Kidnappings a national shame

Apropos of H.K. Dua’s article “Kislay Kaushik’s cry: Who will pull Bihar out of the mess?” (Feb 2), the kidnappings are acts of shame for the administrators and politicians at the top. Now that all the hostages have been released, there should be no room for complacency in future.

Mafia gangs and Naxalites in Bihar strike at will. The interviews conducted by TV channels in Naxalite affected areas of Bihar present a grim picture of the scenario.

For the people of these areas, our 57-year-old democratic set up has not delivered the desired results. Even old people complain that they have not voted in elections more than once in their life for fear of Naxalite or mafia threats.

Mr Dua has pointed out: “The politician-criminal-businessman-bureaucrat nexus is too strong in Bihar and it is unlikely to be broken by the outcome of the Assembly elections in the state.” Let the people decide now decisively. The ball is indeed in their court.





The Planning Commission’s latest Human Development Index report ranks Bihar at number 32, the last in the country. When Mr Laloo Prasad Yadav took over as the Chief Minister 15 years back, Bihar occupied the same rank. This shows the degree of development in the Laloo-Rabri Devi dispensation and, more important, how the electorate has been made to function in the exact contradiction of what the real democracy proposes.

Taking protection against “communal forces” as the sole issue or cause, Lalooji has been able to win all the elections but, in reality, he has betrayed the people’s trust and confidence. The people are frightened over the increasing crime rate in the state. Extortionists, abductors, rapists, and murderers are ruling the roost with political patronage. Who will take the initiative to end this Jungle Raj in Bihar?



Every state is in a mess, not just Bihar. Kidnapping of innocent students is a national shame. The culprits behind the kidnappings need to be given condign punishment. The law and order in Bihar will have to improve. Otherwise, people will live under constant fear. This will affect development too.

The government should provide basic facilities to people like good education and health care. It must raise the standards of the people living in abysmal poverty. Only then, one can expect an improvement of the situation and decline in the crime rate.

SHER SINGH, Ludhiana


Mr Dua’s question in the headline “who will pull Bihar out of the mess?” has a simple answer. The President can if he wishes to do so. Some punitive punishment should be inflicted on the perpetrators of heinous crimes like kidnapping and extortion to act as deterrent.

As the lengthy procedure of the judiciary lends help to such criminals, there is a need to expedite justice. Anyway all is well that ends well. With the return of the kidnapped children, I feel that Mr Dua’s efforts have fructified.


Man, be not proud!

A scientific study has found that the male brain is four times faster as compared to a woman’s (The Sunday Times, London, Feb 6-7, 2005). But take heart, ladies, there is no need for you to despair. You will continue to reign supreme, a veritable force to be reckoned with, till kingdom come. Who can match your attributes and accomplishments, colourful personality and charismatic performance, an uncanny eye for aesthetics and artfulness, their sublimity and sensuality, emotion-packed oohs and ahs, alluring apparels and embellishments and cascading curls?... The list is endless.

Man, be not proud! For all your brain and brawn power, you will forever remain a mere pawn, a captive to woman’s winsome ways.

Wg-Cdr S.C. KAPOOR (retd), Noida

Call a spade a spade

Apropos of the news-item on the alleged fraud in Chandigarh’s new generation houses (Feb 7), the developer has not only used the best possible construction material but also built the houses at minimum cost. I do not think that any developer or builder in Chandigarh, Zirakpur, Panchkula and Baltana has used such a high standard material at the best reasonable and low cost.

New generation apartments are still underdeveloped. I am sure, all amenities will be made available to the residents in due course. Moreover, at present there are 125 occupants, not 400 as mentioned in the report. We must call a spade a spade and should stand by a true and sincere developer.

Lt-Col K.C. MALHOTRA, Panchkula

Justice in Army

The justice system of the Army is not harsh or inadequate as some sections feel. A number of cases in the recent past prove beyond doubt that the system is fair and prompt as any judicial system should be. Apparently, critics are shocked by the speedy dispensation of justice in the Army, something unimaginable in the civil system.

Scandals are the order of the day involving politicians, officials, businessmen and criminals, but the civil judicial process is very slow. The conviction rate too is very low. The civil judicial system should emulate the Army system of dispensing quick justice. There are higher courts for appeal. Moreover, all systems of the Army are designed for the war scenario and a slack system will be totally out of place for the Army.

Lt-Col BHAGWANT SINGH (retd), Mohali

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