Delhi blasts: eliminate the monster soon

We are shocked to know about the explosions in Delhi in which 63 persons are reported to have lost their precious lives. You have correctly written in your editorial “Capital Terror — Let’s fight terrorism to the finish” (Online Tribune, Oct 31) that we should fight this menace to the finish.

Terrorism is an international threat. Whether it is New York or London or Delhi or Australia it is the same human blood spilled by inhuman and cowardly terrorists. This hydra-headed monster should be eliminated soon.

It is heartening to learn that the people of Delhi were again in their stride soon after the blasts. India has shown the same resilience that New York and London showed.




Tourism culture

The Indian tourism industry has a lot of potential, and can target both domestic and foreign tourists. But it has to be fully exploited in a systematic way so that it can generate new employment opportunities and earn more foreign exchange.

But for that to happen, tourism infrastructure should be improved, and a tourism-friendly culture promoted. Many new and innovative measures are being initiated to encourage tourism, and they should be implemented fully in letter and spirit.

Tourism in India occupies a strategic position but it needs to be strengthened by a liberal government help and private participation, both from India and abroad


Plea for Hindustani

This has reference to the letter (Oct 26) regarding replacement of Urdu legal terms by Hindi words. Urdu legal terms are being used through centuries and have become part of daily speech. So why discard them?

The Urdu language is of Indian origin. Most Urdu poets and writers were born and brought up in India. Urdu has been fertilized by many Hindu poets and writers and it became the lingua franca of most of northern India. Its beauty, vitality and emotional appeal is matchless.

No doubt, many Hindi words and terms are very beautiful — like Doordarshan for TV — and as the writer himself suggests certain terms like Janrakshak for the police can be used. But to replace every legal term by Sanskiritized Hindi is not a sound policy.

Mahatma Gandhi was right when he advocated Hindustani as the lingua franca of India instead of both Sanskritised Hindi and Persianised Urdu. India’s strength lies in its plurality.


Fraudulent lottery

This is with reference to the news item captioned “Karnal boy wins Internet lottery” (Nov 9). This so- called prize is nothing but an Internet scam. In many such scams, the scamster first sends people a mail about winning large amounts of prize money, then asks the winner to contact another person.

This person, in turn, will ask the “winner” to establish his identity through passport, driving licence, ID card, etc. After that, the scamster will ask for money to be send through electronic transfer towards “handling charges.” This money is around 1500 euros.

Once the money is sent, the scamster and the so-called prize will both vanish. This youngster should be careful and vigilant about any steps that he takes.

D.N. JAUHAR, Chandigarh

Road accidents

It was very sad to know that another truck from Punjab, carrying pilgrims, rolled down a ravine on the Bharwain-Dhaliara-road in Kangra district. Such accidents on this particular stretch of the road are taking place almost every month.

As a layman I understand that trucks are not the means of transport for human beings. It is illegal to carry passengers in trucks. I wonder when the transport authorities of Punjab and Himachal will wake up to take action against those who risk so many human lives just for a little amount of money.

Why don’t the Himachal officials posted at Una, Manguwal and such other barriers stop trucks loaded with passengers from entering Himachal?. PWD can also give a thought to instal speed-breakers just before DJ Restaurant on Dhaliara Road, where this steep killer gradient starts.

Dr V.K. SHARMA, The Lawrence School, SANAWAR

Farm politics

Dr Sardara Singh Johl is an agro-economist of world repute. With hindsight and foresight, the learned doctor in his article “Politics of free power” (Oct 31) has sincerely advised the political leaders of the Congress and the Akali Dal to avoid, “populist politics.” They would do well to take his advice.

Punjab is an agro-based state and there is a large vote bank in the agriculture sector. Punjab farmers’ attitudes have changed after the green revolution, and they are vulnerable to being exploited.



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