Monday, September 10, 2001, Chandigarh, India


H I M A C H A L   P R A D E S H

Dhumal meets CBI officers in Delhi
Says more papers against Virbhadra will be given
Shimla, September 9
Chief Minister P.K. Dhumal is trying to keep allegations of irregularities and misuse of authority alive against CLP Leader and former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, by having asked the CBI to reopen the “charges” earlier rejected by the investigating agency.

Market upswing helps apple growers
Shimla, September 9
It has been a reasonably good year for the apple growers despite poor crop. The bulk of the fruit has already been exported out of the state and the harvesting, barring the heights of the tribal Kinnaur district, will be completed over the next fortnight.

Govt backtracks on DIGs’ appointment
Shimla, September 9
By appointing DIGs of the Shimla and Kangra police ranges the BJP government has backtracked on its earlier decision of scrapping these posts in the three ranges in the state. The government on Thursday appointed a DIG of the southern range at Shimla after keeping the post vacant for many months following the decision of the Cabinet to scrap all three posts of DIGs of ranges.

Forest cover up in Mandi, Chamba
While the country’s forest cover has shrunk by 5,500 sq km, Himachal Pradesh has enhanced its forest cover by 561 sq km according to a report on “State of Forests-1999” published by the Forest Survey of India. This is indeed a silver lining in this country where forests bear the brunt of the increasing pressure of human and animal population coupled with illicit felling and smuggling.






Financial aid to states ‘increased’
Jaisinghpur, September 9
Union Minister for Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Shanta Kumar has said that as per the promises made in the National Agenda for Governance of the NDA, the Centre has decided to give more financial assistance to the states.

Doctors’ body also for user charges
Shimla, September 9
The Resident Doctors Association of Indira Gandhi Medical College has supported the government policy to impose user charges on health service.

Former PR head C.S. Panwar dead
Shimla, September 9
Mr C.S. Panwar, former Director of Information and Public Relations, died today at PGI, Chandigarh, after a brief illness.
He was 71. He is survived by his wife, a son and a daughter, besides his father. His body was cremated at his native village, Narang, in the Sirmaur district.

Students allege police torture
Shimla, September 9
Students of Indira Gandhi Medical College have alleged that some students who were arrested recently were being tortured during interrogation by the police.



Dhumal meets CBI officers in Delhi
Says more papers against Virbhadra will be given
S.P. Sharma
Tribune News Service

Shimla, September 9
Chief Minister P.K. Dhumal is trying to keep allegations of irregularities and misuse of authority alive against CLP Leader and former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, by having asked the CBI to reopen the “charges” earlier rejected by the investigating agency.

The CBI had recently given a clean chit to Mr Virbhadra Singh and had told the state government that no case could be made out against him on the basis of documents provided to the agency.

However, Mr Dhumal, who is apparently taking the CBI’s refusal to register a case against Mr Virbhadra Singh as a political defeat, is reported to have met senior officers of the CBI at Delhi and assured them that some more papers against the Congress leader would be supplied to them.

The action of Mr Dhumal comes close on the heels of two days’ meeting of the BJP leaders here recently at which it was decided to make Mr Virbhadra Singh as the main target in the monthlong campaign of the party throughout the state.

The BJP leaders were visibly upset at the clean chit given by the CBI to the Congress leader as they had been using the “charge sheet” against him as their triumph card. The “charge sheet” which was prepared against Mr Virbhadra Singh by Mr Sukh Ram’s HVC, was forwarded by the BJP government to the CBI for investigation and registration of a case against him.

It is being alleged that Mr Dhumal was keeping the issue against Mr Virbhadra Singh alive as the BJP cadres were of his organising capacity during the Assembly elections and were trying of sling mud on him to retain power.

Interestingly, the top leadership of the Congress in the state is keeping mum and has not so far reacted to the CBI’s clean chit to Mr Virbhadra Singh. Sometime ago, Mr Dhumal had named a senior leader of the Congress who, he claimed, had congratulated him for forwarding the “charge sheet” to the CBI.

