Tuesday, July 10, 2001,
Chandigarh, India


C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S



HC orders closure of guest houses in UT
Phased closure in 6 months; alternative sites to be explored
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, July 9
Directing the Chandigarh Administration to ensure the closure of guest houses operating from residential areas, a Division Bench of the Punjab and Haryana High Court here has asked it to explore the feasibility of providing alternate sites in non-residential areas.

Pronouncing the orders in the open court after taking notice of a news item published in a local daily, the Bench, comprising Mr Justice G.S. Singhvi and Mr Justice Amar Dutt, has also asked the Administration to carry out the exercise within six months of receiving the order’s copy.

The Bench has further asked the Administration to frame within four weeks rules for regulating “the use to which such an accommodation is put in a manner that neither the visitor occupying the accommodation made available, nor the staff employed for providing the services to the visitors, create noise and disturb the residents of the locality”.

The judges also asked the Administration to ensure that the visitors and the staff do not indulge in disorderly conduct leading to a breach of peace, keep the rooms and the varandas clean, ensure the removal of innocuous vegetation, alongwith the disposal of garbage and maintenance of visitors’ register, regulate or ban the serving of liquor in the premises, make sure that “the premises were not used for sexual immorality”, or as marriage palaces”.

The orders are significant as, according to a survey conducted by the UT Estate Office, 130 residential houses in the city are being used as guest houses. Moreover, 1,000 families are directly or indirectly earning their livelihood from these houses.

Regarding their problems, the judges, in their detailed order, observed: “No doubt, the shutting down of these establishments may entail some hardships to the persons who are employed in the upkeep and maintenance of the guest houses, and would result in the non-availability of accommodation at reasonable rates to the visitors, but this fact in itself would not, in our opinion, justify their continuation in areas which are primarily residential, especially when there are no rules framed by the Chandigarh Administration for ensuring that the accommodation is not put to such use as would impinge upon the privacy and peace of the other residents of that locality”.

The judges also observed: “In the absence of guidelines which regulate the use to which these premises can be put without causing any inconvenience and nuisance to the neighbours, it would not be advisable to allow even temporary continuance of the residential accommodation as guest houses”.

Speaking for the Bench, Mr Justice Amar observed: “We are conscious of the fact that Chandigarh’s Deputy Commissioner has, probably on account of non-availability of other provisions for regulating the functioning of the guest houses, issued notices under the Sarais Act calling upon the keepers of the guest houses to get themselves registered with the office.... The notices cannot be taken in as condoning of the misuse to which the residential premises are being put to”.

Mr Justice Dutt had concluded: “It would be suffice to say that the continuance of these misuses cannot be condoned till eternity. The Chandigarh Administration will have to balance the need of the visitors for accommodation at reasonable rates with the rights of the residents of the locality and ensure closure of these guest houses while exploring the feasibility of providing alternate sites....”

It may be recalled that the Guest House Social and Welfare Association, had stated in an affidavit that the demand for accommodation was increasing as an average tourist could not afford accommodation in four, three, even two-star hotels.

They had added that the accommodation provided by the guest houses was taken up during trade fairs organised by CII and seminars held at the PGI. Counsel for the association had argued that the use of residential accommodation for guest houses was not illegal as nursing homes, schools, photostat shops, even architects, chartered accountants and property dealers, were also functioning from houses. 


Walls of city roundabouts give way
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, July 9
Heavy rain in the city and its surrounding areas in the past two days has caused a problem for the city engineers. Walls of several roundabouts in the city have given away, leading to a traffic problem.

A count to know the exact number of damaged roundabouts continued till this evening. Engineers explained that beautification of some of roundabouts had been carried out in the past two to three months by private parties. Fresh loose earth had been poured in at certain places. This loose earth soaked in lots of water, putting pressure on the walls. The walls of some of the roundabouts had been raised recently .

Heavy rain lashed the city this afternoon, bringing respite from the sweltering humidity. The downpour, which began at 2 p.m., continued for more than 30 minutes before being reduced to a drizzle. The sudden rain led to flooding of roads. The local meteorological office recorded 1.4 millimetres of rain.


