Riders in the storm

Six Harleys, six riders, one on pillion; the gang lived their passion as they undertook the journey from Chandigarh to Goa and back...

Six bikers get together, don their helmets and share high fives. They then take to the highway with elan; riding a bike, rather a dream - Harley Davidson. Part of Harley Owners Group, Himalayan chapter, these bikers fought the winter chill, fog and everything that the road threw at them to complete the 2,500 km journey to Goa in five days. A dream ride indeed!

What a hero's welcome they got; meeting their brothers from different parts of the country for the final leg of the HOG Rally, which has been special for these daredevils.

Gurtej Singh Legha spends much of his time at the sea and the moment he sets foot on land, this Merchant Navy guy is raring to go. Gurtej says, "I had stopped riding in 1997. I accompanied a friend to buy a bike and charmed by it, bought the Road King."

Woman power

Labdhi Shah rode her Harley from Nausari, Guajarat, to Goa, some 890 kilometres for sheer fun! The Harley girl, a corporate legal adviser by profession was encouraged by her mother to do things out-of-the-box and biking fitted the bill. "I was lucky to marry Mehul for he is into bikes as much as I am. My supportive in-laws take pride in my passion as well," says Labdhi, one of the few women bikers who were part of HOG Rally. An advocate of equality, says Labdhi, with a tattoo that reads 'Woman with the wings', "Power inspires freedom, that's what biking is for me. My message to all the womenfolk is to be equal in every walk of life!"

Biking brotherhood

The Harley gang from Chandigarh was joined by their brothers from across the country, who assembled at the HOG rally at Goa, which kicked off India Bike Week. It made a spectacle as about 650 Harleys roared together from Baga Beach to Vagator. "It's all about brotherhood," said each rider. "With Harley, we sell a lifestyle.

We can give them the best of machines; to evolve a culture lies in their hands," says Anoop Prakash, Managing Director, Harley-Davidson, India.

The event saw death defying stunts; Goan food, live bands and much more. India Bike Week is still a beginning for bikers in India, but its founder, Martin D'Costa is happy that its second outing is bigger, better and louder. Martin says, "To spread happiness - that's the idea!"

Urban touch

It was the launch of Harley Street 750 at the India Bike Week by Frank Savage, manager, styling department at Harley Davidson Motor Company. The lead designer for Street 750 Frank shares, "Street 750 is the urban design made to the demand of urban youth. Authentic steel, dark custom soul and maneuverability were the key dictates that we got from the global new generation and we have incorporated them in the design.

Frank Savage(L) and Anoop Prakash with Street 750

Jaspret Singh Dhesi, a businessman from Panchkula, finds nothing better than riding his Softail Classic. In India, there are many challenges and these bikers love each of them. "I have developed a deep sense of respect for bikers. I may or may not give a pass to a car, but bikers I sure do," he says.

There is a lesson that Jaspret has picked about his own safety, "Our families are all supportive. They say, 'Biking is for you, safety for us'. At no point do we compromise on rules and are always cautious," adds Jaspret, whose wife Nidhi flew down to Goa to be part of the HOG Rally.

For Vikas Saini, a businessman from Hoshiarpur, it was second time around at Goa. "One feels like a god on the road," says this guy who swears by his Super Glide. Gurpeet Gill, a transporter from Chandigarh and Mukesh who took Amit Jindal on pillion were part of the gang too.

And the best part of their journey - when they accidentally took the Mumbai-Pune Expressway without realising that bikes were not allowed on that. "We realised it after a few kilometres and got on track, but that was the best patch," exclaims one of them.

It's not just about thrills; these bikers undertake their journeys as one unit - the one who moves the slowest determines the speed of rest of the gang. They wear 'Scala' under their helmet to keep in touch and appraise each other of any dangers on the road. "On the road, we go together, arrive together and reach together," says Navi Sidhu, the biker for whom passion and profession become one. He works for Harley and is the one to get all together. "Harley is all about brotherhood. If I have work in Chennai, I know I have my Harley brother who will get it done for me," says this proud Fat Boy owner."

The gang gathers up each month for trips out. "We don't generally take out our Harleys in city for people are just plainly curious and don't know how to treat the bikers," says Navi.