Mr Virbhadra Singh has said he is not afraid of the mechanisations of Mr Dhumal and others trying to implicate him in cases.

He has alleged that Mr Dhumal is bent upon concocting a case against “me” and trying to save face by claiming that the CBI cannot register a case because some vital documents pertaining to the allegations contained in the “charge sheet” are missing.


Market upswing helps apple growers
Rakesh Lohumi
Tribune News Service

Shimla, September 9
It has been a reasonably good year for the apple growers despite poor crop.

The bulk of the fruit has already been exported out of the state and the harvesting, barring the heights of the tribal Kinnaur district, will be completed over the next fortnight. The prices, as compared to last year, have remained high throughout the season, ensuring substantial returns to the growers despite the low outturn from the orchards.

Till yesterday about 46 lakh boxes had been exported as against 1.21 crore last year. This year, the total production is likely to be around 70 lakh boxes, almost one-third of the last year’s output. The harvesting is over in the lower and middle hills, which account for the bulk of the production. It is on the full swing in the higher hills of Shimla and Kulu district where about 15 lakh boxes are likely to be produced.

The plucking of fruit in Kinnaur will begin in the first week of October. As against the normal output of 12 to 15 lakh boxes, only about 8 lakh boxes are likely to be produced this year. However, the upswing in the market has to a large extent compensated the growers for the shortfall in production for instance, the medium grade Royal variety was an average, fetching over Rs 500 per box as against Rs 340 per box last year. Initially, the prices were as high as Rs 750 per box.

Similarly, the Rich-a-Red variety is being sold at an average price of Rs 450 per box as compared to last year’s Rs 280 per box. These medium varieties account for almost 50 per cent of the fruit sent to the market.

Compared to last year, there has been hardly any procurement of fruit under the market intervention scheme. Only 2,778 tonnes of apple have been procured by the 153 collection centres opened across the state at the support price of Rs 3.75 per kg. Last year, over 27,000 tonnes had been procured by this time and the total procurement during the season came to 52,000 tonnes. This year, the figure may not cross the 5,000-tonne mark.

The state-owned HPMC processes 12,000 to 15,000 tonnes of fruit every year. This year, it may not get more than 5,000 tonnes for processing.

Agro Packaging India Limited has supplied 45 lakh apple cartons to growers. Besides, 10 lakh wooden boxes had also been made available.

This season, the growers of the higher hills stand to gain the most. Unlike the lower and mid-hills, the crop is quite satisfactory, and they are also to getting good returns. Normally, the market is flooded with fruit and prices crash to the rock bottom by the time the harvesting in high hill areas begins. There was no glut in the market due to poor crop and the prices have stabilised at a reasonably high level.

The apprehension of the growers that imported apple would spell doom for them has also been set to rest. The imported apple has only helped improve the process. The foreign apple has failed to match the indigenous produce in taste, though it is certainly better in appearance and bigger in size.


Govt backtracks on DIGs’ appointment
Tribune News Service

Shimla, September 9
By appointing DIGs of the Shimla and Kangra police ranges the BJP government has backtracked on its earlier decision of scrapping these posts in the three ranges in the state.

The government on Thursday appointed a DIG of the southern range at Shimla after keeping the post vacant for many months following the decision of the Cabinet to scrap all three posts of DIGs of ranges. However, no DIG of the central range at Mandi has been appointed so far.

Mr Prithvi Raj, SP, Kangra, has been promoted as DIG of the northern range with its headquarters in the Kangra district.

It is learnt that Mr Dhumal was under pressure from the Governor, Dr Suraj Bhan, to appoint Mr Prithvi Raj as the DIG at the same place where he was functioning as SP of the district. Mr K.C. Sadayal, who was DIG of the range till now, had been dislodged although he had thorough knowledge of the sensitive areas of Chamba.

