Perspective | Oped


Sights set far
The recent visit to Pakistan by the Indian trade delegation headed by Commerce Minister Anand Sharma may have been a disappointment with the neighbour not granting the promised Most Favoured Nation status, but the pressure on both sides is enough to bring down the trade barriers sooner than expected
Ashok Tuteja in Pakistan
and its surrounding areas had witnessed a fair amount of rain last Sunday, a day before Commerce Minister Anand Sharma was to cross the Attari border at the head of the first ever Indian business delegation to Pakistan. But the downpour was enough to expose the quality of infrastructure on the Indian side. 


Shiv Sena triumphs
February 18, 2012
The Iranian N-issue
February 17, 2012
Prices come down
February 16, 2012
Cross-border trade
February 15, 2012
Pak PM in the dock
February 14, 2012
Defusing the age row
February 13, 2012
February 12, 2012
Dealing with China
February 11, 2012
Scare over subsidy
February 10, 2012
The change in Maldives
February 9, 2012
Avoidable muck-raking
February 8, 2012



fifty  fifty
Kishwar desai

Election and the baba log
A less respectful and more rigorous media and better inner-party democracy needed to make elections look different and more meaningful than a male dominated, feudal beauty parade 
HE dominance of the visual medium has ensured that we are rapidly cutting down on the space allocated for ‘radio faces.’ We only want to see young, well-groomed and pleasant faces, everywhere. Anything will do — as long as they are not naturally askew. It is a bias that is now spreading to every field, even politics.

On the record by 
Aditi Tandon

The first national census of the ‘national bird’
Dr S Sathyakumar
heads the Department of Endangered Species Management at the Wildlife Institute of India, a premier institution in South Asia for wildlife training, research, education and policy. He is associated with some of the key wildlife projects in the country, ranging from the national bird peacock to snow leopards.

BY Harihar Swarup

Vipassana his road to peace
ROM successful businessman to a spiritual teacher, it has been a long journey for Padma Bhushan Satya Narayan Goenka. Born in Mandalay, Myanmar, Goenka is now 88, but going strong in his mission to spread the good that follows from the practice of “Vipassana”, the “art of living”.



Sights set far
The recent visit to Pakistan by the Indian trade delegation headed by Commerce Minister Anand Sharma may have been a disappointment with the neighbour not granting the promised Most Favoured Nation status, but the pressure on both sides is enough to bring down the trade barriers sooner than expected
Ashok Tuteja in Pakistan

Amritsar and its surrounding areas had witnessed a fair amount of rain last Sunday, a day before Commerce Minister Anand Sharma was to cross the Attari border at the head of the first ever Indian business delegation to Pakistan. But the downpour was enough to expose the quality of infrastructure on the Indian side. As top business honchos waded through mud-laden roads to cross into Pakistan, one of them ruefully remarked: “How can we do business with Pakistan if this is the state of roads here?”
Union Commerce Minister Anand Sharma and his Pakistan counterpart Makhdoom Amin Fahim at Attari
Union Commerce Minister Anand Sharma and his Pakistan counterpart Makhdoom Amin Fahim at Attari on Monday. Photo: Vishal Kumar

Immigration counters with outdated technology and drunken porters out to fleece passengers presented a pathetic sight of how ill-prepared we were when it came to doing business with Pakistan.

Poor infrastructure, high tariffs, trade barriers, costly transportation, excessive red tape, corrupt bureaucracy, strict regulations on visa and customs procedures, and major political conflicts have ensured trade between the two neighbours remains far below potential.

South Asia is about the least integrated part of the world. Neighbours supply just 0.5 per cent of India’s imports and consume less than 4 per cent of its exports. India and Pakistan, mutually antagonistic, represent one-fifth of the global population. Yet, the official trade between them is about 3 billion dollars a year.

Lahore is just half an hour’s drive from Amritsar. India, given the size of its economy, should have been Pakistan’s largest export destination. But Pakistan does not even figure among India’s 50 top suppliers.