The itinerary for year 2014 is set; among it are Leh-Ladakh as well.

Among others bikers who travelled the longest distance are Bhanu Pratap Singh and Ankush Gulati, who rode all the way from Dehradun to be part of the HOG rally for India Bike Week, Goa. Aryaman Sethi rode pillion with Bhanu on his Harley as they took four days and five nights journey to make it to Goa. "Brotherhood rocks," says Bhanu, who joined the Harley riders from Gujarat on way. An agriculturist, Bhanu was ecstatic celebrating his bike's first anniversary on January 14 on way to Goa. Accompanying him on his Suzuki Intruder was Anush Gulati, a businessman from Dehradun. While this trio enjoyed the spin through the Western Ghats, the best part was the long stretches in Rajasthan.

As many as 1,000 HOG members from the 13 chapters in India got together to share lives in Goa with their better halfs and kids. And, it's just not hardcore bikers who made it to the HOG Rally, Goa; there are many first-timers and some new members in the gang too. Says Ramya, "I fell in love with riding when Varun introduced me to biking; I can hardly wait to have another go!" Says Ashraf Khan, IT guy who was part of the 35 who rode from Hyderabad, "The exuberance of riding is one and discipline as well as safety another. Together they go hand-in-hand."


In the print

Fredrick Pages writes books on philosophy in which he shares why there have been less women philosophers...

Fredrick Pages does not go direct when it comes to writing; no direct attacks; no bad words, but he twists his story around…scratching not hitting and that is the brand of humour that his century old paper Le Canard Enchaine and its loyal readers subscribe to.

In Chandigarh, on the invite of Alliance Française, Fredrick is happy interacting with students.

A philosophy teacher, Fredrick moved to journalism and is happy writing philosophy books as well as his satires. A votary of Voltaire, this journalist takes pride in his paper — Le Canard Enchaine that has followed its philosophy of no advertisements to keep them free to put their voice forth. The eight pages in two colours, a number of cartoons; this weekly is part of breakfast table along with coffee and chocolate on Wednesday mornings in a common French household. Just through subscription, the weekly is in profit. Twenty years with this publication, even Fredrick wonders how, "It's probably giving the correct, checked and fair information that has won us the loyalty of our readers."

Writing satires in a society that's dealing with economic crisis and sentiments, especially religious, Fredrick's work is not easy but that's what has kept him on his toes. "See it's about writing about a subject that everyone is talking about, but with an angle that people have missed."

Then there are rules to assist, "They are fairly simple. First you talk to a person about whom you are going to write about, his reaction, tone of voice, whether he or she talks about it at all or shies away from it; give substance to you story especially when it comes to investigative journalism. Second go out on lunch with your subjects (lunches are big in France), maintain professionalism and yet get what you are aiming at. And yes, always buy your own lunch."

While journalism has kept him engaged, he is still in love with philosophy and been writing books on the subject. One particular provocative title Philosophy or the art of keeping women's mouth shut (when translated in English) whets our curiosity. "Oh, it's about why there have been so few women philosophers."

His next is about education. "In France, while girls are doing exceedingly well; boys, I feel, are not up to the mark. Even after decades of education why we still have 'unfinished' men and women is what I am trying to find out," says Fredrick, who wants to do his next book in English. His stint at the Jaipur Literary Festival has opened up quite a few projects for him.

It's his second visit to India; he came in 1978 first as student. The changes he has seen are immense, "Back then Delhi airport was so provincial; it is a big town now. Sadly, the interior still remain unchanged, uncared for. But I have no right to criticise for even in France now we have increasing number of poor spending the nights on the streets," says Fredrick, who finds youth in India and France on the same footing, "Maybe Indian boys and girls are a bit more positive than their French counterparts."

Astro turf
P Khurrana

ARIES: Networking will help you build contacts to further your career plans. Spend time on fitness routines. Do not compromise on your views. Some of you may attempt something big. Tarot message: Do not give up your freedom without considering a second chance.

Lucky colour: Saffron

Lucky number: 36

TAURUS: Don't waste your time getting into arguments with colleagues or loved ones.

Pay attention to health matters and don't neglect any persistent symptoms.

Tarot message: Think positive and be optimistic.

