Improve ties to meet energy needs

To meet its increasing energy requirements, India should strengthen its relations with the Central Asian Middle East countries (“Central Asia Calling”, editorial, April 11). Uzbek President’s recent visit to India must be seen as a step in this direction, which has paved the way for the ONGC and the Gas Authority of India to function in Uzbekistan.

We should also try for the speedy normalisation of our relations with Pakistan owing to its geographic location. This would give impetus for the commencement of the Iran-Pak-India and Turkmenistan-Afghan-Pak-India gas pipeline projects.

Many countries are trying to tap the energy potential of this region. The US has its bases in the Middle East and is also looking for a foothold in Central Asia. For this, it first forced Pakistan to fall in line, then attacked Afghanistan and later Iraq and is now threatening Iran on one pretext or the other. It also toyed with the idea of creating a new country for Kurds. China too turned a blind eye on Islamic jehad only to appease the oil-gas rich Muslim nations of the region.

ARVIND DHUMAL, Advocate, Jalandhar



WHO’s concern timely

The World Health Organisation has rightly expressed concern about young mothers and selected ‘Make every mother and child count’ as the theme for this year’s World Health Day. Reduction in the high mortality rate is possible only by improving the health care facilities in the rural areas. Malnutrition can be tackled by supplementing women’s diet with milk, vitamins, calcium, etc., which should be available at their doorstep.

Son-fixation should also go. Families are getting ruined because of this craze for a son and large families. The minimum age for marriage for boys and girls should be raised to 20 and 25 years respectively. One or two-child norm should be encouraged and popularised. Social workers, NGOs, students, teachers and journalists can play an important role in this regard.


Nominations to IAS

Admittedly, nominations to IAS have become the monopoly of PCS officers, which is nothing but ignoring officers working in other departments. While seeking nomination, recommendations for the same should be obtained from all other departments also, as the PCS officers who are directly and indirectly linked to Administrative Secretary/Chief Secretary, override the personnel of other departments.

The officers working in other departments are talented and have sound technical knowledge of the affairs of the state. They can prove better than officers with simple academic qualifications. Technocrats must be given their due place in the administrative set up of the state.

HARBANS LAL SADDI, Amarkot (Amritsar)

Selling without bills

Some companies are giving advertisements on TV channels named ‘Yoko’. They sell their products and misguide the viewers as they don’t provide bills of their products. The products advertised are also costly. They are not even ready to give demos and on a temporary bill or card, there is no address of the seller.

ANURAG ASIJA, Advocate, Abohar

Doyen of publishing

With the passing away of Bhapa Pritam Singh (April 1), Punjabi literature has lost a reputed publisher. The production quality of the books brought out by him was of the highest order. Not surprisingly, the works of almost all front-ranking Punjabi writers have been published by Navyug Publications.

KARTAR SINGH MEET, Jalandhar Cantt

Synthetic milk

Our per capita milk production is 210 grams as against 250 grams of milk recommended by the Indian Council of Medical Research (April 2). Furthermore, the availability of milk in the rural areas is only 121 grams due to economic constraints.

Shockingly, the availability of pure milk has become a distant dream for the people. Synthetic milk is easily available in the market, which is poisonous. The milk vendors are freely distributing sweet poison and the authorities are mute spectators to the whole drama. The authorities should rise to the occasion and punish the violators of the law.

SUSHIL KUMAR JAIN, Lehra Mohabat (Bathinda)

Not on fast track

The computerised reservation facility at Faridkot railway station does not seem to be on fast track. The facility has been provided only for a few hours daily — 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. As a result, there is always a heavy rush at the counter. Faridkot is revenue divisional headquarters. It also has BSF headquarters, a military station and a host of medical, dental, engineering, law and other educational institutions.

Moreover, the military people submit warrants at the counter. It takes at least 12 to 15 minutes for the staff to process each warrant. Why not provide two reservation counters at the station — one for the military and the other for the general public? The computer is also very slow. It needs to be speeded up.

SUNIL JAIN, Faridkot

Nahan neglected

Nahan, the district headquarters of Sirmaur, is neglected. Direct bus services to Ambala and Delhi are inadequate. From Nahan, some inter-state buses should be started for Gwalior, Ajmer, Hisar, Sonepat etc.

The bus stand and the Changan/Delhi Gate are on the two ends of the town. Buses terminating at Nahan seldom touch Changan/Delhi Gate. Some buses must terminate at the bus stand via Changan/Delhi Gate. Footboards of some buses are quite high for the aged and women. A local town bus service has become imperative for Nahan. The revised bus time table should be displayed at two or three places.

Dr L.K. MANUJA, Nahan (HP)

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor, neatly hand-written or typed in double space, should not exceed the 150-word limit. These can be sent by post to the Letters Editor, The Tribune, Sector 29, Chandigarh-160030.

Letters can also be sent by e-mail to: Letters@tribuneindia.com

— Editor-in-Chief

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