Dr Gupta, wife cremated
Murders by burglars unlikely
Tribune News Service

Jammu, July 9
The mortal remains of Prof U.C. Gupta (72) and his wife, Mrs Kamla Devi, were consigned to flames at the Shastri Nagar cremation ground here today in the presence of a large number of people, including a team of doctors from the PGI, Chandigarh, political leaders and intellectuals.

The couple’s elder son, Dr A.K. Gupta, Medical Superintendent, PGI, Chandigarh, and his brother lit the pyre.

The bodies of Prof Gupta and his wife were found in a poll of blood when Dr A.K. Gupta reached Jammu to meet his parents. Before leaving Chandigarh for Jammu, he had phoned his mother to inform her that he would be with her in he evening.

When Dr A.K. Gupta entered the house, he found his father’s face disfigured with deep wounds. His throat had been slit. So was the case with his mother.

Prof Gupta was a practising ayurvedic doctor and had a good number of patients at his clinic. He had recently returned from Chandigarh where he had gone for treatment of some heart ailment in the PGI.

The deceased couple leaves behind two sons and two daughters.

A special police team has been constituted to track down the killers. The police till yesterday had suspected that the couple had been killed by burglars. However, investigations have encouraged the police to work on other clues.

A senior police officer confirmed that the couple used to receive threat calls and the caller invariably used to be a woman. Dr A.K. Gupta, during one of his visits to Jammu, had informed a senior police officer about it and a DSP sent to the couple’s residence.

Preliminary investigations reveal that the double murder is unlikely to be the handiwork of burglars because most gold ornaments and cash have been found untouched. A senior police officer told TNS that an almirah had been opened and some cash or jewellery may have been stolen to mislead the police.

The manner in which the face of Prof Gupta had been disfigured indicated that it was a revenge murder.

The police said a servant had seen two males in the bedroom of Prof Gupta.


Gloom descends on PGI
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, July 9
Shock waves spread in the PGI as news of gruesome murder of parents of the PGI Medical Superintendent, Dr A.K. Gupta, appeared in the newspapers today morning. A pall of gloom descended upon the institute as shocked staff members and colleagues of Dr Gupta called up his office in an attempt to get more details about the tragedy.

Dr Gupta’s parents, Prof U.C. Gupta and his wife, were found murdered in their Trikuta Nagar residence in Jammu yesterday evening. Dr Gupta, who had reached his house in Jammu late in the evening found his parents murdered. Incidentally, he had called them up from Chandigarh just before leaving for Jammu in the morning. His wife Mrs Rajni Gupta and the rest of his family also left for Jammu immediately after the news was conveyed to them.

Many of Dr Gupta’s friends and colleagues have been calling him at his Jammu residence to convey their condolence to the bereaved family. When contacted, the PGI Director, Prof S.K. Sharma, expressed shock and grief over the tragedy.


Confusion is rife in PU
Last date for admission extended thrice
Tribune News Service

In spite of constant efforts by the university authorities to cater to the thousands of students thronging the university for various purposes, all arrangements seem to be inadequate.

But today at the examination branch of the administrative block of the university, two of the university employees were at the receiving end of the students. Mr Rohtas and Ms Grace fainted allegedly because of the suffocation caused by the rush of students there.

The university CMO was called in. She, however stated that both the employees were suffering from different aliments and the rush was merely incidental to their having fainted.

Chandigarh July 9
Succumbing to the demand of students once again to extend the last date of receipt of applications, for the third time in a month, to July 11, Panjab University has managed to cause utter confusion not only among the candidates but also in many departments as far as fresh admissions are concerned.

The last date of admissions was July 2, and four days after this date had passed, the university decided to extend the date till July 11.

While most of the departments for which the dates have been extended have reported receipt for very few fresh application forms, hundreds of students who were interviewed today in accordance to the pre-set schedule are still not sure whether they will be admitted or not.

Although the dates were extended only for those departments where entrance tests were conducted by the university for admission, many of these departments had already conducted interviews of the students in accordance with the final merit lists prepared and displayed by the departments.

Now these departments have been asked to revise the final merit lists including the fresh applications and display these after July 11. Fresh interviews for the new eligible applicants will be held and the admissions would follow.

In the Department of Laws, students who had been interviewed on July 6 and were to pay their fee today were undecided as many of these could easily lose their seat to a fresh applicant having a higher rank in the merit list.