While India granted the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to Pakistan in 1996, Islamabad agreed “in principle” only last November, after a gap of 15 years, to reciprocate the gesture. However, it is still far from moving ahead for a negative list of goods to pave the way for granting the MFN status. The proposal to shift to a negative list from a positive list — one that restricts exports to only 1,963 items from India at present — is now expected to be placed before the Pakistani Cabinet at its next meeting.

The apprehension among the intelligentsia in India is that free trade between the two countries could add to India’s security concerns, or even lead to an increase in terrorist activities. The Indian business lobby, too, is apprehensive about unhindered import of certain commodities from Pakistan. For instance, Vinod Juneja, managing director of the Binani Group of Industries, who was part of the Indian delegation, was of the view that large imports of cement from Pakistan had affected the Indian cement industry badly.

The lurking fear in Pakistan, however, is that once India is formally accorded the MFN status, Indian goods will invade Pakistani markets at the cost of the domestic industry. Recently, traders and associations of chemists in Rawalpindi criticised the government’s decision to accord the MFN status to India, arguing it would exhaust Pakistan’s raw material. Auto and textiles industries in Pakistan too have been cold to the proposal for opening up the market for Indian products. Hardliners in the country, particularly the ‘jehadi’ groups, have only been too happy to capitalise on the sentiments of the business community.

This has certainly made difficult the task of the civilian government to improve trade and economic links with India, though it is not alone in favouring such ties. An Indian diplomat in Islamabad said the Pakistan Army was also now on board on improving economic links with India, though it still regarded India as a strategic problem.

The change of heart on the part of the army stems from the fact that Pakistan’s economy is in doldrums. Also, the army believes it can count on China for assistance on the economic front, but linkages with the Indian economy could also come handy if the American aid diminishes.

According to the Indian official, the reason why the all-powerful army preferred to remain in the barracks despite the ongoing political crisis in Pakistan, which provided it an opportunity to intervene, is that the Army Chief, Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, does not want to get embroiled in domestic issues at a time when the economy is in miserable shape. If the situation worsens, the army will have to bear the blame should it intervene in political affairs.


It is now dawning on the policy makers in Pakistan that high import duties and other non-tariff barriers have crippled Indo-Pak trade relations, with virtually no FDI flows at present. Pakistan needs 140 million kilos of tea annually. India, despite being its immediate neighbour, contributes only 5 million kilos due to 30 per cent tariff imposed on Indian tea. A Maruti Alto car costs less than Rs 2.5 lakh in India, while Pakistan imports the Suzuki Alto from Japan for nearly double the price. Indian Maruti cars can be seen on roads across South Asia, but not in Pakistan.

Similarly, the cost of most common medicines is up to seven times what it is in India. There are a number of other such instances where India produces the goods needed in Pakistan, but their export to the neighbour is very low due to restrictions. Conversely, there are many commodities that India could import from Pakistan, but there are difficulties. As a result, smuggling through a third country, particularly Dubai or Singapore, is rampant. This deprives both the economies of the potential profit from bilateral trade and drives up prices.

Trade apart, even travel links need drastic improvement. There is no direct flight between New Delhi and Islamabad. One has to fly first to Lahore and then board another flight or travel by road to reach the Pakistani capital. Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) is the only carrier that has direct flights between the two countries, but those are not daily.

The expectation of the Anand Sharma-led Indian delegation was that Pakistan would announce the negative list during its stay in Pakistan. However, Islamabad disappointed the Indian team.

“We had only one desire: that the thinking of the two nations changes such that trade relations between the two countries improve. And that was achieved on this trip,” Sharma said, summing up his visit to the neighbouring country while delicately avoiding the question whether Pakistan had backtracked on its commitment on expediting the finalisation of the negative list.


