Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
October 16 to October 22
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Professional matters will pass through a rough patch. The people you think will come to your aid could turn their back on you.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
With Venus, the planet of grace and charm, favouring you, a long drawn out emotional conflict will be on its last legs. You will develop immense faith in yourself.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Do not try to follow your heart and head at the same time or you will be at the receiving end. In case you feel confused, let the head be your best mentor.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Your mood should be in conformity with the situation which looks rosy. You will be less inclined to find fault with others. Take time out for romance.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
It is time to decide if you are a serious contender for the top slot or can compromise with the second best. There is no fun to make it a prestige issue.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
You will soon face some challenges but you could easily take on them head on. A friend who had let you down in the past could rally around you.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
You will be spending your hard earned money as if there were no tomorrow. A showdown looks almost inevitable, if you don’t check your expenditure.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
The sale and purchase of stocks and easy money schemes will stand you in good stead. Your earning capacity will see a record high.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

With the Libran Jupiter in the house of finance, you have every reason to be optimistic. Even your critics would concede that you cannot be trifled with so easily.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Saturn’s relationship with your sign is marvellous. It is a rare opportunity, so take full advantage of it. A romantic encounter will boost your morale.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
You can rely on a Virgoan without an iota of doubt. You should, however, abstain from reposing confidence in cancerians, whatever the case may be.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
To keep your emotional life brimming with euphoria, you should strengthen your ties with your dream lover. There is enough light beyond the tunnel.

Born on

October 16

You will be more in tune with the day-to-day developments. Your thinking process, especially your assessment of people around you, will improve. You will deal with delicate matters with caution. You can also gain by teaming up with like-minded people. November and December are good for socialising. If you are in a dead-end job, a change for the better will be evident after January. Be cautious while travelling during the last part.

October 17

This should turn out to be a memorable year for the culmination of a domestic liability. Something delightfully smart will boost your morale. You will be in an ideal position to offer friends and loved ones the support and goodwill they are now anxiously waiting for. Travel and social encounters will help you gain popularity and experience. Your urge to display your spirit of enterprise will be stirred up. You will be doing something amazing and probably a unique beneficent act during the last quarter.

October 18

You are adept at the art of turning obstacles into blessing. You can play your cards from a position of strength. Mars in the central zone of your chart reveals that financial self-sufficiency is not as important now as it was a few months ago. You will be able to manage every situation that you face during this year. A lucky period awaits during November-December. A favourable period when you will be able to overcome any shortfall is between January and March. All that is needed is a little more courtesy on your part while dealing with your subordinates.

October 19

Your craze for adventure and urge to shoulder a challenging task could land you in discomfort. The weak Mercury moving at a slow pace may dampen your enthusiasm for a little longer. There will be no escape from the discomfort you are likely to face occasionally. You will remain undecided over a crucial issue that has been giving you anxious moments. Don’t sign any paper until you make sure that nothing has been concealed.

October 20

You are known for your goodwill towards your friends. You are careful not to fall in their esteem. With the Jupiter in the limelight, this is not going to be a one-way traffic. Your friends are likely to reciprocate and you will always find them at your beck and call. The planetary picture is not favourable for initiating a legal battle, buying property or shifting to a new residential accommodation.

October 21

A spell of good luck is on its way. You can push yourself to the front of the queue if you wish to gain social recognition. Whatever you say now will be accepted without any hesitation. You will set your sight on new aims during the first quarter. An adventurous activity will rule supreme.

October 22

All work and no relief will tire you to the extreme. You will remain on the move on one pretext or other. Your desire to visit a place of your choice will not be fulfilled. In professional life, go slow should be your motto. Try to make as few promises as possible and keep an escape route ready.

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