A meeting of the Dean University, Instructions and the Head of Department of Laws was held today but no date seems to have been decided for the payment of fees by the students.

However the students reported that they have been called on July 16 to pay fee as per the fresh merit list.

In the Department of Mass Communication, however, the interviews which were scheduled for today were held but the final merit list will be put up only after July 11, the date on which the students were supposed to pay their fee. Similarly interviews were held in some other departments, including MSc Honours School in Chemistry.

Though all out efforts are being made by the university authorities to ensure that teaching work starts by July 16, yet with confusion over admission this seems highly improbable.


Kin of Cabinet minister arrested
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh July 9
Sons and a nephew of a Punjab minister, who have been allegedly involved in a brawl with two other youths in the city, were arrested tonight. All five accused were taken for a medical examination in the GMCH, Sector 32.

It is learnt that Gurmeet Singh, who has just returned after finishing his studies in Bangalore had accidentally hit the car of one of the accused, Navdeep. Following this, a minor scuffle took place between the two, but things were resolved with the intervention of certain by-standers.

According to information, Navdeep, Jagdeep and Amanjot, all related to a Cabinet minister, reportedly threatened Gurmeet Singh and challenged him to meet them today in order to settle an old score. The latter took up the challenge and asked the former to meet him in the Sector 34 market.

In the meantime, Gurmeet also called over a friend, Jasmohan Singh, to his aid. However, as soon as he saw the other three persons coming over along with their armed guards, they rushed to the nearby police station for help. However, the accused ran after them and a fight ensued between the two sides.

Meanwhile, the police intervened and a few cops were also roughed up in the process. All of them were later arrested by the police.


Audited MC accounts not tabled
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, July 9
Even as the five-year term of the Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh comes to a close in December this year, the Chief Auditor, MC, has been violating the provisions of the Punjab MC Act, as applicable to Chandigarh, with regard to his functions pertaining to the audit of corporation accounts.

According to Section 176 ( 2) of the Act, “ The Examiner Local Fund Accounts (Punjab) shall conduct day-to-day examination and audit of the corporation accounts and shall furnish a monthly report therein to the corporation, who shall publish monthly an abstract of receipts and expenditure of the preceeding month. It is to be signed by the Mayor or in his absence by the Senior Deputy Mayor and in the absence of both the Deputy Mayor and by the examiner of local fund accounts.” But according to reliable sources, such monthly audit reports have neither been prepared nor tabled before the general House for information or discussion.

As per Section 177 (3), “As soon as may be after the commencement of each year, the Examiner Local Fund Accounts (Punjab) shall deliver to the corporation the report of the entire MC account for the previous year.’’ In this case, even as this report is being prepared, the same has not been put before the House for consideration and approval.

Sources reveal that certain senior officials are not keen on it being tabled before the House. They fear that they will get exposed by way of some scandals, which will be highlighted by these audit objections.

Both monthly and yearly audit reports of the MC accounts have never been tabled before the House.

The Chief Auditor, MC , Mr R.S. Kang, maintains that the accounts are audited regularly and an yearly report of the same as submitted to officials concerned. The report of the past years is yet to be submitted. It takes time to compile and prepare the said report, he adds .

He admits that it is not possible to furnish monthly audit reports due to the difficulties in procuring the expenditure figures from various wings of the MC. An attempt was made to so for a few months, but the same were mere audit observations and did not indicate the financial transactions. He adds that the Chief Accounts Officer submits the monthly accounts statement before the House in the general meetings. The audit figures will be put on the computer LAN within a month, he claims.

The Assistant Commissioner-I, Mr Ashok Vashistha, says though the MC accounts are being audited, no reports have been received by them. It is the quarterly review of the accounts sent to the Commissioner that is generally placed before the F and CC or the House for approval.

The Secretary, Mr Ashwani Kumar, says no such report has been submitted to him for putting before the House.

Municipal Commissioner, M.P.Singh said he was not aware of whether the required audit reports were being prepared and tabled before the House or not and that the lapse amounts to the violation of the Corporation Act. However, he promised to verify the facts from the officials concerned and take corrective action.