Sharma has established a reasonably good working relationship with his Pakistani counterpart, Makhdoom Amin Fahim. The Pakistani minister, a votary of normal trade relations with India, is, however, not someone as aggressive as Interior Minister Rehman Malik, who manages to push through his agenda in the Pakistani Cabinet. The mild-mannered and soft-spoken Fahim was cornered by his own colleagues in the Cabinet meeting last week when he pressed for approval of the agenda item on the negative list with India. Some of them questioned why he was in a tearing hurry to open trade with India. Not prepared for confrontation, Fahim took back the proposal, which is now expected to come up before the Pakistan Cabinet at its next meeting. In any case, Pakistan has reaffirmed its commitment to announcing the short negative list by February-end, which is expected to pave the way for the MFN status.

Just as Sharma was beginning his trip to Pakistan, the largest ever India-specific trade exhibition in Pakistan was coming to a close in Lahore, having attracted huge crowds during its three-day duration. Indian traders say they were surprised and impressed by the strong response from the Pakistani public.

More than 100 stalls showcased products as diverse as jewellery, cosmetics, chemicals, textiles and apparel, information technology, auto parts, handicraft, engineering goods, health care, tourism, and commodities like tea, coffee and spices. Some of the largest crowds were seen at stalls displaying jewellery and saris.

There is no denying the fact that India and Pakistan have made considerable progress towards normalising trade relations since the resumption of Commerce Secretary-level talks in April last year, when the dialogue process between the two nations was revived after a hiatus of more than two years in the wake of the 26/11 Mumbai carnage.

The progress was underscored when Fahim became the first Pakistani Commerce Minister in 35 years to visit India in September last year to finalise a road map for liberalising bilateral trade. Both countries are committed to more than doubling their bilateral trade to 6 billion dollars in three years.

It is very clear to the Indian leadership that a strong, peaceful and prosperous Pakistan is in India’s own interest. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has time and again emphasised that India cannot achieve its full economic potential and take its rightful place in the comity of nations unless it was at peace with Pakistan. India is also acutely aware of the fact that it is the army which calls the shots in Pakistan and not the civilian administration.


Even though mandarins at the South Block have often contemplated opening channels of communication with the Pakistani Army, the political leadership is very clear that it would only talk to those at the helm of affairs in Islamabad.

But this has not helped India’s cause in any way. The army remains the most trusted institution in Pakistan despite the humiliation it suffered when American forces caught it unawares and killed Osama bin Laden at Abottabad, deep inside Pakistan in last May. The average Pakistani still believes the army would steadfastly remain the protector of Pakistan, regardless of who heads the government in Islamabad. Perhaps it’s time India looked at the possibility of establishing some contact with the army.

Indian policy makers say it was easy for them to deal with Islamabad when Pervez Musharraf was at the helm of affairs, for he was not only the President but the army chief too. Now, there are multiple centres of power, making the task of dealing with Pakistan somewhat difficult.

Many in India argue that normalising relations with Pakistan is in India’s interest for several reasons, including reducing the influence of China there. India would like to see Pakistan strong enough to hold together, but not so strong as to challenge it.

India would also like Pakistan to follow the example of its “‘all-weather’” friend China in the economic field. China is today India’s largest business partner. The two countries have put the complex border dispute and other issues on the backburner and are concentrating on strengthening economic links. New Delhi wants Pakistan also to put issues like Jammu and Kashmir, Siachen, and water in deep freeze, and give priority to economic issues.

But the Kashmir issue is too emotive in Pakistan to be ignored by any administrative structure. For years, Pakistan found its own ways of challenging India by using destabilising proxies and terrorism at a relatively low cost. But now Pakistan is losing control over its own strategic assets. The very terrorist groups that it propped up for a proxy war with India, are now challenging the Pakistani state. There are large areas in Pakistan where the writ of the state does not run, and jehadi groups rule. There are important social sectors that defy the state, and are now attacking it.

