Oh My Gold!
They came, they saw and they conquered us with their charming smiles and cool demeanour. A few golden moments with Raj Kundra and Shilpa Shetty in Chandigarh and Ludhiana…

She sure is a star with a difference! She shows up dot on time. As the crowd goes berserk trying to catch a glimpse of her, Shilpa Shetty maintains her celeb demeanour, manages to smile at scores of cameras and answer queries on the opening of her store Satyug Gold in Chandigarh on Saturday.

Her rocks dazzle as does her svelte frame, ring flashes, her earrings vie for attention, a butterfly pendant dangles, her designs are also there on the display in the store. Hubby Raj Kundra takes a back seat as Shilpa answers.

Of many ventures that she dabbles in, Satyug Gold is closest to her heart, "Gold is what everyone buys rich or poor. We bring gold to everyone's reach," says Shilpa. Apart from that you get to wear 'her' designs, she chattily mentions a tempting 37 per cent discount on prevailing rates if you pay full price before May 31 and take delivery later depending on the plan.

Besides business ventures, she is happy with her innings in Bollywood. "I will always be known as an actor first." She merrily talks of the synergy with this Punjabi filmmaker and a Punjabi venture it might lead to at a later juncture.

She makes no claims of maintaining a perfect balance between personal and professional life. Her voice hoarse from managing 60 kids at her son's second birthday just two days back, she states plain and simple, "I am going mad. I haven't had a day off for a really long time."

Her slender waist may be the talk of B-town, Shilpa clears she is not the one to diet. "I love my food. Just had a rich Punjabi meal at a dhaba on Ludhiana-Chandigarh highway. But yes I eat in moderation," she doles out. Her beauty secrets are two - health and happiness. "You got to be fit and happy from inside. My son makes me happy," says Shilpa who calls her husband Raj, 'a very good human being, a fabulous husband and father'!


Wind beneath her wings

As Shilpa takes the centre stage, Raj Kundra is happy to be the man behind the scene. Ask him on his famous wife, “She gets 11 out of 10 in every field,” says Raj. Viaan has turned this all-work-person a family man. “Ever since his birth, I do no meetings after six. It’s time with my son.”

She’s rock solid
Gurvinder Singh

She is all smiles, as she gets off from the white Mercedes. With husband Raj Kundra by her side, in a light casual attire, Shilpa Shetty is a picture of calm even as her fans go into a frenzy trying to catch a glimpse of her. Her fans queue up to the stairs of Satyuga Gold, the jewellery showroom, she came to inaugurate.

This is a part of the chain of showrooms she and her husband own. Kundra is cool and composed in the light blue shirt and takes her through the clamouring fans. Kundra takes the lead on the staircase and she holds his arm as they move through the security staff and fans. Kundra, who has his ancestral home in Ludhiana, is happy to be in the city, as he used to come here as a child. As his family hails from here, he is keen to invest and open more such showrooms in Punjab.

In the dress circle
Identify your body type and dress accordingly, say experts from Vogue School of Style
Gurvinder Singh

Attires, colour, panache- the ladies of Ludhiana had it all, each one sporting a designer dress and outshining the other. The event was a workshop organised by Vogue School of Style to share tips on fashion.

Bandana Tewari from Vogue School of Style was impressed with the turnout for the event, but was more impressed by the fashion style of the participants. "I am surprised by the designer clothes and the variety of clothes. Women here are putting women of Mumbai to shame," she said.

During the workshop organised in collaboration with FICCI Ladies Organisation at Ireo, Tewari and her colleague Pahull Bains shared fashion tips and trends. Highlighting different body types, and how one should dress according to body types, she says, "Just love the person you are." Emphasising the need of developing one's signature style, she says, "Develop a unique dressing style of your own. One designer, that matches your sense of style, whether local or international should be part of the fashion theme, she says. And you should dress up like a person you aspire to be."