CTCC derides Dhawan’s remarks
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, July 9
The Chandigarh Territorial Congress Committee (CTCC) here today sought to blunt attack on the AICC President, Ms. Sonia Gandhi whose leadership was rejected by dissident Congressman and former Union Minister Harmohan Dhawan who is to be expelled within a week from the party.

Launching a counter-attack on Mr Dhawan as a repartee to former Union Minister’s challenge to Ms Gandhi’s leadership, the CTCC President, Mr B.B. Bahal, said “Mr Dhawan does not know anything about politics, especially of the Congress if he says Ms Gandhi can not become the Prime Minister of the country,’’ adding “he should resign.’’

Flanked by office-bearers of the CTCC, Mr Bahal said by winning the Lok Sabha election from both North India and South India, the people of the country have established Ms. Gandhi as their leader and she will be the next Prime Minister.

Painting a sorry picture of Mr Dhawan, he said the former Union Minister had entreated like beggars for days before the party high command to get entry into the party without any pre-condition but nobody had paid any heed to his requests. Then the president of the Chandigarh Congress, Mr Pawan Bansal, assured the leadership on behalf of Mr Dhawan to let him join the party.

Mr Bahal denied that the party leadership had promised Mr Dhawan anything saying, “The former Union Minister might have had some hidden agenda to come to the party and tried to grab party position through backdoor.”

He said Mr Dhawan had been betraying the party by initially giving only a list of three persons as his supporters and then 25 of his relatives which the high command did not admit in the party and that Mr Dhawan had stayed away from Mr Pawan Bansal’s election campaign for 10 days and only came back after a warning from senior Congress leader, Mr Pranab Mukherjee.

Terming Mr Dhawan’s claim of being instrumental in Mr Bansal’s victory in the last Lok Sabha election, Mr Bahal said “it is an absolute falsehood as the former Union Minister had been losing his security deposits in all but couple of elections.’’

He accused Mr. Dhawan of launching the Chandigarh Vikas Manch (CVM) after failing to grab party post through backdoor.

Coming in defence of the so-called coterie of Ms Gandhi comprising Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad, Mr Pranab Mukherjee, Ms Ambika Soni, Mr Oscar Fernandez and local MP Mr Bansal, he said Mr Dhawan does not know that all of them had been returned to the Lok Sabha.

Talking about the Congress culture, Mr Bahal said “the leadership of the party decides fate of every worker and Mr Dhawan was advised to take training from senior leaders”.

He said Mr Dhawan had to campaign for Mr Bansal after the former’s cadres had started deserting him to the BJP.

Refusing to talk about the Municipal Corporation election, he said the party will sweep the MC, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh Vidhan Sabha elections. 


Legal notice to Bahal
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, July 9
Former General Secretary of the Chandigarh Territorial Congress Committee Vijay Pal Singh, today served a legal notice on the CTCC President, Mr B. B. Bahal, demanding either receipts for Rs 6,30,000 collected by him as donation or return the amount within five days.

“You are hereby served with a legal notice to issue the receipts of Rs 6,30,000 as per the list provided to you or return the amount immediately within five days from the date of issue of this notice,’’ a copy of the notice distributed by dissident Congress leader Mr Harmohan Dhawan’s supporters today said.

Mr Pal’s advocate Mr. Mukesh Mittal said his client had come to know that the amount donated for the construction of Congress Bhawan, had allegedly been misappropriated and not accounted for.

He alleged that despite repeated requests for the issue of receipts, Mr Bahal had delayed the matter intentionally and when the matter was raised on a party forum, the CTCC president had issued an ‘’illegal show cause notice to expel Mr Pal.

The notice said that by ‘’illegally expelling Mr Pal, Mr Bahal has damaged the reputation of the former Congress leader and was liable for damages.


Teenaged maid gang-raped
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, July 9
A 15-year-old maid servant living in Sector 44-B was gang-raped throughout last night, allegedly by three students in their early twenties, staying as paying guests in the neighbourhood. One of the accused is said to be her acquaintance.

The minor girl has been admitted to the Sector 32 Government Medical College and Hospital and is stated to be in a serious condition. The victim is an illiterate daughter of a migrant labourer.

According to the information available, the 15-year-old victim was friendly with one of the accused — Davinder Bisht. The latter, along with Amit was staying as a paying guest in a house located in the vicinity of the maid’s employer’s residence. The third accused Prithi had come from Hoshiarpur to stay for a day and went back this morning. Police parties have been despatched in his search, police officials said.

