Volker report: charge can’t be brushed aside

The editorial “Volcker report” (Nov 4) has properly stated that a union minister has to be, like Caesar’s wife, always above suspicion. The Congress party is also named a beneficiary in food for oil deals along with Mr Natwar Singh, but it has made a clear distinction between the party and the minister leaving the minister to defend himself.

Under these circumstances, conflict between the two is inevitable. Of course, a side effect is that it has become possible for Mr Singh not to resign. But this disgraceful act can’t be seen as an aberration, to be brushed aside in the naive belief that the system continues to retain its purity.

The approach of the Congress seeking the “full disclosure” of the facts based on which the UN panel came to its “unverified” conclusion, and its apparent determination to get to the bottom of the matter, is in the right direction. The exercise is not arbitrary but within due process of law and a perfectly valid procedure.




A way of life

The middle, “A miser’s priorities” by Surinder Gosain (Nov 3), made interesting reading. The hero of the piece led an austere life but when there was a need to come to the rescue of the earthquake victims, he donated generously. This shows that his penny-pinching habit did not make him a slave of money.

He had simply chosen to lead a life with minimum needs, and that made it appear as if he was a miser. The hero is a daanveer in the real sense of the word.

During earlier generations, there were many people in every village and town of India who would always spend the minimum amount on themselves and their families. It was just a way of life for them. .

Prof B.R. SOOD, Hoshiarpur

Building violations

The Fourth Estate has repeatedly reported that rampant building bylaw violations are taking place in residential areas in Ludhiana city. They are apparently the result of Municipal Corporation (MC) authorities’ lack of commitment to the rule of law. Such activities cannot take place without active connivance of officials. There are violations even in the construction of residential buildings in posh localities. Corruption is rampant, and in some cases, there is utter negligence and callousness on the part of civic officials. Mandatory monitoring and supervision by concerned officials is absent.

Both violators and conniving officials must be stringently punished. Affected persons should be compensated, and the general failure of governance must be rectified.


In God’s name

These are the days of various festivals and people like to check the calendar published in The Tribune on page 8. On October 31, we were told that Hanuman Jayanti, Deep Daan for Lord Yama, Roop Chandrashi and Naraka Chaturdasi falls on this day. All these things are related to religion and culture but in addition, it was mentioned that the day was “Indira Gandhi Punya-divas”.

So, was Indira Gandhi also a god?! In any case, Sardar Vallabhai Patel was also born on October 31. Why not give him also a chance of becoming god? His contributions to the Union of India are much more.

K.K. BHARDWAJ, Patiala

Instil fear of law

Large speakers are still used full blast, sometimes throughout the night. No one bothers to implement the orders and directions of the Supreme Court. Our people take pride in disobeying our laws, but when they land in Western countries, they become an obedient lot. The reason is the fear of Danda – existence of strict laws and the certainty of punishment. The secret of making our citizens more law-abiding lies in good governance. But the police, the panchayats and various other authorities just laugh it away if a harassed citizen reports noise violations to them.

G.S. BHULLAR, Jalandhar Cantt

Indian diplomacy

Pakistan is an obscurantist, feudal and theocratic country. It can’t be relied upon. It continues with a well-designed reign of cross-border terrorism in J&K, its denials notwithstanding. Our government is diplomatically very weak. All the decisions that have been arrived at for promoting peace are by and large in favour of Pakistan. Our political class with its vote bank culture is playing havoc with the country’s security. Opening of borders and the reduction of Army forces along the border will prove counter-productive and dangerous.

D.R. Sharda, Chandigarh.

Justice denied

In your editorial “Justice without delay” (Nov 4) it is rightly highlighted that the courts’ inability to give justice in time is making people lose faith in the judiciary. It is heartening to note that the new CJI has taken up the challenge to clear the huge backlog of cases in courts at all levels. I welcome the suggestion of the CJI to appoint special magistrates to dispose of cases for which the punishment is only six months’ jail.

Soli Sorabjee has also suggested that senior advocates should offer their services for being appointed as adhoc judges. I would also suggest that our new CJI pay special attention to the functioning of lower courts and ensure monitoring of disposal of cases in these courts.

Lt-Col ONKAR CHOPRA, Chanankhera

Panchkula for tourists

There is a need to put Panchkula on the tourist circuit. It is situated on the Ambala-Kalka highway and also on the Ambala-Shimla railway track. It is near the Shivalik foothills. I have been a regular visitor of Nada Sahib adjoining Panchkula for the last four decades and have been fascinated and spellbound with the sight of the morning sun kissing the Northern hills of Morni and Nada creating a sense of serenity and tranquillity. The river Ghaggar flows nearby, and if tamed, it can be converted into a lake.



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