Lucky colour: Forest green

Lucky number: 28

GEMINI: You may be in an irritable frame of mind and need to guard against making impulsive decisions. Differences could lead to tense moments and you have to be careful about losing your friend. Tarot message: Handle others carefully and don't antagonise anyone.

Lucky colour: Brown

Lucky number: 48

CANCER: Avoid making impulsive statements. Travel plans could run into some delays. There could be favourable news regarding a family member. Avoid the earth sign Virgo, who could be cold and objective. Tarot message: Leave the past in the past.

Lucky colour: Yellow

Lucky number: 45

LEO: You may have opportunities to make an impression on seniors or new business associates. You may start making changes in your lifestyle.

Tarot message: Adapting to new technology will help you to keep pace with changing times.

Lucky colour: White

Lucky number: 29

VIRGO: In love, there is one golden rule-keep talking to your beloved on the phone. You may start a long-term venture that actualises your potential and brings you fame. Financial gains are on the cards.

Tarot message: Unfinished business will unleash new problems.

Lucky colour: Navy blue

Lucky number: 32

LIBRA: Allow your heart to lead the way in personal relationship. Disruption in a business venture is temporary. Your greatest friends are those you meet in transit.

Tarot message: Do not enter into a conflict in a mater that does not concern you.

Lucky colour: Maroon

Lucky number: 47

SCORPIO: You are generous and giving in personal relationships and command respect from family and friends. Try to avoid social interaction for the day. Pleasant normalcy is on the horizon.

Tarot message: Play your cards close to your chest.

Lucky colour: Peach

Lucky number: 31

SAGITTARIUS: Finances brighten considerably. There is a chance that you deeply impress someone without gloating. There is love and romance in a personal relationship. A journey is on the cards. Tarot message: Delays are the only obstacle in your way to success.

Lucky colour: Ebony

Lucky number: 53

CAPRICORN: Tension at home will have an emotional affect on you. Look to a close friend or family member to clarify long-term solutions. There is a chance to gain from interacting with your soul mate. Tarot message: Do what is right and watch your best interests.

Lucky colour: Aqua blue

Lucky number: 41

AQUARIUS: A romance that you might have thought was headed your way arrives on its own terms. Your boss is as stubborn as you are, so have a flexible attitude. Keep up with an exercise routine or a work schedule. Tarot message: Rely on your intellectual abilities.

Lucky colour: Pista greens

Lucky number: 26

PISCES: It is a good time to build up positive patterns that foster growth. A classic afternoon get-together between you and an old friend could be an antidote to your recent bout with boredom. Tarot message: Learn how to cope better with success, its demand and its limitations.

Lucky colour: Cream

Lucky number: 65

The year ahead
Madan Gupta Spatu

If your birthday is January 23...

March could be a time when you will have to make a decision concerning a close companion. Be strong, open, and honest and follow through with your responsibilities in the friendship. Your imagination is functioning very well right now. It may be a good idea to put it to use. An accommodative attitude on the domestic front would prove to be of great help for you. Those who have been waiting to settle a score with someone will get an opportunity to do so. Your health might experience many difficulties in March. You are romantically restless, and on the hunt for new kinds of stimulation.

Positive colours: Green, turquoise, sea green, blue and all shades of green

Select days: Wednesday and Friday

Favourable numbers: 5 and 6

Gems recommended: Emerald and tourmaline

Ramesh Sippy Charity on Birthday: Donate yellow edible items to the needy, handicapped or to any religious place today.

You share your birthday with Ramesh Sippy (January 23 ,1947, Karachi), who is best known for directing the popular film Sholay. He directed a successful television serial titled Buniyaad aired on Doordarshan in 1987. This year may not be good from legal aspect due to Saturn-Rahu combination.

Weight watch
Green gold
Green tea sure is a boon for anyone wanting to shed those extra kilos
Renupreet Kaur

Tea is considered the most consumed beverage in the world after water, however, 78 per cent of the tea consumed worldwide is black and only about 20 per cent is green. Adding green tea to a weight loss or detoxification plan may help you lose fat, particularly in your abdomen area. Green tea is considered one of the world's healthiest drinks and contains the highest amount of antioxidants in any tea. Widely been in use in China from the ancient times, green tea is made from the leaves of Camelia sinesis. Most of its health benefits arise from the fact that green tea is made from un-oxidized leaves and is the least processed type of tea; therefore it contains the most antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols, which makes it very rich in antioxidants. A well planned weight loss diet plan when combined with green tea, no doubt, helps to shed off extra kilos.

