Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
April 24 to April 30
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

There is a need to keep your eyes open. Passions are bound to run high. If you don’t get what you are aiming at, passions are likely to run higher.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
You will be taking a serious decision that you have been putting off. You have a much clearer grasp of facts and it should be now or never.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
With the Mercury on decline, there is so much to be done to appease a friend or a relative gone astray. Also check out all credentials before finalising a financial deal.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
The lustrous moon moving towards her prime indicates luck. The affairs of the heart are likely to run more smoothly. A meeting with an old friend will bring back sweet memories.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Ambitious Leos should be on a firm footing financially. The sale purchase of stocks could stand them in good stead. They can prove themselves as best bargain hunters.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Your stars are not in a mood to show any promise. Since an exceptionally high spending phase is on, you should take specific care of your finances. Be on your guard, especially on Wednesday.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
If your stars don’t bring you a windfall or a stroke of luck now, there is no better time than the present one. You should grab whatever opportunity comes your way.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Encounters with like-minded people will prove gainful. It is imperative to seek the cooperation of others than to act in isolation.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Your desire to hit two birds with one arrow is no less than an exercise in futility. Your stars advise you not to transgress your limits. Slow and steady wins the race should be your watchword.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
The week can be held as your choicest one. You will find an unexpected ally in someone you have been keeping at an arm’s length. You can gauge it as a sign of victory.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
A potentially progressive phase. With the Geminian Saturn in the house of animation, there is scope for undergoing sweat and toil to see your dreams bear fruit.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
You can expect a boom in your financial fortunes if you join hands with an Arien or a Cancerian. However it is risky to repose confidence in a Libran.

Born on

April 24

The exalted sun on ascendancy indicates a period of hope. Your social life will be brimming with love, laughter and joy. The people you are likely to come into contact with will be honest, sincere and work-oriented. If you play your cards objectively, you can derive maximum benefit out of them.

It is time to work hard and make your presence felt. There will be a dash of boldness in your approach. Try to be a leader instead of being led. The road to progress will be smooth and straight.

April 25

With the moon heading towards her debilitation, you will remain in a fix most of the time. The winds of change are blowing fast yet it is most uncertain how things are likely to shake up. You are supposed to overdo things, either going for excessive self-indulgence or opting for a totally austere lifestyle. Your stars advise you to tread a path of moderation. It is a sure-short opportunity that you should take the lead and should not wait for others to take the first move.

April 26

With the Mars in the house of gain, it is a high-income year. You will be in a better position to enrich your financial fortunes. You will develop a knack of laying your hands on profitable and gainful bargains.

Your income will set a new record during the first quarter. A rewarding journey may attract you without any prior inkling during the second. Your social stars may widen your contacts during the third. Your health, however, could bother you during the last one.

April 27

The increasing workload will keep you on tenterhooks. If in service, do not get into an argument with your boss, who is looking for an excuse to burden you with extra work. Control your anger as it is important to maintain your cool for good health.

May and June are comparatively hectic months. As July gets underway, you will be rushed off your feet. There is no need to crave for more work, a new venture or even to diversity. The existing dose of work should be enough to keep you on your feet.

April 28

Jupiter aligned with a malefic may push you towards an expensive phase. Your craze to spend may soar to unprecedented heights. Rapidly growing demands of your inmates may fluster you much more with each passing day. The support and cooperation you are banking on could also wither away.

Helping a friend under a cloud may hit your finances. As May gets underway the demands of those close to you will increase manifold. July is a lackluster month. If interested in speculation, bargain hunting, sale and purchase of stocks, you may act rashly and stand to lose.

April 29

Good fortune lies around the corner. You will widen the sphere of your activity as a majority of stars are on your side. Get ready for recognition and praise. With the passage of time, you could emerge wiser, stronger and more confident.

May and June are cherished months for socialising. If in a dead-end job, a change for the better will come your way after July. Your thinking process, especially your assessment of other people, will improve from September onwards. You will think, plan and act with so much dexterity that nothing will be left to chance.

April 30

Your friends generally grind their own axe or use your influence for their own good. Do not bank on them for any personal benefit. Stop getting baffled and try to remain calm even if you see your friend turning his back on you.

An opportunity that may be just at hand can vanish like a mirage in the desert. If in business, you will be walking on a tight rope. There are chances of your losing your hard-earned money, if you are prone to speculating or indulging in easy money-earning devices. Events will move faster than expected.

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