M A I N   N E W S

Mentally challenged lured into sterilisation
Four youths furnish fake papers
Jupinderjit Singh
Tribune News Service

Ludhiana, December 22
In a shocking case four youths of Haibowal played a dirty joke on a 20-year-old unmarried mentally challenged youth by luring him to undergo sterilisation for earning Rs 500.

The youths even furnished fake name of his wife and other documents required for the operation.

The incident has put a question mark on the manner in which the sterilisation process is being followed in the city. Under the rules, written consent of the wife of the person undergoing the operation is required. He also has to furnish proof that he already has children and doesn’t want more.

However, in this case the doctors did not verify the facts or documents for their authenticity and played with the life of a youth.

Mr Surinderpal, 65-year-old anguished father of the youth, said he was upset at the dirty joke, but was more angry at the doctors who could not see that they were operating a mentally challenged youth.

His alleged harassment did not end here only as he was making rounds of the Jagatpuri Police Post for the past one month for registration of a case of cheating against the youths.

In his complaint to the police, appended with card No. 195 of the sterilisation operation, Mr Surinderpal, a retired electrician, has alleged that his son was operated upon at the Civil Hospital on October 18. For the operation Rs 1,000 were given to the person as per the rules. The accused youths gave him Rs 500 and kept the remaining amount.

He claimed that he learnt about the operation when he saw the sterilisation card in one of the pockets of his son. To cap it all, the day after he made the complaint to the police, he was further dismayed when one of the accused youths came to his house and handed over Rs 500, saying that the case was settled!

Mr Satwinder Singh, in charge, Jagatpuri police post, admitted that they had received the complaint but could not do much as in the Civil Hospital records the youth had claimed he was 33 years old. He said the police was conducting more investigations as the case was a sensitive one.

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