There are five golden rules that everyone should follow. According to Bandana, those rules are, "know your identity, know what works on your shape, think long term in terms of fashion, don't be afraid to mix and match and don't underestimate the power of fashion accessories."

When it comes to fashion accessories, it is the asymmetrical that is in these days. Talking about the latest trends, she says that the sporty look is going to rule the fashion scene. Not the gym look, but a rather "sexy take on sports". It may be embellishments or designer tracks and slacks that work for parties and cool fashion wear.

Though denims have always been there, but now denims with jackets, denim over denim are in vogue.

Pahull says that dressing for festive occasions calls for a twist like adding a jacket over sherwani and dhoti-saari. Amardeep Lall from INIFD Ludhiana feels that although women in Ludhiana are fashionable, but such sessions add to the awareness and are particularly educative for fashion students.

Rhythm with reason
For dancer Shabnam Nath, kathak is not just a classical dance form, but a tool to discipline one’s mind and body
Amarjot Kaur

While manoeuvring an art form so refined, Shabnam Nath’s passion for kathak floors you. She took to kathak while she was studying at The Lawrence School, Sanawar and continued training under the aegis of Shobha Koser, the director of Pracheen Kala Kendra even after graduating in the art from the Government College of Girls, Chandigarh.

Today, Shabnam teaches kathak at Sanskriti, a centre for performing arts, in Ambala, which is a non-profit organisation committed to promoting classical dances of India with a special emphasis on kathak.

“I started Sanskriti in 2002 with only six students and now we have over hundred students,” says Shabnam while adding, “I was married in Ambala and have been living there. However, it is a very small and conservative town. We would only have people coming to us, asking to be trained in Bollywood dance,” she smiles.

While the Herculean task at Shabnam’s hand remained framing a broader perspective for people about kathak, which for them meant mujra, she credits her husband and father-in-law for their support, who gallantly extended their indifference to the good old ‘what will people say’ theory of society.

“In the Mughal era, kathak moved from the temples to the Mughal courts, where the artists were forced to perform and that perhaps brought about the conservatism associated with people’s perception of this dance form. I am only glad that it’s back to the stage, where it deserves to be,” she says. Parents would often come to Shabnam, asking her to keep their child from performing on stage, but this was not the worst of her worries. “The saddest part is when parents ask me to teach Bollywood dance to their children because they want them to get through the reality dance shows,” she says.

On the opinion that kathak is one of the most rigid of the classical dance forms, providing very little avenue for experimentation or improvisation, Shabnam believes that it is necessary to stick to the traditional nuances of the dance form in order to preserve its heritage. “People fail to understand that the best of the Bollyood dancers have a classical background, including Madhuri Dixit and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Kathak is all about discipline, it’s like maths in poetry,” she says while adding that many parents told her that their children were getting better at studies post joining kathak.

“Kathak improves memory because it is performed in tandem with the multiples of beats, teen taal, for instance runs in the multiples of 16, so it makes the mind sharper and more alert,” she says.

At Sanskriti, Shabnam also teaches differently abled children with hearing disabilities. “I was surprised how beautifully these children follow the beat patterns, and sometimes even better than the so-called normal kids,” She shares. Shabnam Nath has also been involved in teaching dance to under privileged children at The Holy Redeemer School in Ambala.

She was in Chandigarh, with her students to perform an hour-long ballet titled, Krishna, which traces his journey from his birth in Mathura to his adulthood in Gokul, Vrindavan, and finally as Arjun's charioteer and Guru during the Mahabharata in Kurukshetra.


In first person
Deepak Chopra's quest to find inner peace has led him to write his first book Mantras For Inner Peace

Deepak Chopra Chandigarh-based Deepak Chopra had everything going for him…great business, lovely family and all the worldly possessions one could aspire for. But in one stroke he lost it all. "It felt like I was put in a boat, hands tied and pushed into the ocean. All I could do was look at the setting sun in my life helplessly," recalls Deepak as his first book Mantras For Inner Peace was launched on Saturday at UT Guest House-6.

