Saturday, August 31, 2002, Chandigarh, India


C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


MCC in financial mess
Employees may not get salaries
Sanjay Sharma
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 30
Employees of the Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh (MCC) may find it difficult to get their salaries with the MCC falling short of Rs 9 crore in the non-Plan head for August and September.

“This is the most peculiar situation in the past six or seven years of the existence of the MCC,” sources told “Chandigarh Tribune”, here today. The shortfall in the assured income and the expenditure was traced yesterday at a meeting of officials.

The situation has become grave with the MCC recently burning its fingures by diverting funds from the Plan head to the non-Plan head. A couple of times, it had managed to pay salaries by diverting funds. This had invited strong reaction from the Chandigarh Administration which stopped the Rs 7-crore quarterly grant under the Plan head.

The MCC may now have the option of again seeking a permission to divert funds from the Plan head to the non-Plan head as the position of the Plan head for two months was found to be “comfortable.”

The fear of denial of salaries had long been hanging over the employees of the MCC but salaries were never denied nor delayed. Estimates of the MCC went awry with the Administration effecting a cut of Rs 13-crore in the grant-in-aid on budgetary estimates.

The other major tax measure, property tax, which was estimated to bring Rs 7 crore to the MCC kitty had also not got off the ground and surveys now suggest that it would only bring in an estimated revenue of Rs 1.5 crore to Rs 2 crore. The MCC can draw solace from the fact that the Administration has now agreed to restore the Rs 13-crore grant, take the burden of electricity bill of Rs 6 crore on itself and compensate for pensionary benefit amounting to Rs 15 crore. But none of the promised amounts is coming to the MCC immediately.

The indications of a crisis developing had been there for long, with the MCC sending a letter to its departments to consider the non-Plan expenditure at Rs 32 crore less than the estimates.

The departments had been given limits and asked to write on each bill how much amount a particular department had spent and how much was left.

The corporation recently got a breather when the Administration released Rs 7-crore grant after a meeting between a team of councillors led by the Mayor, Ms Lalit Joshi, and the UT Administrator, Lieut-Gen J. F. R. Jacob (retd).

The situation had been put before the political leadership of the MCC by officials of the Administration and the corporation, prodding the politicians to hike water charges to partially bridge the Rs 16.5-crore gap between the cost of water supply and the expenditure.

The hike is, however, only going to bridge the gap by Rs 6 crore, thus leaving a gap of Rs 10 crore.

The mismanagement of finances by the MCC had been evident during the last term of the BJP which had passed resolutions of paid parking, property tax at a rate of Rs 10 per cent, fee on taxi stands, tubewells, buses and cable operators.

But revenue from these heads could not ever come to MCC’s kitty because recovery was never done due a lack of political will.

The Congress has though taken measures to partially improve the situation but has not shown boldness to take the corporation out of financial doldrums.

The only financial success in the last term of the MCC was a steep hike in water charges in 2000.

But the political leadership could not implement the resolutions of paid parking and property tax.



Janmashtami lights make the day
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, August 30
“Hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, hare, hare” — incessant chants of enthusiastic devotees filled the air as Janmashtami was celebrated in the city with fervour.

The preparations had begun early today and citizens, eager to do their bit, could be seen installing flag poles on either sides of roads leading to temples here. Others climbed up the roofs to hang marigolds and colourful blinking lights. Outside the temples, devotees in bright clothes had put up bamboo gates and roadside vendors, too, had rushed in to set up stalls on footpaths.

The roads leading to the Sector 20 temple was the hub of activity, with stalls on both sides. You could buy almost everything, from bangles to bindis and footballs to plastic cricket bats.

A ‘prabhat pheri’ was organised in the Sector 29 Sri Sidh Baba Amarnath Mahavir Shiv Mandir, it had started from Tribune Colony. A ‘havan’ was organised at about 8 am and tableaus on the life of Lord Krishna were also on display after 6 pm. The ‘arti’ was at midnight.

A ‘prabhat pheri’ was also organised by Bal Shiv Mandir in Sector 29-B. Kirtan by women devotees was from 2 pm to 7 pm followed by the evening prayer at 7 pm. Sankirtan by Nishkan Bhajan Mandli started at 8 pm and continued till 1 am. Tableaus were the main attraction along with ‘Rasleela’ performed by children in the temple.