The apprehension in India, however, is that all initiatives on the normalisation front with Pakistan, particularly trade links and people-to-people contact, could come to a nought should there be another major terrorist attack on Indian soil perpetrated from across the border.


Sharma’s visit may have not produced the expected results, but the two countries did sign some key agreements to address issues related to non-tariff barriers. They also agreed to consider opening the Munabao-Khokhrapar route for bilateral trade. Sharma also announced that the integrated check post at the Attari border would become operational for trade by April.

The two countries have in principle agreed to permit each other’s banks to open branches. The Reserve Bank of India and the State Bank of Pakistan are scheduled to meet in Mumbai in March to finalise an agreement. Pakistan, it is learnt, is opposed to the idea of the Jammu and Kashmir Bank opening branches in the country for fear it might weaken its Kashmir “cause”.

India, meanwhile, has offered to export petroleum products to Pakistan. The first meeting of the expert group on trade in petroleum products is slated to be held in New Delhi next month. The two countries are also finalising the modalities of electricity trade between them.

The restrictive visa regime between the two countries is set to be liberalised, particularly for businessmen. The new visa agreement that will replace the one inked in 1974 is ready for signature.

India is also considering permitting Pakistani businessmen to invest in India by making relevant changes in the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). Pakistan does not have to take any such step on its side since there is no bar on Indians investing in the neighbouring country.

The winds of change are blowing, and in the right direction. Yet, one is hopeful and sceptical at the same time.

We had only one desire: that the thinking of the two nations changes such that trade relations between the two countries improve. And that was achieved on this trip. — Anand Sharma, Union Commerce Minister



fifty fifty
Kishwar desai

Election and the baba log
A less respectful and more rigorous media and better inner-party democracy needed to make elections look different and more meaningful than a male dominated, feudal beauty parade 

THE dominance of the visual medium has ensured that we are rapidly cutting down on the space allocated for ‘radio faces.’ We only want to see young, well-groomed and pleasant faces, everywhere. Anything will do — as long as they are not naturally askew. It is a bias that is now spreading to every field, even politics.

And as election fever catches up in India -it is quite apparent that there is a growing desire in the media to focus on those few political leaders who are good looking and somewhat articulate, politely called ‘charismatic’-and a cult is built around them.

This is being resented by those parties who either don’t have the same number of good looking candidates and who have not followed dynastic politics! Particularly badly hit are parties like the BJP and the BSP, for whom non-dynastic politics was the trump card, but it is now emerging as a handicap as the rules of ‘natural’ succession are being hijacked by media savvy sons and daughters of party leaders eyeing the top seat.

Political dynasties

Since the dynastic claim, thus far, is the only way the youth has been allowed entry into mainstream politics-the stain associated with it has been washed away. And now we are rejoicing in the fact that we have so many young faces — quite forgetting that they have inherited the seat and not struggled for it.

But how can eyebrows be raised on whether parties follow inner party democracy — when there are so many children and spouses of politicians flooding the arena? It has become a non-issue and the finger pointing has slowed down. No doubt at some stage, some form of regulation, perhaps an open election of candidates even for the party ticket will have to be imposed. (Is the over-worked Election Commission listening?)
Priyanka (Far left), Rahul Gandhi (Left) and Akhilesh Yadav campaigning in UP
Priyanka (Far left), Rahul Gandhi (Left) and Akhilesh Yadav campaigning in UP

The reality is that television has changed our needs, and when once upon a time elections meant a quiet, unseen, strong upsurge of democratic sentiment, it is now becoming more and more led by a noisy debate in a TV studio, or the views of a loud anchor in election buses, or ‘on the campaign trail’.

This is despite the fact that only the most interesting candidates or the party leaders are respectfully followed by TV crews and are presented almost like ‘commercials’ for their party. Where once there was space for a rough hewn Lalu Prasad, or a gruff voiced Mayawati - this time the electoral battle is throwing up more and more angrezi speaking boys and girls, who are younger and possibly more media savvy than their older colleagues.