The duo — Devinder and Amit — live on the first floor and the landlady lives on the ground floor.

Police sources said the victim was called over by Davinder Bisht at the latter’s residence last night. The victim took the dog of her landlady out for walk last evening. Then she met Devinder, who enticed her to come along with him. The girl left the dog in the house and accompanied Devinder to his place, where the three friends took turns in raping her.

She was let off at about 4 this morning. She found the door of her house locked and waited outside till the landlady let her in. At about 10 a.m. the landlady asked the maid as to why she was not doing her chores. The girl complained of bleeding from her private parts. The worried old woman called in the girl’s mother, who works as a maid in Sector 34.

The girl was taken to the GMCH around 3 p.m. and the police was called in by the doctors on duty, who suspected a medico-legal case. The girl told the doctors what had happened last night. The cops swung into action and nabbed Devinder and Amit.

Police sources said Davinder had just completed his training in the Merchant Navy. Amit is currently undergoing training in medical transcription. Prithi is a student in Hoshiarpur.


Take up Kargil cases with Pak: martyr’s father
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, July 9
Dr N.K. Kalia, father of Capt Saurabh Kalia, a Kargil martyr, has in a letter to the Union Defence Minister, Mr Jaswant Singh, requested him to raise the issue of his son and five other Indian soldiers who were brutally tortured and murdered by the Pakistan Army during the forthcoming Indo-Pak summit.

Dr Kalia reminded the Defence Minister that he had promised earlier to take up the issue of Capt Saurabh Kalia and five other Indian soldiers with Pakistani authorities bilaterally. Dr Kalia said even Mr George Fernandes, a former Defence Minister, too, had promised to take up the issue bilaterally. Dr Kalia in a separate letter to the High Commissioner of Pakistan in India has requested for an audience with General Musharraf during his visit to India so as to seek his intervention for identifying and punishing the guilty responsible for torture and murder of his son and five other Indian soldiers.

He also requested the Pakistan President for information about the exact time of the martyrdom of his son in captivity in Pakistan.


Uncertainty dogs PCL staff
Tribune News Service

SAS Nagar, July 9
Uncertainty prevails among the employees of Punjab Communications Limited over the decision of the Punjab Project Approval Board to reduce the shareholding of ECP in the company to 26 per cent from 70 per cent. Leaders of the Joint Action Committee of the employee had stated that the government was selling Puncom assets of Rs 180 crore at a low price of Rs 28 crore to a private party.

While a senior official of the management dismissed apprehension of the employees that they would be losing jobs after a private party took over, the employees want an assurance from the government that they would not lose their jobs. The official said those who would be able to deliver the goods would be in the job.

On the condition of anonymity, an official of the company claimed that the recommendations of I-FIN, a private company engaged by the state government for the evaluation of PCL had wrongly recommended disinvestment of the company. It was a profit making unit with order worth Rs 300 crore in hand. The management of the company is reported to have pressed hard upon the government officials not to go for the disinvestment.

A section of the officials, however, feels that disinvestment of the company would help it get rid of certain officials in the management who were allegedly pushing the company towards its closure. 


Booked for begging, Brahmin moves court
Kiran Deep

Chandigarh, July 9
The most feared Hindu god “Shanidev”, seems to have bowed down before the Chandigarh Police as a ‘Dakaunt’ Brahmins has been arrested begging under the Municipal Corporation Act.

The Brahmins who are being arrested for allegedly begging, have decided to approach the court for seeking continuance of their traditional profession of reaching out “Shanidev” to the people for amelioration of their woes associated with the wrath of “Shanidev”.

The threat to the traditional means of livelihood of “Dakaunt” Brahamins who have been taking “Shanidev” to the people who have been offering money and mustard oil on Saturdays to ward off worldly woes, occurred when the Chandigarh Police arrested Jhara Ram, Naresh Kumar and Jamna Ram while returning home on June 16 at Mani Majra, near here.

Today Jhara Ram was here in the city court and had moved an application in the local court for the release of idol of the god, mustard oil, gadvi and Rs 45.