Krishna Jhoola, set up in Shiv Shakti Bhola Shankar Mandir of Raipur Kurd attracted a lot of devotees. ‘Sankirtan’ was also organised. ‘Bhajan’ were also organised in the Sector 18 temple and a ‘bhandara’ was organised in the Sector 28 temple.

‘Kirtan’ by Chandrika Das and group was the highlight of the programme in Sanatan Dharam Sankirtan Sabha Sri Ram Mandir of Sector 35. The Bhagavadgita path started at 8.30 am and continued till about 2.30 pm. Women devotees participated in a ‘sankirtan’ from 3 pm to 5 pm. From 10 pm to midnight, another ‘sankirtan’ was organised and an ‘aarti’ ended the celebrations.

The Bangiya Sanskritik Sammilani of Sector 35 organised a demonstration on Lord Krishna and Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabu’s Leela in Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math at 6.30 pm. This can be viewed by the devotees till September 3 from 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm each day.

The Sanatan Dharman Mandir of Sector 46 celebrated the occasion by putting up tableaus.

The International Society For Krishna Consciousness organised a quiz contest on Vedic philosophy and teachings of Lord Krishna. The programme was held at about 10 am in the Sector 36 temple. ‘Maharassa’ at 7.30 pm was followed by ‘Nritya Natika’ by children of ISKCON devotees.

Meanwhile, president of the local unit of the Nationalist Congress Party, Mr Gurbachan Singh, and the party general Secretary, Mr Sham Lal Kanoujia, also participated in the celebrations.

It was a unique celebration of Janmashtami in a temple in Sector 29. The temple of Baba Amar Nath was an ancient one located in erstwhile village of Kanthala. Today 776 residents of the erstwhile village led by the Kanthala Oustees Rehabilitation Welfare Committee, Chandigarh, joined in the celebrations. These were the original devotees at the temple before the city came up.

The villagers expressed thanks to the management for preserving the temple of the village.

SAS Nagar: Janmashtami was celebrated with religious devotion at SAS Nagar. Spiritual Museum and Local Rajyoga Centre in the Phase VII Sukhshanti Bhavan were tastefully decorated with lights and buntings. The religious congregation here was attended by brahmakumaris and brahmakumars of Ropar district.

Panchkula: Various schools and social organisations celebrated the birth of Lord Krishna with religious fervour and zeal.

Most temples in the township were decorated to mark Janmashtami. ‘Jhoolas’ were set up in all temples with idols of Lord Krishna as a child.

The Laxmi Narain temple, Sector 6, the Pracheen Shiv mandir, Sector 9, the Sanatan Dharam mandir, Sectors 10 and 25, and the Shiv mandir, Sector 17, witnessed a lot of rush.

Children of the Junior wing of Satluj Public School, Sector 2, also celebrated Janmashtami with great enthusiasm today. They presented a cultural programme, depicting stories from the life of Lord Krishna.

Students recited shalokas from Bhagawadgita along with their Hindi translations. Two group dances, dramatising, the scenes from raas leela with the students enacting the roles of ‘gopis’ and Krishna, were presented. Solo dances were also performed and sweets were distributed among the students.

At Dikshant International School, a janmashtami pooja was performed followed by a depiction of Radha and Krishna by teachers, Ms Seema Gulati and Ms Ritu Jhinkawan.

A fancy-dress competition was also organised for students who came dressed as characters from ‘raas leela’. The Director of the school, Mr Mitul Dikshit, spoke about the relevance of celebrating Indian festivals.

The famous tale of friendship of Krishan and Sudama was enacted by tiny tots of Amravati Public School. Musical dance drama and bhajan of Meera Bai and Radha enthralled audience.

The highlight of the celebrations was a ‘jhoola’ with a pre-nursery student, Ayushi, seated in it as Lord Krishna.

Mr Sushil Sarawan, SDM, Kalka, was the chief guest on the occasion.

AMBALA: Janmashtami was celebrated in schools with gaiety and fervour. In Shree Manibhadar Veer Public School, tiny tots were dressed in their colourful traditional attires. The schoolchildren danced to the tune of “Radhe, Radhe...” while the children of the pre-nursery section presented a scene from Gokul and danced to the tune of “Gopala, Gopala, nacho Gopala”. The students of Class IV performed “dandiya.”

