Demolitions must to ease congestion

I am happy to read about the demolition drive in New Delhi by the Municipal Corporation following the directives of the Delhi High Court. The Municipal Commissioner has rightly ignored the Delhi Assembly’s resolution asking him to stop the demolitions on the ground that it does not have any locus standi to interfere with the High Court order.

What is more, the Municipal Commissioner said that he would only abide by the directive of the Union Government or the Lt-Governor of Delhi and not the State Assembly.

Unauthorised constructions should never be allowed anywhere. But is the court order not applicable to illegal and unauthorised jhuggis and roadside dwellings? This problem is equally serious. As most villagers come and settle down in cities like Mumbai and New Delhi, slums and roadside dwellings, even in between roads, are increasing by leaps and bounds. Will our authorities wake up and disallow unauthorised jhuggis and roadside dwellings?

If some people cannot afford to stay in metros, let them remain in their villages until they have adequate finances. Or let the government provide suitable shelters for them.

M. KUMAR, New Delhi

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— Editor-in-Chief



Majithia report ignored

In 2004, many parents like me got their wards admitted to MBBS course at Dayanand Medical College, Ludhiana, under the impression that the interim fee structure proposed by the State Fee Fixation Committee under Justice Majithia would not undergo major changes. That came out to be true as the recommendations made by the committee showed.

At the time of admission, the DMC management had an agreement with parents that the college and the students would abide by the Majithia Committee report or any Government Fee Fixation Committee Report to be final. The Punjab Chief Minister was not happy with even a slight hike in the fee recommended by the Majithia Committee.

Surprisingly, however, it is now keeping silent, even after the DMC Management has demanded more than thrice the original fee proposed by the Majithia Committee. The committee report is gathering dust and the parents of the students may soon have to suffer financially and mentally for no fault of theirs.


Look inwards

The editorial “Redundancy of OIC” (Dec 12) suggests that countries which do not have democracy or their military leaders have deposed duly elected governments (as in Pakistan) should not lecture India about the right of self-determination in Jammu and Kashmir. These countries should question the legitimacy of General Musharraf.

How many OIC countries have given the right of determination to their own people? What are the democratic credentials of General Musharraf? The pseudo-secular parties in the country who are opposing close relationship with Israel should do serious introspection.

M. M. GURBAXANI, Bangalore

Overdue reform

I plead for one-rank, one pension due to three reasons. First, it will remove discrimination among the members of the defence services. Secondly, it will give the defence personnel more financial benefits. And finally, it will serve as a ready reckoner.

Undoubtedly, it is an overdue reform. The Manmohan Singh government should take the initiative to implement this much-needed reform expeditiously.

M.S. SUKHIJA, Faridkot

Learn from China

In layman’s economics, money generated through tax collection and spent on the poor would reduce poverty. But for every Rs 100 spent by the government, only a miniscule sum reaches the poor. The rest is lost due to inefficiency and corruption.

B.K. Nehru once said that we should emphasise on maximisation of wealth. If the rich want to become richer, let them be. When there is a great deal of wealth, its benefits will automatically reach the poor.

In government affairs, simple things work well. More complications and checks and balances introduced will only lead to inefficiency and corruption. In business, no businessman can be 100 per cent honest. The aim should be to expand business which will lead to prosperity. Bureaucracy, tax structure, corruption, inefficiency will all lead to the decline of economy. Learn some lessons from China.

PREM SAGAR, Chandigarh

Helmets must

A few years back, the Himachal Pradesh government made helmets compulsory for two-wheeler users. But is it being implemented effectively? I am alive today only because of my use of the helmet. During a landslide here, a big stone fell on my head. However, the helmet saved me. I would, therefore, recommend the use of helmets in the entire country.


Soulful experience

V.N. Kakar’s middle “There comes another good man” (Dec 9) is extremely educative and informative. He doles out his soulful experience with examples of his poverty and unemployment.

Such writings are touchy and appeal to those inflicted with the malaise of poverty and unemployment. The moral of the story is to eke out a living honestly despite rampant corruption in the country.

RIKKI DASS THAKUR, Palbhu (Hamirpur)


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