Weighty issue

When there are excessive amounts of triglycerides in the body, they will be transformed into fat and this can result in obesity. Green tea can counter the threat of excess triglycerides because it has high amount of polyphenols. This is believed to fuel weight loss and helps the body break down fat more easily.

Checks appetite

Green tea curbs a little bit of your appetite. One may not eat as much or feel the need to eat as much as before. This is believed to fuel weight loss and help the body break down fat more easily.

Burn fat

Green tea is useful for weight-loss as it warms the human body and melts fat. It helps the body break down fat more easily. This means that the fat content in your body will be reduced if you are drinking green tea on a regular basis.

Boost metabolism

It is known as a good antioxidant and green tea certainly boosts metabolism. The polyphenol found in green tea intensifies levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories.

Stimulating agent

Green tea contains caffeine. The best thing that you can do is to try green tea in small doses and monitor your own reactions. Start with a cup or two per day and increase the amount gradually, observing your reaction to the increase and adjusting accordingly.

How much of green tea is good?

Consume two or three cups of green tea every day to burn out your excessive fats and calories in your body. Also consult your doctor for its quantity and frequency.

Method of preparation

Steeping or brewing method is the best to prepare green tea. To make one cup of tea, take one teaspoon of green tea leaves or one green tea bag. Do not steep in hot water for more than three minutes to avoid a bitter taste.

Things to remember

Good quality green tea can be steeped more than one time by plunging the tea strainer into a cup of ice water immediately after the steeping process. You can re-use these tea leaves.

For a better taste one can add lemon, honey and cinnamon. For weight loss sugar and milk should be avoided, rather adding lemon in green tea will be beneficial because Vitamin C makes the healthy compounds in green tea easier to absorb. Dairy, on the other hand, makes it harder to absorb. It's also important to avoid steeping your green tea too long, as over-steeping will make your green tea bitter. It should only be steeped for 1 to 3 minutes depending upon the quality of green tea.


Green tea appears to be a safe herbal supplement; however, it might interact with certain medications. It will be better to consult your dietitian for its effective results.

(The writer is a Chandigarh-based health expert)

Healing touch

Philips India, a leading health and well-being company, has announced the launch of pain management as a new category in its consumer lifestyle division. Expanding its portfolio and focusing on the aspect of an active life with less aches, Philips has introduced two new products ranges for effective pain relief for muscle and joint aches — InfraPhil and InfraCare.

"The introduction of pain management as a new category is a reaffirmation of our commitment to offer products that will help consumers lead a healthy and active lifestyle. As a health and well-being company, we aim to provide the best technology and most innovative solutions to our consumers who are now more informed, aware and ready to adopt active lifestyle solutions," says AdA Ratnam, President of Philips India's Consumer Lifestyle Division.

Prevalence of chronic pain in India is estimated to be approximately 30 per cent and there is also an increasing number of musculoskeletal cases, which are a result of unhealthy lifestyle, stress, poor posture, physical exertion, ageing and degenerative osteoarthritis. The 150 watt InfraPhil and 200 watt and 650 watt InfraCare, introduced by Philips, are revolutionary products that will help patients relieve the aches and pains caused due to these problems by providing deep and focused warmth.

With these products, patients can reduce the side effects resulting from the consumption of pain killers as well. Starting with Chandigarh, Philips India plans to launch the new pain management solutions in more than twelve cities over the next few months. — TNS

Chatter box
Sorting things out

Estranged couple, Nandish Sandhu and Rashami Desai, are apparently trying to sort things out in their marriage. The couple is reportedly going through a divorce, but Nandish hinted that there just might be a chance for reconciliation.

Spring in their step

The Mumbai auditions of Dance India Dance L'il Masters Season 3 were held in Mumbai recently where over 2,000 kids between the ages of 5 to 13 years showcased various dance styles, including Manipuri, Bharatnatyam, B-boying and Slow-mo. This season of L'il masters will be judged by Geeta Kapoor and Ahmed Khan along with Mudassar Khan.

