L E T T E R S    T O    T H E    E D I T O R

Shun violence after fatal mishaps

It has become a practice in our country to resort to violence whenever an accident due to collision of two vehicles takes place. People take the law in their hands, as has been reported in the news item “Gurgaon villagers go on rampage after two students die in mishap” (Tribune, Nov 7). The scales of sympathy blindly tilt in favour of those who lose their lives in such accidents. While sympathy is alright, it should be only for the loss of life. Beyond this, rationality should prevail and the cause of the accident should be ascertained. The witnesses should help the police and the administration.

The government should take preventive measures like fixing speed limits, removing road encroachments, widening some stretches of roads, installing proper road signs, controlling stray animals and challaning the defaulters.

Resorting to violence does not solve any problem. Pelting stones on vehicles, blocking highways and burning government vehicles and property bring more lawlessness on the roads. In most cases, the collision takes place due to the fault of both sides. Reckless speed and overtaking are the main causes. Such points need to be highlighted in awareness camps.

Er L R Sharma, Sundernagar

Make kids healthy

Children are the future of any country. In India, 8 million children suffer from acute malnutrition and there are an estimated 2.4 million child workers as per the 68th NSS survey. We hardly see any future in their eyes. It is not easy to overcome this problem, but a better effort by the government is required. It must tackle issues of child labour and malnutrition more seriously. By ignoring the future of the nation, we are ignoring the dreams that our national heroes saw for our country.

Dippanjeet Kaur, Ludhiana

Mission Mars

The editorial, “A great start: Mission to Mars a landmark” (November 7) expresses the genuine delight and sense of pride of Indians on the successful launch of ‘Mangalyaan’, the Mars orbiter. When the rocket began its climb into the skies at 2.38pm in Sriharikota on November 5, millions of Indians were reminded of the time when India was really the guru of the world. The ISRO scientists have proved to be the noble descendants of our ancient astronomer Arya Bhatta. But the great space experiment has caused a lot of heartburn among some British media people. A London-based newspaper has ridiculed us for our poverty and backwardness and tried to belittle our Mars mission as a “delusional quest”. Some British people are still nostalgic about their colonial rule and they are historically conditioned to undermining Indians’ mental abilities. But we are in no mood to buy this ‘imperialist’ theory. We can understand their annoyance and jealousy. We don’t need their advice as we can manage our socio-economic affairs without them.



The Mars mission can be justified only if, along with the costly space exploration experiment, developmental works for the economic growth and welfare of the masses are also put in place. Such programmes on which millions of rupees are spent will not be looked at with cynicism by the common man if his/her economic lot too rises proportionately. People only wish to get what is due to them after toiling hard in factories, fields and establishments. The taxpayers want that the tax paid by them helps improve their standard of living, with the government spending on projects in a transparent manner. In the absence of proper accountability and failure of our politicians to arrive at a consensus over issues of development, such missions do become an eyesore.

Brij B Goyal, Ludhiana

Rethink on children

Today is Children's Day, a day to think of the children as social entities and not just as kids. So, when it comes to the education system, children must be included in the decision-making process so that their aspirations and feelings are taken into account. For teachers, it is a day to rethink their relations with their young students, by putting themselves in their shoes. In this way, they will be able to perceive their emotions and requirements better. For the parents, it is the day to check their ego, and stop being a Hitler to them. Rather than brushing them aside or keeping them mum with big pocket money, they should spend more time together as a family, and let children share their problems with them.

Today we must also think of widowed children - the child marriage victims, who suffer for life due to the age-old tradition still prevalent in some states. We have to curb this menace so that no girl child is shackled due to the poverty of parents or indifference of the system. On this day, let us rethink our responsibilities towards children, and make sure that every child goes to school, and grows up healthy.

Colonel R D Singh (retd), Ambala cantt 



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