In DAV Public School, Ambala City, the function began with the chanting of Hare Krishna by tiny tots. The students were acquinted with different aspects of the life of Lord Krishna. Bhajans, speeches and dances were presented by the students who had come to the school in colourful attires.

Temples of Lord Krishna in Ambala Cantonment and city were decorated with lights. The main attraction at every temple were the young children attired in colourful dresses personifying Lord Krishna and other characters.

The Sanatan Dharm Sabha Geeta Ashram celebrated the festival for the first time in Sector 9. SMV Public School also celebrated Janmashtami.



Tableaux on Lord Krishna
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, August 30
Tableaux depicting the life of Lord Krishna were displayed at Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre located in house number 1164 in Sector 21-B. Those residents who missed seeing these today can visit the centre tomorrow also from 5 pm to 9 pm.

About six tableaux explaining true and real significance of Lord Krishna’s life have been set up. The tableaux are titled as “How to become 16 celestial degrees complete”, “Significance of butter”, “How Krishna was born”, “Iron aged world of Kans”, “Golden aged world of Krishna” and “Swing of happiness”. 



New transport system to reduce travel time
Tribune News Service


  • Will ease traffic congestion.
  • Solve parking problem.
  • Save time in commuting.
  • Economical and no extra burden on public or the administration
  • Save fuel.
  • Can be implemented immediately with existing infrastructure.

Chandigarh, August 30
The Chandigarh Administration is studying a unique public transport system to operate local buses. Submitted by two city youths, the idea seemed to be workable, sources said. If it is implemented, the travel time between two destinations will be reduced drastically.

Going by the projection, it will be easy to commute from one place to another in lesser time by using a new public transport system, for which, certain re-routing of the present system will have to be done at no extra expenditure. There will also be no need to add new buses or recruit extra staff.

Using the simple principle that each sector of Chandigarh is divided by main roads, the system suggests that there has to be a continuous movement of buses on each and every main road cutting across the city, vertically or horizontally. A ticket once purchased should be transferable to the next bus moving in the same direction.

For example, if a person wants to go from the PGI to Sector 47, in the present transport system, he or she boards a bus at the PGI with the vehicle taking a circuitous route before arriving in Sector 47. This usually takes 50 minutes to 1 hour, so not many individuals prefer to use this system.

In the new plan, the same buses will be used in a different manner. The passenger start from the PGI on the horizontal route on Madhya Marg. He will get down at the intersection of the road going straight to Sector 47 and board another bus running towards Sector 47 from there using the same ticket which should be transferable. The travel time will not be more than 30 minutes.

The waiting time will also be less because the buses will move on the same road, up and down. If six to eight buses run on one road, the frequency in one direction will be just 7 to 8 minutes. The idea is that say a bus starts in one direction on Dakshin Marg near Sector 38. On reaching the Tribune chowk at the other end of road, it will take a U-turn and start the reverse journey. During the peak hours, more buses can be put on heavy traffic route.

Residents can be taught about benefits of this system by involving students for the cause and educating people. If implemented a sea change in traffic congestion and parking problems could be seen in Chandigarh, said Mr Preet Pal Singh and Mr Damanjit Singh who have floated the idea.

To make the system popular, tickets can be sponsored by companies giving advertisements, discounts, lucky draws on the back sides of the tickets.



Gender discrimination in Burail jail?
Kiran Deep

Chandigarh, August 30
At least 25 women, detained under various offences in Model Burail Jail here, are being discriminated against. Confined in hell holes, with little space and poor facilities as compared to their male counterparts, they have been bearing the brunt of official apathy. The problem has become more serious as six children, forced to accompany their mothers in these congested barracks , are spending the formative years of their life behind the bars.

With a total strength of about 470 inmates, the women prisoners have not been to able to get benefits and facilities being provided to male inmates in the jail. Of the 25 women lodged here, six have been convicted on charges of murder, while others are accused of attempt to murder, theft cases and economic offences.

These women are detained in special ward comprising one hall and three small barracks. There is no permanent lady doctor to look after their physical or psychological problems and they are also being deprived of the basic right to get proper education. The worse part of the story is that women inmates are not even allowed to attend the functions organised for the welfare of inmates in the jail.

