehsil-wise statistics were still awaited.

The Deputy Commissioner has directed all revenue officials to survey their respective areas and assess the damages caused due to the recent rain and snow as early as possible. He also advised the public to contact the nearest revenue officials and report about the losses suffered by them. He said the first priority was to restore the road network.

Meanwhile, most of the interior areas of the district such as Salooni, Tissa and Bharmour continue to remain cut off from the district headquarter and are inaccessible due to heavy snow. Transportation services, electricity and water supply remains crippled.

Mr Dharam Singh Pathania, a senior Congress leader of Salooni area, urged the Chief Minister, Mr Virbhadra Singh, to expedite the restoration of emergency services in the far-flung areas of the district so that people might not face scarcity of foodstuffs, kerosene oil and cooking gas. He requested the Chief Minister to carry out detailed survey of house collapse and loss of livestock in the area.



Pirated CD trade rampant in state
Tribune Reporters

Mandi, February 23
Sale of pirated compact discs (CDs) and blue films is carried out in the state under the nose of the police. The pirated CDs of latest movies, including the X-rated movies, are even allegedly locally produced and are sold across the state.

Such racket has come to light last night when the Mandi police raided a fancy store in the town and seized 407 pirated CDs, including 37 blue films, from the shop. The owner was arrested under the Copy Rights Act, but he was bailed out today.

The underground sellers, video parlours and internet cafe owners operate in Mandi, Kulu, Manali, Bilaspur, Hamirpur and other towns in the state, revealed the sources.

The police act only when the agents of the authorised companies, who are hit by the pirated business, give them the clues about the pirated CDs business in the towns. The police has chosen to attack the symptoms and not on the actual disease — the pirated CD makers, who all need is a computer and a CD writer to operate the business, revealed the sources.

“We have kept strict vigil on the sellers of pirated CDs and blue films in the district. We have seized over 1,000 pirated CDs in the past two months”, said Mr Ajay Yadav, Superintendent of Police, Mandi. “The blank CDs are procured in bulk from the markets in Delhi, Chandigarh and other places”, Mr Yadav added.

HAMIRPUR: The Hamirpur police raided a shop at Sujanpur Tira on Tuesday and seized 324 pirated CDs, including two blue films, from the shop. The salesman of the shop has also been arrested.



Three held for murder
Our Correspondent

Nalagarh, February 23
The Nalagarh claims to have solved the case of a murder of a 20-year youth, Jaipaal from village Thana in Nalagarh sub-division with the arrest of all three involved in the conspiracy. While two youth, Bara Singh hailing from village Mansuha of Ropar district and Pritpaal Singh hailing from village Pehna near Balachaur in Punjab were apprehended on Monday evening from their respective villages the other accused Rampaal of village Thana in Nalagarh was also arrested by the police last evening.

The police officials revealed that the deceased who was returning home after completing his work shift at factory G. Claridge on his bicycle was stopped by three motor cycle borne youth near Morepan laboratories on the Nalagarh-Baddi road on Saturday. He was then stabbed several times till he succumbed to the injuries. The trio then fled towards Nalagarh but had to abandon their vehicle as it met with an accident about 2 kms from the murder site. The police which swung into action traced the antecedents of the motor cycle (PB-12-C-2105) and managed to arrest Bara Singh and Pritpaal Singh from their respective villages.

The two were recovering from the injuries which they had sustained when the motor cycle had met with an accident after executing the murder on Saturday. Their interrogation revealed the involvement of another Rampal, a resident of village Thana, on whose behest the murder conspiracy had been hatched. Police officials revealed that the deceased and Rampal had bitter relations with each other as the former had been teasing the daughter of Rampaal’s elder brother. Not only this a case of fighting had also been registered against the deceased in Barotiwala police station. Embittered at this enmity Rampaal then plotted to teach Jaipaal a lesson and he sought help from his relative Balbir who then contacted the other two accused to murder Jaipaal. Pritpaal and Bara Singh were receiving treatment at a Nalagarh hospital now.



Employee of BSNL held for graft
Our Correspondent

Solan, February 23
A BSNL employee, Mr B.K. Sharma, was caught red-handed by a team of vigilance officials for accepting a bribe of Rs 1,000 from a local PCO owner.

The owner of a PCO at Chowk Bazar here had received his routine monthly telephone bill which he was required to pay by February 21.

He was, however, unable to pay the bill and he approached Mr Sharma, who is working as Senior Accounts Officer in the General Manager’s office here. Mr Sharma asked him to pay Rs 1,000 so as to defer the disconnection by another two days, revealed vigilance officials.

The PCO owner was given two specially marked currency notes which he handed over to Mr Sharma.

A team of the vigilance Bureau intercepted Mr Sharma near BSNL Colony and recovered the specially marked currency notes.



3 killed as crane falls into gorge
Our Correspondent

Nahan, February 23
A crane accident left three Ambala residents dead near Chabahan on the Nahan-Shimla road, 8 km from here, last evening.

All the three persons have been identified as Inder Lal (55), Kishan Chand (32) and Harminder Singh, residents of Ambala City.

The ill-fated crane (HR-37-4496) was on its way to Ambala City. The cleaner and a helper died on the spot when the driver lost control over the machine and it fell into a gorge. The driver of the vehicle was brought to District Hospital, Nahan, where he succumbed to his injuries.



30-kg poppy husk seized
Our Correspondent

Baddi, February 23
The Nalagarh police seized 30-kg poppy husk from a man at Maganpura village on the Nalagarh-Ropar road 8 km from Nalagarh this morning. The police raided Gurcharan Singh’s house and recovered the poppy husk. Gurcharan Singh alias Kala from Makrauli Kalan village in Ropar district was allegedly involved in the business of sale of narcotic from Maganpura from the quite past time. A case under Section 15-61-85 under the NDPS Act has been registered.

Ashok Kumar a cigarette seller owner at Nalagarh bus stand was booked under the Gambling Act for involved in satta trade last evening. Besides satta slips Rs 720 were recovered from him.


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