Of course, most of these politicians are in their forties -and already older than the forty per cent of ‘young India’ they claim to represent -but at least they are representative of a welcome generational shift within their respective parties. It is also a good idea to present them as party spokespersons as they turn the attention away from many of the other candidates who are not media literate.

But can we really blame the media for focusing on a few individuals? If the requirement is for an articulate, fairly intelligent -but nice looking person-Indian politics has been particularly challenged, unlike the rest of the world. And thus the emergence of the Gandhi parivaar on the campaign trail - including the grandchildren and son-in-law, Robert Vadra — is another side of feeding the media cauldron with photo ops. Staging events which continuously put the opposition on the back foot, and make it look outdated and old is a clever public relations move.

The aggressive stance by the Gandhis has not yet been countered by any other political family in these elections, allowing the trinity of Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka or SRP factor to dominate the front pages. By openly coming out and campaigning together — the three have dominated the headlines every single day-much to the annoyance of the other candidates and campaigners. Even other ‘dynastic’ inheritors such as Akhilesh Yadav or Sukhbir Badal have not been able to stall the SRP juggernaut, and this is something they might want to revisit.

Style & substance

But bludgeoning the electorate with family moments is a trend that has been visible for a long time in American politics-with some truly well packaged presidential campaigns, comprising of very telegenic candidates (and their families) emerging : Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barak Obama . Even in the present Republican primaries , there are those with frankly film star appeal ( though perhaps little else) such as Mitt Romney.

America has set the tone and tenor for campaigning styles — and so the hugging and kissing, and working the crowds, even bringing out the family for a photo op — is very much associated with the (then) youthful leaders such as John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton and even, in the UK, Tony Blair.

But while television thrives on the media-friendly faces and personae-it comes with a caveat that these well-presented packages aren’t taken at face value, and in fact subjected to intense scrutiny, as in the US. Because once the polticians, their families and even their campaign managers come into the public political space -they give up their privacy. The statements, style and even the background of the candidates are then gone through with a fine toothcomb, and political analysts as well as the opposition grab any lacunae or goof up, as it can lead to the eviction of a candidate from the elections altogether.

In the US (and the UK) even the family is not spared, and often this has resulted in leading candidates falling by the wayside, and perhaps never recovering their mojo. This happened with Sarah Palin, among others. The electorate can be swayed -but it is unforgiving.

Thus while the SRP factor will be the big take away from this election -and possibly remembered even more than the results — it is a wake up call for both the political parties as well as the media. 



On the record by 
Aditi Tandon

The first national census of the ‘national bird’

Dr S Sathyakumar

Dr S Sathyakumar heads the Department of Endangered Species Management at the Wildlife Institute of India, a premier institution in South Asia for wildlife training, research, education and policy. He is associated with some of the key wildlife projects in the country, ranging from the national bird peacock to snow leopards.

It appears ironical but is it true that the national bird, the peacock, has largely been neglected by experts ?

We did successfully conduct the first ever Peacock estimation exercise in the country a few years back and now hope to conduct a nation-wide peacock census shortly. The census holds much importance as it would reveal for the first time the correct picture of the peacock population in the country. The census would also reveal some other key facts linked to this peafowl, which we proudly identify as our National Bird.

You are credited with producing the first photographic evidence of snow leopard in Uttarakhand, though the forest department failed to sight it …

Yes, after installation of cameras in the Nanda Devi Biosphere, we did manage to “camera trap” a snow leopard, which boosted our efforts to get photographic evidence of snow leopards in the region. We already have 15 cameras positioned in the biosphere and plan to install 10 more soon. This would increase our coverage area and help in ‘camera trapping’ some more snow leopards.  We have successfully accomplished camera trapping of snow leopards at higher reaches in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Sikkim.

The Wildlife Institute of India has begun a countrywide survey on bears too. When do you expect to complete the survey ?