While going through the adversity, it was as if on divine guidance, he picked up the pen and started writing. The first chapter is called Accept, Do Not Expect followed by Alone, Not Lonely and Anger…rrr. The book is penned by Deepak but he is not ready to take any credit for it. "While really disturbed, I started writing as dictated by my inner voice. Each word that's there in the book is guided by Him."

The book is divided into small, neat chapters, 26 in total. And it is aimed at those who are dealing with stress. Says Deepak, "The ideas in the book sailed me though my tough times, so I am out to share them with the world."

The publisher United Newspapers, Rotary Chandigarh Shivalik and the writer are coming together to distribute the book free of cost to the attendants of patients at city hospitals, youth appearing for exams and senior citizens in old age homes.

The chapters are deliberately kept short owing to the drastically reduced attention span these days. The language is simple, here is how chapter on Hope begins… "I often used to wonder what hope is till I read Hold On, Pain Ends. The four letter word makes us transcend every present moment i.e. the now, and live for the future."

This book by Deepak, an engineer from Punjab Engineering College and an MBA with an experience in hospitality industry, turned consultant in personal enhancement, falls in the self-help category. His namesake Dr Deepak Chopra is what this writer has read among many others. He differentiates his book Mantras For Inner Peace from others in the genre by calling it personal. "Most self-help books tend to get philosophical or are lessons in management. Mine is from a personal viewpoint."

For those coping with stress, Deepak gives the staring point, "Accept and half your battle is won. Next, listen to your inner voice.

Love is in the air

(L-R) Roshan Prince, Anshu Sawhney, Simran Mundi and Jassi Gill
(L-R) Roshan Prince, Anshu Sawhney, Simran Mundi and Jassi Gill

The starcast of forthcoming Punjabi movie Mundeyan Ton Bach Ke Rahin (MTBKR) came calling to Chandigarh on Friday. Punjabi actors Roshan Prince, Simran Kaur Mundi, Jassi Gill, Pawan Gill and Navinder Kirpal Singh are starring in this bromance comedy that would leave the audience amazed. Besides this the naughty Bharti Singh, Anshu Sawhney (Preeto) and Minto too have bedecked the movie, which will release on May 30.

Navinder Kirpal has penned the dialogues along with Manoj Sabharwal. The renowned cinematographer John Wilmor has done cinematography of the movie. Jassi Katyal and Gurmeet Singh have directed the music, while lyrics are by Baby Doll fame Kumaar. Roshan Prince, Jassi Gill, Jassi Katyal, Amber Vashisht and Shipra Goyal have lent voices to the songs. Choreography has been done by Adil Shaikh, Sanjay Shetty, Savio Barnes and Pawan Gill. The movie has been shot at Nalagarh, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh. — TNS

Master Chef
Pasta perfection
Kandla Nijhowne

A cold salad is perfect during the summer heat. I make mine veggie-loaded so it's substantial and filling too. The ones we see at wedding feasts are choked with pasta bits and mayonnaise with very little of greens or protein. Now, that's no salad at all, for it is imbalanced and unhealthy.

A good salad must cover all the food groups- carbohydrates, protein, fat and veggies. Remember the mantra, 'the more greens the better; the more raw the better ; the more colour the better!" You can play around with the various components according to their availability and your mood!

Greek style pasta salad

  • 400-500 gm spirali pasta
  • ½-¾ cup thick, semi drained yogurt
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup vinegar
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
  • ½ cup diced red bell peppers
  • ½ cup diced yellow bell peppers
  • 1 cup de-seeded and diced cucumber
  • 1 cup sliced spring onion
  • ¼ cup chopped basil or parsley
  • 200 gm processed cheese, cubed (or small lumps of mozzarella)
  • Chilli flakes (optional)


Boil plenty of salted water in a deep vessel, immerse the pasta bits into it. Cook till tender but not mushy, then drain. Combine the yogurt, olive oil and vinegar with salt and pepper to taste. Use a wide bowl to mix the cooled pasta and the dressing together. Use only enough dressing to coat the bits well. Now scatter in all the chopped veggies, fresh herbs and cheese. Stir well, add chilli flakes if using, then re-adjust seasoning if necessary. Serve cold or at room temperature.

