L E T T E R S    T O    T H E    E D I T O R

Tackle the menace of fake currency

The editorial, “Counterfeit currency: Time to fight insidious menace” (August 1) was a timely warning to the government in general and the RBI in particular to wake up to the devastating effect the deadly combination of money laundering, counterfeit currency, black money, narcotics and terrorism is having on society and the economy.

We as a nation have failed to tackle the menace of these evils and seem to have reconciled to the fate of living with them instead of making any serious effort to root out these problems. It has rightly been observed: “We react, or rather over-react, whenever there is a major terror strike or drug/fake currency seizure, and then soon forget it.”

The coordinated efforts of various government enforcement agencies are needed to weed out these problems. We should emulate the US action plan that was rolled out to wipe out the sources of terrorism after the 9/11 attack. Any complacency on this front may cost us dearly.


Learn from martyrs

The Tribune deserves commendation for highlighting the courage of our soldiers during the Kargil conflict. It also brought to fore the tears and grief of the parents and the widows of the martyrs.

I appeal to the Prime Minister to include the sacrifices made by the sons of the soil as part of school syllabus. Our younger generation will certainly be inspired by the heroic deeds of our martyrs who laid down their lives while fighting for their motherland.


Irresponsible leaders

The news report, “Ministers skip office in Chief Minister’s absence” (July 29) by Jangveer Singh was an eye-opener. It raises serious doubts about the conduct of the powers that be. Seriously, do they ever bother to discharge their duties with sincerity?

Leaders must act conscientiously and have no business to be irresponsible. They must take up public offices only if they have the time and the inclination to serve the public office earnestly. They must not take advantage of their position.

ADITYA N CHOPRA, Kurukshetra

Plastic money

The decision (news report, “Now, withdraw money from shops” by Ruchika M Khanna, July 23) of the apex regulatory bank, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), allowing a cash withdrawal facility at any point of sale (POS) terminal is meant to make things easy for the public and enhance the use of plastic money. Of course, these POS’s will supplement the vast system of plastic money.

But I think we have to first make the common man accustomed to the concept of plastic money. Just by making a facility broad-based, we cannot make it popular. We have to make our people learn how to handle money other than cash.

Prof P K GUPTA, Bathinda

Slavery in uniform

The assurance of Defence Minister A K Antony (news report, “Soldiers won’t be put on menial jobs: Antony”, July 28) is only an eyewash. The ground realities are different and highly disappointing. Combatants are forced to work like domestic servants and made to do all kinds of demeaning and humiliating jobs. We must get rid of this British legacy that in free and independent India can only be called “slavery in uniform”.


Balochistan’s reference

The explanations of the Prime Minister notwithstanding, the fact of matter is that by allowing the mention of Balochistan the UPA government has committed a grave blunder at Sharm-el-Sheikh. We may have to pay a heavy price in the long run. After this joint statement, the world community would keep India and Pakistan in the same basket. India also stands to lose world sympathy as a victim of terrorism.

A K SHARMA, Chandigarh

Martyr’s blood is always red 

In the article “Colour of a martyr’s blood” (Aug 1) Maj-Gen( retd) Raj Mehta has poignantly reminded that a martyr’s blood shall forever remain “blood red” and will never be daubed in the colours of political parties. Indeed, apolitical armed forces constitute an important pillar of any democratic edifice. 

However, it is a matter of concern that, of late, youth no longer find a career in the defence services attractive. Consequently, there has been a glaring shortage of officers in the armed forces.

Strangely, our political bosses and the policy makers remain mum on this issue. In the interest of national security, enduring peace and prosperity in the country, it is imperative that the government review and address all aspects concerning our armed forces so that democracy in our country can flourish and a strong India emerges to find her rightful place in the 21st century.




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