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Monday, February 25, 2002
Downloads of the week

Home PM

Do you remember when you last topped up the water in your inverter battery or got your old car serviced? Well, most of us would not remember that because one tends to forget these minor details in the daily routines of life. Home PM is an excellent utility, which provides you a blue print of the preventive maintenance of your valuable home. PM, or preventive maintenance, facilitates making a list of all the important tasks related to the maintenance of your house and scheduling these tasks on a basis that's best for you. Each task has a pre-defined cycle assigned to it. So, if a cycle is completed it informs you to finish the scheduled task and then it resets automatically to start again and creates a schedule for you for the next time. This way a cycle of a schedule is formed, which will repeat itself and will inform you of the predesignated task. This is an excellent utility for everyone and is very simple to use. It has a very user-friendly interface and does not require any training to use it. Moreover, this program is very flexible and is fully customizable and can suit the needs of anyone in any way. This is also a feature-rich program and its features are listed in three tabs. The first tab displays all areas of your house, from appliances to the attic. However, you can add or remove any area you want as per your requirement. Then you can click on the schedule tab and enter the task, you can also view the upcoming tasks based on priority. You can also browse through these tasks and sort them as per your requirement. Similarly in the third tab, you can generate a report and can thus take a stock of your preventive maintenance. You can download a shareware copy of this program from http://www.consonare.com



We have studied in our civics book in school that "Man is a social animal". However, now in the era of Internet and networks, this principal would probably change to "Man is a networked animal". Networking with other computers is the essence of the modern world. After all, even the Internet is a very big network of millions of computers spread across the globe in various countries. Even locally, one needs to connect with other computers for sharing resources and exchanging data. Though there are many e-mail clients available on the Internet for transferring the data over the Internet, there are not many applications available for Telnet connections. CommNet is one such software, using which you can conduct multiple Telnet connections simultaneously using dial-up networking and your modem. This is a feature-rich program and offers a wide range of Telnet capabilities, including support for FTP during a session. Moreover, it also has the provision for using it with the Internet as you can configure it as the default Telnet application for your Web browser. CommNet supports Ymodem-G and Zmodem file transferring protocols, complete with crash recovery and automated downloading for the latter. In addition, it offers TTY, VT100, VT220, PC ANSI and SCO ANSI terminal emulation. Further, you can use this application for connecting other telnet clients to your computer for data transfer or for chatting and general conferencing. You can also program this software to perform regular actions automatically by using the scripting method and command line properties. Overall it's a great telnet application and can be used very efficiently for data transfers and telnet connections with other computers. You can download this program from http://www.radient.com.

Second Chance

Whenever a mistake is committed we always ask for a second chance. Well, life may not always give you the second chance to correct your mistakes committed in real life. But the software "Second Chance" always gives you a chance to correct any mistake that may affect the functioning of your computer. This software is a very important utility, which quickly restores your system to past settings in the event of any mistake or unintentional deletion of critical data. It's thus a very valuable defence system against human error or poor programming. This software works by creating "Checkpoints" at various user-defined intervals. A checkpoint is a virtual snapshot that captures registry settings, system settings and files. Thus if a fatal problem occurs in a computer, it automatically restores the system to the settings of the latest checkpoint. It stays in your computer's system trey and monitors all the hard disk activity and any changes made since the last checkpoint. Thus if any files are modified, it is saved to the checkpoint. In the event of a problem, you can simply click on Second Chance icon and restore the system to the previous checkpoint. This software can be downloaded from http://www.powerquest.com.