(Nijhowne is a Chandigarh-based culinary expert)

Coming soon
Master stroke

A painting by KG Subramanyan
A painting by KG Subramanyan

Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademi and the Seagull Foundation for the Arts, Kolkata are organising an exhibition of the new artworks by the legendary artist, scholar, poet, cultural commentator Padmavibhushan KG Subramanyan. The exhibition will open on May 26 at 5.30 pm at the Government Museum and Art Gallery-10.

Dr Alka Pande, renowned art historian, curator and cultural commentator will introduce the art of KG Subramanyan, before the opening of the exhibition.

The exhibition will showcase 113 new artworks by the artist. The exhibition will remain open from May 27 to June 4 between 11am and 7pm.

The exhibition is accompanied by books and other published material, written on and by the artist.

Suitable choice

With our Bollywood celebrities walking the red carpet with élan in gowns reaffirms that fact that we have arrived on the global fashion scene. An awardee of the 'best design' at Sportking Institute, Navisha Gupta is all for sophistication.

Your sense of style

Anybody who follows trends and looks comfortable is stylish for me. Style is all about balance.

What is one thing you treasure among your belongings?

A blazer in black colour from Kazo.

Your style icon?

Sonam Kapoor definitely.

And the worst-dressed celebrity?

Sometimes Sonakshi Sinha fills the slot.

Brand freak or street pick-ups?

Both. Suitability is the key factor.

Take your pick-sporty, chic or glamorous?

Chic it is!

Your take on accessories…

I love all accessories and especially anklets and bangles.

What is one fashion trend you would not like to follow?

A blunt hairstyle and anything punkish.

Given a choice which designer you would like to be dressed by?

Sabyasachi for ethnic and Roberto Cavalli for western.

When do you feel confident?

When I am asked whether I am a model or the comment "why don't you go for modelling" makes me feel good and confident.

— As told to Poonam Bindra

Meet Bobby Jasoos

Makers of, the Vidya Balan starrer, Bobby Jasoos are ready to launch the trailer of the film but the question is where? Bobby Jasoos is a film about the journey of a female detective (played by Vidya Balan) and the film is set in Hyderabad. Ali Fazal is the male lead.

In fact, Hyderabad in a sense is a character in itself. Like what Kolkata was to Kahaani, the same is Hyderabad to Bobby Jasoos.

So, the makers are toying around with the idea of having the trailer launch event in Hyderabad. The film is produced by Dia Mirza and Sahil Sangha. However, they are thinking over it. Bombay is the epicenter of Bollywood and so the first event should happen there. The makers are contemplating because it's the first communication of the film.

It is a key decision and they are extensively discussing. The trailer of the film will be launched in May end. One look of Vidya, which was out sometime back, drew a lot of eyeballs and has only built hype for the trailer of the film. When contacted, the spokesperson of the film confirmed the news and added, "What Kolkata was to Kahaani, Hyderabad is to Bobby Jasoos and so we are tempted to launch the trailer in Hyderabad"

In and out of love, eternally!

Anurag Kashyap has found love again with a young girl and is quite open about it. He talks about Bombay Velvet and The World Before Her and also his personal life.

The World Before Her

This is one of the most important films to have come out of Indian cinema and I urge everyone to see it. I am proud to be associated with the award-winning film made by Nisha Pahuja.

On Bombay Velvet

It is my most ambitious film till date and it is now in post production stage. It is shaping up well. I had worked intensely on the sets so I feel great.

Of days and dates

I am dating someone. Her name is Sabrina Khan and she was an assistant director on Bombay Velvet. I am in a happy phase. Right now we are just seeing each other. Let's see how it progresses.