Narrating their told of woes Jhara Ram, a resident of Patiala said “city police had arrested him along with two of his colleagues and registered a case under Section 151 of the Municipal Corporation Act, in Industrial Area police station. He added that he had informed the constables that they are “Shanidevtas” not beggars. Despite the fact that the constable picked us and took to the police station, Industrial Area”.

Jhara Ram added that more than 20 families from Pakistan were settled in Rajpura, Patiala. At present there are about 150 such Brahmins in the city and their livelihood depends only on this profession. The devotees of the god invite us for the food and donate oil and money for their well being.

When this correspondent contacted legal luminaries they said “the police cannot arrest them under the offence of begging as it is their fundamental right to earn livelihood by this profession. They added that the police had falsely implicated them under this Act”.

They said as per the Municipal Corporation Act whoever, in any street or public place within the Municipality begs importunately for alms, or express, or exhibits any deformity or disease, or any offensive sore or wound shall be punishable with the imprisonment of either description, which may extend to three months, or with a fine not exceeding Rs 50 or with both, in case of first offence. 


Roads flooded as drains blocked
Tribune News Service

SAS Nagar, July 9
The lack of preparedness by the Department of Public Health to clear the blocked storm water drains before the monsoons led to flooding of roads after a downpour here today. It took quite a time for the rain water to recede.

Officials of the department expressed inability to do the cleaning as there was no sewer cleansing machine available for the work.

Residents criticised the civic body and the public health wing for unwarranted inconvenience. It may be pertinent to mention that the SAS Nagar Municipal Council had been paying over Rs 4 crore to the Department of Public Health every year for maintenance of sewerage in the town.

The public health wing was supposed to clear the storm water drains by March 31. Though workers has been engaged by the department to clear the drains, yet it did not have the desired affect during the rains.

The drains remained blocked with trash, sand and, polythene bags. Burning of dry leaves over the mouth of the drains had further added to the problem.

At some places waste material retrieved from the drains had been dumped alongside the drains and during rains it had again blocked the passage.


Flood-prone areas visited
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, July 9
Flood-control works in progress in the district were inspected by the Commissioner, Ambala Division, Dr Maha Singh, here today. Accompanied by the Deputy Commissioner, Ms Jyoti Arora, he went round the studs, spurs and protection wall constructed in villages.

The work has been carried out by the Drainage Division of the Irrigation department in Rajjipur, Kiratpur, Narainpur, Kidarpur, Naya Nagar, Barona, Garindan and Mallah to give protection to the crops and agricultural land of the farmers while the spurs in Mallah are aimed at protecting the only bridge and link road to Mallah and other villages.

According to a survey carried out last year, Nayanagar, Nagal, Lehrondi, Johluwal, Mandawal, Rajipur, Rampur Suri villages and villages in the sub-tehsil of Raipur Rani which include Jallaha, Talanwali, Kazampur, Bhud, Narainpur, Kheri, Barwala, Tibba Majra, Parwala, Rookee, Shampur have been identified as sensitive. In Barwala, the villages identified from the point of view of floods include Bataur, Sultanpur, Jalauli and in Panchkula, the sensitive areas include Nada, Khetparali, Chowki and natwal besides Rajiv colony and Indira Colony.

The Commissioner was told that the district administration had completed 12 flood protection works in Rajipur and Barona villages while the others were in progress and likely to be completed by July 15.

Later, the commissioner visited the Sukhomajri project where the Principal Scientist, Central Soil and Water Conservation Research Centre, Chandigarh, Prof SP Mittal, explained how the villagers had participated in managing natural resources. In an informal interaction with the villagers, he was informed of the advantages the project of rain-water harvesting had brought to them. A Class III student was given a prize of Rs 100 by the Deputy Commissioner for reciting the table of 19 when asked.


Flight Safety Trophy presented
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, July 9
The Western Command’s ‘Flight Safety Trophy’ for being the best flying unit in the command zone for the year 2000-01 has been bagged by the Army Aviation Corps’ 16 Recce and Observation Flight.

The trophy was received by the Flight Commander, Lieut-Col A.S. Randhawa, from the GOC-in-C, Western Command, Lieut Gen Surjit Singh, at Chandimandir today. The trophy is awarded on the basis of operational efficiency and flight safety record.