Social activists and legal luminaries are of the view that there should be separate jail for the women prisoners so that their freedom of movement cannot be curtailed . Being women, they should have basic facilities recommended by the National Commission for Women. They also suggested that like Tihar Jail, the authorities concerned should have a creche to take care of the children of the women inmates.

Sources revealed that even the women prisoners, who have detained in the jail under bailable offences, were unable to move out as no one came forward to furnish their bail bonds.

Legal luminaries are also of the view that the authorities concerned should follow recommendations of privatisation of services like catering and escorting of prisoners to and from courts could be privatised. Perhaps private operators like reputed NGOs, philanthropic bodies and organisation of ex-servicemen can run these services more effectively.

When contacted, the Superintendent of the jail, Mr D.S Rana, said the authorities have been following the national commission’s recommendations and denied any discrimination. One lady doctor visits in the jail to check the inmates and the authorities have set-up legal cell for the inmates, he added.



Who was the girl with ‘rape’ victim?
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 30
Who was the second girl accompanying the alleged victim and the eyewitness-turned-suspect in the infamous Shimla girl rape case ?

The Chandigarh police seems to be least interested in knowing the whereabouts of the girl who could prove to be another crucial eyewitness to the entire plot. Sources in the police said the girl, Samina, had gone to Pinjore along with Surinder Sharma, Baldev Kumar and the victim in a Zen car belonging to Surinder Maggu, a friend of Surinder Sharma.

The second girl had also accompanied the suspects to the Sector 33 chemists shop to make a phone call on August 14. A senior police official said there was no information about the second girl. However, raids were continuing to arrest the main suspect, Ram Lal.

The sources said till the victim changed her statement to match the police version, the police investigations could not hit the bottom of the rock. The only evidence which the police could use to prove the frame-up case was the DNA test report of Surinder Sharma and samples of semen taken from the victim's clothes. A senior police official claimed that the girl would change her version in a day or two.



Pkl-UT alternative road link: 3 options
Ruchika M. Khanna
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, August 30
The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) has zeroed in on three possible ways to create an alternative link between Panchkula and Chandigarh through the Chandigarh-Ambala highway, after a three-member committee led by the HUDA, Administrator, (Panchkula), Mr Arun Kumar Gupta, surveyed the area yesterday. The aim was to find a straight path to link the road dividing Sectors 16 and 17 here to the road built by the UT Administration upto Mauli Jagran, through Dakshin Marg and Makhan Majra village.

Sources in HUDA said one of the ways to create a link was to have it through the B-road behind the Bharat Electricals Limited (BEL) factory in the Industrial Area Phase I. This is the best option, so far, as it requires neither acquiring of land nor permission from any department.

The other two alternatives are: inside the BEL factory and creating a linkage through Budanpur village, behind the BEL factory and along the UT boundary. Officials in HUDA say that, a link through the BEL factory will require permission of the Defence Ministry, as certain defence equipment are manufactured here, which will be a lengthy process. The other option (through Budanpur) will need acquiring land her, which may again take a long time.

The Town and Country Planning department had decided to begin work on creating an alternative link at a high-level meeting on August 18.

At the meeting, the (HUDA Administrator), (Panchkula) was asked to submit a report on the proposed route. The HUDA authorities had also proposed, an alternate path to link the route to the Chandigarh-Ambala road without having to pass through Rajiv Colony. This route was proposed to be created from behind the Bharat Electronics Limited — a small detour in order to link the road from Chandigarh to the town via Makhan Majra village, thus it has been decided to find a straighter route.

This route, from the Chandigarh-Ambala road turning towards Makhan Majra village and Darua, to be linked with, the road dividing Sectors 16 and 17 here, has already been approved by the Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST).

Panchkula, in existence since 1972, and has only one road link with Chandigarh, even though it, now, has a vehicular population of over 50,000. The peak hours see a heavy flow of traffic from the Housing Board crossing to the Transport Lights point. Though the road is being broadened, an alternative route has become a must.



Cong demands CBI inquiry into Mahajan’s land deal
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 30
Criticised for ‘’influencing’’ officials to get its leaders a piece of land for a school, the Congress today hit back at the BJP accusing its local unit president, Mr Yashpal Mahajan, of getting a piece of land in Dera Bassi worth Rs 50 crore for just Rs 6.4 lakh on a ‘’promise of a plum appointment.’’

