Compensation: India should emulate US

Apropos of the editorial “Ruling on compensation” (Feb 5), if the United States is on top of the world today, it is because the government and the citizens, high or low, are accountable for their actions. In the US, when the use of a product or a service results in an injury or death, the manufacturer or the provider of that service is liable to pay damages to the victim as determined by the court.

Even if your personal conduct leads to pain or suffering to someone, you can be sued to pay for his/her medical treatment and for emotional pain and sufferings. If your dog bites someone, you are liable to meet the cost of the victim’s treatment. One evening, a tipsy driver hit the car I was driving. I escaped unhurt, but my car was damaged badly. When the driver was produced in the court, the judge asked him to pay my damages first before the hearing.
This practice needs to be implemented in India. Compensation must be paid for poor products or services promptly. Attorneys would be willing to file claims on contingency basis, implying that they don’t get paid until the victims get paid. This is the only way to improve the overall quality of life for Indians.

SUBHASH C. CHAUDHRY, Indianapolis (USA) 

Sania does it!

Congratulations to Sania Mirza for winning the WTA championship. This is the opening — the big break — that Indian sport was looking for. Now we have a young girl winning a prestigious title in a sport other then cricket. If people start following different sports, they will become commercially sound. Youngsters will then take up different sports as potential career option without much objection from their families.



WTA win may be just a first step towards the development of a sports culture in India but significant nonetheless.


This isn’t a joke

Apropos of the letter “Man, be not proud!” (Feb 11), the exact wording of the article quoted is thus: “…Men’s brain cells could transmit nerve impulses 4 per cent faster than women — potentially giving males the intellectual edge.” The difference is only 4 per cent and not 400 per cent as indicated. The experts have themselves noted that the differences are quite small compared with the similarities, there is far more variation between individuals than between genders and that the relationship between intelligence and the nerve signal transmission speed remains suspect.

While some people may think of this as a joke, it reinforces stereotypes and provides fodder to people willing to clutch at straws to hide their own inadequacies.


Checking corruption

Patiala’s Lok Sabha member Praneet Kaur has called for checking corruption at various levels (Feb 2). In this regard, there is a near consensus among politicians, businessmen and bureaucrats. However, corruption has become endemic and therefore, unless strict measures are taken at all levels, it would be an uphill task for one to check it. The people should also cooperate with the government in dealing with corrupt officials. One can expect better results only if prompt action is taken against corrupt people.


Eco-friendly plant

It is heartening to learn that the Guru Gobind Singh Thermal Power Plant at Ropar has become eco-friendly. Over 60 per cent of fly ash produced is being collected in dry form and used in manufacturing cement. Annually, the plant produces 12 lakh tonnes of fly ash, which is disposed of in wet slurry in ash ponds. The remaining 40 per cent consists of mostly furnace bottom ash and fly ash unfit for making cement and fly ash clay burnt bricks.

The plant authorities should reduce the ash content in the coal transported from the coal mine. This would reduce the waste material to be disposed of by vehicles and thus save huge funds towards freight charges.

Secondly, the remaining fly ash could be processed and made available to brick-kiln owners. This would help people get bricks at reasonable prices as earlier. And finally, there is need to make the furnace bottom ash available to those agencies building roads as it would make an excellent sub-grade for the roads, increasing their durability and riding comfort.

Dr G.S. DHILLON, Former Chief Engineer (Punjab), Chandigarh


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