The SP of the Chamba district, Mr C.L. Kundu, has also been shifted at a critical time when there are reports of about 200 foreign mercenaries trying to infiltrate into Himachal Pradesh for shelter. Mr Dhumal was under constant pressure not to dissolve the police ranges. Sometime ago a committee had also been appointed to reconsider the government decision.

The Congress has already started calling the Dhumal government as a “rollback government” as it has reverted many of its important decisions taken during the past three years. However, Mr Dhumal has been claiming that his was a democratic government and was open to review of its decisions.

It is being alleged that the BJP-HVC combine government is being driven by the bureaucracy, which has always been creating hurdles in implementation of the decisions which do not suit them.

The decision of the government to withdraw official vehicles of bureaucrats and provide them a fixed monthly allowance for using their private vehicles was finally withdrawn allegedly under their pressure.

The five government-owned corporations, which were ordered to be shifted to various districts from here about two years ago, have not moved out of the state capital.

The areas adjoining Shimla, which were merged with the municipal corporation by the previous Congress government, have now been taken out of the corporation areas.

The order of Mr Dhumal that all ministers should be available in the secretariat on Tuesdays was being observed more in defiance by his ministerial colleagues.


Forest cover up in Mandi, Chamba
Kishori Lal

While the country’s forest cover has shrunk by 5,500 sq km, Himachal Pradesh has enhanced its forest cover by 561 sq km according to a report on “State of Forests-1999” published by the Forest Survey of India. This is indeed a silver lining in this country where forests bear the brunt of the increasing pressure of human and animal population coupled with illicit felling and smuggling. Still worse is the TD system eating the forests like ants while politicians look on helplessly and fear eradicating it at the risk of losing votes.

Despite all odds the increase in forest cover is indeed a commendable development.

The district-wise breakdown of the increase in forest cover, according to the report, reveals that the maximum increase has been reported from Mandi and Chamba districts. The forest cover in Mandi went up by 224 sq km, while Chamba recorded an even higher figure of 240 sq km.

Ironically the forest cover shrank by 105 sq km in Kangra, the largest district, which has a 125-year-old tradition of forest management and where international forestry projects had been in operation for three decades. Kulu district is the runner-up in bad performance with loss of 70 sq km in its forest cover. The districts of Shimla and Hamirpur also lost their forest cover by 35 sq km each.

The district of Lahaul-Spiti enhanced its forest cover by 67 sq km which is remarkable. The districts of Kinnaur, Sirmaur, Solan and Una increased their forest cover marginally.

Himachal Pradesh would have emerged greener if all districts had performed well. It is learnt that the traditional sound scientific management practices adopted in Chamba yielded positive results. Another factor is said to be the non-involvement of politicians in forest affairs.

When contacted, the Conservator of Forests (HQ), Mr R.A. Singh, who served in Mandi Forest Circle during 1993-99, said the credit for the increase in forest cover in Mandi district goes to the implementation of joint forest management (JFM) launched in the wake of Indo-UK Forestry Project which brought about “attitudinal change” in the people and the forest officials. The new concept marked a departure from the centuries-old role of the Forest Department from “traditional policing” to a “friendly facilitator”, he said.

The unprecedented success achieved in Mandi is attributed to the work done by forest officials who generated the feeling that the forest belonged to them, he said.

Encouraged by the overwhelming response, massive forestry operations were launched in Mandi Circle with special emphasis on natural artificial regeneration, silviculture operations, procurement of quality seeds and demonstration of modern forestry practices. Pilot locations were identified in each of the five forest divisions of the circle.

Mr Singh said the success of the participatory approach initiated under the DFID Project led to a startling reduction in illicit felling in this district, where the number of fellings declined from 769 in 1995 to 432 in 1999.

