Checking the cancer of corruption

IN his article “No escape from corruption” (July 9), R. H. Tahiliani rightly mentions that corruption hits the common man most. The extent and magnitude of corruption cannot be gauged by surveys. This has resulted in poor services at higher cost due to inflated bids facilitated by bribes in the form of cuts and commissions.

This phenomenon is visible in all kinds of procurements and award of contracts by governments. Inferior quality is a byproduct. It is, therefore, not surprising to hear about roads giving way soon after construction.

There is need to enforce accountability. The very thought of safeguarding the interests of the common man should send chills down the spine of the corrupt and crafty.

S.C. CHABBA, Ropar




The people have been expressing anguish over long and distressing delays in the delivery of justice. There are several irregularities, unwanted acts and corrupt practices in the subordinate courts. The law of the land cannot ignore the interest and constitutional right of the complainants. The investigation of cases and the courts’ decisions cannot be kept confidential.

In a particular case, the Ludhiana Municipal Corporation’s callous attitude to repeated pleas of the complainant is all the more shocking. It has violated the principles of natural justice by not responding to many a representation from the complainant.

The authorities concerned should take serious note of delays, irregularities, corruption and other illegal acts in the subordinate courts. Stringent action must be taken against the officials for laxity. There is no substitute to speedy and impartial justice.



Corruption has penetrated deep into our system. It has generated black money to the extent of 40 per cent of India’s GDP, which is equal to about Rs 10 lakh crore, according to an estimate.  Money being the symbol of status is the main cause of corruption.

The second reason is acquiring luxuries and items of show beyond one’s necessities and comforts. That’s why, it has come to be accepted as a way of life. All the government departments and services are infected with this malaise. Even the private sector is not free from it. No service can be obtained without underhand payments.

A long-term strategy to tackle corruption is to introduce teaching moral values among the children along with strict enforcement of anti-corruption laws. The corrupt should be given exemplary punishment by special or exclusive tribunals.

PURAN SINGH, Nilokheri (Karnal)


Corruption starts from the top — the politicians and then the bureaucracy. The government has to work in a professional way to run the state. Good governance can be achieved only if the government ensures internal vigilance, transparency, accountability and severe punishment to the guilty.

Sadly, while the politicians and the bureaucrats pretend that everything is fine, people don’t protest strongly. Without political will and administrative support, little can be done. If India has to progress and project itself as a true democracy and strong nation, it has to check the cancer of corruption first.



Worthy of emulation

AJ Philip’s middle, “Patka unravelled” (Aug 5) should be an eye-opener for all those Sikh individuals and organisations who are ever ready to shout slogans and stage protest marches whenever they hear about some outsider’s reactions about their religious identities. No wonder, they rarely succeed in solving any such problem.

It’s a 40-year-old story narrated in the middle. But the situation has not changed much today. Not long ago, a Sikh was shot dead in the US, after 9/11, by a hate-crime-perpetrator mistaking him for an Arab Muslim. The population of turban wearing Sikhs in England is much higher than in France where the turban/patka controversy arose recently. Still during a visit to England recently, I was asked twice by the locals in Central London if I were a Muslim from some Arabian land.

The simple, intelligent, realistic and demonstrative way that Mr Mohinder Singh adopted, is worthy of emulation.

BALVINDER, Chandigarh

‘Soldiers’ at work

Apropos of the news-item in The Tribune on the Srinagar terrorist attack last week, the role of some media personnel from the print and electronic media need to be appreciated by all Indians. The Tribune should take the lead in ensuring that due credit and recognition is accorded to the young, energetic and brave ‘soldiers’, alike the CRPF and BSF personnel.

VINOD TULI, New Delhi 

Stamp of quality

I read with great interest S.S. Bhatti’s middle, “A newspaper’s many personalities” (July 30). It is, in fact, quite rare to come across such an enjoyable reading. It is a grand exercise in quality apart from being a great source of learning. By his communication skill, the writer has put deeply meaningful ideas in a few words.

Prof SURYA KANT, Chandigarh

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