
India to sign free trade agreement with Mauritius
New Delhi, March 27
India will sign a free trade agreement with Mauritius during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s four-day visit, starting from March 30 to this island country. The agreement is aimed at strengthening the existing economic cooperation between the two countries.

Maldives President M A Gayoom and his wife Nasreena arrives at the IGI Airport in New Delhi on Sunday. — PTI photo
Maldives President M A Gayoom and his wife Nasreena arrives at the IGI Airport in New Delhi

Signs of China warming up to India in a big way
Foreign Secretary to visit China on March 29
New Delhi, March 27
Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran will leave for China on March 29 amid signs of Beijing warming to India in a big way and amid feelers that the P-5 neighbouring country is willing to engage India seriously while putting behind the more than half a century-long border dispute.


  No decision yet on US offer: Pranab
Kolkata, March 27
Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee said India would accept the US offer of fighter aircraft only if it fulfilled the country’s defence requirements.

Thackeray's PA held
Mumbai, March 27
Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray's personal assistant Ravindra Mhatre was today arrested in connection with the death of two women after his car hit them at suburban Vile Parle. He was later released on bail by a local court. — PTI

Uttaranchal Cong for Sonia’s intervention
Dehra Dun, March 27
Worried over the deadlock between legislators supporting former minister Harak Singh Rawat and the ND Tiwari government continuing in Uttaranchal two years before poll, Congress leaders have sought intervention of the high command.

CPI party congress in Chandigarh from March 29
New Delhi, March 27
The Communist Party of India will hold its six-day-long 19th party congress in Chandigarh from March 29, which will be attended by delegates from India and abroad. The congress will deliberate on political and economic issues concerning India, strengthening the party organisation and emerging international situation.

Direct run of buses to Nankana Sahib sought
New Delhi, March 27
Keen that the inaugural bus service from Amritsar to Nankana Sahib on the Baisakhi day does not involve trans-shipment of the passengers at Wagah, the Punjab government has urged the Ministry of External Affairs to take up the matter with the Pakistan government.

Sting operations to continue, asserts India TV
New Delhi, March 27
News channel India TV, whose sting operations on Bollywood personalities set off a controversy, today said such programmes would be its “mainstay in future.”

Holi, a low-key affair this year
New Delhi, March 27
In a low-key affair, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh yesterday celebrated his first Holi after assuming office with family and friends while a gala function was held at his prececessor Atal Bihari Vajpayee's residence where top BJP leaders gathered on the occasion.

Prayers mark Easter celebrations
New Delhi, March 27
The faithful flocked to churches for special prayers and holy mass to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter, the most joyous event of the church calendar.
In video (28k, 56k)

Want land on moon! Book it now
Hyderabad, March 27
You can literally promise the moon to anybody now. Yes, land is available aplenty on the moon and at dirt-cheap rates. Ask Rajeev V Bagdi, a city-based businessman, who has bought five acres of the prized real estate at Rs 1,400 apiece.


Colourful elephants dazzle Jaipur.
(28k, 56k)
Akbar Khan's Taj Mahal explores Indian history.
(28k, 56k)



India to sign free trade agreement with Mauritius
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, March 27
India will sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with Mauritius during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s four-day visit, starting from March 30 to this island country.

The agreement is aimed at strengthening the existing economic cooperation between the two countries. It will liberalise trade in goods and services and even facilitate joint ventures, besides encompassing the existing double taxation avoidance agreement between the two countries.

This will be the first bilateral visit of the Prime Minister after assuming charge in May last year. During the last 10 months, Dr Manmohan Singh has undertaken trips to New York to attend the U N General Assembly Session, Thailand to participate in the BIMSTEC meet and to Laos to attend the Indo-ASEAN Summit.

With a bilateral investment promotion treaty and a double taxation agreement already in place, the island has been a large source of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow to India — a total of Rs 38,024 crore during the past 13 years.

The FTA is expected to eliminate a major irritant between India and Mauritius since it had been generally perceived that the loopholes in the treaty were robbing the Indian exchequer of valuable tax revenues while keeping a channel open for laundering activities.

Mauritius is the second largest investor in the Indian market and a lot of this is ascribed to the tax breaks that companies availed of.

Analysts said with the FTA, India’s bigger message would be that it wished to bind the region in a bond of free trade agreements that will encompass Sri Lanka, Mauritius and, then, Singapore, leading to an economic win-win situation in these countries.

A working group to draft the FTA had been set in place when the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Paul Berenger, visited India in 2003.

India also provides surveillance assistance to Mauritius’ exclusive economic zone apart from training its defence personnel. Mauritius has also indicated that it will make defence purchases from India, the first being a Dornier aircraft.

