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Dam good

The article “A ‘temple’ of big things” by Sarabjit Dhaliwal (Sunday Tribune, October 20) was very informative. It was a befitting tribute to all those engineers, Governor-Generals and architects from India and the US who were involved in the construction of the Bhakra Dam. It was interesting to read how the 740-ft-high dam came up after 55 years of its planning process. The dam brought prosperity in Punjab and other areas.

RK Kapoor, Chandigarh

A tribute

Reference to the article “How a nation found its God in cricket” by Rohit Mahajan (Sunday Tribune, October 20), I have penned down a few lines in the praise of Tendulkar: Sachin goes the Gandhi way, taking the world by storm;/None could stay for so long, at ‘Everest’ virtually, like in a villa,/His vibes beat in all hearts where bat and ball reign,/A millennium man, made Indians proud, not in playground alone, but beyond./Cool and calculating in strokes — his forte, find no parallel,/Masterpiece master blaster, a mega mountain/Hundred years from now, none shall believe,/A man like him walked on the Earth./A fairytale comes true, a miracle, beyond belief and words,/That made him a living legend in cricket world./The one man, who now belongs to the globe,/Call him ‘cricket God’ or ‘Sachin’.

BM Singh, Amritsar

Garbage out

It is true that we have no love for sanitation and hygiene as is evident from the filth all around us (“The old world lives on in Ladakh”; Sunday Tribune, October 20). Empty sachets of ‘gutka’ and other products litter the surroundings and are polluting environment. We have forgotten that cleanliness is next to godliness. Under these circumstances, people of Ladakh must be lauded as they are maintaining high standards of cleanliness as per their traditions and preserving customs. Their ideals should be emulated by our young generation for a safe and healthy future. The writer has done well to remind us to cut down on crackers on Diwali and adopt safety precautions to avoid accidents.

SC Vaid, Greater Noida

Keeping her safe

Apropos the article, “Making the city safe for her” (Spectrum, October 13), there is no substitute to ‘indoctrination’ of boys at school and home alike. Parents and teachers can inculcate moral values in children. Schools focus on syllabus, but nobody is paying heed to moral education. One can’t become a responsible citizen by merely getting a degree. Society does not just need an army of highly qualified youths, but youths with morals. Severe punishment and strict police vigil is necessary, but these measures have never been effective deterrents. Let us educate our boys how to be respectful towards the fair sex.

Anand Mahajan, Kurukshetra

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