The Chandigarh Territorial Congress Committee President, Mr B.B. Bahl, today released registries of land of DAV School, Dera Bassi, showing the registration of land in the names of Mr Mahajan, his sons and his brother and sister-in-law.

Mr Bahl flanked by the Mayor, Ms. Lalit Joshi, and the INTUC President, Mr Rampal Sharma, alleged that the land was transferred on a promise of making the Principal of the college Vice-Chancellor of Himachal Pradesh University in lieu of transferring the Rs 50 crore land for Rs 6.4 lakh. The registration bears the year of deed in 1998 for 10 acres and 8 biswas of land, Mr Bahl alleged. Mr Bahl said the land could not have been sold as it had been donated to DAV School and was of a trust.

Mr Mahajan when contacted admitted that the land was purchased but brushed aside allegations saying the issue was being raked up to cover up “irregularities” in allotment of land to the Heritage Society involving Ms Ambika Soni and Mr Pawan Bansal. Mr Mahajan also admitted the names in the registration were those of his relatives.

Mr Bahl demanded a CBI inquiry into the land deal of the BJP president and five other charges levelled earlier against BJP leaders. He announced a protest march on Sunday to demand the arrest of BJP leaders for allegedly trespassing into a private land. Later they would hand over a memorandum to the Administrator, Lieut-Gen J.F.R. Jacob, (retd) pressing for these two demands. Mr Bahl said agitation would continue till the arrest of the BJP leaders and CBI inquiry into these allegations.



BJP sets up panel for kin of drowned kids
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 30
The BJP today set up a panel of six lawyers to provide free legal advice to the families of three drowned children for getting them compensation from the Municipal Corporation or the Chandigarh Administration.

This was announced by the ad hoc committee convener of the BJP, Mr Yashpal Mahajan.

The panel would be headed by Mr Chetan Mittal, former Additional Advocate-General of Punjab.

Other members of the committee Mr Parveen Chander Goyal, Mr Namit Kumar, Mr Satinder Singh, Mr Jatinder Sharma and Mr Rajesh Gumber.

The announcement was made after Mr Mahajan, the BJP national executive committee member, Mr Satyapal Jain, the mandal president, Mr Jagtar Singh, and the district secretary of the party, Mr Sulekh Chand Jain, visited the families in the Indira colony yesterday.

The party leaders expressed their condolences to the families and told them that the party would fight against the “criminal negligence of the MC which had resulted in the death of their wards”.



MC Councillors stage dharna against ‘corruption’
Kulwinder Sangha
Our Correspondent

SAS Nagar, August 30
Councillors opposed to the ruling group in the Municipal Council staged a dharna here yesterday in protest against alleged corruption in the civic body.

The councillors — Mr Manjeet Singh, Mr Amrik Singh Mr Manmohan Singh Langh, Mr Manjeet Singh Sethi, Mrs Manmohan Kaur, Mrs Harbans Kaur, Mr S.S. Patwari and Mr Amrik Singh Mohali — raised slogans against the president.

Mr S.S. Patwari alleged that the president postponed today’s general house meeting of the council because he knew that the Opposition would raise the issue of corruption at the meeting. He, therefore, put off the meeting on the pretext that councillors were busy with the Janmashtami celebrations and had sought postponement. He said councillors were not informed about the postponement.

Mr Manjit Singh Sethi said the Vigilance Bureau had raided the council office on August 26, leading to the arrest of three employees on a charge of accepting a bribe of Rs 20,000. He said in this case the complainant, Mr Vishal Bharti had alleged that he had been told by council employees that a part of the bribe amount was to be given to the president.

Mr Sethi said the vigilance staff had recovered the money from the person of one of the employees but the other two were arrested merely on the basis of allegations. He said there was an allegation against ghe president, too, and wanted to know why the Vigilance Bureau had not arrested him also.

Mrs Manmohan Kaur alleged that therer was corruption in the octroi collection wing and cited a case in this regard. She sought the removed of the president.

The council president, Mr Kulwant Singh, told Chandigarh Tribune that no case of corruption in the office had been brought to his notice in the past about two years.