Dr Manmohan Singh’s visit is likely to give a boost to the bilateral relations. India is hoping to give an impetus between the two in the field of information technology also.

The Prime Minister is expected to hold wide-ranging talks with his Mauritius counterpart Paul Berenger. Mauritius, with a sizable Indian population, is going to the polls in June.

Apart from the signing of the FTA, Prime Minister will also inaugurate a cyber tower for information technology. India has been assisting Mauritius in the field of IT and several training exchange programmes have been undertaken in the past. Dr Manmohan Singh was earlier scheduled to visit Sri Lanka along with Mauritius but later decided on a one nation tour. He will return on April 2.



Signs of China warming up to India in a big way
Foreign Secretary to visit China on March 29
Rajeev Sharma
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, March 27
Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran will leave for China on March 29 amid signs of Beijing warming to India in a big way and amid feelers that the P-5 neighbouring country is willing to engage India seriously while putting behind the more than half a century-long border dispute.

Mr Saran’s visit to China assumes all the more significance as it comes days ahead of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to India (April 9-12), being viewed in the diplomatic circles here as one which is going to be a watershed event in Sino-India relations. Apart from discussing clarifications on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), and discussing other Confidence Building Measures (CBMs), Mr Saran would also be heading (from the Indian side) a meeting of the India-China Joint Working Group (JWG) on the issue which will be meeting after a long gap.

“The Tribune” understands that among other things, one of the important tasks before Mr Saran in Beijing would be to finetune the bilateral agreements that the two countries are going to sign during Mr Wen’s India visit. A plethora of documents would be signed and the estimate of number of agreements to be signed during Mr Wen’s visit ranges from six to 10.

Mr Saran would be giving a final look to all the draft agreements, though of course his exclusive focus would be on the all-important one — the one relating to the long-standing border dispute.

During Mr Wen’s India visit, the two countries are expected to lay down a trail-blazing course for the officialdom of the two countries on “guiding principles” for political settlement of the border dispute.

One important “guiding principle” that is being considered between the two countries — and on which Mr Saran would be focussing — is that the border dispute between the two countries is resolved without disturbing the local population on either side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

This is significant and may indicate that a major rapprochement between India and China could be realised during Mr Wen’s India visit. It is too early to say whether the two countries will decide on “Tawang (in Arunachal Pradesh) to remain with India and Aksai Chin (a portion of Jammu and Kashmir) which is under Chinese control) to remain with China” formula to resolve the border dispute.

There are several markers which indicate that China wishes to engage India seriously and fruitfully while shedding the historical baggage of border dispute between the two countries and despite the so-called “Pakistan factor” in the India-China-Pakistan triangle.

One, China realises that it can ignore such a huge and rapidly growing economy like India only to its disadvantage.

Secondly, in view of the fast-emerging global political stature of India in the comity of nations, China needs to engage India in a political dialogue. If China does without India in the new world order or if it tries to understand India or engage India through third countries it will do so at its own peril.

Third and last, border dispute is something which can be put on the backburner or resolved expeditiously (with some concesions from the Chinese side) to meet the objective, from the Chinese point of view, of engaging India in a direct dialogue.



No decision yet on US offer: Pranab
Our Correspondent

Kolkata, March 27
Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee said India would accept the US offer of fighter aircraft only if it fulfilled the country’s defence requirements.

Mr Mukherjee was glad that the Bush administration had now come forward with the proposal of supplying of F-16 and some other larger supersonic fighter aircraft to India after the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, had expressed his resentment and concern over the US arms supply agreement, including the supply of F-16 planes, with Pakistan.

The Defence Minister said India was now negotiating with some countries, including the USA, for purchasing fighter aircraft and other defence equipment but had not yet finalised any deal.

Mr Mukherjee reiterated that India’s good relations with Pakistan depended on the latter’s initiative in stopping of cross-border terrorism and other subversive activities in Kashmir and other places.

Mr Mukherjee, who is also president of the WBPCC, said the Congress was ready to forge an alliance with the Trinamool Congress if the latter disassociated itself from the BJP and the NDA.



Uttaranchal Cong for Sonia’s intervention
Swati Vashishtha
Tribune News Service

Dehra Dun, March 27
Worried over the deadlock between legislators supporting former minister Harak Singh Rawat and the ND Tiwari government continuing in Uttaranchal two years before poll, Congress leaders have sought intervention of the high command. Even as the scheduled visit of AICC treasurer and party observer for Uttaranchal Motilal Vora to Dehra Dun today was cancelled, nine of the PCC general secretaries have sought an appointment with Congress President Sonia Gandhi to resolve the issue.