Dramatic appeal

The newly launched show on Sony Entertainment television, Ekk Nayi Pehchaan, which explores the real relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, is all set to witness the motivation galore from Sakshi (Krystle Dsouza) for Sharda (Poonam Dhillon). While the present plot of the show details on Sakshi being upset with her mother-in-law, who is often ridiculed for her illiteracy, she decides to motivate her mother -in-law to take up further studies. In the upcoming episodes, the viewers will get to see several sentimental moments, including the one that is shot at the temple, where Sakshi requests Sharda to take up studies and join coaching classes. Sharda, who is a devotee of Lord Krishna, agrees to Sakshi's proposal.

Well, its seems that our television industry is slowly getting inspired by our dramatic movies. Tune into Ekk Nayi Pehchan at 8:30 pm only on Sony Entertainment Television.

An act apart

After essaying the role of a young lad, Yuvraj, in Channel V's show, Suvreen Guggal- Topper of The Year, Shivin Narang feels that playing the role of subdued Ranvi was the best thing that happened to him. He talks to us about the experience, his journey and more...

What prompted you to do this show?

Suvreen Guggal-Topper of The Year is a very different show and it has received a good response. Also, because it is not a saas-bahu melodrama or a romance show, it makes it all the more interesting. So, when I got the opportunity to act in the show, I took it up instantly.

How much do you relate to your character, Ranvi?

Ranvi is shy, introvert, sensible and patient and I would agree that he is quite like me. Like me, he loves his family too and to him, Veera and Beeji's happiness matters the most, as does his father's dream, which he has to accomplish. I relate to it very well.

Will he change in the future, as in, become more macho?

Ranvi is not an underdog that he needs to do anything like that. He does not need to change. He is a responsible man and he wants the best for his family.

How has your journey been so far?

I played the lead role of Yuvraj, an extrovert Delhi jatt, in Surveen Guggal, who was the total opposite of Ranvi. So, I am glad I have got the chance to play two diametrically opposite characters so soon in my acting career.

Can you name a few television actors you admire?

I don't watch much television, so I wouldn't be able to tell. However, I like shows like Rangrasiya. I like CID too. — HRM

On their way to love

The most romantic love story of Ram and Priya in Sony Entertainment Television's popular show, Bade Achhe Lagte Hain, has gone through many vicissitudes.

However, amidst all the misunderstandings and misfortunes in their relationship, Ram and Priya have stood the test of the times. Soon, the romance between the two will stir up by another twist when time and circumstances will force them to part ways.

While Priya will move out of Kapoor mansion with Suhani and Khush, Ram Kapoor will stay back with their beloved daughter Pihu. The story will take a U-turn when love will make them come back together.

Game for movies

Rumours are that, apparently, Eros Entertainment has signed Mohit Raina for a film. Mohit, who rose to fame with the show Mahadev, has a large number of fans, who love watching him play the role of Lord Shiva. Let's see if Mohit takes the bait or sticks to his hit television show.

Decision time

Viraf Patel, who is currently seen in the show Ek Boond Ishq, had told the makers of the show that he wants to quit the show and try his luck in films. Nevertheless, he soon realised that he should not leave the show as it was doing well and changed his mind.

Star track
Sweet cravings

Celebrities have to maintain themselves but they love their food too. We tell you what popular Bollywood actresses can't resist

The shoot goes on

Aditya Roy Kapur acts professionally despite injury on the sets.

Aditya Roy Kapur who is currently shooting for his forthcoming film Dawat-e-Ishq injured himself during the shooting of the film in Mumbai.

Post the success of Aashiqui 2, Aditya Roy Kapur has been shooting for YRF's next Dawat - E - Ishq. Directed by Habib Faisal the team is shooting for their second schedule in Mumbai.

Aditya who was shooting for a dance sequence got his back pulled up while performing a certain dance move. When the actor realised that his back got pulled up, Aditya just stood still and was unable to move. They stalled the shoot for two hours due to the severe pain and called a doctor on set.

After taking some painkillers, and even after having severe pain, Aditya resumed shooting as he did not want to disturb the shooting schedule of the film. He wanted to make sure that the shoot happens as planned. He shot the entire dance sequence in the severe back pain, just so that the shooting was not disrupted.