Meanwhile, the two-day annual conference of the Army Aviation Corps also began at Western Command Headquarder today. The Chief of Staff, Western Command, Lieut-Gen H.R.S. Mann, who chaired the conference, congratulated the corps for its performance. He emphasised upon the need to promote flight safety, which, he said, was the end product of combined efforts of the aviators as well as the ground staff.

Senior officers from the Army Headquarters as well as the Western Command dealing with aviation would be attending the conference.


Hawk kills 7 exotic birds
Our Correspondent

Chhat Bir, July 9
Seven budgerigars which were shifted from Neelon mini-zoo near Ludhiana to Chhat Bir yesterday, became the prey of a hawk here today.

According to sources, 40 exotic birds were caged in an enclosure, the wire mesh of which was broken at the top. A hawk remained hovering over the enclosure since the birds were brought here. The hawk entered the cage and killed seven birds.

Sources said zoo employees had informed the Additional Chief Wildlife Warden about the hawk, but the authorities failed to take precautions. The warden confirmed killing of four birds by the hawk. He said being delicate, the birds died due to change in the climate. 


Where living is a delight
Tribune News Service

Sector 10 is an important sector of Chandigarh and can easily be called a residents’ delight. Centrally located, this sector can boast of several features which other sectors lack. Civic amenities are also better than most of other sectors. It houses eminent persons from different fields such as law, medicine, business and government service. It has several top educational institutions such as the DAV College, Government College of Art, Government Polytechnic for Women and the Home Science College.

The sector also boasts of the famous Chandigarh Lawn Tennis Association’s courts, where international matches are a regular feature. Physical fitness trails and a skating rink add to the list of facilities this sector offers. To those with an artistic bent, the sector offers the Government Museum and Art Gallery which has one of the best collections in the country. Facing the Art Gallery is the Leisure Valley — an ideal spot for large-scale events. The sector has good roads. The streetlights function properly and the supply of water and power is normal, say the residents.

However, garbage disposal seems to be a problem area, if the accumulation of garbage in different parts including the back of the market is any indication. Similarly, wild growth in the open areas stands in sharp contrast to the well manicured lawns in the spacious houses.

Parking in the market is another problem. In fact, the market does not have a parking lot worth the name and shoppers park their vehicles on the road, creating congestion and making the area prone to accidents.

The sector also forms an important part of the “geri route” and the number of vehicles swells when the educational institutions are open. The roads become all the more risky as youngsters zoom about in their high-speed vehicles, caring little for traffic rules. The CITCO-owned Hotel Mountview stands like a colossus in this sector. 


Erratic power supply irks villagers
Our Correspondent

The transformer in Mullanpur-Garibdas village which reportedly developed a snag on Saturday.
The transformer in Mullanpur-Garibdas village which reportedly developed a snag on Saturday. — A Tribune photograph

Mullanpur-Garibdas (Kharar), July 9
This village, one of the largest of the Kharar subdivision, has been facing erratic power supply for the past three days.

“We have not been getting regular power supply for the past three days and lose hanging distribution wires in the entire village have added to our fear of losing villagers the way an XEN died in Chandigarh on Saturday,’’ a villager, Mr Arvind Puri, told Chandigarh Tribune here today.

The relief to the villagers is not soon to come by as a store in Ropar where transformers are replaced was closed on Saturday and Sunday and today it could not be taken for replacement before 2 p.m. The transformers are expected to be replaced by tomorrow.

A large part of the village plunged into darkness, especially shopping areas, as two transformers reportedly conked out on Saturday. According to an employee of the Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB), the transformers would be replaced by tomorrow.

The villagers complained that erratic power supply and low voltage was always a problem but for the past few days the power problem has compounded. According to them, the problem started on Saturday when one of the transformers in the village developed snag.

An employee of the PSEB said one of the transformer tripped and the load was shifted to another transformer which also tripped later on. The residents complain that the load in the area has significantly increased which the present transformers could not withstand.

The dangerously hanging wires in the village is also a cause of concern, said Ms Savitri Devi. The villagers were apprehensive after they read about electrocution of the XEN in Chandigarh. It may be mentioned here that the distribution cables are haphazardly connected in the village. At some of the points in the village, the power cables are hanging at a reachable height.