Mr Vora was scheduled to visit the state capital to resolve the deadlock caused after the dissidents disrupted proceedings of the House during the budget session early this week. Mr Vora, however, is understood to have warned the state party leaders against indiscipline. Concerned over statements from Chief Minister ND Tiwari and PCC chief Harish Rawat stating their wish to resign, the general secretaries saw a greater need for intervention of the high command.

PCC chief Harish Rawat said the government ought to have looked into the grievances of former minister Harak Singh Rawat and punished the conspirators who framed him.The ND Tiwari camp responded stating that dissidents might lead to a situation where a mid- term poll might be the only solution and this has been communicated to the party top brass.

Former Revenue Minister Harak Singh Rawat, who was forced to resign after being charged with raping and fathering the child of Assamese woman Jenny, alias Indira Deuri ,but was later given a clean chit by the CBI and absolved of the charges by the woman herself, sought a probe into the conspiracy angle of the matter on the first day of the budget session. Mr Rawat and legislators supporting him disrupted the proceedings ,demanding a probe into the matter and punishment for the ‘conspirators’.

However, the government did not allow a discussion on the subject ,creating a deadlock between two factions of the state Congress.



CPI party congress in Chandigarh from March 29
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, March 27
The Communist Party of India (CPI) will hold its six-day-long 19th party congress in Chandigarh from March 29, which will be attended by delegates from India and abroad.

The congress will deliberate on political and economic issues concerning India, strengthening the party organisation and emerging international situation.

The congress is being held in this part of the northern region after a gap of 27 years. The CPI had held its congress in Bathinda in 1978 and in Amritsar in 1958, before the vertical split of the party.

Over 750 delegates, alternate delegates, invitees and veterans will attend the congress. There will be 29 delegations from 25 countries representing the Communist and Workers Parties, including those from China, Cuba, Nepal and Pakistan.

The party congress will deliberate on the draft political resolution, political review report and the report on organisation. The commission on each report will go into the details and a formal resolution indicating the party’s strategy and tactics for the next three years will be adopted.

The draft political resolution deals with the party’s assessment of the current political and economic situation in India and the strategy and tactics it should adopt for the next three years.

The congress will also discuss the issue of strengthening the party’s mass base, how to attract youth to the party and preparing second rank of leaders to take over the party.

Apart from deliberating on the foreign policy issue and the need to counter the “imperialist” policies of the US, the party congress will deliberate on the need for strengthening the gradual shift in the power centre from the West to the East.

With an aim that the 21st century should become Asia’s century, with two most populous countries — India and China — in the forefront, the party will emphasise on building up the strategic concept of India, China and Russia along with the Shanghai-5 for ensuring peace and stability in Asia and the world.

As a prelude to the formal opening session, the party has organised a mass rally on Tuesday, which will be addressed by the CPI General Secretary A.B. Bardhan.

The week-long party congress will also witness the presence of other Left leaders like CPM General Secretary Harkishen Singh Surjeet, All-India Forward Bloc General Secretary Deb Brata Biswas, RSP leader Abani Roy and CPI (ML) General Secretary Deepankar Bhattacharjee.

Along with the main deliberations, the party is organising three seminars on three current topics of interest. They are “Seeds and patent laws effect on Indian agriculture”; “Imperialist globlalisation: challenges and strategies of the struggle”; “Future of socialism and tasks ahead.”

The party is also organising an exhibition depicting the heroic history of the Communist Movement in India and cultural programmes to entertain the delegates.



Direct run of buses to Nankana Sahib sought
Prashant Sood
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, March 27
Keen that the inaugural bus service from Amritsar to Nankana Sahib on the Baisakhi day does not involve trans-shipment of the passengers at Wagah, the Punjab government has urged the Ministry of External Affairs to take up the matter with the Pakistan government.

Sources said the Punjab Chief Minister, Capt Amarinder Singh, who recently returned from a visit to West Punjab, has spoken to his counterpart Pervez Elahi to make way for direct run of the buses to the Sikh religious shrine on April 13.

The Chief Minister, who had met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress President Sonia Gandhi, is believed to have apprised them of the feelings of the people of Punjab about the bus service. He also briefed the two leaders about his discussions with Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukhat Aziz.

Punjab government officials said the proposed trans-shipment of bus passengers would turn the entire exercise into a “non-event.” “People will find travel by existing rail network more convenient than by bus,” an official said.