The actor in Dawat-e-Ishq will be seen opposite Parineeti Chopra for the very first time making it a fresh and an interesting pair. Aditya's previous film Ashiqui 2 has been a huge hit with the audience, his character in the film RJ was also an instant hit with the audience.

Aditya confirms the news and adds, "It was a severe muscle pull but I am glad we managed to finish the day's shoot. I am feeling much better now."

Phantom in Kashmir

Director Kabir Khan, who recently finished the first shooting schedule for Sajid Nadiadwala's upcoming thriller Phantom in Kashmir, met the state's chief minister Omar Abdullah.

Khan shared a picture of them together on Twitter and tweeted: "Ended #Phantom shoot in beautiful Gulmarg with a wonderful evening chatting with @abdullah_omar."

Omar Abdullah was quick to reply and wrote: 'it was really great to meet up with you. Good luck with the rest of the shoot & thanks for filming in Kashmir.' The film, which stars Saif Ali Khan and Katrina Kaif, is based on the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai and their fallout.

Same to same

Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor have been wearing similar outfits for the promotions of Gunday and have even done an infomercial for a multiplex chain in their Gunday avatar which is pretty good.

Best pals

Salman Khan is Daisy Shah's new best pal and mentor and she cannot stop singing his praises. She said that Salman is a highly emotional man who is misunderstood. Reports are abuzz on the working relationship the two share.

Aamir’s lucky time

The release of PeeKay starring Aamir Khan has been delayed by six months and will now release around Christmas. Aamir Khan is also involved in the distribution of the movie and feels Christmas is his lucky time.

Swiss streak

Kareena Kapoor Khan loves it all from fruit-based desserts to dense chocolate cakes and cheesecakes. She also loves Swiss chocolates. She makes sure that she buys them enough every time she visits Switzerland with her husband Saif Ali Khan.

Hot chocolate

Sonam Kapoor is a chocolate addict and loves anything with chocolate. She recently polished off a meal with a creamy chocolate dessert and hot chocolate, so you can imagine! She bakes cakes and cupcakes too. We say that you can never separate Sonam from chocolates.

Going slow

Deepika Padukone loves fresh lime soda and lemonade and fresh juices but stays away from sugary drinks. She loves chocolate desserts, especially brownies. Latest we hear is she has cut on desserts to maintain her perfect figure.

Sugar and spice

Katrina Kaif loves eating ice-cream late at night and has a special fondness for sugary cinnamon rolls from a popular international chain. She also likes cup-cakes. She is a midnight food junkie!

Ice ice baby

Nargis Fakhri has a thing for ice-creams, especially Haagen Dazs ice-cream and enjoyed an ice-cream treat at one of the outlets recently. She also loves bounty bars and chocolates with almonds.

Vanity box
The eyes have it
Here are a few tips on how to get the mascara right...
Manpriya Singh

There is so much mascara can do; lengthen, curl, add volume, darken, thicken. Along with the power to redefine the lashes and open up the eyes, comes the disastrous results of a faulty application. Think, spider lashes, raccoon eyes, flakes and clumpy finish. There is not so much that needs to be done to get it right as there is to avoid getting it wrong. Sounds Herculean? To begin with, start with what exactly you need. Black mascara opens up the eyes and gives a much fuller effect to the lashes. While transparent or brown mascara could be perfect for day wear, black mascara worn over too light or thin lashes might make the effect too overpowering. Almost always, it's best to invest in waterproof mascara.

Celebrity make-up artiste Bobbi Brown has always maintained the power of right application. "Hold the mascara wand parallel to the floor, start from the base and work to the tip of the lashes." To avoid clumps, always dry in between coats and never apply more than two coats. "Short, firm strokes is the key to getting the right effect," shares Antara Dhamija, make-up artiste with a Chandigarh-based salon. She adds, "Rather covering the entire lid in one stroke, it's best to have short, repetitive, firm strokes; then finally brush your lashes and split them apart."

It is not necessary to be wearing eye shadow to apply mascara. In fact, mascara applied just by itself is likely to have the most natural effect. During application, keep eyes as wide open as possible!

