Monday, September 2, 2002, Chandigarh, India


L U D H I A N A   S T O R I E S


A synthesis of tradition and modernism
A. S. Prashar
Tribune News Service

Himansu, Class IX

Diksha, Class VIII

Located on Humbran Road on the outskirts of Ludhiana, Guru Ram Das Academy is a school with a difference. Spread over an area of 50 acres, the school offers everything that a child can ask for: sound education together with the best of sports: boating, horse riding, swimming, cricket, football, hockey, skating, table tennis, lawn tennis, badminton and basketball.

Established by Sardar Raja Singh of the Texla TV fame, the GRD is a fine mix of ideal residential and a day school i.e. the synthesis of love and care for the parents on one side and strict regimen of a residential public school on the other. As the Principal Mr J.S Dugal puts it , the Academy has an exalted aim that is enshrined in its motto: "Virtue, Excellence and Grace". The aim is achieved through a series of objectives e.g.

(a) Providing quality education based on intellectual curiosity, logical thinking, critical judgement and clarity of expression.

(b) Development of well-balanced personality through exposure and keen participation in sports, hobbies, work experience, out-bound activities and competitions.

(c) Development of character as a good human being and citizen imbued in Indian tradition and moral values.

As one steps into the GRD, one tends to get transported into the realms of a utopian educational set-up: Sprawling lush green lawns, picturesque landscape, rows of ornamental plants on either side of a long driveway and the imposing structure of the school building speak volumes about the care that has gone into making the GRD a unique institution.

Chavi Garg, Class VIII

Come to Ludhiana and take a look at the GRD, invites Principal Dugal. Look into the classrooms, labs, gymnasium, activity rooms and playfields. You will find the GRD students reading, studying, attending lectures, of course. But that's not all. You'll find them working on computers, debating, dancing, painting, singing, gardening, boating, parasailing, horse-riding, rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands dirty by working on a bus engine, assembling a T.V./computer or cooking.

From gardening to computers, the GRD believes the best for you to learn something is to do it. "Learn by doing", we call it. "Learning by messing up", is how students sometimes put it. Whatever you call it, it is one of the things that make the GRD different.

The day-long routine at the GRD blends academics with curricula's. The TBS (Time Bound Assignments) each day of the week enables the students to complete a major chunk of their work in the school hours under the able guidance of their teachers. This not only reduces the amount of work to be carried home but also weans a child away from tuitions. The teacher-taught ration of 1:17 facilitates the teachers to give personalised attention. Some of the best friends the students make at the GRD are generally their teachers. It is affiliated to the CBSE up to +2 level. The GRD provides wholesome and nutritionally balanced food to suit any culinary fantasy in its elegantly furnished dining hall. It is here that the students get initiated into table-manners and learn to be at home with all kinds of cuisine.

The GRD has separate air-conditioned hostels for boys and girls that house students from 11 countries. This confluence of culture is quite conducive for healthy development as it provides amble exposure for scholastic interactions besides lending the institution an international ambience.

The GRD has a fleet of 18 buses. This is the only mode of conveyance available for the students. Cars and scooters are strictly banned. This ensures safety besides promoting a sense of social equality. The same buses are utilised for taking students out on weekend trips and long tours in vacations. The GRD provides multifarious activities to a sportsbuff. The compulsory games period at the end of each day.



‘Education is the first casualty...’
Asha Ahuja

JS DugalPrincipal J.S.Dugal has remained Principal of Thai Sikh International School, Bangkok, affiliated to the University of London. He came to Ludhiana 1999 when he was appointed principal of G.R.D. Academy. Some extracts from an interview with him:

On Indian Education System

  • In other countries, education is the first priority. But in our country, it is the first casualty. Those who frame courses and syllabi for school students have themselves never taught in schools with the result hat they do not what are the requirements of a child. I want globalisation of education in order to raise its standard.

On discipline

  •  We have no corporal punishment in the school. It is counselling look at the indiscipline in the west where the discipline means guns, sex and drugs. In our country, indiscipline generally means breaking a widowpanes or bunking a class. This is nothing what students do in the West. I always lay emphasis on the fact that a teacher must be prepared before taking his class. This is the surest way of ensuring discipline in t he class.

On Religious education

  • Our emphasis is on secularism. We celebrate all the festivals and teach our students to respect all religions. We also lay a lot of emphasis on traditional Indian classical ragas.

On synthesis of tradition and modernism

  • At GRD, we regard the academy as the repository of civilised values. It is known for promoting liberal thinking while safeguarding our rich cultural heritage. Discipline without regimentation is our way of grooming our students. In our humility, in our respect for age, in our courtesy to the elders, we are typically traditional. And yet, the GRD is increasingly thinking in terms of contemporary attitudes. We equip our students to strike a balance between the traditional and modern values as they get ready to take on life.



Poems by students

Cruel Turn

India was a golden bird

This tale for long was heard

It was a land of plenty

None went to bed with stomach empty

Then the Britishers came to rule

And went away with many a jewel

Destiny took a cruel turn,

Petty politicians made Indian burn

Guheer Kaur, Class VIII-A


GRD gives us many a pleasure

We love to enjoy all its treasure

In a fleet of eighteen buses we commute

There is no rich or poor enroute

Horse-riding and boating give us thrill

a lovely brook too does flow from a tiny hill

Out computers are hooked to 'internet'

Latest information on all subjects do we get

In its massive dining hall

Nutritious food is served to one and all

We also have a swimming-pool

It makes our summers remain cool

Our hostels have air-conditioned dormitories

Students, they house, from eleven countries

To education, the GRD, a new meaning lends

Much beyond classroom the routine extends

Sovina, Class VIII-B

Teacher's Pet

We have a disciplined classmate

whose qualities all wish to emulate

Her hair is lovely dark and dense

Handsome too is her dress-sense

Her speech is soft and polite

Being with her gives much delight

In exams she fills many a sheet

Wish we could with her compete

Never does she fume or fret

No wonder she is teacher's pet

Sovina, Class VIII-B

Lovely Pets

It is nice to have lovely pets

Much amusement, with them, one gets

Shout dogs, do strangers frighten

Master's security, with them, gets tighten

Cows and buffaloes give milk in tons

Its consumption energies us at once

Life's struggle becomes less bitter

As we sheer the birds chirp and twitter

Sofia, Class VIII-A


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