Where is the need for more B.Ed colleges?

There has always been a quick and positive impact whenever The Tribune has highlighted a genuine problem of any section of society. But in the case of "B.Ed students face uncertain future" (The Tribune, 15-5-05), the paper has shown unwanted magnanimity and ignored the need of providing quality teachers to schools.

The needless mushrooming of B.Ed colleges, which are largely substandard, fly-by-night private institutions lacking experienced faculty and infrastructure and producing only half-baked poor quality teachers, should have been discouraged. Punjab needs only 2000 B.Ed teachers annually and the existing 50 B.Ed colleges produce around 5000 teachers. The neighbouring states, particularly J and K, add nearly 15000 annually to this number.

In the face of 70,000-odd unemployed B.Ed teachers, the opening of 100 more B.Ed colleges, whose applications are pending with the NCTE, need not be allowed.

The supply being much greater than the demand, teachers are forced to work on a salary ranging between Rs 2,000 and Rs 3000 a month in most of the 24000 so-called public schools. We need teachers for nursery schools, for guidance services, for vocational streams, for senior secondary classes, and for exceptional and mentally challenged students. But there are no takers for this kind of teacher training.



Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor, neatly hand-written or typed in double space, should not exceed the 150-word limit. These can be sent by post to the Letters Editor, The Tribune, Sector 29, Chandigarh-160030.

Letters can also be sent by e-mail to: Letters@tribuneindia.com

— Editor-in-Chief



The Bhattal Committee and the Bambah Committee on school reforms should address themselves to this problem and the issuance of `"no objection certificates" by the government for routine B.Ed colleges should be stopped.

Dr T.R. SHARMA, Patiala

Mosquito menace

Mosquito menace is increasing day by day. The steps taken by municipal bodies to fight it are too inadequate. The result: private pharmaceutical companies have launched mosquito repellents, but these have limitations. The repellents can’t control mosquitoes breeding in water ponds, canals and drains. The authorities should act in right earnest.


Fashion shows

Young men swinging on the ramps in fashion shows look like eunuchs (hijras), presenting a pathetic picture, unbecoming of young men. They should leave this feminine job to the girls, and look for better avenues in life.

Air Vice Marshal KULDEEP SINGH (retd), Mohali

PSEB decision

The Punjab School Board Education announced recently that such schools will be disaffiliated whose Principals/Headmasters work above the age of 62 years. This decision will affect lecturers, teachers, clerks, etc. The CBSE should also follow it. Thousands of unemployed teachers will get jobs.

M.P. JAIN, Ludhiana

PUDA centre

The PUDA Community Centre at Urban Estate, Phagwara, is in a mess. The tariff is hefty with no amenities. The hall is dirty and full of cobwebs. The tariff should be reduced. It needs to be maintained well with basic amenities like drinking water, chairs and carpets for seating. The Minister should monitor the condition regularly to help residents make best use of it.


Medical allowance

MLAs and ex-MLAs are given many undue benefits. At least some of them should set an example. Reimbursement of medical expenses of all MLAs and ex-MLAs is not justified in any case at least fully.

My wife, Vimla, who has been bed-ridden for the last four months, and I have not been claiming reimbursement of any of our medical bills. Mr Hardev Arshi, ex-MLA, too has not been doing it. He has submitted an alternative proposal i.e. monthly medical allowance of Rs 250.

I learn that the proposal is not being considered as “no one else has submitted any such proposal”. If withdrawal of this facility altogether is not considered desirable, it may be modified and Mr Arshi’s proposal accepted.

SATYAPAL DANG, Chheherta (Amritsar)

Funds for education

The news-item regarding anomalies in the Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) funds in Gurdaspur district (April 14) and the editorial “Flouting guidelines” (April 20) prove that corruption has eaten into the vitals of our society. The ruckus over the irregularities in SSA funds has been going on for long. The funds meant for educating the poor and the downtrodden children are being pilfered from top to bottom.

The audit staff is equally responsible for these lapses. Corruption cases should be tried fast and the guilty punished. The government should entrust the inquiry to some Central agency to root out corruption.

JAI INDER SINGH GREWAL, Bassi Pathanan (Fatehgarh Sahib)

Scams galore

In the stamp paper scam, Telgi skimmed more than Rs 30,000 crore from governments with the connivance of Congress leaders and police officials. Telgi had a five-star stay in Bangalore jails. Luckily for Telgi, the CBI had to take the Karnataka government’s permission to act.

After a nationwide investigation and hunt, our intelligence sleuths have nabbed “culprits” such as SIs, ASIs and others. The investigation by itself is becoming another scam. Wait for convictions as in other mega scams!

Meanwhile, Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram is skimming honest taxpayers and consumers by multiple taxes under the camouflage of increased allocations for infrastructure, social programmes and more schemes for the downtrodden and poor. Even salt is taxed under VAT!

ASHOK KUMAR PRASAD, Mangalore (Karnataka)


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