On Kalki Koechlin

Kalki and I are great friends even though our marriage did not work out. Kalki was the first person that I confided in. She is very happy because I am happy.

Acceptance speech

I am very happy that my kind of movies have been accepted and now I can use my brand to promote and provide a platform to other filmmakers. I love the fact that I have been successful on my own terms.

Barun Sobti talks movies

Actor Barun Sobti, who recently finished shooting for Satra Ko Shaadi made under John Abraham's production banner, talks about his role and much more...

Character sketch

I play Naresh Sinhal, who is settled in a job and is of marriageable age. He goes to Bhopal to attend a wedding and there he meets a girl (played by Sapna Pabbi of 24 fame). The film is about five days of wedding.

Satra Ko Shaadi

It is not a typical Bollywood film. It presents a real life wedding scenario. When I first read the script, I thought actually no one had presented Indian wedding in a real way. I was stunned!

It doesn't show the jolly side of marriage, which we have been seeing in films over the years.

On John Abraham

John is a pretty chilled out person and has no airs about him. He is an intelligent, sharp businessman. We had a hectic schedule. The shoot off went pretty well and John was like a buddy on the sets.

I screamed at Daniel Radcliffe: Jennifer Lawrence

Star presence: Jennifer Lawrence
Star presence: Jennifer Lawrence

Hunger Games actress Jennifer Lawrence has revealed that she screamed at Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe when she first met him. The 23-year-old actress, who is a self-confessed Harry Potter fan, recalled the awkward moment during an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers, reported a publication.

Speaking of what her interests were while growing up, Lawrence said, "Harry Potter. I read that three times. NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, but it all changes as you get older.

You meet everyone and you're like, 'Oh, we're all adults now'. It's not the same as in the '90s." When asked as to how she felt when she met Harry Potter, Lawrence said, "No! I screamed at him the first time that I met him." — PTI

Tiger Shroff to play Shiva?

We recently heard how Karan Johar will be adapting Amish Tripathi's book, Immortals of Meluha for the big screen. The first book in Amish Tripathi's Shiva Trilogy, Immortals of Meluha tells us the story of a Tibetan immigrant named Shiva who is invited to the kingdom of Meluha.

For this film, Karan Johar was looking for a fresh and young actor who had the ability to look closest to Lord Shiva. Tiger Shroff, who makes his debut with Heropanti, seems to be the perfect choice for the role because of his action skills.

Tiger's strength, physicality and his discipline has been talked about a lot. His real life persona will make it easier for him to essay the role of this deity. Ironically, Tiger Shroff is a huge devotee of Lord Shiva. He practices martial arts for about 6-7 hours daily, when not in a shoot schedule. He is a firm believer and takes immense inspiration from Shiva's stories that he has read. Also, before any auspicious event in his life, Tiger Shroff seeks blessings of Lord Shiva. When contacted, he said, “There have been a lot of projects that I have been approached for. But I can talk about them only once they are finalised."


A dose of reality

Cupid strikes: Meiyang Chang and Surbhi Jyoti How far would you go to save your love? If your love was at risk, what would you do? How do you draw a line between love and passion? Stay tuned to Zing as it answers all these queries and many more with the launch of its new television series Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya. The show telecasts 13 original episodes depicting real, young, burning love, with raw emotions unlike anything ever witnessed in the Indian television!

Cupid strikes: Meiyang Chang and Surbhi Jyoti

Set in the heart of India, the show seeks inspiration from everyday heart throbbing love stories. Zing's - Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya delves into the lives of star crossed lovers, played by the biggest celebrities on Indian Television. The weekly series demonstrates real love stories, where passion meets crime with a twist! Keeping in line with the unusual show format, celebrity hosts, Meiyang Chang and Surbhi Jyoti will take viewers on an interesting journey. On his association with the show, Chang mentioned, "Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya is very close to my heart as I believe in pursuing my dreams just like these lovers. I play the role of a narrator and aid the audience with necessary facts to conclude the outcome of each story."

