L E T T E R S    T O    T H E    E D I T O R

Threats from Pakistan

You have rightly expressed your fears that Pakistan’s illegal act of modifying the US Harpoon anti-ship missiles and P3-C surveillance aircraft to target India “is an alarming development” (editorial, “Pak designs against India: US must strictly monitor use of aid”, Sept 1). Pakistan has certainly betrayed the US by committing the “breach of an understanding” between the two nations.

It is the duty of the US to see that the aid, both monetary and in the form weapons, given to Pakistan for dealing with militants is not utilised against India. This is a very serious matter and the Government of India and the US must not ignore such developments by taking it lightly. It should be seen that the aid is “utilised for the specified purposes only”.

To counter the threat of Pakistan acquiring the US Drone technology for using it against India, New Delhi must go in for its own advanced technology and build a more sophisticated pilotless aircraft which may be deadlier than the Drones. India is capable of that.

I agree with your views that “The US must understand that any such sensitive technology transfer will have larger implications and will not be in the interest of peace in South Asia.”

R. K. KAPOOR, New Delhi

Teachers’ role

Another Teachers’ Day will be celebrated officially on September 5. The day commemorates the birth of Dr S. Radhakrishnan, a world renowned philosopher-teacher, who had taught at a number of Indian and foreign universities. He later held the highest position as President of India.

No two professions are alike and each one has its own problems and challenges. But people somehow expect teachers to be a role model for ethical and moral values. With the overall system degenerating, teachers could not escape its fallout. This, however, need not be wrongly construed as justification for deviation from the path of idealism. Parents today are quite unkind in their criticism of teachers, whose role as well-wishers of young students is marginalised.

A person like me who had played quite a long innings as a teacher can’t help being upset over this state of affairs.

In spite of all this, let us all as teachers in schools, colleges and universities resolve on Teachers’ Day (September 5) to remain humble givers of experience-based wisdom and guidance. Let us also ponder over where we have faltered in living upto the just and genuine expectations of students and parents.

Dr I.M. JOSHI, Manimajra, Chandigarh

Truthful depiction

It is wrong to say that Kashmir has (news report, “Films depicted Kashmir wrongly: Nandita” by Afsana Rashid , Aug 28) not been projected in the right light by Bollywood. Films like “Roja” have portrayed happenings in Kashmir correctly and cannot be faulted. History cannot be betrayed by distortion.


Unborn daughters

The law (editorial, “Killing unborn daughters”, Aug 18) prevents the use of pre-conception diagnostic techniques and bans advertisement on sex determination. Still, the law is being violated blatantly. Now the government has decided to block gender-testing kits offered on websites. It is indeed a good step but is not enough.

Unless our prejudiced mindset that prefers sons to daughters does not change, the abysmal sex ratio will continue to dwindle further.

The editorial rightly says that the government must keep a check on registered clinics and the law-enforcing machinery has to extend its arm over unregistered abortionists who provide a killing field to unwanted daughters.


Plight of Afghans

In his article “The Afghan war” (August 29), Mr Abhijit Bhattacharya has aptly observed that 41 nations are fighting one foe in Afghanistan. Never in history has such an unequal war been fought.

In the name of fighting illusive Al-Qaida, the story of the “Wolf and the Lamb” is being enacted in the war-ravaged, impoverished landlocked country. Afghanistan is a graveyard of empires.

After a decade-long bloody struggle against Russian (then Soviet Union) occupation, the Afghans drove the invading Red Army away, thus triggering disintegration of the Soviet Union. Then they braved the tyrannical rule of local warlords and the Taliban.

Now they are fighting the combined military might of America and Europe. What more tragedy can befall a nation already on the verge of extinction. The UN should intervene to end the man-made calamity in Afghanistan.

S.S. BENIWAL, Chandigarh


I have been an ardent and regular reader of The Tribune for the last 55 years. Before your taking over, there has never been “regret” so bold for any error, misprint, mis-spelt word or inadvertent publication of news.

The recent insertion of the column “Corrections and Clarifications” speaks of The Tribune’s openness and large heartedness.


Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor, neatly hand-written or typed in double space, should not exceed the 150-word limit. These can be sent by post to the Letters Editor, The Tribune, Sector 29, Chandigarh-160030. Letters can also be sent by e-mail to: Letters@tribuneindia.com

— Editor-in-Chief



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