It is learnt that a junior engineer of the area visited the village today and told the villagers that the transformers could only be changed tomorrow. Meanwhile, a large number of villagers, especially the shopkeepers, were seen using generators.

The village is fed by a 66 KV power station and has approximately 4,000 connections. The villagers complain that in recent times the load has increased but the department never bothered to take necessary action.

When contacted Mr P.S. Bains, Executive Engineer, PSEB, admitted that the transformers had been damaged and assured that the replacement would be done by tomorrow evening. He maintained that the power supply to the village was not affected. 


Roads in pitiable state
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, July 9
Roads of Sector 38 are bumpy with pits all over causing inconvenience to vehicle owners.

Residents claimed that senior authorities have surveyed the entire area but nothing has been done so far. Mr Amrit Lal Mahajan, president of the Residents Welfare Association, Sector 38-A and Sector 38-B, complained that roads needed carpeting at various spots.

The roads were marked by cracks and depressions. Interestingly, ministers and other VIPs who live in Sector 39 drive along this stretch almost daily.

Swaraj Arora, a resident said it was impossible to pass through the roads during night in the absence of street lights.

Santokh Singh, advocate and resident of the sector, said the road separating the Sectors 38 and 39 was an accident-prone area as several accidents take place daily.


Sarpanches’ plea to Tandon
Our Correspondent

Kharar, July 9
Sarpanches of nine villages in the Kharar block have urged Mr Balramji Dass Tandon, Minister for Local Self Government, to grant a nagar panchayat status to the nine villages surrounding Balaungi and the villages should be merged in the Balaungi nagar panchayat.

A delegation of the sarpanches has met Mr Tandon and they were led by Dr Gurnam Singh Balaungi, SAD leader, and demanded that the nagar panchayat should be formed on the pattern of Zirakpur.

These villages are Balaungi Colony, Balaungi, Bad Majra, Bad Majra Colony, Raipur, Jhujhar Nagar, Daon, Ballo Majra and Behlolpur.


Advice for women

It is important for every woman who is married to keep her family happy. To keep the family in harmony, a woman has to see to it that the energies of the house are balanced.

Balancing the energies means practising Jeng shine.

Feng Shui should be practised by women to create wealth, success, happiness and prominence for the family. Most importantly, success for the head of the family has to be kept in mind.

In this world, success is measured by wealth and position. Every woman should do something special in the house which will bring fame to her husband.

One of the most important tips of Feng Shui is about how to use water features in one’s house.

Women should be careful about introducing water features in their houses. Water means money. But if placed in the wrong direction, it creates a desert.

Water can improve the life of a household ten-fold if placed in the right place.

A man may tend to become unfaithful. Outside the house, one should be careful about placing the swimming pool! Pools in one’s garden can bring prosperity. But I will say strongly that when placed in the right direction, water features can arrest odd trends.


Address your Feng Shui queries to:
E-mail: fengshui@tribuneindia.com

Postal address: C/o F.S. TIPS
The Tribune, Sector-29, Chandigarh-160020.


Shifting of liquor vend demanded
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, July 9
A delegation of the Market Welfare Association of Sector 44-D today met the Deputy Commissioner-cum-Excise Commissioner and demanded the shifting of the liquor vend functioning in a tin-shed in Sector 44 here.

The delegation alleged that the vend was un-authorised and is causing problems to the shoppers.


Rally held
Our Correspondent

Chandigarh, July 9
Members of the Auto Mechanics Federation held a rally here today to express resentment against the UT Administration.

President of the union, Mr Mohinder Singh, said, MP, Mr Pawan Kumar Bansal, had met them and assured full cooperation.


Test-ride proves costly
Our Correspondent

Panchkula, July 9
An unidentified youth took away a CBZ Hero Honda motor cycle on the pretext of a test ride from a house in Sector 21 last afternoon.

He reached the house of Mr Vikas Sahni, who had given an advertisement for the sale of his motor cycle (HR-03C-5950) in a newspaper. The person expressed his desire to buy the vehicle. He also wanted to take a test ride of the motor cycle before purchasing it.

Mr Vikas said the thug took the first ride with the owner riding on the pillion. He asked the owner for another ride alone. The young man kicked the motor cycle and never returned. A case has been registered.

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