Surbhi Jyoti went on to add, "Shooting Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya was so much fun! I too am a narrator and my role is to ensure the pieces of each story are seamlessly put together for our viewers to follow. The stories are based on real love stories and are very touching. Our fans would love it!"

An actor par excellence

Surekha Sikri, who is currently seen as Dadisa in the show Balika Vadhu, is one of the finest actresses of the television industry. The veteran actress talks about acting, her show and more…

Your show Balika Vadhu provides a meaningful message at the end of each episode. Do you think it makes a difference?

Of course, it does. People watch and learn; the motive of the show is to bring about a change in the minds of people. As far as women are concerned, they are smart enough to make their choices. India is on the threshold of development and so is the thought process of women.

You were earlier rewarded as the best actress in a negative role for Balika Vadhu and now you are playing a positive role. Which role are you more comfortable with?

I am quite comfortable with both, the positive as well as the negative role. Actors are known for their versatility and therefore I believe in giving my best. It is my responsibility more than a profession to give my best.

Are you media shy?

Not at all. I enjoy sharing my opinion with media, but I dislike the type of questions I am asked. The questions are too naive to answer (giggles). I can't tolerate them.

We learn something at every phase of our life. Do you think that there is something that you have left out at this point of your life?

I am not really sure whether I have left out something. But yes, we need to live our lives to the fullest. We shouldn't wait to achieve anything that we desire.

When not acting, what do you like to do?

I like to sing Indian classical music, especially, the dhrupad style of Indian classical singing.

Step up: Shakti Mohan Fear factor

Shakti Mohan is excited about Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa but is scared of heights. She has done aerial acts before but accepts that she is not very comfortable with heights. She hopes to overcome this fear and showcase her dancing skills.

Step up: Shakti Mohan

Jesse in action

Super model Jesse Randhawa will soon be a part of Hum Nai Li Hai Shapath. She will play an Interpol officer who is a member of the core team. Many of her co-stars, including Aman Yatan Verma, welcomed her on twitter. Aman tweeted, "Working with the queen of the ramp Jeese Randhawa for Shapa shesbsmart shes capable shes gorgeous and tall."

Chhavi quits Ek Boond Ishq

Life OK's show Ek Boond Ishq might be taking a leap but this isn't going well with the lead actress Chhavi Pandey. She isn't happy with the idea and has quit the show. The makers are looking for her replacement.

Take it easy

MTV and Balaji Motion Pictures have teamed up to launch a 'pranktastic' show MTV Jhand Hogi Sabki. Hosted by young actors Siddharth Gupta and Ashish Juneja, the show will see celebrities pull funny pranks on each other. The show was launched with much fanfare by producer Ekta Kapoor along with the stars of the film Siddharth Gupta and Simran Kaur Mundi. MTV Jhand Hogi Sabki will be telecast on MTV every Saturday at 7 pm starting from May 24.

Officially separated: Karisma Kapur and Sanjay KapurSplit wide open

Karisma Kapur and Sanjay Kapur have decided to part ways mutually and are going to officially divorce. Anyway, both have moved on in their professional lives.

Officially separated: Karisma Kapur and Sanjay Kapur

After the knot

Mardaani is Rani Mukerjee's first release after her marriage. The plot has been kept under wraps and what remains to be seen is whether she will adopt the Chopra surname on screen.

Censor Board is watching

The Censor Board has chopped off a close-up of a kissing scene between Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan in the promo of Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania. Karan Johar, who is producing the film, is quite upset with the board's decision.

After the D-day, the D-word

Director Tarun Mansukhani, of Dostana fame, has split up with Karuna, his wife of nine years. They had been living separately for a while and have now officially divorced each other.

