Biden in Kiev as Prez Poroshenko heckled at Maidan anniversary
Kiev, November 21
US Vice-President Joe Biden met Ukraine's leaders today as the ex-Soviet country marks a year since the start of protests that toppled a pro-Russian regime and sparked the conflict ravaging the nation's east.
Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko talks with a woman during a wreath laying ceremony at the monument to the fallen Heroes in Kiev on Friday. Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko talks with a woman during a wreath laying ceremony at the monument to the fallen Heroes in Kiev on Friday. Reuters

special to the tribune
In a blow to Cameron, anti-EU party wins 2nd seat in UK House
In the same week that official figures showed Indian nationals as making up the largest proportion of foreign nationals being granted UK citizenship, a political party considered racist by some has just won its second parliamentary seat.


Lanka Prez poll on Jan 8
Colombo, November 21
On a day of high political drama when the ruling coalition of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa suffered serious defections, the election commission today set January 8, 2015 as the date for a snap presidential election.

Muslim pageant challenges Western beauty contests
Prambanan, November 21
Finalists of the World Muslimah Awards pose for a photo while attending a galla dinner in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. An eclectic mix of women from around the world will compete in the finale of a pageant exclusively for Muslims in Indonesia, seen as a riposte to Western beauty contests. The women, who include a doctor and a computer scientist, are set to parade in glittering dresses against the backdrop of world-renowned ancient temples for the contest in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country.

Finalists of the World Muslimah Awards pose for a photo while attending a galla dinner in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. AFP

Boko Haram attack kills 45 in Nigeria
Lagos, November 21
Members of the armed terrorist group Boko Haram have killed at least 45 people in a village near Mafa city in the northern Nigerian state of Borno, media reported citing municipal sources and witnesses.

Mangalyaan among best creations: Time
New York, November 21
Mangalyaan has been named among the best inventions of 2014 by Time magazine which described it as a technological feat that will allow India to flex its “interplanetary muscles”.

1 in 3 women victim of domestic abuse
Geneva, November 21
Current efforts to prevent domestic violence are insufficient as a third of women worldwide are physically abused, according to a series of studies by the World Health Organization published today.

Afghan-Taliban truce must be transparent: India
United Nations, November 21
Affirming Afghanistan’s reconciliation efforts towards the Taliban, India has told the United Nations that such programme must respect the international red lines and country’s constitution besides being transparent.






Biden in Kiev as Prez Poroshenko heckled at Maidan anniversary

Kiev, November 21
US Vice-President Joe Biden met Ukraine's leaders today as the ex-Soviet country marks a year since the start of protests that toppled a pro-Russian regime and sparked the conflict ravaging the nation's east.

The Ukrainian government hopes Biden will announce further US assistance for its forces, locked in a drawn-out struggle with pro-Moscow separatists in the east.

The US has so far limited its support to non-lethal security assistance but Kiev wants it to go further and offer weapons and ammunition.

Russia, which denies providing military support to the rebels, has warned that if the US were to arm Ukrainian forces, the conflict in eastern Ukraine "will grow".

In Kiev, dozens of people gathered at the iconic Independence Square, known locally as Maidan, laying flowers at shrines to the more than 100 people who died in protests that started on November 21 last year.

Some mourners wept or crossed themselves as they remembered the dead while others said fresh protests were needed to bring real change to Ukraine, where corruption is rife.

Petro Runkiv, a 58-year-old civil engineer, left his wife, children and grandchildren in western Ukraine to join the protests last year.

"Of course, we are disappointed. Nothing changed," he said. "We need reforms and we are here to let our government know that we are ready for one more Maidan."

The protests started last year after then president Viktor Yanukovych suddenly scrapped a deal for closer ties with Europe. They eventually led to his ousting in February which prompted Moscow to seize Ukraine's Crimea peninsula and later triggered separatist unrest in the industrial east.

President Petro Poroshenko has declared today a "Day of Dignity and Freedom" and a series of memorial ceremonies are planned.

Poroshenko was heckled by relatives of the Maidan dead shouting "Shame!" over authorities' failure to convict anyone in connection with the deaths when he laid a candle at the shrines today.

He and Biden had been due to lay a wreath at the memorials together but instead met up nearby and shook hands before the US vice-president went into a meeting with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Biden also will meet Poroshenko before they issue a joint statement. — AFP

Russia warns against US arms supply to Ukraine

london: Russia has expressed concern over a US official's suggestion that the US should provide arms to Ukrainian forces combating pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. According to The Guardian, Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in Moscow that the US official's sent a "very serious signal". The statement came just hours before Joe Biden's scheduled visit to Kiev on Thursday. Lukashevich warned against "a major change in policy of the US administration in regard to the conflict" in Ukraine, the report said. 

US Vice-President Joe Biden denounces Putin’s action

Ukrainian PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk (R) and US Vice-President Joe Biden in Kiev.
Ukrainian PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk (R) and US Vice-President Joe Biden in Kiev.