The ruling party leaders, who are claiming credit for the enhancement of the forest cover, should introspect and realise why during their tenure the plantation budget was drastically squeezed. In 1998-99 just Rs 23.46 crore had been allocated for plantation on 31,300 hectares of degraded forest land. In the subsequent year, Rs 25.07 crore was spent on plantation bringing and additional 30,500 hectares under the green cover. However, last year the government made a drastic cut reducing the budget to a mere Rs 13 crore and area under plantation was cut to 15,000 hectare, notwithstanding a quantum jump in the Plan outlay.

After the ban on felling, there is virtually no work in the Forest Department except plantation. If funds are not provided the department is bound to be non-functional.

One question that arises from the survey is why some districts did well while others cut a sorry figure despite allocation of proportionately equal funds. Obviously some worked hard while others slept over it. It is paramount to fix responsibility and accountability so that the hard-earned money of the tax-payer is not squandered away.


Financial aid to states ‘increased’
Our Correspondent

Jaisinghpur, September 9
Union Minister for Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Shanta Kumar has said that as per the promises made in the National Agenda for Governance of the NDA, the Centre has decided to give more financial assistance to the states. He said the financial assistance to the state governments had been increased from Rs 2,26,000 crore to Rs 4,34,000 crore and Himachal was getting Rs 7,460 crore under the new dispensation instead of Rs 4,761 crore — an increase of 50 per cent.

Mr Shanta Kumar was addressing a public gathering after inaugurating a C-DoT-512 telephone exchange at Gander, about 15 km from here, yesterday. He said his ministry had launched a number of schemes for the welfare of the people, especially those living below the poverty line.

“We had raised the foodgrain quota from 10 kg to 25 kg for the BPL families and given 30 per cent subsidy for those living above the poverty line”, he said.

He strongly denied any death due to starvation in Himachal Pradesh. “It was the duty of the Centre as well as the state governments to strengthen the public distribution system,” he added.

The minister said a majority of the targets of the Ninth Five Year Plan could not be achieved due to lack of good governance and inaction of the administrative machinery. The Planning Commission’s report also revealed that some states did not use even 25 to 30 per cent of the allotted money for development schemes. Earlier Mr Shanta Kumar inaugurated a middle school at Jaangal. Mr Ravinder ‘Ravi’, Minister of State for Technical Education and Mr O.P. Sikka, General Manager, BSNL, Dharamsala Telecom District were also present on the occasion.


Doctors’ body also for user charges
Tribune News Service

Shimla, September 9
The Resident Doctors Association of Indira Gandhi Medical College has supported the government policy to impose user charges on health service.

Dr Naresh Kalia, president of the association, said the user charges would go a long way in improving health services. He said after overcoming initial hurdles, the policy was proving beneficial, particularly, for the poor patients.

He appreciated the government for sticking to the policy despite opposition from various quarters. He said his association was the first organisation to support the policy. It would ultimately make health care facilities available at the village level, he added.


Former PR head C.S. Panwar dead
Tribune News Service

Shimla, September 9
Mr C.S. Panwar, former Director of Information and Public Relations, died today at PGI, Chandigarh, after a brief illness.

He was 71. He is survived by his wife, a son and a daughter, besides his father. His body was cremated at his native village, Narang, in the Sirmaur district.

Mr Panwar served the Public Relations department for 34 years and remained Director for the longest ever period of 12 years.

He also taught for some time at the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism in Himachal Pradesh University. The department condoled the death of Mr Panwar and recalled his contribution to the department. Mr P.K. Dhumal, Chief Minister, and Mr Virbhadra Singh, Congress Legislative Party leader, have expressed grief over his demise.


Students allege police torture
Our Correspondent

Shimla, September 9
Students of Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) have alleged that some students who were arrested recently were being tortured during interrogation by the police.

Seven students of IGMC were arrested in connection with the clashes between two groups earlier this week.

They alleged that no medical examination had been conducted and also no action was being taken against the miscreants.

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