Nation in a state of moral decay

NVittal’s piece, “Moral values must prevail” and H.K. Dua’s article “Ensuring quality of democracy” (The Tribune’s Special Supplement, “India: The tasks ahead”, Sept 24) suggest that we have entered the twilight zone of democracy. Not a day passes without some sordid happening in the socio-economic and political scene. The atmosphere is so vitiated that the people feel ashamed of being called Indians.

In contrast, our politicians are so power hungry that they are ready to destroy any barrier coming in the way. Governance has become a one-man or one- woman show. Personality cult has long replaced collective leadership and internal democracy. Power is essentially tied to the personality of the individual where dissent is not allowed. Consequently, how can the government or the people help improve the quality of democracy?

We don’t have leaders of the stature of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. They were all men of extraordinary calibre, vision, knowledge and character. Today, the political atmosphere has become so murky that we can hardly find a role model to set an exemplary example for others to follow. The nation is indeed in a state of moral decay. We need to imbibe the values which are the life blood of our rich heritage.


P.L. SETHI, Patiala


There are two basic causes for the deterioration of the system. First, there is a complete lack of morality on the part of those who lead the nation. The moral component has been given a go by for power and self which, in its turn, has triggered a wave of cynicism all over. Secondly, there is politicisation of all organisations that has given rise to divisions on party, caste, region and religious lines.

The growth of the economy over the last decade or so is commendable, but in the absence of qualitative democracy, this can lead to division on economic lines. Such division has been, in the past, and can be, in the future, be exploited to destabilise the nation.

Mr Dua’s concern on the “quality of democracy” is timely. As it is a major challenge for the country, every citizen should strive to improve the same.


Bahadurpur (Hoshiarpur)


Criminalisation of politics is the greatest threat to the country. No wonder, the poor state of governance at the hands of politicians and bureaucrats with no administrative capability and acumen is not a surprise. The Supreme Court knows the crux of the problem very well, but is unable to provide a suitable cure. What a pitiable condition!

The problems of corruption, Naxalite violence and the like can be resolved if speedy justice is delivered to the needy. The present system of justice has failed to punish the criminals, economic offenders, those who have accumulated wealth and assets disproportionate to their known sources of income, especially the well connected politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen. Speedy justice and punishment to the offenders are the main tasks ahead for India and her flourishing democracy.

The national press may be performing its duty diligently but the regional press needs a lot of improvement as some of them seem to promote fissiparous tendencies. Either they believe in sensational journalism or they have no faith in the law of the land. Checking the growth of the parallel judicial system of some minority institutions and social groups is another important task ahead.

Mr Dua’s assertion that regional parties have no vision to make India emerge as a major player on the world is 100 per cent correct.




The Special Supplement has come out well. Contributions by experts touch varied aspects of the nation’s life. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he is a “loyal reader of The Tribune”. I am sure, this is the honest opinion of most people.

In his article, “Ensuring quality of democracy”, Mr Dua says, “If all goes well, it may succeed in its effort in a couple of decades”. This implies that if we succeed in checking the population, disparities in distribution of income, illiteracy, health care, poverty, housing, unemployment, corruption, criminalisation of politics and in providing fair and quick justice to the aggrieved, we will, certainly, emerge as a major player on the world scene.

C.R. JINDAL, Chandigarh


The Special Supplement has thrown light on various issues like foreign policy, problems of women, water and food and corruption that India is facing at present.

The article on population explosion by Ashish Bose has been dealt with scientific logic. The writer, an expert in his own right, has given warning signals to the states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh which are responsible for the country’s growing demographic burden. Without stringent measures, the problem of rising population cannot be solved. The Supplement is worth preserving.


S.L.Bawa DAV College, Batala


The Tribune celebrated 125 years with dignity and responsibility. The Special Supplement, “India: The tasks ahead” released by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, has set a new definition of journalism. Instead of going into the history of The Tribune Trust and the newspaper, the focus of this Supplement has been on the future of the country.

This Supplement, consisting of 21 very important articles, deals with different challenges to be faced by the country — political, social, economic, environment, education, science and technology, health and so on. In a nutshell, in the 21st century, India has many hurdles in its path of progress which the Special Supplement has brought into focus very honestly and diligently.



Accountability must be fixed

Kanpur’s Green Park Stadium is a mute spectator to the ruthless and callous attitude of the organisers of Gandhiji’s 136th birth anniversary. Many school students, who were waiting for some VIPs, fainted. Shouldn’t these VIPs (very inconvenient people) be held accountable for this episode and punished for being so unpunctual?

The guardians of law should come forward and bring out an Act to ban such congregation of students to gratify politicians. Breach of such commandment should carry a punishment under the Indian Penal Code.



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