P Khurrana

ARIES: Six of Wands bring a gracious and aesthetic influence in your life. You are likely to face several interruptions and disruptions, which will make it difficult for you to stay on schedule. Tarot message: Don't reveal your plans to your competitors. Lucky colour: Ebony. Magic number: 27

TAURUS: You draw Two of Wands to invoke mental power, intelligence and to achieve professional goals. Work will be smooth. Do not become reckless. Just enjoy yourself. Tarot message: You shall prevent a lot of trouble by taking timely action. Lucky colour: Deep red. Magic number: 35

GEMINI: You are awakened and energised by fiery Knight of Wands. Your creative abilities will be at their peak and your innovative ideas will gain recognition if you take care to present them properly. Tarot message: Don't reveal your plan of action to anyone. Lucky colour: Peach. Magic number: 27.

CANCER: The Ace of Pentacles leads to actualisation of personal and professional plans. You could be contemplating making changes to your routine but you need to spend time on defining the changes you want. Tarot message: Don't do anything at the cost of your health. Lucky colour: Jade. Magic number: 29

LEO: The Lovers inspire you with love and creativity today. If you have spent time finalising the details of your projects, now is the time to take the initiative and implement your plans. Tarot message: Make compromises outside and come to terms within yourself. Lucky colour: Golden yellow. Magic number: 46

VIRGO: Two of Wands spin in speculation and luck. You may be in an irritable mood and could react aggressively when faced with dissenting views. There could be tension with loved ones. Tarot message: Take one step at a time and avoid being hurried and over anxious. Lucky colour: Purple. Magic number: 55

LIBRA: You draw The Ace of Wands which puts you through a touching and transforming personal experience. Caring conversation and heart-to-heart talks flow easily. Tarot message: Do not swing away from the course you have charted so far. Lucky colour: Sea green. Magic number: 26

SCORPIO: The Priestess infuses pure and exalted influences in your life. If you are applying for a dream job, you might just get it given your track record and qualifications. Your love life will be good. Tarot message: Do not expect too much from others. Lucky colour: White. Magic number: 52

SAGITTARIUS: The Wheel of Fortune spins in some good fortune and emotional abundance. You may be unable to concentrate on your tasks at work. Tarot message: Lack of confidence or lack of caution can leave you in losses. Lucky colour: Forest green. Magic number: 43.

CAPRICORN: Your card The Strength gives you self-esteem and a good feeling about yourself today. Work will be smooth and your ability to get things done will be appreciated by colleagues. Tarot message: Don't make hasty decisions as it could waste your time and money. Lucky colour: Deep red. Magic number: 41

AQUARIUS: Your card Judgment is reversed, so be careful about public opinion going against you. You will be enthusiastic about developments at work but take time to listen to colleagues. Tarot message: Dare to accomplish those tasks, which normally take up a lot of time. Lucky colour: Bottle green. Magic number: 32

PISCES: The card of The Magician brings a day of change and mutation, whether you want it or not. You may be feeling irritable and restless and could lose your temper fast. Tarot message: You will receive a useful tip at the stock exchange, which can be put to profitable use. Lucky colour: Yellow. Magic number: 44

Madan Gupta Spatu

If your birthday is May 25...

From July 2014 to August 2015, educational and communication opportunities are likely to present themselves. You may increase your knowledge and skills and find much enjoyment in doing so. Neighbours or relatives could be especially helpful in your life. You express your ideas with more enthusiasm and positivity that is received well. Your reasoning skills are sharper than usual, so take advantage. You are able to comprehend more complicated subjects and problems. Higher level studies and perhaps some travel opportunities might arise during this cycle. Many of you will benefit from taking different courses. Positive colours: White, sky blue, cream, yellow and occasionally navy blue

Select days: Monday & Sunday

Favourable numbers: 2, 7

Gems recommended: Pearl, white coral, diamond

Charity on Birthday: You may donate wheat, gur, gold, copper utensils to needy or to any religious place.

You share your birthday with Karan Johar (May 25,1972 Mumbai ) film director, producer, screenwriter, costume designer, actor and television host based in Bollywood. He has directed four films. He has a bright future ahead owing to strong Moon in his horoscope.

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