He said he was working for the development of the town and a majority of the councillors supported him.

He said Opposition councillors had been levelling allegations against him ever since he took over. They had always made efforts to remove him from the post of president.

He said the vigilance cell of the Department of Local Government, Punjab, was carrying out investigations and the truth would come out. After the probe was completed if the majority of the councillors wanted him to resign, he would do so.

He said councillors had been informed on the telephone about the postponement of the meeting and even letters had been sent. He said 17 councillors had sought the postponement of the council meeting in view of Janmashtami. He said if this intention was to avoid facing the House, he would not have fixed the new date so soon (September 6). 



Superstitions check gift of vision
Pratibha Chauhan
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, august 30
Thanks to a Sri Lankan belief that donating one’s eyes ensures a place in heaven, many persons in our country are able to get the gift of vision, because marred by superstition, Indians still believe that a person who donates his eyes is born blind in the next life.

Celluloid star Aishwarya Rai’s appeal to people to pledge their eyes, so that someone could see the world after they are gone, did evoke good response from youngsters and Army officers, but for those living in rural areas, it is still a sin, much against our religion.

“Though the educated and aware people living in urban areas are quite willing to pledge their eyes, but when we even try to broach the topic with the rural folk, we are virtually pushed out,” explains Amrit Pal Singh, a social worker, attached with the Chandigarh Eye Bank Society, about the still rigid attitude of the people.

“We are able to perform about 250 corneal grafting operations in a year, though this number could have been much more, had there been more eye donors, in our country,” says Dr Jagat Ram, who performs these operations at the Ophthalmology Department of the PGI. Also being the secretary of the Chandigarh Eye Bank Society, he says though there has been a considerable change in the mindset of the Indians, as far as eye donation is concerned, yet there are several still awaiting more donors.

While 2,000 persons pledged their eyes last year, a total of 36,000 persons have till date signed the form to donate their eyes, with the local Eye Bank Society.

The waiting list of those wanting corneal grafting is endless, as the donations are far less than the requirement.

Doctors say that another problem is that even in the case of people who pledge to donate their eyes after death, at times the family or relatives do not inform the hospital or with the death taking place at a far off place, the task remains unfulfilled. “Since it is essential to take out the eyes within six hours after death, a team from our department, including a doctor and a nurse, go to the house of the pledger on being informed about his death,” disclosed Dr Jagat Ram.

Even though, the level of awareness among the public on the issue of eye donation has improved considerably, but the kind gesture is still coming mainly from the younger lot. The younger generation is much more sensitive towards the issue, as the older lot still believes that this is against our religion.

“There was a time when we were totally dependent on Sri Lanka for eyes, as they strongly believe that the kind gesture ensures a place in heaven,” says Dr Jagat Ram.

The doctors at the Sohana Eye Hospital, too face problem, as they have to depend for eye donation on the people of Gujarat, as people here were still not so forthcoming. The waiting list of people in need of corneal grafting at their hospital, too is quite long.



Fuel prices up by 36 paise
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 30
The prices of petrol and diesel will go up by 36 paise per litre. The hike will be effective from midnight tomorrow. Sources in the industry said international price of crude oil had risen from $ 25 a barrel to $ 30 a barrel in the past one week, which had triggered his price hike.



Tribute to Beant on Lashkara

Lashkara Channel will telecast live the shardhanjli samaroh of late Chief Minister of Punjab Beant Singh. The function will be organised at Payal village tomorrow on his seventh death anniversary. According to a spokesman of the channel, the live telecast will begin from 12 noon. Mr Moti Lal Vora, Mohsina Kidwai, Ambika Soni along with Capt Amarinder Singh and many other ministers will address the gathering.



Inter-state gang of auto-lifters busted
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 30
At least five cases of car thefts in the city have been solved with the arrest of five members of an inter-state gang of auto-lifters by the Punjab police. The vehicles, lifted from different points in the city, had been sold further with fake registration numbers.

The arrested members of the gang are: Gurvinder Singh, Kulbir Randhawa, Malkiat Singh Sodhi, Tejinder Singh — all residents of Amritsar, and Deepak Kumar, a resident of Uttam Nagar, New Delhi. The modus operandi of the gang was to advertise about the sale of second-hand cars through newspapers and dispose them on forged registration papers.

