Towards a new world order

This has reference to M.V. Kamath’s article “Together against the world” (Perspective, Nov 13). The modalities suggested for governance of the federation and command and control structure at all levels apart, there would be enormous advantages for both the nations. It would save the expenditure of maintaining large armies of both nations and utilising the same resources for the development of the economy of the federation and Kashmir state.

The Indo-Pak confederation would be a great power of the world with no US hegemony and without any fears from the neighbouring states. Even if a neighbouring country poses threat, the federation can tackle the same independently.

Of late, there have been people-to-people contracts and good CBMs between both countries, but now the time is ripe for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Musharraf to act with statesmanship to pursue a new world order.

Lt-Col V.K. NAYYAR (retd), Chandigarh

Dear readers

Letters to the Editor, neatly hand-written or typed, upto 150 words, should be sent to the Letters Editor, The Tribune, Sector 29 C, Chandigarh. Letters can also be emailed at the following address: letters@tribunemail.com

— Editor-in-Chief



An Indo-Pak confederation is an interesting proposition. One President, one Commander-in-Chief, a common Parliament and perhaps one Prime Minister, one joint Army, a large one at that, and none to fight.

And if our experiment succeeds, others elsewhere may also follow suit making it a happy new world to live in. The setting is too good to believe.

Wg-Cdr C.L. SEHGAL (retd), Jalandhar

A great patriot and nationalist

This has reference to the excerpts from The Collected Works of Lala Lajpat Rai edited by B. R. Nanda (Spectrum, Nov 20). The views expressed in the foreword to the book by former Vice-President of India Krishan Kant and Lala Lajpat Rai’s thoughts on nationalism not only depict the latter as a great patriot and nationalist but also represent lucidly the philosophy that guided him throughout his life.

Undoubtedly, Lala Lajpat Rai’s name ranks among the topmost national heroes and freedom fighters this country has produced and will ever remain so in the hearts of the grateful people of this country who fondly called him “Punjab Kesri” and the “Lion of Punjab”.

However, going by what we are teaching our students in schools about Lala Lajpat Rai’s life and contribution, he along with some other national leaders has been branded a communalist.

One only has to read an NCERT text book Modern India (pages 236-237) written by Bipan Chandra and prescribed for Class XII to know that.

It is for the readers to assess what is being taught to school students in the name of history by the NCERT and eminent historians patronised by it since the mid-seventies.


Linking of rivers

This refers to Dr Raj Kumar Siwach’s article “Linking of rivers: Challenges and opportunities” (Perspective, Nov 27). I had pondered over the hurdles we might face in making the interlinking of rivers viable in my detailed article (The Tribune, March 13, 2003). As Dr Siwach explains, many of these are coming true. Six states have already opposed the plan.

The plan invites a whopping cost of Rs 5,600 billion at 2002 price level. This is bound to rise further. MoU for the Rs 4,000-crore Ken-Betwa Link has already been signed. Making expenditure over the plan may prove wasteful unless all the states give their consent.

Otherwise, it must be ensured that any of the 30 links, if taken up, proves purposeful individually even if consensus over the full scheme is not arrived at. Only then, expenditure on a link should be made.

JAGVIR GOYAL, Chandigarh

Human ethos

This refers to “Insaniyat amidst insanity” by Usha and Rajmohan Gandhi (Spectrum, Oct 16). In a series of such articles, the writers have done a unique service to humanity by narrating the first-hand experiences of people who did not kill and rape during the Partition riots but saved human lives. It speaks volumes about courage and the basic human ethos of people who risked their own lives while trying to save those who professed a different faith.

In our own case, our grandfather refused to leave our village, Manian Kalan, near Barki, in Lahore district during the riots. He was protected by our Muslim neighbours for four days despite repeated warnings by the attacking mobs. Ultimately, our grandfather was brought to India by force. The shock of leaving behind his home and hearth affected him mentally and he passed away within a month of coming to India.

The writers have done a commendable job by providing a healing touch to millions who continue to relive the scenes of those dark days.

Brig H. S. SANDHU, Panchkula

Corrupt system

Pushpa Girimaji in “Take graft head on” (Spectrum, Nov 13) laments the fact that corruption has permeated the entire social system of our country. After Independence, we hoped that we would have a society that was free from corruption. However, we have become so corrupt that no area of our lives has been left untouched by corruption.

Officials who have amassed huge property by questionable means do not feel ashamed of their misconduct and are held in esteem by society. The government needs to focus on the efforts to check this evil before the future of our country becomes bleak.


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