* US Vice-President Joe Biden on Friday condemned Russian behaviour in Ukraine as "unacceptable" and urged it to abide by a September peace deal by adhering to a ceasefire and removing military forces from the country.

* Addressing himself rhetorically to Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin after holding talks with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Biden said: "Do what you agreed to do, Mr. Putin."

* Referring to Russia's annexation of the Crimea in March and its backing for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine, Biden said Russian behaviour was a "flagrant violation of the bedrock principles of the international system."



special to the tribune
In a blow to Cameron, anti-EU party wins 2nd seat in UK House
Shyam Bhatia in London

In the same week that official figures showed Indian nationals as making up the largest proportion of foreign nationals being granted UK citizenship, a political party considered racist by some has just won its second parliamentary seat.

Mark Reckless of the UK Independence Party  claimed a second seat in Parliament in the town of Rochester, foreshadowing a possible political upheaval in next year’s General Election. AFP The European Commission's statistics office says the UK handed out 193,900 new passports in 2012 and 15 per cent of those went to Indians, followed by Pakistanis (9.4 per cent) and Nigerians (4.6 per cent).

These figures come as Mark Reckless, who defected from the Conservative Party earlier this year, has been re-elected in the constituency of Rochester and Strood on a UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) ticket.

He won 16,867 votes, a majority of 2,920, against his nearest rival - Conservative Kelly Tolhurst.

Reckless' success comes a month after a similar political victory in which another Conservative defector to UKIP, Douglas Carswell was re-elected for the party in the Clacton by-election.

According to one British newspaper Reckless spent a final day of campaigning in which he used the language of forced repatriation. It was his Labour opponent of South Asian ancestry, Naushabah Khan, who drew attention to his comments that Polish nationals who found work in the UK should be sent home once their work was completed.

A horrified Khan responded, saying: "Where would you stop Mark? My family are migrants. Are you going to say that they need to go back as well?" Both Labour and the Conservatives subsequently criticised the remarks with former Conservative Home Office Minister Damian Green suggesting that they sounded like a policy perilously close to repatriation. The UKIP later said that Reckless' comments have been misinterpreted and twisted by the media.

Meanwhile, the longer term significance of the Reckless victory can only really be judged in next year's General Election.

For his part a supremely confident Reckless said in his victory speech, 'If we can win here, we can win across the country. If you vote UKIP, you get UKIP. To voters he added, "You remain my boss, don't let me forget it."

His party leader Nigel Farage told reporters how Prime Minister David Cameron "put his own personal reputation on the line to fight this by-election and lost, so there you go."



Lanka Prez poll on Jan 8

Colombo, November 21
On a day of high political drama when the ruling coalition of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa suffered serious defections, the election commission today set January 8, 2015 as the date for a snap presidential election.

The election, which will see Rajapaksa seek a record third term, will take place exactly a month after the close of nominations on December 8, Chief Election Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya said in an official government statement.

The Sri Lankan President was delivered a shock as his own party's general secretary Maithripala Sirisena announced his candidature as Rajapaksa's main challenger from the united opposition. Sirisena said following the military victory against the LTTE in 2009, the Rajapaksa government ventured in a wrong direction. — PTI



Muslim pageant challenges Western beauty contests

Prambanan, November 21
An eclectic mix of women from around the world will compete in the finale of a pageant exclusively for Muslims in Indonesia, seen as a riposte to Western beauty contests.

The women, who include a doctor and a computer scientist, are set to parade in glittering dresses against the backdrop of world-renowned ancient temples for the contest in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country.

However, the 18 finalists are required to wear the Muslim headscarf and will be judged not only on their appearance, but also on how well they recite verses from the Koran and their views on Islam in the modern world.

"We want to see that they understand everything about the Islamic way of life-from what they eat, what they wear, how they live their lives," said Jameyah Sheriff, one of the organisers.

The World Muslimah Award first drew global attention in 2013 when organisers presented it as a peaceful protest to Miss World, which was taking place around the same time on the resort island of Bali.

While it remains popular in some countries, British-run Miss World has faced frequent accusations that it is degrading to women, and a round in which contestants pose in bikinis has been a lightning rod for criticism. — AFP



Boko Haram attack kills 45 in Nigeria

Lagos, November 21
Members of the armed terrorist group Boko Haram have killed at least 45 people in a village near Mafa city in the northern Nigerian state of Borno, media reported citing municipal sources and witnesses.

The radicals attacked Azaya Kura Wednesday, just one day before the Nigerian government refused to extend the state of emergency imposed 18 months ago in Borno and two other northeastern states in the country due to the Boko Haram attacks.

Most houses were destroyed by the Islamic radicals in Azaya Kura, about 25 miles from Maiduguri, the capital of Borno. The militants also seized livestock and food during the offensive, according to Nigerian newspaper Daily Trust.

Many residents fled their homes in Mafa, the city closest to the attacked village, after Boko Haram seized control of the area two months ago.