Tip time

Some random words of wisdom come in handy than a formal sit-down lesson on how to get the mascara right…

Get rid of clumps

Invariably, every three to four months, the mascara starts getting clumpy with each application becoming thicker and uneven. To fix this, either dip the bottle in hot water for sometime to melt the mascara inside or run the wand under hot water. Ideally, the mascara should be changed every quarter of a year. If not, this method will temporarily make the mascara appear brand new.

Otherwise, every time after use and before application, wipe off the mascara applicator brush onto a tissue paper. This also helps make the application smooth.

For the right application

Use a business card or a tissue paper under the bottom lashes to prevent mascara from getting onto the skin under your eyes. It also helps accomplish a much smoother application and a thicker coat.

Blow dry the lash curler

This is the oldest and the most effective trick in the book. Hold your lash curler next to a blow dryer for about a few seconds. The heat works has the same effect as a curling iron or hair dryer. It gives you instant curled lashes that last much longer and look much more pronounced.


It’s all part of the game
Divya Dutta

When Bhaag Milkha Bhaag was released, people from all walks of life called me and said the award was mine for the taking. I felt grateful for everyone's belief in me. In fact, in the Screen Awards I had not one but two nominations — one for Bhaag Milkha Bhaag and the other for Karan Johar's Gippy. Obviously, I was very happy but the jury did not give me the award. Yes, I was disappointed, as each time I am nominated but do not get the trophy home. For the first time ever, I thought the award should have been mine for Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. People around me felt the same and were equally disappointed. That was the soothing factor that people around me were thinking differently from the nine-member jury!

For the Star Guild Awards, my enthusiasm had gone down. I went to the awards night with Rakesh Mehra and Farhan, not expecting much. I thought even if I do not get this one, I would be fine. I was lost in my own world when suddenly my name was announced! It was a pleasant surprise when I least expected it. I gave a bear hug to Rakesh and Farhan. As I walked up the stage, Salman hugged me tightly and said how he had been so moved by my role in the movie. It was happiness, gratitude and elation all rolled into one. That's how life is; sometimes you lose sometimes you win!

(Dutta is a Bollywood actor)

Master Chef
Veggie delight
Manju Dewan

Suddenly the gourmands have all become fond of all kinds of soups. What used to be a simple broth earlier or a well brewed 'yakhni' has now become a main dish, which can be just an appetiser or a wholesome meal. With so many fresh vegetables in the market these days, the vegetable soup is sure going to be a winner.

Roasted Tomato and Pasta Soup


  • 400gms tomatoes (cut length-wise)
  • 1 red bell pepper (cut length-wise and de-seeded)
  • 1 spring onion (quartered length-wise)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 5 cups vegetable stock/water
  • Pinch of sugar
  • 1 cup small pasta
  • Salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • Fresh Basil, to garnish


Preheat the oven to 190 degree. Spread out the tomatoes, red pepper, spring onion and garlic in a roasting tin and drizzle with olive oil. Roast for 30-40 minutes until vegetables are soft and charred, stirring and turning them halfway through cooking. Tip the vegetables into a food processor; add about 1 cup vegetable stock/water and blend it to get a puree. Strain it and press the puree through the pan. Add the remaining stock/water, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Bring it to boil. Add pasta and cook it until the pasta is almost done. Garnish with fresh basil leaves and serve hot.

(Manju Dewan is a Ludhiana-based chef)

— As told to Poonam Bindra

Watch out!

Helios, a chain of multi-brand watch stores by Titan, has kicked off its end of season sale, along with a unique EMI option. Customers can walk into the nearest Helios store and avail a discount of up to 40 per cent on a wide range of international watch brands and pay in installments. It's time to steal a watch with Helios that houses over 25 international brands in its collection including well-known international brands like Emporio Armani, Guess, Tommy Hilfiger, Titan, FCUK, Citizen, Fossil, Diesel, DKNY, Kenneth Cole, Skagen, Hugo Boss, Esprit, Timberland and Police.

Helios has an exciting EMI offer to give to its customers. They have tied-up with leading credit card companies (Citibank, ICICI etc) and lenders Bajaj Finance to launch easy EMI scheme to make it easy for its customers to purchase a watch. EMI schemes are available in flexible tenors and on zero down payment. The service can be availed without any additional charges to the consumer. — TNS

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