He said the state government was hopeful that a positive decision will be taken by the governments of two countries for smooth movement of devotees to the religious destination. “People have hopes of direct bus service between the holy places of Amritsar and Nankana Sahib. They will be disappointed if the service involves their disembarking and completing the journey in another bus,” the official said.



Sting operations to continue, asserts India TV

New Delhi, March 27
News channel India TV, whose sting operations on Bollywood personalities set off a controversy, today said such programmes would be its “mainstay in future.”

Asked whether the channel would be engaged in sting operations in future as well, India TV Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma said “investigative journalism as well as interactive TV will be our forte.”

He told PTI that the channel’s methods “would be its mainstay in the future. This is not a game for TRPs though we would also like to see our revenues increase as we are a commercial venture.”

The channel had undertaken a series of sting operations, including on sleaze involving priests in the Swaminarayan Temple in Gujarat.

India TV has been served with a show-cause notice by the Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry for its expose on some politicians as the government feels it had telecast some shots not meant for unrestricted public viewing.

Rajat Sharma claimed the channel’s viewership got tremendous boost following the telecast of a series of sting operations, including that on film actor Shakti Kapoor. — PTI



Holi, a low-key affair this year

New Delhi, March 27
In a low-key affair, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh yesterday celebrated his first Holi after assuming office with family and friends while a gala function was held at his prececessor Atal Bihari Vajpayee's residence where top BJP leaders gathered on the occasion.

It was a special Holi for more than 100 children who got to celebrate the festival of colours with President A.P. J. Abdul Kalam at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Congress President Sonia Gandhi did not celebrate Holi due to the tsunami disaster.

President's rule in Bihar saw former Chief Minister Rabri Devi and RJD supremo Laloo Prasad Yadav restricting the usually boisterous celebrations to a subdued show.

Twentyfive persons were killed during the Holi festivities in Bihar yesterday. At least 12 persons were reported killed and over 70 injured in separate incidents during Holi revelry in the past 36 hours in Uttar Pradesh. — PTI, UNI



Prayers mark Easter celebrations

New Delhi, March 27
The faithful flocked to churches for special prayers and holy mass to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter, the most joyous event of the church calendar.

Christians greeted each other with words “The Lord has risen, He has risen indeed” after church services.

In several churches, sufferings of the Christ and his subsequent resurrection were preached. Catholics broke their fast at the end of their 40-day lent period and attended mass to commemorate the resurrection, the final act of Christ to save mankind from death and sin.

If Good Friday marked his cruel crucifixion, Christ according to the Bible, rose from the grave on the third day as prophesied in the scripture, conquering death for the entire mankind. The atoning of death of Jesus on the cross, his resurrection and the promise of his second coming are the fulcrum of the Christian faith. — PTI



Want land on moon! Book it now
Ramesh Kandula
Tribune News Service

Hyderabad, March 27
You can literally promise the moon to anybody now. Yes, land is available aplenty on the moon and at dirt-cheap rates. Ask Rajeev V Bagdi, a city-based businessman, who has bought five acres of the prized real estate at Rs 1,400 apiece.

“I know it sounds funny. But I wanted to take a calculated risk when I saw the offer on the Net,” the proud owner of a piece of moon said. According to the claim deed Rajeev received, his registration was recorded simultaneously in the registry at Paris and New York.

“It’s not just a piece of paper but a ticket to the future,” proclaims the website www.lunarrepublic.com, which claims to be the official website of the lunar republic.

Calling itself the earth’s leading lunar real estate agency’, the New York-based Lunar Republic, an international advocacy group working towards exploration, human settlement and development of the moon, is offering about 4 per cent of the moon’s nine billion acres of land to the public in order to establish working lunar establishments and raise $ 3.5 billion for the cause of establishing a scientific base on the moon.

Every purchase is complete with a personalised parchment deed certificate, a satellite photograph of the property, geographic information to help locate the property (whether you are viewing it through a telescope or visiting in person).

“Your purchase directly supports private property rights on Luna through our active partnership with the Kennedy-2 lunar exploration project, a ground-breaking international programme to return humans to the moon by 2015,” the promoters maintain.

The moon-struck have a choice of real estate to select their property from such romantically named places as Bay of Rainbows, Lake of Dreams or the Lunar Alps.



Technical snag grounds flight
A Bahrain bound Gulf Airways boeing 747 aircraft, scheduled to leave here on Sunday morning, was grounded following some technical snag, airport sources said. All the 224 passengers were later shifted to local hotels. — PTI

Jaya's portrait in 'hall of fame'
A pastel painting, depicting Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, clad in a green saree and against a yellow background, will be on display at the International American Friendship Society's 'hall of fame' in Chicago. — PTI

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