Parliament spokesman Alhaji Zakari Mohammed confirmed that extending the state of emergency has been refused because Nigerian President Jonathan Goodluck has the power to deploy troops and maintain peace in the country, according to Premium Times newspaper. — IANS



Mangalyaan among best creations: Time

New York, November 21
Mangalyaan has been named among the best inventions of 2014 by Time magazine which described it as a technological feat that will allow India to flex its “interplanetary muscles”.

“Nobody gets Mars right on the first try. The US didn’t, Russia didn’t, the Europeans didn’t. But on September 24, India did. That’s when the Mangalyaan ...went into orbit around the Red Planet, a technological feat no other Asian nation has yet achieved,” Time said about Mangalyaan, calling it “The Supersmart Spacecraft.” Mangalyaan is among the 25 ‘Best Inventions of 2014’ listed by Time magazine that are “making the world better, smarter and — in some cases — a little more fun.” — PTI



1 in 3 women victim of domestic abuse

Geneva, November 21
Current efforts to prevent domestic violence are insufficient as a third of women worldwide are physically abused, according to a series of studies by the World Health Organization published today.

Between 100 and 140 million women are victims of genital mutilation and around 70 million girls are married before 18, often against their will. And, seven per cent of women risk being raped in their lifetimes, the study said.

The violence, exacerbated during conflicts and humanitarian crises, have dramatic consequences on the physical and mental health of the victims.

“No magic wand will eliminate violence against women and girls. But evidence tells us that changes in attitudes and behaviours are possible, and can be achieved within less than a generation,” said Charlotte Watts, professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and co-author.

The study says even in places with tough, forward-looking laws many women are still the victims of discrimination, violence and lack adequate access to health and legal services.

“Early identification of women and children subjected to violence and a supportive and effective response can improve women’s well-being, and help them access vital services,” said Claudia Garcia-Moreno, a WHO physician. The study's authors said a dent can only be made in violence against women if governments put more resources into the fight and recognise how it serves as a brake on economic growth. — AFP

WHO says 140 million suffer genital mutilation

* A series of studies by the World Health Organization shows that nearly 140 million women are victims of genital mutilation and around 70 million girls are married before 18, often against their will

* It says 7% of women risk being raped in their lifetime



Afghan-Taliban truce must be transparent: India

United Nations, November 21
Affirming Afghanistan’s reconciliation efforts towards the Taliban, India has told the United Nations that such programme must respect the international red lines and country’s constitution besides being transparent.

“A successful national reconciliation programme must be transparent, led by the Afghan Government and owned by the Afghan people, respecting the Afghan constitution and the international red lines.

“This would require sincere cooperation of all parties concerned,” India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Asoke Mukerji said at the UN General Assembly on ‘The Situation in Afghanistan’ debate here yesterday.

Reiterating India’s commitment to working with the Afghan government and its people in its path towards growth and stability, he said the the Government of Afghanistan was moving towards reconciliation of erstwhile Taliban regime members.

Mukerji also voiced concern over the scourge of terrorism that continues to threaten Afghanistan’s peace and stability despite efforts and sacrifices of both international troops and Afghan National Security Forces personnel.

“Such terrorist and extremists groups continue to survive despite the immense military pressure brought on them that underscores the fact that they have continued to benefit from support beyond Afghanistan. They also access resources from transnational terrorist and criminal networks,” Mukerji said.

He stressed if such support stops and the linkages with networks broken, the scourge of terrorism will be defeated.

Mukerji further said India has been in discussion with Iran and Afghanistan on ways to collaborate on a project to develop Iran’s Chahbahar Port that would improve Afghanistan’s access to the sea and provide a significant boost to economic reconstruction activities in its western parts. — PTI



Clad in Akha traditional attire, Myanmar Christians attend an opening ceremony to mark the 500th anniversary of the Roman Catholic Church’s arrival to Myanmar at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Yangon on Friday
Clad in Akha traditional attire, Myanmar Christians attend an opening ceremony to mark the 500th anniversary of the Roman Catholic Church’s arrival to Myanmar at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Yangon on Friday. AP/PTI

Treason trial: Special court accepts Musharraf’s plea
The special court trying former military ruler Gen Parvez Musharraf on Friday partially accepted his plea to include alleged co-conspirators in the high treason trial in which he has been charged with subverting the Constitution by imposing emergency on November 3, 2007. The court directed the federal government to resubmit its complaint after including the names of former PM Shaukat Aziz, former law minister Zahid Hamid, Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar who became Chief Justice as a result of emergency and other office holders at the time. TNS

Western New York residents now face rain, flooding
Buffalo (US):
A snowfall that brought huge drifts and closed roads in the Buffalo area finally ended on Friday, yet residents still couldn't breathe easy, as the looming threat of rain and higher temperatures through the weekend and beyond raised the possibility of floods and more roofs collapsing under the heavy loads. More than 30 roof collapses, most involving farm and flat-roof buildings, were reported overnight, officials said. PTI




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