The bear survey is being done at the behest of the Wildlife Trust of India, an NGO which is the funding agency. The survey has already begun and the field work is expected to end by June. The final bear survey report will be released by November on the occasion of the World Bear Conference slated to take place in Delhi. The survey is important in view of the growing man-bear conflicts. We had also undertaken a project on Asiatic Black bear in Jammu and Kashmir, which involved satellite radio collaring of 6 bears. We have initiated studies on brown bear—human conflicts in Kargil and Ladakh regions as well.

There is growing fear among experts about the survival of the ‘pure’ Red Jungle Fowl…What are the concerns about the genetic changes ?

Reports of cross-breeding between Red Jungle Fowl and domestic chicken are not really worrying. This has also been borne out by our recent study on RJF. True, it was believed that the wild RJF population had been ‘hybridised’ with domestic stock, especially near villages. But such trends have been found to be rare with the exception of the North East. The wild Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus) is one of the most important species to mankind due to its economic and cultural significance. First domesticated in Mohenjodaro and Harappa in the Indus valley civilisation, the Red Jungle Fowl (RJF) is believed to be the ancestor of all domestic chickens in the world. Habitat loss, fragmentation, degradation and poaching are, however, challenges for the wild RJF population in India.

You have been among the first among wildlife scientists to have visited Antarctica...

Wildlife Institute of India has been monitoring wildlife in Antarctica both at India’s existing Maitri station and the upcoming Larsemann hills. I have been to Antarctica twice , the last visit was in 2008-09.

Any other interesting project you are involved in ?

We are developing a spatial database for carnivores, mountain ungulates and their habitats in Sikkim. For the first time 43 mammal species were photographed there, among them the snow leopard, the common leopard, musk deer, red fox and wild dogs.



BY Harihar Swarup

Vipassana his road to peace

FROM successful businessman to a spiritual teacher, it has been a long journey for Padma Bhushan Satya Narayan Goenka. Born in Mandalay, Myanmar, Goenka is now 88, but going strong in his mission to spread the good that follows from the practice of “Vipassana”, the “art of living”.

His life, however, had a start in family business in 1940, in which he became a pioneering industrialist, and established several manufacturing corporations. In time, he was a leading figure in Myanmar’s large and influential Indian community, and for many years headed organisations such as the Burma Marwari Chamber of Commerce and the Rangoon Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

In 1962, the newly installed military government of what was then Burma nationalised all industries. Goenka bid goodbye to business, and turned to Vipassana. In 1969 — by which time he had already had 14 years of training under his guru — he was appointed a teacher of Vipassana, devoting his life to spreading the art for the benefit of humanity. The same year, he travelled to India to hold his first 10-day meditation course.

Today, more than 600 assistant teachers, with the help of thousands of volunteers, are training people in Vipassana in more than 90 countries, including China, Iran, Russia, South Africa and countries of South America. The huge following notwithstanding, neither Goenka nor his assistants receive any financial gain.

A prolific writer and poet too, Goenka writes in English, Hindi and Rajasthani. His works have been translated into many languages around the world, with institutes as diverse as the Dharma Drum Mountain Monastery of Taiwan, the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and the Millennium World Peace Summit at the United Nations inviting him for lectures.

Among the beneficiaries of Vipassana have been prison inmates and staff. Some of the Indian prisons have set up permanent Vipassana centres too. The idea of introducing prisoners to this form of meditation was first experimented with when a thousand of them participated in a 10-day course conducted by him in Tihar Jail in April 1994. As prisons across the country followed, the Government of India was convinced of the positive results, and recommended that every prison should organise Vipassana courses for inmates. Thousands of police officers too have attended courses at the Police Academy in Delhi.

Special courses have also been for the disabled, homeless children, drug addicts, school and college students, business executives, etc.

One important, though subtle, influence of his work in India has been on inter-religion harmony. Thousands of Catholic priests, Buddhist monks, Jain ascetics and Hindu sanyasis attend his courses together.



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