FM radio towers to be set up in Chamba : The Tribune India

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FM radio towers to be set up in Chamba

FM radio towers to be set up  in Chamba

Picture for representational purpose only.

Our Correspondent

Chamba, May 14

Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Thakur said a suitable number of frequency modulation (FM) radio towers would be set up in Chamba district after conducting a survey by the department.

He was addressing a public meeting at Koti under Churah Assembly constituency in the district today. He spoke on taking necessary steps to expand the mobile network in the district.

Regarding the increase in the honorarium of Special Police Officers (SPOs) working in the border areas of Chamba district, Anurag said the matter would be taken up with the Union Home Minister. He also assured of resolving the matter as soon as possible.

Referring to development works done in the last eight years under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Anurag said the achievements accomplished during the tenure of these eight years could be compared to the work done during the period of 60 years of the previous governments of other parties.

Earlier, Deputy Speaker Dr Hans Raj, Kangra Lok Sabha MP Kishan Kapoor also expressed their views.

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