Two of the culprits, Malkiat and Deepak, who have been brought on production warrant from Jalandhar by the CIA staff of Chandigarh, confessed of having stolen a Mahindra Balero (HR 59 0842), a Maruti Zen car (CH 03 E 4215), two Tata Indica cars (CH o1 T 1404 and CH 01 D 1467), a Santro (CH 12 T 208) and a Maruti car (HP 24 A0476). The Chandigarh police was undertaking a joint investigation to recover some more vehicles stolen by them from the city.

The police has recovered an Opel Astra car (CH 02 0644), stolen on the night intervening August 16 and 17 from outside a house in Sector 44, from Deepak. They had opened a office in Amritsar for sale and purchase.




The inter-state gang of auto-lifters had stolen over 30 vehicles from Punjab, Chandigarh and Delhi. So far at least seven vehicles stolen from Delhi have been recovered from them. The Punjab police, Delhi police and the Chandigarh police are jointly making efforts to recover the stolen vehicles from their respective areas.



Rs 38,000 stolen from Sector 11 SCF
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, August 30
Two vehicles and Rs 38,000 were stolen in three incidents of theft in the city during the past 48 hours.

According to information available, Rs 38,000 was stolen from an SCF in Sector 11 on the night of August 28. The burglars broke the lock of the SCF. A case under Sections 380 and 457 of the IPC has been registered.

Manpreet Kaur of Mani Majra lodged a complaint that her Kinetic Honda scooter was stolen on Wednesday from the parking lot of the Sukhna lake.

Mr M.M. Kohli, a resident of Sector 37, in a complaint said his Maruti car was stolen from his residence on the night of August 28.

Mr Ashish Ahuja, field supervisor, UT Red Cross, Sector 11, complained that 18 water taps were stolen from the dispensary of Sector 43. A case under Sections 380 and 454 of the IPC has been registered at the Sector 36 police station.

Trespass: Mr Daulat Ram, a servant in house No. 3053, Sector 23, complained that T.R. Chauhan trespassed into the house and broke the refrigerator and damaged a car and domestic items. A case under Sections 323, 427 and 452 of the IPC has been registered at the Sector 17 police station.

Eve-teasing: Three persons, Major Singh, Sumit and Arman Singh, were arrested from different parts of the city for indulging in eve-teasing. A case under Section 294 of the IPC has been registered at the Sector 17 police station.

Booked for assault: The police has registered a case against two prisoners for assaulting a jail officer here on Friday. According to the police, the Superintendent of jail, Ambala Central Jail, had sent a complaint to Baldev Nagar police station against two prisoners Surender and Surjit for manhandling one of the officers of the jail. The prisoners have also threatened the officer.

Stolen: Cash and other valuables were stolen on Thursday night in Ambala City. S.N. Sehgal, a resident of Model Town area, had filed a complaint with the police in this regard on Friday.

Temple robbed: A few miscreants robbed the ornaments and other valuables from the Bala Devi temple at Balapur village in Naggal constituency on Thursday night. On the complaint of ‘pujari’ Kiran Pal, the police has registered a theft case in this regard.

According to information, around one dozen miscreants entered the temple. They locked the ‘pujari’ and his family members in a room and robbed the ornaments of the Goddess.

The Superintendent of police, Mr Manoj Yadav, and other senior police officers rushed to the spot but no clue have been found so far.



Training programme on personal growth
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, August 30
Top executives from multinational and national organisations participated in a two-day training programme on “Personal growth” organised by the National Institute of Personnel Management’s Punjab chapter.

Briefing the participants about the activities of the institute on the first day of the programme, present chairperson-cum-General Manager (HR) of Punjab Tractors Limited, Ms Amar Deepika, said the objective behind organising the programme was to provide a forum for sharing experiences and for dissemination of knowledge.

The vice-chairperson, Mr Rajendera Saksena, while introducing renowned management trainer and alumnus of the IIT and IIM, Mr Arvind Kaul, said management students could become members of the chapter and avail the benefit of monthly talks. The programme was organised by senior executives from companies like Ranbaxy Labs, Punjab Tractors Limited, SCL. NJPC, Bharat Electronics, Ind Swift and Unichem Labs.


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