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Monday, March 25, 2002
Bits & Bytes

COR: Short for central outdoor router, the central router in a multi-device WLAN. The device is typically placed in a geographic central location and communicates with up 32 remote locations that use an ROR.

ROR: Short for remote outdoor router, a device that connects a remote location in a WLAN to either another remote location with an ROR for a point-to-point connection or to the system's COR for point-to-multipoint connections. The ROR can connect to only one other unit at one time - either another ROR or the COR. The COR can connect to multiple RORs.

UDF: Short for Universal Disk Format, a universal vendor-independent file system for optical media designed for data interchange and portability, allowing an operating system to read, write and modify data stored on optical media that was created by another operating system.
