M A I N   N E W S

Terrorists “aiming to destroy” modern world
Yoginder Gupta
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, November 9
“Terrorists are activists of a particular ideology, which is aiming at destroying the modern world. “This was stated in an interview to The Tribune today by Dr Sergey Kurginyan, head of the Russian delegation which has come here to participate in the lecture-cum-seminar series programme in the memory of the late Mr P.N. Haksar, organised by the CRRID.

As part of the programme a three-day seminar on “Regional and Global Terrorist Threats — The Way Out” has been organised by the CRRID.

Dr Kurginyan is the founder President of the International Public Foundation Experimental Creative Centre, which is one of the leading organisations of Russian politologists and philosophers. He is a long-term consultant to the government agencies on anti-crisis problems and leads a research programme on crisis prevention and fighting terrorism.

He said global terrorism had global aims with a global identity. The terrorists had struck at infrastructure worldwide. They believed that they would turn the modern world to the middle ages. They firmly believed that all that was good with the world was during the middle ages. They had been struggling for social regression.

Dr Kurginyan said there was a direct link between global terrorism and drug trafficking, which yielded an annual profit of about $ 800 billion.

He said terrorist was becoming the true plague of the 21st century. While paying tributes to its victims, it was the duty of the civilised world to undertake the responsibility of finding and punishing the perpetrators of terrorism. Since the terrorists were able to hit any spot on the globe, the world could meet their challenge only through profound international consolidation. “Without global cooperation we have no chance of defeating terrorism,” he added.

Dr Kurginyan said the civilised world would have to fight global terrorism at many levels, including financial, cultural, ideological and through a selective approach. He said instead of targeting the entire community, moderate groups within the community should be encouraged to raise their voice against the radical groups.

He said in case of terrorism, we had to deal with an unidentified adversary and the new task before us was to identify it. This task had been complicated by the fact we had to face new forms of ideology and new forms of informational psychological war.

Dr Kurginyan was of the view that unless the civilised world recognised the terrorism as the global crime, including drug traffic and its consequences for the world, the situation could never be brought under control.

He said the one aim of the global terrorism was to destroy nation-states under the garb of separatism.

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